GIMP :: Does The Color White Exist In 2.8

Aug 14, 2012

Does the color white exist in GIMP 2.8?

I can choose the color white manually, or choose it with color picker tool...But whenever applied anywhere it appears bright yellow, not white. When saved is exactly the same butterfuckingcup yellow

I have tried VIEW > DISPLAY FILTERS and removing color management. Still no use.

I can open a file with white text, and it will appear white, but if I try to create one I waste my time...

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GIMP :: How To Take White Background Off Of Picture Using Select Color On White

Feb 4, 2013

Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.

It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...

The cat is from [URL]...

A general idea of the selected area

What happens when I take out the selected area

So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?

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GIMP :: Changing White In Foreground To A Color?

Mar 13, 2012

I can crop images, resize, and do a few other things but that is about the extent of my skills.

I am currently attempting to theme some images in an Android ROM but I'm not able to change the colors the way I want. Essentially I have a bunch of images with transparent backgrounds and white in the foreground. I simply want to swap out the white for another color (red, green, blue, whatever).

I have attached a sample image that I am working on. How on earth do I change the white to red (FF0000) for example? I tried using the select by color tool and clicking in the white area. Then I changed the foreground color to FF0000 and tried to paint into it. It doesn't seem to do anything but paint more white?

Some options were completely disabled for my image. For example, I went to Colors > Map and found that both Color Exchange and Rotate Colors are disabled. Why?

P.S. I have roughly 200 images that I need to perform this action on (and I may even do this with multiple colors -- create a blue set, a red set, etc.) so if there is some way to automate this process I would love to know. I'm a software developer and run Linux so I typically just write bash scripts for tedious tasks such as these. I know there is script-fu in gimp but I'm not familiar with it. Can I just call gimp within a bash loop and pass it some option to do this color change and save the new image for me?

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GIMP :: Black And White - When To Switch Off Color Chanel

Jun 17, 2012

i am planning to spend some weeks in France - and there i want to take many many pictues.

The question - shoulkd i switch off the color chanel before i take the fotographs or afterwards. I can swith it off at the Nikon Camera - sure thing

Black and White - when to switch off the color chanel

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GIMP :: Make White Behind 50% Opaque Color Transparent?

Jun 26, 2011

as you can see I was able to make the background transparent by 'select by color' + 'add alpha channel' + 'remove selected area' but I also need to remove the white behind the 50% opaque reddish orange flames as well, i cannot select the white by 'select by color' or 'magic wand select' or any of the selection tools because of the issues of the white / reddish orange mix of opacity, so I need removing this white behind the part opacity color.

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GIMP :: How To Change All Non-white Colors On Image To Same Color

Feb 4, 2013

I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.

For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.

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GIMP :: Generic Color Selector INCLUDING White

Sep 1, 2013

I tried ALL colors there are on the generic color selector INCLUDING white!! but ALL brushes are painting BLACK and ONLY BLACK! what is wrong???

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GIMP :: How To Change Black And White Hand-prints Into Color

Feb 16, 2013

How to change black and white hand-prints into color for some art work for my kids. I am already able to switch between black and white between the foreground and background, but not able to change all of the black "color" to a different color including all the minor lines on the hand and foot prints.

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GIMP :: Blurring Images And Layering Color Over Black And White?

Sep 6, 2012

I have done a little work and created these images. The blur does not look completely right to me because I just used the free select tool and would copy the coin part of the picture out and paste it back on with a different layer and line it up as well as I could. I would really like to make it look a lot better with no blurred part of the coin in the back ground. I would also like to turn the background of the image B&W and leave the coin in color.

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GIMP :: Batch Script For White Balance / Color Enhance And Unsharp

Aug 19, 2012

I am trying to come up with a script for batch processing since i have 800 pictures that need editing.

(define (do-many dir) (let* ((files-list (car (cdr (file-glob dir 0)))) (do-one (lambda (f) (gimp-color-balance)))) (plug-in-color-enhance RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable) (plug-in-unsharp-mask RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable 5.0 0.5 0) (map do-one files-list)))

Now i tried this in the console but the script stops no matter what part i try to fix.

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GIMP :: Combine Color Photo Frame With Black And White Image

Sep 9, 2012

I am currently trying to combine a color photo frame with a black and white image, but every time I open the frame in "open as layers" the frame turns to black and white as well as the photo. I have no problem when using color photos. Is there a way that I can do this so that my photo frame remains it's original color with the black and white photo inside.

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GIMP :: Change Background Of Logo From Off-white To White?

Nov 7, 2011

I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?

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Photoshop :: Can't Get White Color To Stay White...

Jul 3, 2009

I installed Photoshop CS4 and am using a Samsung flat panel monitor. I do web design and print design. Here is the problem: Web design:Color profile is set to Monitor ColorProof color is set to Monito RGBProof Colors is checkedWhen I save image through Save For Web,

it looks fine in the preview box but in some browsers it has blue tint (even the white color now looks blue)I tried embedding the monitor coor profile into the exported JPEG and tried converting to sRGB and it always is a problem Print design:When I make a new CMYK document 300dpi the white now has a yellow tint.

I tried to paint the entire image white (and the foreground color is clearly white) then go with the eyedropper it says its fff6db (yellowish)Proof Color: working CMYKCMYK Color: US Web Coated (SWOP) v2Color Managment Policies are all off What I want is an explanation of how I can make sure that the colors are correct on my screen such that what I see on the monitor is exactly what everyone will see on their browsers.

And that there are no color shifts. I had version 6 at work and its fine, when I converted from RGB to CMYK the colors just got a little washed out but the whites remained white.

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Lightroom :: 3.4 - Making Color Photo Into Black And White With One Specific Area In Color

Nov 24, 2011

I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that?
Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Showing Creme Color Instead Of White Color

Nov 1, 2012

I have Photoshop cs5 . When I am trying to select white color from foreground / background color giving color code "ffffff" ,255,255,255 but showing creme color.

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Photoshop :: Color Picture To Color + Black And White

Dec 22, 2005

I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.

Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.

I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.

What I can do is
1) lasso the berries

2) inverse
what I can't figure out
1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this

3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.

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GIMP :: Tilting Image - Pixel Color Changes On Boundary With Background Color

Nov 13, 2012

I'm attempting to tilt this image for use in a game im writing. I've been using Map Object and rotation (Y) but this then causes pixel color changes on the boundary with the background color. How would I tilt this picture without getting the problem?

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GIMP :: How To See Color Palette To Change Foreground And Background Color

May 22, 2013

How I choose a color for any new objects I want to create. I've opened the toolbox with ctrl-b, which appears on the left side of the window. If I want to , for example, draw a red rectangle, I use the rectangular selection tool, then the bucket fill, and I don't see how to change the foreground color to red.

I've read elsewhere in the forum that there should be two rectangles somewhere on the screen that show foreground and background color, but I don't see them anywhere.

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GIMP :: How To Use MacBeth Color Chart To X-rite Color Checker

Dec 22, 2012

how to use a MacBeth color chart to the X-rite color checker in GIMP?

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GIMP :: Turn Color Photo To B&W With Spot Color?

May 27, 2011

So Ive learned how to turn a color photo to B&W with spot color to turn a color photo sepia, but also spot color. I have a wedding photos that I think would be a fun shot to play mixing those colors together . I have searched for the info earlier today and wasnt successful .

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GIMP :: Color Notation For Pencil Lead Color

Dec 3, 2012

I seem to cannot find NOTHING on Google, I need the color notation for the pencil lead color... a standard pencil lead color... what is the notation for that color!!!

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GIMP :: Getting Rid Of White Outline?

Nov 27, 2011

Is there anyway to turn the white outline around the crazy pony to black? The pixels aren't spaced together well enough to use the bucket thing...

Attached File(s) 00000000000000.png (153.06K)

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GIMP :: Getting Rid Of White Background

Mar 3, 2013

Created test image on a white background. Saved it as a png file. I go to Layer...Transparency....Add Alpha Channel.

I then click fuzzy select tool and click in the white area of the image then hit delete to remove the white background. When I re-save the image, I get the image on a checkered background.

Got the instructions from here: [URL] ........

Seems to work with downloaded/created by someone else images but not with images I create myself.

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Photoshop :: Black And White With Color

Jan 3, 2003

I tried to set a color photo over top of a black and white one to airbrush away enough to expose the backround (the grayscale pic) but when I tried to copy onto the first layer, it turned my color photo to grayscale. I tried this with the gray pic locked and unlocked. What did I do wrong, or can this even be done?

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Photoshop :: Black And White+Color

Mar 27, 2006

how i can take a picture and get especific objects and keep them in color and change the rest to black and white? Its one of those cool effects dont know if u guys seen it...thanks

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Photoshop :: All Black And White, But 1 Color

Oct 12, 2007

The question that i have is, how do you do the effect, or is it even an affect where the whole pic is black and white but there is 1 color that is not. like from the attached pic you can see that the red is showing. you can see some on my skin and some on that red tape thing in the background.

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Photoshop :: Color (Everything Black And White!)

May 4, 2009

try and open the hue and saturation, it wont allow me to.

When i import the image, it will show up in color, just how it was, but I cant mess with hue or saturation.

if i select a color to draw with, it will show up a shade of grey, white or black.

I may have accidently clicked something to cause this, but im not sure how to fix it

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Photoshop :: Black And White + One Other Color?

Nov 17, 2005

Without actually selecting and cropping the pieces out onto another layer that you want to keep the one single color,

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Photoshop :: From Black And White To Color.

Dec 23, 2005

OK So I’ve been looking and searching around this site to try to get to know it. I found so many things that I'll use!! One thing I found but couldn't get to much detail on is coloring a grayscale image.

How do you get the hair color? Do you really need to Zoom in and just go in to detail? I guess that's what make a great Artist..

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Photoshop :: Both Black & White, And Color

Aug 7, 2006

How do I make a black and white picture, but have the "subject" of the picture color?

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Photoshop :: Replace The White Color With Anything Else?

Jul 15, 2005

can i replace the white color with any thing else?

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