GIMP :: What Is The Smooth Stroke Option
Sep 6, 2012I heard gimp had a smooth stroke option for tablets. how to activate it if possible.
View 1 RepliesI heard gimp had a smooth stroke option for tablets. how to activate it if possible.
View 1 Repliesuse of 'quality' and 'weight' under 'smooth stroke' in say dodge/burn tool. This option is available under some other tools too but I am not able to find the effect of these options even after scouring the net and could not find any difference after changing the default values.
Version GIMP 2.8.X from software centre of Ubuntu 13.04; no modifications, no extras.
Where can I find feather option and smooth/refine edges option in Adobe Element 7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a piece of artwork with loads of curves and I'd like to smooth out a few areas that appear a little "wobbly". Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator CS6 (other than adjusting with handles)?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAm I the only one who has edited a stroke with the stroke width tool, then outlined the stroke only to find a countless number of points and noticeably unsmooth edges? Is there a setting or certain way to ensure that the stroke width tool won't corrupt the smoothness of my shapes? The stroke width tool is the most handy new feature I can imagine, but this problem makes it almost entirely useless, unless designing something where precision and smoothness are not important.
View 6 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop CS6 - Stroke path is ghosted both in the paths menu and when I right click on the path. How do I stroke the path - can it remain a vector or do I have to convert it into a selection then stroke it?
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow can I get the Arrows option to appear in the Stroke Window?
View 5 Replies View RelatedTrying to use the width tool, I ran into the following problem. I would like to have a smooth transition of the stroke width between two width points while keeping the original stroke width unchanged outside of that line segment.
There are four width points here: two end points and two in between. The original stroke width is 200. The two on the left have one side set to 100 while the two on the right have one side set to 50. I would like to eliminate the distortion of the line width occuring in the first and third line segments. The only solution that I have come up with so far is to place two additional width points very close to the two middle width points: one with a 100-unit side to the left of the second point in the picture and one with a 50-unit side to the right of the third point in the picture. Yet there will be a small distirtion in between.
In GIMP 2.8, I've been having a great deal of trouble getting good edges around elements that must be overlaid onto new items.
Such items seem to need (a) a progressive blur around the edges and inward to its center, and (b) a decreasing opacity from the edges and inward toward the center.
I cannot figure out how to satisfactorily achieve this. I use this all the time, but now in 2.8 I cannot. (The only "solution" I can think of is using a fuzzy brush around the entire perimeter, but that does not blur it, and, of course, it takes forever....there's no point in even having a matte if you're going to do it manually!)
The smile on the face is too jagged. I tried Gaussian Blur but, while it smooths it, it also makes it blurry.
I have a feeling the best solution probably lies in selecting it and stroking it, but not sure...
Animation! I'm really new to this GAP-program. First I did Video/frames to image and changed (41ms) into (120ms), because the animation was too fast.
Bur after this, it still was too fast, so I changed that manually in the Layers-box (into 170ms - 200ms). (I don't wanted all frames to have the same speed). Speed is now good, but somehow it isn't as smooth anymore.
Enlarging an image results in pixalization becoming very obvious. Is there a way to smooth the curves of the enlarged image?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do freehand drawing but my lines always look sloppy. Is there something in gimp that will automatically make my lines smooth?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHo do I make smooth wavy lines? When I do something other then straight lines, my freehand looks kind of shaky. How do I make a smooth curvy line?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a gradient using the gradient tool. If you look at the image I supplied, you can see a clear line between the white background and the -what is supposed to be- white bg color of the gradient. Why is this not smoother?
Using gimp 2.8 for mac.
I am trying to create a vignette on an image and find that when I use a brush with a fuzzy edge the result is not what I'm looking for. There are these circles that are left behind where there should be a smooth transition. (See Attachment)
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to modify a photo of an embroidered patch of my club's logo to make the texture appear simply smooth, not embroidered. Unfortunately, we have lost the original artwork that was used to make the embroidered patch, but we have nice sharp photos of the patch itself. The photos are in both GIF and JPEG format.
I found Ofnuts' reply about how to [undefined=undefined]add texture, but I want to do opposite.
Is there a way to do that? And is it possible to "de-texturize" the entire patch, or would it be necessary to do each color separately?
i trying to stroke a text path, but when I stroke after selecting "Text to Path", the stroking "eats into" the text, instead of stroking outside of the text.
In PS, there is the ability to stroke inside, along the middle, or outside of the path.
How, in GIMP, can I select where the stroking occurs?
In Photoshop if you make a selection, feather that selection and then apply a stroke to that selection you get a nice, controlible stroke that is blurred into the feather.
In the GIMP when you stroke a feathered selection you just get a hard stroke on the original selecten. The feathering does not effect the stroke.
Is there a way to achieve a blurred stroke like I can in PS?
I am trying to stroke a path in a vector image I am making, but how you are supposed to make sharp corners while stroking with the paintbrush.
I know that if I just choose the "stroke line" option, any corners in the path will be sharp instead of rounded, but I need to stroke with the brush so that I can apply brush dynamics. Can you even do this?
^^this is what happens with the brush
^^This is what I need to happen, but with brush dynamics
why is stroking paths so dang hard.
For some reason, the fill and stroke tools don't work, the Bucket fill doesn't work as well.I have checked "fill whole selection" box.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSimply press 'b' for the bezier select tool, and click where you want a line to begin, and click again where you want the line to end. Now, you can move the line around until you get it perfect by clicking on the dot on either end and dragging it with the mouse. Isn't that neat! You can even click on the middle of the line and bend it! Try it! You can draw any shape with it.
If you make a mess, just press ctrl + z and undo your last changes. The GIMP remembers a very long list of changes, so you can go backwards step by step.
When you are happy with your line, or lines. just click 'Edit' --> 'Stroke path'. A box will open to allow you top choose settings for exactly how you want your line stroked. You can just leave it the way it is, or you can make GIMP do almost anything with your line. GIMP will remember your previous settings too, and offer you the same settings for the next line. When the box mentioned above pops up, I choose my desired settings and hit the "Stroke" button, absolutely nothing happens. No matter how thick I tell it to make the line, no line ever appears.
why I can't stroke a selection after rotating it? The steps to reproduce this problem are simple:
1. Make any selection (e.g. a rectangle)
2. Click "Edit", and note that "Stroke selection" is not greyed out
3. Use the "rotate" tool on the selection. Click the selection, and specify any angle.
4. After the selection has been rotated, click "Edit" again, and note that "Stroke selection" is greyed out and unusable.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.4.
I am simply trying to outline some text. When I get to the "edit stroke" dialog box (where you specify number of pixels for width, etc.), it doesn't have an option for "line color". I thought it said it puts it in as the "last color used" or something like that. I keep setting the foreground color beforehand (to grey). It keeps putting the line in as red, when I want it grey. how you specify this color? Or if there is a simpler way to outline some text?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe pencil tool normally doesn't do antialiasing. However, when I stroke along a path with the pencil tool, the result is antialiased anyway. How can I fix this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedtrying to get pressure to work either the stroke is way out of sync with my pen tip, or I can't draw at all (brush, airbrush, pencil, etc)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having this problem changing the Paint Tool in the Stroke Path Dialog .
I'm using GIMP v2.6.11
First I stroke a path using the Paintbrush as the paint tool. Then I change the Paintbrush to Airbrush and try to stroke the same path and it seems like it's still using the Paintbrush (or even worse, it does nothing at all). Sometimes I reopen the stroke path dialog and it seems to have reverted back to the last paint tool I used (Paintbrush) and my Airbrush selection seems to have been completely ignored.
Currently if I want to stroke with different paint tools I have to do the following. Stroke with Paintbrush, stoke with Pencil and then undo (for some reason changing from the pencil tool doesn't have the problem), then stroke with Airbrush. I always have to do this intermediary step of stroking and undoing with a pencil to get the new paint tool to register.
I seem to come unstuck when I apply colour using the 'Stroke Path' option. Basically I need to know if there's a way of determining the opacity of the stroke line? In some cases I don't need to have such a 'dense' colour. I want to see a little of what I've 'painted over' so as to keep some of the detail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using gimp 2.8.2 on debian wheezy and have a little problem, which can be reproduced like this:
File -> New (image size 640x400)Ellipse selection tool 60/60 500x280select -> to path
select -> none
Pencil tool settings:
mode: normal
opacity: 100.0
Brush: 2. Block 01
Size: 80
aspect ratio: 20
angle: -45
Edit -> Stroke Path (stroke with a paint tool -> Pencil)
At the top and bottom of the ellipse the outline is discontinued.
With View -> Zoom: 800% the stepsize for the applied pencil can be counted. I count a gap of 8 pixels, but I found no way to configure the stepsize.I'd like to have the pencil applied each pixel along the path.
Today I upgraded from a 2.6 version of Gimp to 2.8.4 in an attempt to solve this rather vexing problem. (Mac OS 10.6.8)
I'm working on a project modifying some existing poster art that already contains a font called Plaza Swash. The originator sent me the font for installation into my (Mac) system, which I did using Font Book. No problem there as Plaza Swash shows up in the list as being perfectly accessible. However, using the text tool in Gimp, this font does not appear in the list. It appears in every other program I have that can access fonts, I just cannot get it to appear in Gimp. I really need to use this font, too. As I said I'm modifying existing work and I need my work to match. This is not the first time I've installed new fonts, it's just the first time I cannot get one to work. It is a true type font and shouldn't present a problem.
I was wondering if there was any way to maintain stroke width (with antialiasing off) when importing/resampling vector files, like pdf. photoshop does this, i think.
i made a test case that shows the issue in the attached files. the PDF is a 1px-stroked square. when i try to rasterize it to 100dpi (or any dpi other than 72) using Gimp or any tool that relies on ghostscript for rasterization (imagemagick, mupdf, xpdf) i get a square with unevenly stroked edges. photoshop's algo maintains the stroke width in favor of maybe less optimal positioning.
is there any way to make Gimp or any other pdf->png rasterization tool (ghostscript included) prioritize stroke widths over positioning?
drawing.pdf (Size: 960 bytes / Downloads: 55)