I saved PNG without checked "Save gamma" but it saves the file with gamma set to 0.4545. I can see it while working with xloadimage: Boot_800x600.png is 800x600 PNG image, color type RGB, 8 bit, file gamma 0.4545
It's too dark (other applications ignore this settings). I'm using GIMP 2.6.11. Newer version is not much possible (as it is unstable in my linux distribution). but if you're sure that newer version resolves this bug, I will gladly upgrade.
why this bug is still active even if it is known from older versions and how can I avoid it?
I just upgraded from 2.6 and it seems this is a major difference. In 2.6 I was able to use the Save command to save to the format the file was in to begin with - JPG. I saw all the dialog boxes only once, the first time I saved; then I could use Ctrl-S and see just a fill bar at the bottom - the same bar that GIMP used for other things, like Unsharp Mask.
2.8.2 is not working that way. When I try to save I don't have the JPG option, just something called XCF which I've never heard of before. To save to JPG it says I have to use the "Export" command, which opens a similar (very large) dialog box to the Save but with the JPG option. I can save, and write over, the file that way, but now every time I want to resave - or re-Export, in GIMP's terms - I get the same dialog box, which I now have to click through all over again. I'm restoring old photos and they sometimes need lots of editing so I usually resave a lot. But having to go through all those dialogs over and over is really time-consuming.
Plus, if I try to close the file right after I've done the Export thing I still get a warning that I'm trying to close without saving and my data might be lost. Presumably this is because I haven't saved to that other format - XCF - because when I try a plain Save I don't get the warning message. But then I have two files instead of one and I have to take time to delete the XCF one.
I admit I'm no GIMP expert but I was actually starting to get comfortable with 2.6 to the point where it was fairly easy to do what I needed to do for these photos. Now I've got this save issue which has taken my comfort level way back. Am I missing something here? Is there an easier and faster way to save my JPGs and not have to deal with other formats I don't need? I've looked in Preferences but there doesn't seem to be anything there useful.
I work in the 3d industry and mostly create images for print and web. My problems arises I have been rendering from Maya into linear .exr format as well as some 8bit files (.iff) for masks quick fixes etc. Im working in 16bit and in Adobe (198) color profile withing PS for my comps. I need too collapse the layers down so I can provide the client with Car and background seperate in a photoshop file. The problem is when I open the file I created on a PC the background gradient appears much darker when viewed on a Mac.
(I also tested doing it on a mac and the same problem occurs in reverse).
The window transparencies appear much brighter. Howerever the car interior remains relatively the same between mac and pc. Because I have probably been working with files with different gammas applied to them is there some way Photoshop saves this within the layers? I have had to just settle to get it right on mac assuming they will open it on a mac and be able to save a jpeg that will look the same on both pc and mac. This however does not seem to be a good workaround and have never encountered this problem before. I have tried just about every merging method, and have had plently of experience doing this, however this has got me completely stumped. i am aware of the gamma difference between mac 1.8 and PC 2.2.
I've just updated to CS4 and now when I send a photo from LR to PS it always looks too light. I find to get LR and PS looking similar I have to apply an exposure adjustment mask with a gamma correct of 0.86 in PS?
I'm using;
Vista Ultimate 32bit
Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1
Lightroom v2.3
Camera Raw 5.3
Nvidia 9600GT (1GB memory)
My monitors are calibrated and profiled using GretagMacBeth Profile maker 5.05 and an Eye One Pro, the profiles have been applied as system profiles so Vista loads them correctly.
This issue has only come into being since installing CS4.
how to save a JPG using as little space as possible as well as using Skript-Fu. That in fact means just saving Bytes which are directly related to the image itself and avoiding meta informations and what ever else is saved with it.For comparison reasons I have saved a JPG using the ordinary Gimp GUI (so no Skript-Fu). The result was ok. Unfortunately saving using Skript-Fu did not bring the same results regarding the image size.The function file-jpeg-save actually comes with most of the parameters available in the ordinary GUI save form however, except "Save EXIF data" and "Save thumbnails".
Well, the EXIF data are no problem. Those are parasite data and parasites can easily be detached from images, drawables and even global settings. And that obviously saves some bytes.But I could not find anything regarding saving the thumbnail data. So my questions are: How to avoid saving the thumbnails within the image? Are there other data which are not directly image data? And if yes how can i get rid of them? Or maybe is there even a tutorial on how to save jpg as small as possible using Skript-Fu?
after applying gamma correction on an image , would that affect its looking / view ? I tried to apply gamma correction 0.45 and it gives me good results on windows OS . I am not sure that this is the right thing to do ?
How can I know that after applying image enhacement ( gamma correction , resample , etc ) would produce a better image quality ? is there any software /tool that I can know that the image after applying the enhancement is better than before ?
I had a header for my site saved as a png, and it ended up looking darker in IE8 as opposed to Firefox (where it was the correct color). I heard that this is because of the gamma chunk. Could anyone let me know how to save a png so that it looks the same on all browsers and computers?
I seem to have a colour problem with PSD files. I have tried messing around with the gamma settings for hours, colour profiles and everything else I could think of, but I cannot get rid of the problem.
As you can see the colour problem is only with PSD files. I have also taken a screenshot and compared the colour of the windows taskbar, and the PSD gives me a washed out, less bright look, yet upon export to JPG it looks fine...
The little program ADOBE GAMMA that appears in the Control Panel of Windows after the installation of Photoshop CS2 has now disappeared from CS3.
For whatever reason it has not been included I do not know, but then I find this little colour management to adjust the screen to match colours has been of great importance to people like me - 4 Colour Offset Output on printing ink. This is because the program that comes with the graphic cards do not favour cmyk colours but more on rgb.
Bring back the adobe gamma in the next upgrade so that I do not have to install both CS2 AND CS3 to utilize Adobe Gamma.
The Photoshop installer installs Adobe Gamma control panel (Adobe Gamma.cpl) into the Windows/System folder (Windows Me and 98) or the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Calibration (Windows XP and 2000), and it installs the Adobe Gamma loader application (Adobe Gamma Loader.exe) into the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Calibration folder. In addition, it installs a shortcut to the Adobe Gamma Loader application in the Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup folder (Windows Me and 98) or the Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/Setup (Windows XP and 2000). As a result, the Adobe Gamma loader application appears in the Start > Programs > Startup menu and starts automatically during Windows startup.
While loading Adobe Gamma.cpl during Windows startup, the Adobe Gamma Loader application applies settings in the Adobe Gamma.cpl file to the system and applies calibration settings you saved for your monitor at the system level.
How do I disable Adobe Gamma in the start file? It pops up every time I turn my computer on. But, I purchased a Spyder 3 Pro calibration device and the instructions tell me I should disable Adobe Gamma otherwise the calibration I perform is 'neutralized' each time I turn the computer on.
I'm doing an online course at lynda.com on Photoshop CS4, and in one part they ask you to get into Adobe Gamma to do color calibration. I can't find it . . . ?? If I go into the control panel, there's no folder for Adobe Gamma. My son suggested looking at C:Program FilesCommon FilesControl Panels, but when I get to Common Files, there's no folder in there called Control Panels.
I'm running Windows XP on an HP Pavilion Media Center computer.
So it seems 2013 is the year for Linear Workflows, i've read several articles and twitter posts about prevalent artists and companies promoting Linear Workflows.
Up until now i've understood the theory and have employed it occasionaly, however i have legacy issues applying it across the board.
when switching to Gamma 2.2 we get the 'wash out' with colors, is there a tool, plugin, script, or even straight formula or equation to convert RGB colors from Gamma 1.0 to 2.2?
I'm having some problems exporting from After Effects. I believe is to do with gamma. Every time I export my footage from after effects it seems to render darker than the original footage. I've tried all the different settings in the project settings panel including changing the color workspace and checking/unchecking boxes such as blend colors using 1.0 gamma and match legacy after effects QT gamma adjustments.
The really strange thing is that after I export my project and import it into Premiere it looks perfectly fine. However, if I try importing it in to another editor (such as Sony Vegas) it doesn't look right. The main problem is that I am currently working on a project in which the editor is running Avid, and is finding the same problem. Also, it's not just Quicktime I am finding the problem on. It's every format and codec I am trying such as .avi and a TGA sequence. I've tested it on both arri footage and h264 footage, and double checked that I hadn't added effects such as a curves adjustment etc.
I've decided to give GIMP a serious test drive after using Photoshop for many years. However, I've run into what I consider a fatal flaw, and after much searching can't seem to find an answer to it's probably something dumb that I'm doing. As a photographer, I shoot in RAW. Of course when I want to post pics on the web I save as a low res .jpg. Thing is, when I get a picture looking how I want (usually I'm saving the files as .psd when working on them) and then go to save it as a .jpg, when I look at the jpg saved it is VERY noticeably different from the file I'm working on. Specifically, the colors and hues get juiced to the point where it looks terrible. It almost seems like GIMP is putting it's own color curve to the files. Same thing happened saving as .png. Saving as .psd seems to save 'correctly' - i.e. no color changes or other weirdness.
After multiple searches,there be a 'feature' that I need to deactivate?
I am using a macbook pro. Every time i go to export an image I have resized, or modified, the name field does not let me use most of the keyboard. Some of the keys work but most dont in that field.
I'm making a bright montage for a friend and when I save it as a jpg, the colors turn dull. Can you tell me why? Is there a way to keep the bright colors as a jpg?
I'm new to gimp and used to photoshop. I cannot remember having this trouble with photoshop, but I was also working on a PC... so is it a gimp issue or a mac thing?
I made a gif and added a picture on top of it but when I try to export it says "Crop to selection" I've done that before and it just crops to the face, not the entire gif.
I am saving my images (assembled in GIMP), exporting as jpgs then converting to pdf pages.My end product needs to be one pdf, so I will be inserting these separate pages into one 44-page pdf.
I need to retain the 300 resolution (actually, somewhere the resolution has slipped to 299.98 which I'm hoping will be so near it'll look fine). (using MacBook OS 10.6.8 with the GIMP 2.8 version)I think for the ebook, the RGB of my GIMP images will be best. So, I've got that, or will have as soon as I do all the export/saving.
(as an alternative, for the paper printed version which will precede the ebook), how do I save the RGB images to CMYK which I understand will print more true to what I'm seeing on my actual paintings > images in GIMP on my computer screen (the two of which look the same at present)? And at what point in these steps is it best to do the new CMYK version?
This keeps happening where I have an image, I edit it, I press ctrl+S, but when I upload the image the edited version is not uploading the original version is?? I have to save it as ctrl+shift+s. This sucks because now I have 3 or 4 of the same image all saved differently which gets to be pretty inconvenient.
Today I shot some more photos and was going to send them to a friend. After I resized them, I tried to save the new file as JPEG and there was no option to do so. I even opened one of yesterday's camera files and tried to save that as a JPEG, and still didn't see the option. All I get is something called .xcf.
I looked at the tutorial, and it said to make sure the mode was set to RGB. It was; I'd never changed this. It seems I've broken something, but I don't know where to look in order to fix it.
I'm confused about gamma adjustment. I'm getting a book ready to be published by a print on demand company. It involves making a PDF using InDesign which contains photos which I've edited in Photoshop. The company has a list of specifications " to be sure that my PDF prints properly",and one of them says "The gamma of a grayscale image should be between 2.2 and 2.4." I don't know how to interpret this. If I change the gamma of a photo to 2.2 it obviously becomes much lighter, but then when it's saved the new lighter document has a gamma of 1.
I know I'm not understanding this at all. I've looked all over trying to figure this out. Most references refer to gamma adjustments for monitors, and I get that. I also know that when things are printed they will come out darker because of dot gain.
I have just installed a Spyder 3 Pro on my PC and couldnt find any uninstall for Adobe Gamma. The PC is running XP Pro (32 bit SP3) and I have CS4 and CS2 installed.
To remove Adobe Gamma I took the following steps after I had installed the Spyder software but before calibrating:
1. Removed the shortcuts to Adobe Gamma and Adobe Gamma Loader from the start-up folder.
2. Removed Adobe Gamma Loader.exe and Adobe Gamma.cpl from the folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeCalibration.
There didnt appear to be any remove feature in the control panel, but the Gamma control panel now doesnt appear in the control panel and the PC reboots without any errors.
i have a samsung LCD monitor, and i'm using photoshop7.0 on it. is it pointless to have Adobe Gamma loaded? since it does not really work for LCD anyway?
what would be the best way to calibrate my LCD to work best with photoshop?