GIMP :: Why Do Fonts Take A While To Load
Dec 3, 2012
Why do fonts take awhile to load in Gimp? it even has in parenthesis (this may take awhile) usually it is a mere 30 seconds, but if I just install ONE new font into the system, I might as well take time to type this...
Why are loading Fonts in Gimp time consuming?
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Oct 21, 2013
never knew there has a font folder in the user profile for Gimp until I wiped my user profile and moved all patterns, gradients, brushes, etc I have been putting in the program folder to the user profile folder because I read on here that it is better to keep all that stuff in the user profile folder of Gimp... my question is, what is the difference between installing your fonts into the system and placing them into the fonts folder in Gimp (besides all programs being able to use them)?? I've been installing all my fonts into the system I wanna use in Gimp... is it better to use the font folder in the Gimp user profile or to install them into the system?
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May 11, 2009
I was just wondering if there's a way to make Photoshop recognize newly installed fonts. When I install a new font, I have to restart Photoshop several times before I'll see the new font(s) in the list. It seems like there must be a better way.
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Jun 21, 2012
how to get Gimp to only showfonts from the user/fonts file rather than the vast amount of system fonts.
I think you should read the original mail again. Hint: "system fonts not shown" is not the problem, but the desired outcome.I have accidentally read a "not" into the original mail, thus it became "to get Gimp to *not* only show fonts from the user/fonts file"
The configuration to check is the fonconfig settings then, for example the the global, system-wide fonts.conf file. It may contain references to the global font directories, for example /usr/share/fonts/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. URL....
If you comment those out, then you can (and have to) add all font directories in GIMP's settings, for example.
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Dec 28, 2002
how do u load differnt fonts into photoshop?
were do u go and what do u do?
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Aug 1, 2013
Every once in a while my illustrator doesn't load up all the fonts in my computer and I have to restart it each time and this time restarting doesnt work at all.
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Jun 24, 2013
I have a Mac on 10.7 running cs6 Illustrator. I have been able to load fonts into Font Book but when opening the document I get the error below. This is only happening on one mac out of 6 that use this font. I have tried fixing permissions and clearing the font cash.
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Aug 2, 2013
In our workflow, we have a few users who are doing design work on Windows installations of IinDesign CS6 (2 in WIndows 7 and 2 in Windows 8). On all four systems, we have noticed that when we open files from packaged folders that contain the Document Fonts folder, that InDesign slows to an excrutiating crawl, which makes working on the document near impossible. We've narrowed down this behavior to the AdobeFnt14.lst file that seems to be a result of InDesign opening the file using the fonts in that folder without being told to. Deleting that file will temporarily fix the problem, but InDesign recreates it when you open the corresponding document and then you have to delete it again.
We use Universal Type Cient for our font manager, but as far as I know, we didn't install any font auto activation plugins.
Other than deleting the font folder, we've not been able to figure out how to stop ID from trying to automatically load the fonts. We'd love to just turn that "feature" off so that we don't have the hassle. I'd rather have fonts missing and turn them on using our font manager, than have ID slow to an impossible crawl whenever we open archived files. How to stop ID from automatically loading fonts from a document fonts folder?
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May 2, 2013
I have installed some new fonts in my windows font folder, but they are not showing up in illustrator. I am using a cloud version of illustrator and have tried closing and restarting to no avail.
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May 7, 2011
I get no error messages, no console messages. Just fails within a split second of trying to run.
What is gimp-console-x.x.exe?
I tried running both with verbose and this is the output:. note gimp returns instantly, having died? gimp-console blocks, after mentioning it would load script-fu. Does this imply it crashed there?
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Nov 18, 2013
I have .psd, now im wondering if is possible to know the fonts that has been use on it, with gimp or any other linux tool.
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Aug 22, 2013
1) How do you access the Font Config thing?
2) Where can I get fonts to add to GIMP?
3) Is there somewhere I can leave suggestions for GIMP?
I think they shouldadd a symmetrical function but don't know where to suggest it.
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Jul 18, 2013
Whenever I load a GIF onto a picture, it changes the color of the GIF! I make them for iFunny so I need them to look good!
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May 30, 2011
how do i go about loading new fonts onto gimp ?
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Dec 22, 2012
I have been trying to get my gimp 2.8 fonts to work but they all look similar including the wingdings. I have checked with a word document and the fonts do work. And when I go thru C: to gimp and font folder the wingdings show correctly (eg shapes) in the preview pane. But when i am in gimp and select text and start to type every font looks the same and just types a bold looking abc etc. What can i do.
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Jul 10, 2011
I would like to clean up my gimp. I want to get rid of all the fonts and brushes that I have previously downloaded. Is there a way to do this without having to reinstall gimp? (I do not remember which fonts are the default and which ones are not.)
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Jul 18, 2013
I was wondering (I know it sounds counter intuitive) if its possible to get mac fonts to appear in windows gimp. I'm trying to redo images using gimp on a windows computer that come from .psd files created with a mac. The fonts (though Tahoma in both) don't look remotely similar because mac fonts are different from windows fonts apparently. Is there some sort of workaround I can use in gimp to make them look more similar? The mac font looks so much smoother and "full-er".....I wish i could say the same about the windows one. And yes, I am using the same size, color, and font in both images.
Here they are:
My edit
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Jan 25, 2012
How can I add additional fonts to GIMP2 ?
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Jul 28, 2012
Have just put the finishing touches on a book cover and now need to embed the fonts plus the following. Can I use GIMP to do this?
Fonts and images are embedded.
Bookmarks, annotations, and comments are disabled.
Document security (any type) is not used.
PDF/X format is used. PDF/X is preferred, but if you are submitting non-PDF/X files (for example, PDF/A), any comments, forms, or other non-printing objects could be removed during our review process.
Transparent objects are flattened.
Spreads and printer's marks are disabled.
Downsampling, or decreasing resolution, of images is disabled.
Bleeds are enabled (if applicable).
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Sep 22, 2012
I can't get a simple script.scm to load a file, put it in a layer, add the layer to the active image and call it a day. My ultimate objective is to paste the same .png on top of every picture (about 70 of them) in batch mode. In order to feed the "load this particular file as a layer" command to Batch Image Manipulation plug-in, it has to be a script.
Despite a great deal of time on the internet looking for the proper syntax of gimp-load-layer, I could not find a single explanation to the "filename" parameter. Is it an absolute path? If relative, of what and where? If absolute, what's the proper syntax: do I put quotes, slash or backslash, one or two slash after C:? When I try to run my script, I get the error "Execution error for 'Test': Error: ( : 1) Invalid type for argument 2 to gimp-image-insert-layer, which I take to mean what I'm trying to feed it isn't a layer, which means the gimp-load-layer operation failed.
My stupidly simple and obstinately not working "script-fu-test.scm" is as follows:
(define (script-fu-test image drawable)
(position -1)
(back-layer nil)
(set! back-layer(gimp-file-load-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image "C:/Test/test.png"))
(gimp-image-insert-layer image back-layer -1 position)
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Aug 20, 2011
How do you get Gimp to auto-load to the desktop on boot-up, in "Fedora-14", and in XP..?
Why does Gimp's resizing a pix always eventually fail intermittently in Fedora-14..?
I resize all my pix edits to 11-inches, to fit the screen properly.. After Gimp has resized about seven pix, on the next one, I delete the numbers after the decimal after the "11", and hit OK, but the numbers I deleted after the decimal all come back..
I must return to "Printsize", delete the whole height number, and key-in "11" for it to save the number of my choice..
How do I configure Gimp so it will resize pix without this glitch?..
Does Gimp bulk resize a collection of images?..
How do you make a HUGE Gimp-brush for color-painting extremely large areas?..
Can the user customize the default brushes?..
Is there a solid brush that the user can use to configure the angles the planes of the brush touches edits..? Would be sweet if one could touch the cursor to a spot on the brush, and twist it to the optimum position for the task, like how Fedora's color wheel changes its desktop background screen colors...
Will Gimp bulk resize a thousand pix edits to one height size..?
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May 28, 2011
I am doing a process which means that I have to repeat filters and it's a slow process to keep opening the filters tab, then the recently used tab, then the filter.
I was wondering if there is a way to load the 'recently used' up onto the main tool bar so that it would be possible to go straight to it.
Specifications: Ubuntu Unity3D
Or maybe drag the 'recently used' to a separate tool bar of it's own?
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Aug 10, 2013
How do you get more fonts to add to the font config? I want to make someimages with cool font but don't know where to find them. This is where I found out about fontconfig [URL]...
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Nov 1, 2012
I put text on an image and for no apparent reason, GIMP condenses it (or at least displays it as if it's condensed) no matter what font I use. I can change everything else about the font, including kerning, but the letters stay narrow. This happens even with fonts that don't have a condensed variant.Plus, GIMP gets really slow. Normally it works at a tolerable speed but when it does the condensing letters thing it acts like I have a bunch of applications running, regardless of whether I have anything else open.
This is the second time GIMP has done this. The first time was a few months ago. I think it cleared up after a few days without any action on my part. But it is extremely irritating.
I took screenshots of various fonts. I didn't insert any line breaks. GIMP is wrapping text as if the fonts are the normal width, so I'm guessing it is mostly a display issue.
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Sep 27, 2013
Can you have more than one font in a text box?
My text box tool does not allow changing, and if a change the font in in Tool Options on the left, it changes everything to that font.
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Apr 6, 2013
After my recent update to OSX 10.8.3 it seems that all the fonts are elongated.
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Oct 16, 2012
I have a problem with fonts from 2.8 version . Some fonts are displayed incorrectly, ie. than otherwise would be.
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Nov 3, 2013
I downloaded/installed the PPA for Gimp 2.9.1. It worked great for the first half dozen 16-bit tiffs.I use a few RAW converters to create these tiff tiles, RawTherapee, UFRAW, and the Sony software supplied with my A700 DSLR, Image Data Converter running through Wine.
At any rate, most of the tiffs I create now cause Gimp to crash when opening new files. I get this message: Plug-in crashed: "file-tiff-load" and Opening '/home/caruso/Desktop/PHOTOS from IDC/DSC06219.tif' failed:
Files created previously continue to open as normal.
I was so thrilled to have succeeded in installing 2.9.1 on my system, but now may have to uninstall it and fall back to 2.8.x.I realize that 2.9.1 is experimental and unstable, but would like to know if this is something simple that can be fixed.
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Jul 8, 2012
I want to know how to insert a customized/colorful font like the one seen in the attached picture (Darknet). How do I do this with a generic stock image using GIMP? I want to create titles for my books using fonts that are relevant to the book title.
Lets say I want to use a woman's face/body from one stock photo image and transplant it into another stock image (just the face/body even though there are other elements in the background.
Is this possible with Gimp? What I want to do is combine the two. For instance, a picture of a galaxy of stars and then paste the image of the woman onto it.
Attached File(s) cover - Darknet.jpg (88.12K)
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Aug 4, 2013
I am a casual user of Gimp and am trying to design a card that uses slashed zero fonts, both those that are included in Windows 7 and others that I have added. When I use any of the slashed zero fonts with a zero that has been typed in Gimp, the top of the slashed zero is clipped. This happens with every one I tried, yet the same fonts display perfectly in other programs such as Word and Open Office. Is there a setting that is causing this or any way to correct it? If I can';t get this to work in Gimp I will have to move to another program as the slashed zero is a requirement for the project.
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Jan 21, 2010
When I start up my GIMP in windows, it indexes the fonts every first time that I start after a reboot.I am using windows 7, is there anyway to tell gimp not to index the fonts ?
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