Photoshop Elements :: Can Reduce Photo File Size For Email?
Nov 20, 2012Can I reduce the file size of photos in PSE10 for later e-mailing?
View 2 RepliesCan I reduce the file size of photos in PSE10 for later e-mailing?
View 2 RepliesI have a high resolution photo that I need to reduce to 4MB or less to upload to LinkedIn. How do I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the 30-day trial version of Photoshop Elements. I have a photo file which is 894 K. I need to reduce the file size to 300K for use on a blog.
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to send photo by email attachment or photo email.
Had previously done the verification code thing and got the code and have been sending pics by photo email.Have got PS10 loaded to my Desk Top - main system and also my laptop .When trying now to send pics on my DeskTop I can get to the (maybe second) screen where you choose the size of the phots and then I get the Verification Code screen - which tells me that an 'initial verification code' will be emailed to the chosen email - but when I say continue, I go to the next screen of the Photo email and then when trying to send the phto email it locks up and says an unexpected error has taken place ...
I have sent some photos via the laptop but it seems to be very hit and miss at the moment.Also I have some problems opening PSE10 - When I click on the icon - I get the initial "organise or edit" screen where I choose organise - but then all that happens is this screen closes and the Organiser does not open. Most of the time I'm left with maybe shutting down my whole computer and starting up again and it works again.
I am trying to reduce the file size on a large number of jpeg photo's for unsertion into Windows Movie Maker. How do I compress the slides in a batch job? Can I do it in Photoshop Elements?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen I was using Elements 5.0 I could open two photos, drag one photo into the other, then resize the photo by selecting it and using the handles. I can't find a way to do this in Photoshop CS3. Is this possible?  Am I missing a setting somewhere? I can drag one photo into another and move it around, but just can't resize it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I reduce a photo from MB 17.5 to MB6 without reducing the quality, I'm trying to get a 60cm x 40 cm Canvas printed.Â
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow do you size picture's to be sent in a email? On the old version I could figure it out be now on this version I can find where to do this. Also how do you make a colleagues in Photoshop Elements 11.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I import e-mail photos into elements?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need using the feature which allows users to send an edited photo via e-mail. I've done it 100's of times with earlier versions but can't locate the How To.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Created few GIf images for website site but it not support big file size my all gif file size maximum 80 kb. i used few online tool for reduce size but after my images showing blur, I reduced file size and image still remain same. big file size take load time when upload in website, check example URL....and gif banner.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you create a background from a layer the file size becomes significantly smaller. How photoshop reduces the file size? is it compressing the file in some way?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a PNG-24 file with transparent background and its current size is 1.5 MB. How to reduce file size or use PNG-8 file format and keep same quality ?
plugins or external tools are welcome
how should I size a photograph to attach it in sensible proportions to an e-mail when using Elements 11? In Elements 9 I set the dpi at 72 and then the longest length at 1024mm.  he shortest length was set automatically by the programme. Elements 11 doesn't allow me to do this. I've tried starting off with 72 dpi but as soon as I enter the longest length the dpi changes. This did not happen with E9 and in E9 the size of the attachment was measured in KB's but with E11 I finish up with quite large MB sizes.Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to send a photo using Share and Email but I get to a final point and I am asked for a for verification how do I get this
View 2 Replies View Relatedpath for importing photos which have been sent by email from varying sources such as Iphones, Ipads, etc. These photos are easily opened from the email in the Elements 11 Editor mode. However, I have tried a dozen ways to get them moved from Editor to Organizer. Also, I am having difficulty creating a folder for these types of photos. Those that I load from my camera create their own folders which I can rename. The paths I have had to utilize are ridiculously complex.Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Photoshop Elements 12 and I am trying to send a picture using Photo Email. I read the tutorial and it says selct Preferences, Sharing then if you have Windows 7 to select it from the drop down menu. However, only option I have to select is Adobe Email Service. Even if I select that, it says an email verification email will be sent to my email address but it never comes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have followed steps to share a photo using email, after I put the recipients name in and click ok it seems to freeze, (the egg timer as i would call it) doesn't move.I have to switch the computer off and restart.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have load of files that I need to clean up to reduce file size (mb) without reducing image size. I have manually been doing this in tree steps; merging active layers and deleting hidden layers, deleting unused channel/masks and deleting all paths. For the layers part I have managed to create an action and run it on multiple files through the file>automate>batch menu, I would like to the same for the channel and paths or possibly all three in one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to reduce the file size of an image
its 23kb and I want it at 10kb or less
I dont care about losing image quality
I'm using photoshop cs4
I have some jpeg photos that need to go into PowerPoint presentation. The file size is 2 meg. How to get that down?Would the technique also applyto a pdf? It is 8 meg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got back from a trip where I took about 1,400 pics (Nikon D300) each of which is about 2.4mb. How can I save them in bulk to a smaller file size? I need to send them unedited to my Daughter so she can look them over and tell me which ones she wants.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhaving this problem with PSE11 in Windows 8! In sharing preferences, I am only given one option -- Adobe mail. And it won't work. I've used that service before on my work computer running PSE9 and Windows XP. Why don't I get the Windows Mail option? What good is it anyway, sitting there on the start screen and seems to be unavailable otherwise -- I'm usually working from my desktop. I dual boot to Windows XP and have Office 2003 installed there and am able to email photos via Outlook (not express) -- works good. Unfortunately, Office 2003 is not compatible with Win 8 64bit. What do I do now? I saw the tip about downloading and installing Windows Live Mail for Win 7. I thought it was built into Windows 8? Arguablly Windows 8 is a goofy operating system, at least for desktop PCs!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Win 8 64-Bit (upgraded from Win 7 64-bit), Outlook 2013 (preview installed over Ourlook 2010) and PSE 10.
When I try use the Share > Photo Mail I get an error message: "There is no email program associated to perform requsted action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."
After I hit ok on the windows looking message box, I get a message in PSE: "Elements Organiser could not Finish creating your email Message. Please make sure that Microsoft Outlook is selected as the default email program in the Windows Internet Control Panel, and that all dialog boxes in Outlook are closed. If this is the first time you are using Microsoft Outlook, please run the Outlook applicaiton and complete its set-up process before sending mail through Elements Organizer. Alternatively, you can use the Adobe Email Service via the Elements Organiser Preferences Dialog.
I have Elements preferences pointing to Outlook. When I switch the sharing preference to Windows mail, I get: "Elements Organiser could not Finish creating your email Message. Alternatively, you can use the Adobe Email Service via the Elements Organiser Preferences Dialog."
I have checked the default programs, and Outlook 2013 has all associated file type and protocols pointed to it. (an dre-booted PC after resetting defaults)So either:
 - I am mising a fix relating to upgrading Win 7 64-bit with PSE10 to Win 8 64-bit or
 - PSE is looking for a particular protocol in the program defaults like MAILTO (but not this one as this is pointed to outlook) that is missing.
I am preparing images for the web and I really have 2 questions: one about gifs, and one about jpgs.My standard procedure is to reduce the image to the desired pixel dimensions at 600 dpiThat gives me a crisp small image. then I either use it as is if the file size is low enough (I try for under 600 kb) or convert it to a gif with the save for web and devices tool.
So here are my 2 questions (I will count this solved with either answer)
1) When I convert to a gif I have the 4 boxes: one with original size, the other 3 with options but often the options are too low res for me How do I change my 3 options to start at a higher gif res?
2) If I try to reduce the file size of the jpg in the image size box I set the resolution lower ( 400, 300), which lowers the pixel dimensions and the filesize, but I don't want to cahnge the pixel dimensions. And If I reset the pixel dimensions back to the size I want them, even though it is a lower resolution the file size doesn't change.
How to reduce jpg file size using only the resolution, not pixel dimensions? PS I have tried messing with checking and unchecking the 3 little boxes( scale styles, constrain proportions, and resample) but nothing has worked.
So I am familiar with how to use Photoshop actions and how to batch process, but right now I am on a project where I need to batch process a large number of employee photo headshot images to be 100x75 pixels AND must be between 12 kb and 20 kb.
So the 100x75 pixels is easy, but my questions are this.
1. How can i have an action save the image image in that range for the file size ?
2. is there a way that I can have the action pause so I can center the person's head in the photo when cropping?
Attaching a JPG to an email, says its a larger size than the original?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use captions on my slideshows but the font is far too large.  How do I reduce its size? At present the captions are far too intrusive. I am using PE9.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I reduce a flash light in my photo
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem with PSE 11 saving my files in a size too large for transmission by email even when I use the "low" quality option. I have to send files for commerical ads for review to clients via email and even set at "low" for an 8.5 x 11 page the size of the file is 25mg as opposed to 33.7 for "high". The jpg file set a high quality is only 4mg. Is there an issue with the PDF format on PSE 11 (didn't have this problem until I upgraded)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I populate the address book when trying to send a photo(s) by email?
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