GIMP :: Recovering Corrupt File

Mar 26, 2013

Recovering a gimp file that got corrupted. My computer crashed at the wrong moment of time. It only saved 1 layer and nothing else.

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Lightroom :: Recovering Potentially Corrupt CR2s

Jan 27, 2014

My hard drive crashed. I successfully recovered 90% of all the data. However, there are a few folders containg CR2s that seem to be corrupt- they cannot be converted into jpegs, tiffs, etc nor opened in LR. I was ready to consider them lost and gone forever, but there are a couple reasons why I still have hope they can be recovered:
1) On the new hard drive where everything was recovered to, all the "corrupt" CR2s have viewable thumbs of the actual photos. (they weirdly all read as 16.8 MBs)
2) On the crashed hard drive, the "corrupt" CR2s have NO viewable thumbs like the recovered drive. However, each CR2 has what can be assumed to be the correct file size as they all vary in MB and resolution.
3) As mentioned, 90% of the CR2s were recovered.
So, I want to believe the crashed hard drive has the proper file size and data, but somehow got lost upon recovery because the CR2 thumbs are all viewable on the new hard drive. I just cant open them in LR, convert them, etc.

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GIMP :: Recovering Tool Options?

Mar 19, 2013

I've used Gimp successfully for a couple of years—but now it’s usable. I can’t adjust the size of the brush, paint, eraser or use other functions because below the tools palate all I see is “You can drop dockable dialog here” and every function that used to be in that space is gone. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it stays the same. How can I bring back all the functions?

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Photoshop :: Imageready Recovering Saved File

Nov 7, 2002

I am building a page for a web site. when i have created a button, with a rollover effect and then save it, i have trouble recovering the button. the button is saved with all different files containing the different slices. how do i go to the saved file and get it back to the original button that i created.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Recovering IDW Back Up File

May 15, 2012

I was working on my .idw and my autodesk inventor 2012 fatal errored on me. Well when I re-opened the program and drawing all my work was gone. Does inventor have a back up file like autocad. I know autocad had 2 back up files (.sv$ and .bak). Does inventor have anything like that?

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Illustrator :: Recovering Lost File (Cloud)

Mar 12, 2014

Illustrator crashed in the middle of working on a file. Looked around for a recovered file on the desktop. Nothing. Can't seem to find any option to set my Preferences for auto-save.

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Photoshop :: Recovering Lost White Background On Blueprint File?

May 16, 2013

I was at work today and opened a Ps document that someone else had created. I don't know what I did (I'm a relatively new Ps user) and I don't even know how I ended up saving it. The document is floor plans overlaid on a site plan with logos, text. etc. (so, it's too complicated for my limited time and knowledge to be able to re-import the source document and re-format the entire thing). When I first opened the document, all the floor plans looked normal, but now, one no longer has a white background. The black outlines of the rooms are still there, but there's nothing underneath (I see the gray and white checkerboard background between the black outlines). I need to know how to make that area white again. It seems to me like maybe I deleted a layer... maybe... I don't know...? I can't just use the fill tool to fill white into the background space because (a) the entire shape is not closed, so applying a fill to one area fills the entire document and (b) I know that's not the right way to do it... I'm trying to get it back to the way it's supposed to be, not just make it look right because other people from work might still use the electronic file.

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AutoCad :: Undoing Or Recovering Information On File After Closing And Reopened

Jan 17, 2013

If I were to work on a file and proceed to close it and then re-open it with the intent of undoing or recovering information, is there anyway to do this?

It may be useful for me and others to know if there is a way round in case this does happen.

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GIMP :: Large Files Corrupt

Sep 26, 2012

I'm using Gimp on very very large image files, my current image is 22000 x 23000. Gimp has 24GB of memory assigned in the Preferences menu (out of 32) and is fine while editing. However whenever I save the image as an XCF or PSD it corrupts. Occasionally with an XCF it will be recoverable but only one layer will recover. If it's exported as a PSD next time I try to open the image it says there are too many layers and is corrupt.

Is this a bug or is there a way I can preserve my large images with layers?

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GIMP :: Closed In Middle Of Saving Image - XCF Is Corrupt

Sep 17, 2012

GIMP closed while I was in the middle of saving an image and is now telling me that the xcf is corrupt and that there is no usable data in it even though the file is the same size as it was before the crash. This is the third or fourth time it's done this to me. I'd include the file but this is the first time I've posted here and I don't know how

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Photoshop :: Corrupt File

Aug 25, 2004

I have a file that is about 125megs, it stopped opening for me. I don't understand why, it's always has opened ever since I created it. Now it freezes my machine, this just started today. I'm running a G4 Dual 1.42mhz os 10.3 and 2gigs of ram. It's the only copy i have, please tell me there's a way to repare it. My Mac keeps telling me to restart every time i try to open it.

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GIMP :: Copy Histogram Data From Red Channel Of Non-corrupt Portion Of Image?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a nice image that has lost the red channel histogram data for about half of the image. It can still be viewed, and the preview is correct.

Can I copy the histogram data from the red channel of the non-corrupt portion of the image? I know it's the red channel because when I open the color data from the corrupted portion the red channel is literally non-existant.

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Photoshop :: Opening A Corrupt File?

Jun 11, 2013

It is now saying that I don't have the appropriate version of Photoshop for this file.How can I open this?

I know I have a good version, I had been working on the same computer the whole time.I dont know if the file is corrupt or what is happening...

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Photoshop :: Corrupt CS6 When Opening Any File

Feb 20, 2013

My CS6 photoshop is viewing any file I open as corrupt but when I save them, they are ok in windows preview / bridge etc.. its only showing really weird in photoshop! I dont know what has all of a sudden changed! I haven't changed any settings!
I am on a windows 7, 64 bit PC and this problem is not just limited to my PC, my colleagues also today have this same issue on their PCs too...

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Photoshop :: Corrupt Preferences File - Why?

Mar 10, 2009

I wondered why/how ones preferences ever get corrupted. Ive use PS, since 2.5 on all sorts of PCs, sometimes with it running around the clock for days. Never once had I encountered a corrupted preferences file until now, that is.

What I encountered can only be listed as an observation. Im sure that it is but one possible cause. Still, I thought that Id share my experience.

Up at 4:00AM to start a rush scan job. Everything boots up fine, and I start PS CS2. As its loading the plug-ins, etc., I notice that Sun Microsystems Java wants an update and its icon has appeared in the Tasktray of my XP-Pro SP3. I open it, and click Update Later, or whatever the exact dialog is. It drops back to the Tasktray. PS seems to be taking a long time to load on my workstation, but I give it a few moments. Nothing. Its hung at Reading Text Global Resources. I check Task Manager PS is shown as Not Responding. Odd, this has NEVER happened before in all those years. Not so much as once.

I remembered that there was an update for Extend Script, that I told PS to hold off on. I go to Updates, via Bridge and its still there waiting. I End Task for PS and look for something usable from MS. Of course theres nothing. Event Viewer shows an Application Hang, with no useful info. I install the Extend Script Update, and try PS again. It gets to the same spot and hangs.

OK, I allow Java to update (making sure to NOT allow the installation of the MSN Search Toolbar - sheezh! I try PS yet again. Hang at the same spot.

Re-boot and hang. Though I have said it a thousand times, trash your prefs, it takes a moment for it to sink in. I trash my prefs and all is good with PS. Luckily, I had my dual-monitor Workspace saved, and it only takes a minute to change the default preferences back to what I want.

Normally, I have everything, and I mean everything, set to NOT auto-update. I turn this feature off for every program that I install. I use Premiere a lot, and do not want Norton, or anybody, waking up and phoning home. Ill tell em when to update. Well, I missed Java.

I can only guess that it did its update thing, just at a critical time for PSs loading and blew up the prefs file. Had it popped up a second later, or maybe a second earlier, I doubt that Id have had to trash my prefs. After all these years (decades really), I had a corrupt preferences file.

Im sure there are a myriad things that can corrupt a preferences file, and I am only guessing at what caused mine. However, the timing is perfect, so Java gets the blame.

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3ds Max :: Save File Corrupt Or Is It A Setting?

Jun 3, 2011

He's contructed the ships hull using a plane with the schematics in it as background to shape the ship's lines accordingly. He saved his progress butwhen he loads in the 3d max file the hull lines (I believe it's called "splines") are all gone and only the background image remains. The weird thing is, when you start 3d max and select the saved project, you can see the splines in the small thumbnail preview on the side. But when the file is actually loaded, they are gone.

I've checked the 3 auto save files but they all show the same; splines in preview, splines gone after the file has been loaded. I can't imagine that the 3 auto save files are all corrupt. So I'm wondering if there's some kind of setting he might of accidently set off?

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Illustrator :: File Seems Corrupt - How To Recover

Jan 17, 2014

There is a very important AI file I've been working on.  After upgrading to Maverick this morning is seems corrupt -- though I don't think its the file itself since I can retreive versions in time machine from before the Mavericks, and they have the same problem.

Well when I open this file (and so far it is only this file) I get the following error: Can't open the illustration.  The illustration ended unepxpectedly. <the a bunch of gibberish>
%_0 R
%)0.71075 0.660365 0.633112 0.695491 0.14902 0.14509 0.14902 XA
%_-1 -- -1 -1 -1 Xy
%_2 w 4 M
%_1 Gp GX
%_1 -1 5 -1 -1 Gf
%_0 O
%_0 0 0 0 1 LB
gsave annotatepage gresotre showpage
What can I do to get my file back???

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After Effects :: Corrupt AEP After File Recovery

Nov 22, 2013

i accidentally Shift+Del a folder with my AEP's in it. i used a data recovery program to recover those files. now when trying to open them i get this error:
Unable to import file "..." as project (bad format or not readable)i kind of got my hopes up while using the recovery program, can this error be worked around or is the file stuffed ?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Recover Corrupt File

Nov 26, 2012

I am an interior design student and my floor plan saved to USB seems to be corrupted now. It keeps saying File is not Valid. I was working on it last night and saved it like normal and today it won't open. This is my only copy of the file and I don't want to start over. How to recover at least part of it? It's on there somehow. It's showing that the file contains 1,024 KB.

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Photoshop :: Corrupt File Changes When Clicking In Text Layer?

Jul 3, 2013

I have a really weird problem with one of my files. When I click on the text, it changes the text to completely different words. Seems like it is corrupt somehow... see below images to see what I mean. Is there a fix? I'm on CS6 mac OS 10.8.4.


Out of curiosity I also opened up the file in text edit to see if there was anything obvious, and here's some of the code. I'm assuming this is preview text for search, but either way seems a bit fishy.
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
                  <photoshop:LayerText>WE WILL BE...</photoshop:LayerText>
Trying to edit the text and saving it out corrups the file.

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Photoshop :: Error 1335 / Cabinet File Corrupt And Cannot Be Used

May 9, 2013

Trying to install Elements 10.  Message appears -- ERROR 1335 Cabinet file is corrupt and cannot be used.  If ignored ERROR 2350.FDI server error appears and installation stops.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: PDF Import - Corrupt File

Jul 27, 2012

we are developing a Website where users can design individual labels and other print materials. Server-sided "PDFlib" creates the PDF files. We would like to import these PDF's into Corel X6.

File: [URL]........

Created with: PDFlib Personalization Server 8.0.4p2 (PHP5/Linux-X86_64)

PDF-Version: 1.6
Compression: FlateDecode/

Fonts: no fonts embedded
In the pdf are vector objects, graphics and text

I can open the PDF easily with Adobe Illustrator, Reader, Adobe Acrobat X Pro and other software.

But if I try to import the PDF into Corel: "Corrupt file"

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Fixing Up A Corrupt CDR File

May 16, 2011

how to fix a corrupted CDR file? I was working on a file of 159+ MB file when the power suddenly went off and I couldn't open the file when the power was back. I know the file could have been corrupted and I don't have a backup of the file also.

BTW, an interesting thing to note is that I tried to open the file is 7zip as if it were a zip file. To my surprise there was the file along with some xml files, but unfortunately I could not extract it as it showed up a message File is corrupt.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Importing PDF Scanned With Printer - File Is Corrupt

May 1, 2013

When I try to import a pdf file that I have scanned with my printer, corel X6 says either "file is corrupt" or  something about not enough memory to perform the action. I have 2 different work stations with 2 separate printers (both the same brand and model) and have tried scanning and importing and get the same message from both now.

It always worked before. I can open the pdf document in Adobe and it is fine, so I don't think the file is corrupt, rather it is something in corel that is stopping it from importing. There are no updates outstanding for my computer.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Corrupt File Message With Error Code 38

Sep 2, 2012

I've recently updated one of my PC's. I tried to launch VS x5 and I received a "corrupt file message" with error code 38. I've read all of the previous threads here and others online referring to Protexis Licensing V2 in the Services tab. I've un-installed, reinstalled several times. Would be nice is a "Repair" option was available. I've entered the serial numbers, several times, made it to the "Register Product" page but can never get the program to start. This was an update from VS 4 and I've entered the serial number for that when prompted. I have the program working just fine on another completely new system. Both are running Windows 7.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Recover Corrupt CDR File?

Jun 9, 2007

recover a corrupt .cdr file? I have one that is very large and I don't want to have to recreate all of it!

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Keep Getting A Corrupt File Window

Apr 20, 2011

I'm having problems opening some PDF files in 12.  I keep getting a corrupt file window,  Will upgrading to Corel CS5 solve the issue?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Shortcuts - Updating Due To Corrupt File?

Jan 6, 2014

I’ve recreated and replaced a corrupt drawing, which contained surfaces that were data referenced into multiple files. Is there a way to update the data shortcuts, so other drawings referencing the surfaces are unaffected? I’ve tried moving the corrupt drawing to an archived folder and naming the new drawing and surfaces to match the old. However, I’m not able to repair the broken shortcuts in the other drawings. The surfaces are referenced in a large construction plan set that includes sections, profiles, and numerous labels based on the surfaces – it will be very time consuming to create a new reference in each drawing.

(I'm using Civil 3D 2013.)

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Photoshop :: Corrupt PSD File Random Layer Appears Banded Horizontally

May 28, 2012

iMac 27" 
os 10.7.4
Extensis Suitcase Fusion
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5
On randon saves and converts within Adobe Illustrator, layers comprising photoshop files appear to have corrupted, and display with horizontal banding
We've been in contact with Apple support who have replaced the Motherboard, Graphics Card, Hard Drive and Power supply - the issue is still occurring
I've swapped out the bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse in favor of a USB and disabled Wifi & Bluetooth  to exclude other hardware issues
Processor  3.1 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)
Adobe Photoshop CS5:
Version:          12.1
Last Modified:          24/05/2012 16:38
Kind:          Intel
64-Bit (Intel):          Yes
App Store:          No
Get Info String:          12.1 (12.1x20110328 [20110328.r.145 2011/03/28:10:30:00 cutoff; r branch]) © 1990-2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Location:          /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5.1/Adobe Photoshop

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Photoshop :: JPEG Marker Segment Length Error - File Not Corrupt

Feb 4, 2013

I have 2 workstations in my suite. Both Win7...both CS5.5 ver. 12.1.x64.  My "old" box (Z400) can open the JPEG no problem....My "new" box (Z820) gives me the error.
I have copied the file a few different ways so I know it is not corrupt.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: How To Recover Created Brochure (Corrupt File)

Aug 20, 2011

How to recover a brochure that I created. Now I can view it in the preview but whenever I try and open the file it stops about 30% - 40% through opening and then crashes Corel and shuts the program down. Now I have tried to import the file as well but the same thing happens. I don't want to have to redraw the entire brochure. The file is about 186MB.

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