I want to design a t-shirt and my aim is to reduce a photograph to a two-colour image, more like a symbol, with bold lines and few details. A little bit like this one, taking this one into GIMP. I have been using the software quite a while for private photos, but I have never attempted something like this...
So far I have managed to remove all content except for "the edges" of the car, but I am a bit lost on how I can make those edges smooth, because now I can see that the masks I used were not "straight"; the photo is reduced to monochrome. Well, what I am asking is: How to progress making a symbol out of a photo, from scratch?
I want to design a t-shirt and my aim is to reduce a photograph to a two-colour image, more like a symbol, with bold lines and few details. A little bit like this one, taking this one into GIMP. I have been using the software quite a while for private photos, but I have never attempted something like this...
So far I have managed to remove all content except for "the edges" of the car, but I am a bit lost how I can make those edges smooth, because now I can see that the masks I used were not "straight". how to progress making a symbol out of a photo?
I have 60-something 24 bit PNG images that I've edited in Gimp, many of them include transparency. I want to batch convert them to 256 colors while keeping the transparency. Can this be done? I did try it in another editor and any attempt to keep the alpha channel transparency resulted in totally washed out colors and transparency where none should exist. Conversely, if I skipped the transparency the color depth reduction went well.
I made the background of an object (single color symbol) transparent, then re-sized it. I then added a transparent layer to another image, with the idea of placing the symbol onto that layer. I tried to move the symbol, but that didn't work. I copied the symbol image and tried to paste it onto the layer. It pasted, but all I got was a transparent rectangle that matched the size of the symbol image.
So Ive learned how to turn a color photo to B&W with spot color ...how to turn a color photo sepia, but also spot color. I have a wedding photos that I think would be a fun shot to play mixing those colors together . I have searched for the info earlier today and wasnt successful .
I'm fairly new at gimp and am trying to add color to an old (1950's) photo. Gimp won't let me add anything but shades of grey. I can get it to work if I take a color image, make it black and white, and then recolor it, but this image is starting out b&w. Do images need to be digital for gimp to work?
How to turn a color photo to B&W with spot color ... but what I cant find a tutorial on is how to turn a color photo sepia, but also spot color. I have a wedding photos that I think would be a fun shot to play mixing those colors together . I have searched for the info earlier today and wasn't successful .
This is a big learning curve and trying to figure out all the tools and layering process.
I am new to the gimp software and am struggling blending a photo into a solid color background.I cannot seem to get rid of the hard end of the photo. I have tried applying a mask then using the blending tool, but still cannot remove the line.
Blurring image, i'm just messing around to try... [URL]....
I did put a real photo in the background of my website to fit entire page. So the text of my webpage is black, and sometimes other colors. So what happen is that some times the text is hard to read when it come on top of dark places of the photo (for example hear of people). So i want to adapt the photo to make it more unicolor, more whiten (increase whiteness) so the black text will appear even better.
What tools and filters in gimp that give me this ability to do that ?
I am currently trying to combine a color photo frame with a black and white image, but every time I open the frame in "open as layers" the frame turns to black and white as well as the photo. I have no problem when using color photos. Is there a way that I can do this so that my photo frame remains it's original color with the black and white photo inside.
Myself and the fiance were at a wedding last night. Just managed to get a picture with the woman on the right whom we haven't seen in ages. Unfortunately, iPhone's don't take pictures very well without proper lighting with its built in flash..
How to reduce the exposure on this picture, fix red eye, maybe whiten teeth (are they really that dull grey ) and possibly take that blurry guy out from the background.
The only important fix would be to reduce the exposure . All my "Auto-Fix" edit programs cause a bad glare and the picture loses color.
when I was using Elements 5.0 I could open two photos, drag one photo into the other, then resize the photo by selecting it and using the handles. I can't find a way to do this in Photoshop CS3. Is this possible?  Am I missing a setting somewhere? I can drag one photo into another and move it around, but just can't resize it.
I want to reduce the number of pixels in a photo so I can send it as an avatar to another forum. How do I do this? Older version was easy but I can't find method in present update.
I have an image that uses about 20 different colors (there are 2 colors that dominate the image). I want to reduce the image to just those 2 main colors. How can I do that in Photoshop CS2 or Illustrator CS2?
I made a 5x35 image using a gradient that i'll use as background for a div.I saved it as .jpg. Its size now is 325 bytes.Is there any additional method to make the size smaller?
At work I use Photoshop, but at home I have started using GIMP. One problem I constantly have is the size of pngs. How do you reduce the size of pngs?
I have 400KB png, when I save the same image at home in GIMP as jpg it becomes smaller, but if I save it as png it becomes about 2MB - this is huge compared to photoshop
If I use the save for web plugin, the results are the same for jpgs, but if I save as 24bit png the image suddenly becomes 2.5MB. Why are PNGs in GIMP so large?
I have some objects in PNG which I want to keep the same size but I want to reduce all the transparency room so when I put them on a page the box is not so big.
Is there a way to reduce or remove color (or a range of color) predominance/dominance? I did a search for a video on youtube , and i didn't find it. I tried with the eyedropper to select a color , solid color ,blend exclusion but nothing.
Symbol in the top left corner of all photo's displayed on my monitor when using PS 7 it shows Number one 1 and a squiggly line.How can I remove this and what is it representing.
I am trying to edit some pictures that a customer of mine has taken. They are of silver utensils wrapped with beads and the way she has taken them, there is a huge shine reflection on them. There are 25 current pictures all using the same dark background.
I have fiddled with the adjustment brightness and highlights, but they come out looking gray and fake, so I removed those adjustments.
I tried using burn the bright spots and then dodge the coloured stones to bring back some luster. No matter what i am doing, it no longer is a silver utensil, it is a picture that has been poorly edited, and that simply isn't okay.
Here are some examples of the raw picture I am working with [URL] ...........
I need to reduce the glare/reflection and the stones need to be vibrant.
I've been playing with gimp a lot to edit my photos and how to reduce bright patches in photos that have bright spot that kinda take over the photo. I am using Gimp and cannot retake the photo.
Here is what I did.
1. I outlined my body and took away 100% of the blue, this makes the black look cleaner in my opinion. 2. I then inverted the outline and reduced the blue for the rest of the photo by 50% giving the white a cleaner look. 3. Then I outlined the bright area of snow below my feet and lowered the brightness. 4. I highlighted the sky from the mountain base up and increased the blue by 100% twice.
I found a way to save a sub 1mb XCF file with a select saved as a channel and a layer of the image as a threshold. I can open the original jpg in gimp, select all, copy into new transparent layer in the tiny XCF file, do channel to selection, delete the threshold layer and I'm good to go. I went from a 27 mb xcf to a 0.5 mb xcf with the channel and layer for a 2 mb jpg.
At my low skill level the selects are usually the only XCF elements worth keeping. Everytime I've returned to a saved XCF weeks later because I knew more, I tossed it out and started over from the original jpg unless a select was involved. I could buy a larger HD, but I'm literally living out of 2 suitcases and expect to continue so indefinably. Keeping my pile of stuff small is a prime priority. Store them online? The only internet ISPs available here are rather slow.
how do I reduce the size of an image and place it adjacent to another image. Let me explain it a bit better. I live on the Corner of two streets . A lamp post with the name of one of the streets is on the corner. I want to reduce the size of and place the image of the other street on the same lamp post.
I'm completing an ad for a bakery and the image of a cupcake that I'm trying to use wasn't done in a whitebox, hence alot of glare on the lefthand part of the image. It's washed out the pink frosting into an almost white color and the strawberries are not saturated in color. Is there something I can do to get rid of the white spot and make the image look as if it was shot professionally in a white box?
(in the image, it's the front most chocolate cupcake)