My logo is made of 9 boxes. I want to create an intro where the blocks of the logo are joining / sliding from different directions outside the view to make one image (full logo image).Like in PowerPoint but in a biot more controlled way.
I can crop and feather a selection of an image, but what i wanted to do was apply a feathered edge to an entire image so that i could drop it into a word doc and it would look a bit smarter.
I've been trying to do it by -
'Select > All ' then ' Select > feather ' applying the amount of feather (i did an inch just to make sure).
But it made no difference - i tried exporting this as a JPEG to see if it came up then but it still didn't make a difference...
I have a scan of an old 4"x5" transparency of some artwork. The original piece is long gone and I don't remember who has it. I want to make giclee prints. I've cleaned up all the lint and scratches that got scanned with the transparency, but then I noticed a faint streak going all the way across the image horizontally smack in the middle. It's like the envelope holding the transparency left an impression, or else something happened during scanning.
I can't decide what is the best tool to use for removing this, if it's even possible. Should I try dodging / burning? Or cloning over another part of the sky? Or downloading Pandora or Panorama or whatever it's called and try to stitch the piece back to itself, hopefully removing the faint line? Most of these sound tedious and next to impossible. Is there some other magic bullet I don't know about?
The original file is huge, but here is a scaled version. If you look closely you can just make out the straight line running across the middle in the very center. It may seem faint and insignificant to some, but for fine art prints it's unacceptable.
I have been using Corel for printing customized shipping labels and flyers in B & W. I use Arial or Times New Roman ttf fonts for printing labels and texts and print out with a laser printer. I did not have any problem in the past up to CorelDraw X4. . All text came out black with X4. Recently, i upgraded to Coreldraw X5. When I printed shipping labels and texts with X5 in the same way as I have been doing with X4, the labels came out in faint prints. I could not use shipping labels printed with X5 for mailing out. I repeated installing X4 and X5. I see that something is wrong with X5. All labels and simple text prints are faint with X5. On the other hand, printing with X4 came out charcoal dark. I installed X5 on both home and office computers. Both gave the idential results. My computer runs Windows 7 professional. Printers are HP (office) or Samsung (home) laser printers. How to make prints darker? I am only concerned B & W print (not color because I did not try color printing yet).
I am working with pure monochrome tiff images. The images are of handwritten letters captured from microfilm. The handwriting is faint in places, but the image density is pretty high (3400 x 4400 px). I thought that there might be a way to "fill in" the white space between the scattered pixels forming the faint areas--but I can't figure out how to do it.
Gimp (Ubuntu 12.04LTS) seemed to be the natural place to turn, but I am not a photo-editor.
When saving a file with a solid, dark blue background as a JPG in PS CS4, it's producing a very faint border around it. On a web page, it needs to blend into a background that has the same color as that of the JPG; but it shows the faint borders. It also shows it when saving the file as PNG-24. How do you get rid of the border? What's causing this?
I have made- 1 image with a black line on white background saved as xcf- 1 image with a black letter "A" on white background saved as xcfBoth images are rectangulars. I scaled the height of both images to the same value.
Output should be 1 image - with white background:
- one rectangular consisting of the old 2 rectangulars- area is the sum of the area of the 2 old rectangulars- on left side the "line" image - on right side the "A" image - new image can be saved as xcf
Looking for answer in simply consecutive row of commands like:
GIMP > file > open file: image with line > right click on image > image > scale image > ...GIMP > file > open file: image with letter > ...
In gimp I have imported an image. I then duplicate the image four times (I am trying to make four different crops of the same image). But every time I crop one corner of the image, it automatically crops ALL OF THE OTHER DUPLICATES TOO!!!! I have tried just importing the same image four times as individual layers, but that doesn't work either! Why does one layer affect all of them?!
How do I make an image match the colors of a cloud, like in this attachment?
Right before putting the image in a normal cloud picture, what's the easiest way to select the part of the image I want in the cloud and have it fade out all around the image like it does in this example? Is there a much better way than the Fuzzy Select Tool option?
I wanted to create transparent icon.i created it and i can see black&ash rectangles around the image, this confirm that as a transparent image.But after exporting it to jpg or png White color background is coming when i see it in photo viewer.
How to avoid that white background, am i doing a correct method?
I have gimp 2.8 and am taking a class on gimp. I need to use an image to make text and it doesn't work.
I have followed steps from Google searched tutorials and I can do all the steps but the end result is I still paste a black font. (I tried opening gimp tutorials and it took me to a page to link to the tuts but wouldn't open? So i went to Google.
I have followed a variety of step lessons - some that are easy and some that go on forever. None work. The easiest steps were .. open an image / select tool font / click on image / type text / resize to how I want it to look / move it to where i want text to be over image / click on text layer / right click / drop menu choose "alpha to selection" = text letters become selected (at this stage I can fill with a pattern etc and that works so I know I have a selection) Edit/ copy / open new file / edit / paste / and the text should be written with the image as the letters BUT I just get the text in black.
What am i doing wrong or does this feature not work in 2.8.
Many years ago I made a transparent 3D logo in PSP, I do not have PSP anymore I have gimp, and I want to do the same thing. But I want to make a logo that I can put on any image, a stand-alone png.
I was wondering if there was a fairly simple and straightforward way to make an image's background transparent (for example, a transparent .gif) without using layers. Similar to some apps that have an eyedropper tool used to create transparencies.
I have a single image which I want to print 6 to a sheet. Basically 3 rows and 2 columns. I was told in one step how to do this and have forgotten. All i had to do was enter the percentage 200 x 300. Just don't remember which function did this.
Any way to change what colors make up an image. I have a palette of 400+ colors that I'd like the image to be composed of but I can't find a way to convert it to only use those colors. Changing the mode to indexed mode doesn't work since you can only index 256 max colors.
Is there any plug-ins or tools I am missing that can do this? (Basically it will change every pixel in the image to the closest matching pixel from a large [400+ color] palette.
So I am creating this website, and my customer wants a header banner similar to this:
(I don't know if it's clear enough, but there are multiple lines going through the image, with different gradient colors and so on)
Now I can't use this image, since it belongs to another website, but I want to make my own. So, I have no clue about how to make these lines in GIMP. I know GIMP's interface very well (been cropping, coloring for years), but not advanced features like this.
And it's not only the lines, but also the shadowing/coloring in between the lines that I seriously have no clue about how to make.
What is the tool called used for making this? Is there a video tutorial on how to make something similar?
I do not mean "how do i use the scale tool?!" I have an xcf file that is 925X250 and it needs to be 925X450. If cropping removes specified parts of an image, how to I make it bigger, like in paint where you can just drag the edges out or go to image properties.
Referring to the image attached, this is my question: I want to make all the blue and red in the image of one plain shade. You can see that in the image there are couple of patches of red and blue color separated by while lines. Now inside one of these colored patches (which is isolated form another patch by a combination of above mentioned white lines and the boundary of the image itself), the color is either red or blue. This color does not look uniform because this image is a scan of a painting. Hence, although the entire patch is red/blue, not every pixel in that patch is of the same shade. If I wanted to change everything inside one such region to a plain red or blue color, how can I do that? If such is the case then I will try to articulate it better. Find attached, the image.
New to GIMP! How to make an image ready for like a bucket or fill function. I am making a coloring book app so, I needed to make my images transparent PNG's so that the fill and drawing function are usable on them. I have made it transparent and added an alpha channel so I am able to draw on it, but fill it not so much.
I am trying to make my image fade to black on one side. I have read the blend tool tutorial in the user manual but all I can get to hap pen is a black and white gradient completely covering my image. I have tried adding a transparent layer over the image and applying the gradient to it but for some reason when one side of the image (using the linear mode) starts to get darker, the other side gets lighter, creating a severely distorted contrast with the image, plus the fade covers an entire half of the image.