GIMP :: Sharing Selection Via A File?

Mar 1, 2013

I want a selection to persist between sessions, so I guess my only option is the filesystem.

What I do is as follows: create a selection, save it as a channel and then save the whole xcf file ( I learned elsewhere save it as a png but my 2.8 will NOT let me do that; the only way to save a png is via export). Then I close this file and open another one, then Open As Layers the file just saved hoping for my selection to appear in the Channels list, but obviuosly that will not happen. On the other hand if I open the former file standalone, the saved selection IS present.

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GIMP :: 2.6.10 - Locked Up File Selection Screen (2011)

Feb 8, 2011

I am running GIMP 2.6.10 under Ubuntu Maverick...and latelyhave been having an intermittent problem with the fileselector.

It pops up seemingly locked-up so I can't change directoriesor disks, matter of fact can't do anything but close it.

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VideoStudio :: Sharing And File Size

Oct 5, 2010

i am getting some trouble when i want to convert my video (sharing process) after the treatment .the original video that i use is AVI format and when i want to share the video, i save it under AVI format too but the file that i got is bigger that the original one( and when i edited the movie i didn't add any new sequences).

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Revit :: Sharing A Shared Parameters File?

Sep 6, 2012

We have centralized our content for our Revit users. We then customize the ini file to insure the paths look to the network locations. 
One of my users has said that the proper and only recommended way to update the shared parameters file is while you are in Revit (I.E. have the path to the shared parameters file look to the network location instead of locally) so it updates on the fly. I didnt want to do that as I do not want to alter the "master" copy of the content we have on the network. I'd prefer that the user updates it locally, then we can just copy the file and overwrite the older file on the network.
I find nothing that says it is, but I prefer to explore all options and avenues first.

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GIMP :: Selection Handles On Non-freshly Created Selection

Mar 1, 2013

Right after one makes a selection, say by using the Rectangle SelectTool, is presented with handles that allow altering the selection.

If one then selects another tool without deselecting is being deprivedof these handles while the selection remains active thus rendering himunable to alter the selection in that fashion.

Thus forming my question: is there a way to make these handles to(re-)appear on a non-freshly created selection?

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GIMP :: How To Blend Selection Edges Of A Selection

Jan 13, 2013

I know how to blend selection edges of a selection in Gimp 2.8.2, but if I have only one side of a selection that needs blending, what should I do?

Lets say that I have a grey box on a black background and only want to blend the left vertical edge into the background.

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GIMP :: First Selection Disappear While Making Second Selection

Nov 21, 2013

Every time I make the second selection in a picture with the lazo the first selection disappear. what can I do to fix it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disabling File Name Selection In File Save Dialog?

May 24, 2013

I'm using the file dialog snippet as the foundation for a save as dialog box for saving a new copy of my template assembly to a project folder. Is there a way to disable the ability to click on a file in the window which puts that filename in the input box? The assembly file name is standardized and pre-"calculated" by my code and its a decent hassle if you accidentally click another file because the user would either have to rewrite the file name by hand, or cancel out of the dialog box and re-navigate to the project folder.
Inventor 2013 SP 1.1

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: File Open Dialog Box File Name Selection?

Jul 31, 2012

When I go to the file open dialog box and start typing in a file name the the file name box it does not show a list of drawings that match the search in the file name box.

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GIMP :: Get Rid Of The Selection Now?

Jan 4, 2014

I made a selection, I did what i needed to do with it but... how do I get rid of the selection now?

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GIMP :: Can't Use Selection To Path

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using GIMP 2.8.2 and I have problem with the Selection to Path tool. I've been using this tutorial [URL] to create a pie chart, but once I use the ellipse selection tool and create a circle I can't select to path (the option is greyed out).

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GIMP :: Remove Cut Out Selection?

Jan 21, 2013

I have a drawing that is 720X596 px and I have used the rectangular tool and select - invert, cut out a 222X444 px part that I need to save as a jpeg. However, I can not figure out how to either : delete the 720X596 drawing to leave the 222X444 drawing: or, select the 222X444 drawing to save it.

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GIMP :: How To Do New Layer Via Selection

Nov 10, 2013

I am used to making a selection of part of the image - then you see the marching ants around your selection. Now in Photoshop at this stage I just press Ctrl-j and the selection gets put into its own layer above the current one. How do i do this in Gimp? and can you set up a keyboard shortcut for it?

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GIMP :: Getting Rid Of Selection Tool

Apr 8, 2013

I've read that to "drop" a selection tool, you choose "Select" "None". But very often "None" is not available to select, so how do you get rid of the tool when it goes wherever you go, like a piece of chewing gum stuck to your shoe?

I've tried clicking it, double-clicking, clicking outside the image, pressing escape, it won't go away, so I have to close the image and start again.

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GIMP :: Can't Get Selection To Go Transparent

Oct 29, 2012

That's the gif. In the upper right is the white corner I need to get rid of. It shows in every frame of the gif

I don't know where to begin. I've tried selecting it, and making it transparent, but that doesn't seem to have any affect, so I think it might be deep-set into the image in some way. It's not just white paint on top of the layer.

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GIMP :: Get Offset From A Selection

Jul 6, 2011

Is it possible to get a offset from a selection? Something like the very useful offset tool in Google sketch up?

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GIMP :: Why Is Selection Merging Itself Down

May 9, 2013

I've created an image and saved it. It's a photograph, with text over.

Now I want to tear the top right-hand corner.

I've done many "tears" successfully, but this one is defeating me.

I use the lassoo to select the part I want to tear, then click Edit Cut, Edit Paste, and it creates a new floating layer. When I anchor that layer, it merges itself back into the original image.

In previous attempts, when I have anchored the layer, it has remained separate from the original.

What am I doing wrong that it is merging itself into the original?

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GIMP :: Transparency From Selection

Jun 25, 2012

I've to select an area ant turn the background transparent. Previously this was simple: select foreground, invert so background selected, toggle the transparency to 0% and hey presto, transparent background. Now when I do that it goes white.

I have tried using transparency - add alpha channel, and nothing happens: the menu stays there. Is that a glitch in y version of Gimp? and how can I now isolate the background and turn int transparent?

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GIMP :: Selection Not Copying?

Mar 27, 2012

When I use the rectangle select tool, hit copy, then paste into new image, I get nothing but an empty, transparent image the size of my selection.

I've successfully done this many times, but now, nothing.

my new image contains no image?

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GIMP :: Why Can't Cut (delete) A Selection

Mar 13, 2013

I 'open as layers' an image (a .bmp if that matters), use the rectangle-select tool to outline a portion of the image, then press Delete (or click Edit/Clear), expecting that my selection will be erased, but instead it deletes the entire picture.

I've been at this for an hour. "They" say that doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is evidence of insanity...

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GIMP :: Can't Add To Current Selection

Jul 24, 2011

When I hold Shift with the lasso tool, it doesn't add to current selection.

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GIMP :: Moving Selection Contents

Dec 27, 2013

I am using GIMP 2.8 on a MacBookPro with OSX 10.8.

I want to cut and move a selection (and, if at all possible, preserve and then enlarge the selection rectangle to perform a subsequent cut and move operation.)

I've got a graphic, let's say it's a 10x10 pixel square in black. What I want to do is to add a vertical column of white pixels in between every existing column of the image.

What I thought to do is the following: first, enlarge the canvas to twice the width of the image, so 20Wx10T (original image on left, blank extension on right). Now select the rightmost column of pixels and move the contents of the selection one pixel to the right. Extend the left edge of the selection rectangle 2 pixels to the left, to include the newly "blank" column and the next column of the image. Move new selection and contents one pixel to the right, and so on, until the expanded canvas is filled and there are 'blank' columns between every column of pixels in the original image.

However, I am unable to find a way to move the selection and its contents. I've tried every combination of secret handshake I can think of, but none work. I'm able to move the selection and essentially duplicate it in another location, but not by cutting it and moving it somewhere else, leaving the initially selected area blank.

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GIMP :: Promote A Selection To A Layer

Oct 29, 2011

I have a selection that I would like to promote to a layer. I feel that I have done this before but I cannot remember how.

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GIMP :: Path To Selection Always Clockwise?

Nov 19, 2012

I have an image, and I want to add some text along a curved path beneath it. Imagine the motto beneath a coat of arms, or a product or company name beneath a logo.

Now, I tried using the text tool to add the text along a path, and I think that I now understand how that works.

Now it turns out that there is a feature missing that I would like to see, which is that text justification should make the text conform to the ends or centre of the path... by this, I mean that if I draw a path and the text is too short to fill the whole of the path, I should be able to centre the text along the path.

The way around this that came to mind is that if the path is a circle then I can place my text starting anywhere, and then rotate that layer to centre the text beneath the image.

So I make a circle selection, and convert the selection to a path... but the path seems to start at the top of the circle (I don't now what you want to call it: 0°, 12 o'clock, top dead centre, North?) and go clockwise... meaning that if I rotate my text to be below the image it will be upside down.

My work-round is to create a temporary layer and draw a circle on it, then use that as a guide to create a path along part of the circle in an anti-clockwise direction.

But I thought that there might be a mechanism for easily swapping the start and end positions of a path,another, better way if placing text below an image,a way of centring text along a path.

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GIMP :: Size Of A Selection In Pixels?

Oct 6, 2008

How do you see the size of a selection (in pixels?). In Photoshop this would be in the info dialogue window. I'm not finding the equivalent in GIMP (2.6).

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GIMP :: Add Border To Image Or Selection

Jan 4, 2014

I need to add a border to an irregular object. I want to add a simple line around an object, with about 5 pixel space between the line and the object. How would I do this? Basically, I want to achieve an effect like the image below with the lines around the border of the land at the sea.

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GIMP :: Selection With Quick Mask

Dec 31, 2013

I'm having problems getting a selection with quick mask. What I'm trying to do is get radial gradient selection in the center of an image going to the outer edge. I open an image, dupe it, hit quick mask then click the gradient tool. I choose Radial in the dialogue box and set the offset. I then draw a line from the center of the image outwards and the whirly thing shows it's working. But when I toggle the quick mask off, sometimes I have a nice round selection, sometimes I don't have anything and sometimes I have an opaque black-to-transparent gradient circle in the center.

Do I have to click the layer icon or something before I do the gradient? What am I unconsciously forgetting? Add Alpha channel (that doesn't seem to make a reliable difference)?

I've been using 2.8.10 for a short while and haven't had any other problems. Should I change back to 2.8.8? I never tried this in .8, so I don't know if it worked reliably then. Did I maybe set an environment variable wrong when I started with 10? Is this just further evidence of age-related cognitive decline and I should think about taking up tatting?

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GIMP :: Change Size Of Selection

Aug 21, 2012

I want to make a business card, for that i need to paste a illustration onto the basic layer. the illustration i cut out from a other document is too big, how can i make the selection smaller so i can paste it onto the document?

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GIMP :: Fill Selection With Color?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to make circular list style bullet in Gimp.

I have created new image 10x10px with transparent background, I drawn a circle using eclipse selection tool. Problem appears in my next step, that is how to fill this selection with color I choose?

Upon clicking on bucket fill tool my circle disappears.

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GIMP :: Crop To Selection Off 1 Or 2 Pixels

Aug 24, 2012

Whenever I use the Crop to Selection tool (with a rectangular selection), it doesn't actually crop TO the selection, it usually leaves an extra pixel on two edges.

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GIMP :: Selection Image Size

Oct 26, 2012

I'm a former Photoshop user. The reason I no longer use it is because of a silly misunderstanding with the NSA and MI6. But hey, that's the past and I'm a believer in moving on.

Anyway, my first inquiry here is a simple one having to do with selection. When I used PS I would at times use the wand selector and then open a new file which already had the dimensions of the selection. Thing is, when I select something in Gimp and open up the new file it still has the same size as the main image from which an area was selected, i.e., if the main image was 500x500 and I selected something 100x100 the copy was still 500x500.

And I can assure you it has nothing to do with remote viewing and foreign embassies.

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