GIMP :: Image File - How To Keep TGA Transparent After Editing
Jan 21, 2014
What im trying to do is edit a tga file..... this is the file im trying to edit [URL] .......
The image its a tga file that its transparent and after i edit it for example i change the colors of the stuff on image, and save it it becomes dark or other colors it loses its transparency how can i keep it as it is with transparency after editing and keep it as tga....
First issue (see screen shot 1): As an example I created a simple b&w text image, which I subsequently saved to file as a GIF. At a later time I decide to open the saved file in order to edit the image. In editing all I want to do is remove the 2 dots over the letter "i" and re-save the image. Screen shot 1 shows the image unlocked on the page after re-opening the file. I cannot figure out how to edit the image at this point in order to remove the dots over the "i. I know I am overlooking a simple step, but I've tried everything. What is the secret to going back and cutting out just part of an image after the image has already been created.
Second issue (see screen shot 2): After many, many, many attempts I am still unable to create a simple GIF image with a totally transparent background so I can use the image on colored backgrounds. Using the same image example as above, I first went to Arrange>Create Bitmap Copy. That brings up the "Create bitmap options" window. For color depth I choose True color+Alpha. Then I hit the create button. The image I just created is selected on the page, and I then click the Export button to save it. After naming the file and clicking the Export button, I am taken to the GIF Export Bitmap Options window. At this point I have tried both transparency options. If I choose the option to make the background transparent, I end up with an image surrounded by white artifacts when the image is placed over a colored background (as shown in the top of screen shot 2). If I start over and choose instead to make a color transparent (in this case I chose to make white transparent since the image was created with a white background), I end up with the image surrounded by a block of white (the lower image in screen shot 2). What is the proper way to make transparent GIFs?
I have a PNG image with only one layer as a start point. It has a faded map on it.
I have a second PNG image with a hex grid on it. I do colour to Alpha to establish transparency on the hex grid for white filled hexes (others are not filled with white).
Now, I wish to overlay a portion of the first image with the faded map with the non-transparent part of the second image.
So I select by colour (for the hexes not filled with white) on the second image (the overlay) and I then paste to the first image (after creating a transparency layer and selecting it to receive the overlay).
I see the desired overlay section (minus any transparent stuff as expected), however it is centered over the map in the first image, not where I want it to be. It is a floating selection and must be anchored. So I select the anchor icon in the layer dialog and I think I anchor it into the transparency layer on the first image (that's what I'm trying to do anyway).
And then my problem:
I want to move the thing I just pasted in to the right place with respect to the underlying faded map. I attempt to use the move tool, but all I move is the background map (pretty much the opposite of what I want).
Nothing I do seems to let me reselect the pasted-in overlay so that I can move it.
Why I can't ever reposition the pasted in overlay? It should be in the transparency layer I created but even if I select all, I don't seem to be able to move anything other than the background image.
Import a pdf-file that only contains (scanned) images [book pages]. Rotate them (okay I can do this). Seperate and/or crop them (I can do this but my way is so complicated). Export back into a single pdf file. (I can't do this).
Usually I have a scanned book. So sometimes there are two pages on one image. To have an easier readability I like to seperate those. So what I do is:
- I cut/crop the page out of the image with the two pages
- I place that in a new layer
- I rotate that layer if needed (I use the transform tool, but it is a bit difficult to tell if the text is perfectly rotated, in Photoshop there is an automatic tool, is there one in gimp?)
- I go on with the next page
Problem is that layers are not of the same size. So I have to drag them around to have them (layers) all centered. Also image quality is much lower after importing it to gimp. How do I figure the original resolution of the image saved in the pdf? When I have them all in new layers exporting them to pdf will always result in one single page with only the first layer.
So is there an easier way to do this? Also why does exporting not work?
I wanted to create transparent icon.i created it and i can see black&ash rectangles around the image, this confirm that as a transparent image.But after exporting it to jpg or png White color background is coming when i see it in photo viewer.
How to avoid that white background, am i doing a correct method?
I've got a problem with basic image editing in GIMP.The screenshots should give understanding. I have GIMP 2.6 on Windows 7.GIMP wont allow me to move anything around in the darker area of this image("IconOverlay.png" - attached).
I've tried reinstalling GIMP as well as deleting the user preferencesfolder. I've also tried copying the image into a new GIMP window and editing it inthat, but it doesn't work. This has never happened before on any other image I've edited.
I was wondering if there was a fairly simple and straightforward way to make an image's background transparent (for example, a transparent .gif) without using layers. Similar to some apps that have an eyedropper tool used to create transparencies.
I have two images open, one is a .png with a transparent background, but when I paste it onto a colored background image, it loses the text color from the original. I probably need to be doing this with layers but I can't even figure out how to get both images on the same layers dialog.
I am wanting g to make a person partially transparent for a picture I am working on. I know you can use opacity but after I make the selection, the entire image still gets transparent.
I have been working on colorization, by putting a transparent B&W image over the color background, all is good apart from when I do people and just want to show their eyes in color. Allot of the times eye color comes out wrong, for instance, when I did my daughter her eyes are blue but color came out brown eyes.
I have an image that I am using as an app icon (embedded in a basic4android compilation). The image is in .png form and is a square with rounded corners. I want the corners to be transparent. When I outline the area I want to make transparent and then select clear it changes the current color (black) to white. When I use this saved file in my compilation the icon that it produces has corners that are white not transparent. How should I be doing this?
I'm using 2.8.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I create a text image with a transparent background and export as any file format, there's a white border around the ENTIRE image. A white box around the whole image. The background should be completely transparent. No border at all. Just words on a completely transparent background.
I have a jpeg image of a motorcycle on a pure yellow background. I want to make the yellow transparent. Naturally there are a lot of spaces within the motorcycle image that contain yellow.
I followed instructions I found...
Removing the background of an image
1) add an alpha channel to your layer
2) use colors/color to alpha and use the background color
This results in the checkerboard being applied to the motorcycle, not the yellow background. I assume that's okay.
This makes all the pixels with the background color transparent, and those with a close color partially transparent.
- select the background with the magic wand,
- grow the selection by a couple of pixels to ensure that the border of the sprite is in the selection (the most important work of color-to-alpha is on the border pixels, so they shouldn't be protected)
This selects only the area outside the bicycle, but I don't mind reselecting smaller areas, if I can.
- grow the selection by a couple of pixels to ensure that the border is in the selection (the most important work of color-to-alpha is on the border pixels, so they shouldn't be protected)
I have spent hours trying to do this simple task in Gimp without luck. What I'm looking for is the border effect (without outer shadow) seen in the three embedded screenshots in this image: [URL]
In inkscape it's a matter of adding a square on top of the image with identical dimensions and making the stroke colour semitransparent and the fill colour completely transparent, but image quality suffers badly when exporting from svg to png or jpg again, and I'd prefer doing it in Gimp.
So, take image, say 100 by 100, add 1 pixel inner transparent border - how? I have seen this effect enough to suspect it's a filter option but haven't found anything in my filters.
what I want is for a single image that has a white background to be changed into an image with a transparent background. Just the white background, not the things in the image. (I mean like when the image is in a word document that has a black background, the image will only show the person inside it and the white background of the image can not be seen.) Is there a way I can do this on GIMP?
I created a layer by duplicating an existing layer and found that I couldn't paint on the transparent parts of the new layer, regardless of the state of the layer's Lock alpha channel button. After much gnashing of teeth I finally got it to work by exiting Gimp and starting it again. Once I had done that the Lock alpha channel button had the expected effect.
My question: Is this a known bug, or am I doing something accidentally to put it in a mode where it ignores the state of the Lock alpha channel button?
I've attached before and after images. The "after" image was created using Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel, and the using the Magic Wand to select the areas for deletion.
When I place the image on a webpage, it is completely transparent!
I am attempting to create screenshots from an old video game and one part of the game includes a semi-transparent overlay layer that I would like to extract into its own image. I am able to render each layer separately in the emulator I'm using, but the screenshot tool is only able to export the final rendered image, so the transparent layer, when rendered alone, still results in a screenshot where it has been merged with the game palette's background color. I have managed to get 2 different copies of the overlay image using 2 different background colors, but I don't know the transparency percentage on the overlay. Is it possible to extract the original semi-transparent overlay with its original colors and transparency levels knowing the original background color? I can get more screenshots with different background colors if that would work. Also, the overlay only has a 5-color palette, so it's not a terribly complex image. I'm attaching the images I have with the background colors included as separate layers in each.
I have been playing with GIMP now for several months and love the program. One problem I have run into is I cannot figure out render the background of an image transparent so it can be merged with another image. Now, I have tried to read the instructions numerous times, but I have no background in understanding what a path is and several other terms. I have failed time and again and finally decided this is not something I can learn to do on my own.
Warning: I'll be honest. I have no experience in any form of image manipulation and even simple things might need to be explained.
where I cannot set the opacity partway transparent when dealing with a png file and another png file as a selection flotation!!! the opacity sliders in the layers tab seem to do nothing but If I go below 50% the layer disappears!!! I can only have it 100% opaque or 100% transparent (which is when the slider is 50% or below) anywhere else 51=99% acts as 100% opaque!!!
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
There seems to be tons of threads on how to make a transparent image, but I haven't been able to fine one to do one specific thing.
How do I set the alpha channel to be black? I want to have a black background on a png file, but I need the black to be transparent to things behind it on a webpage.
With Gimp 2.8 (Mac) I have made a 3D text with a YouTube tutorial. It looks like the Pulp Fiction logo. [URL]...........
How do I overlay a grungy texture, so the letters look 'older'?I tried making the texture image the top layer in the list on the right and then this: right click -> layer -> transparency -> color to alpha.But then, the 'see-through' texture covers the entire square transparent background! Not just the letters...So, how do I add a transparent texture layer over a shaped image that has a transparent background?
I have been given the source pdf image file for a product label by a designer, so I can edit things myself.
I am able to remove the text, move things around on the pdf image using Corel Draw, but I want to edit the actual customised text to name it differently, in the exact same style as previously used by the designer.
E.g. it currently says "Green Tea", but I want it to say "Coffee".
Is there a way to do this at all using any of the tools?
I need to get a PNG (or any other image file) with a transparent background off of my layouts. We need them to put some images on our website. I've tried everything...pngout, wmfout, converting, GIMP, inkscape...can't seem to make it work..
I have a .png file that I want to place in a template. This png file is text with a transparent background. When I place this in my template, the background is shown in white. The sheet color the idw is beige, so this doesn't look very good.
Also, when I save a copy of the idw as .dwg, the white background is shown there as well. when it prints, it is ok. If there was a way to have it stay transparent in both?
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"