GIMP :: Data Overload - Locks Up

Jul 15, 2012

I'm adding edge wrap tabs to an octogon image and during the process I rotate the layer one edge at a time and on the first 2 or 3 edges my fairly new TOSHIBA lap-top processes the GIMP file reasonably quickly; by the 5th edge the system bogs down to get the message 'GIMP (not responding)' for many minutes or half hour. Like the computer CPU is clogged up with data? This is the only app. that I run during the session and I'm not on-line at that time. GIMP 2.8.

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GIMP :: Crashing On Tag Data Cache?

May 2, 2013

I just recently started to use Gimp on my HP, and it worked fine on Dell. When I moved my brushes over, it began to crash when it'd get to the Data load. I have over 1,300 brushes, some are ABR and most are GBR, but I separated those into folders in the Brush file.

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GIMP :: Embedded Non Graphic Data?

Nov 9, 2012

I have been told that some, many, or most cameras record non graphic data in the image file such as name of the camera owner, date of photograph, etc. or that other methods may have been used to record such data or edit it.

Is this true
Is it true of all image file formats
If it is true how does one view this data.
Is this data useful for copyright purposes

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GIMP :: How To Extract RGB Pixel Data From JPG

Dec 7, 2011

I am trying to take a jpg file of an image, and write each RGB pixel color's value into a 3 component integer vector corresponding to the RGB components of the color for that pixel. For each pixel in the jpg, I wish to write the corresponding 3 by 1 integer vector into a matrix after which I plan to do a SVD decomposition of the newly constructed matrix to do an image analysis.

Any plug-in that allows one to efficiently iterate through each pixel in a jpg, and convert the pixel data to a RGB integer vector, and say write to a file?

Specific Details: I am using gimp 2.6 as my image editor, and wish to collect all the RGB 3 by 1 integer vectors (where each 3 by 1 integer vector corresponds to RGB color of exactly one pixel in the jpg image) into a matrix of integer so that I can do a reduced SVD decomposition of that matrix to analyse the pixel data: I wish to compare two similar images by using the SVD decomposition of integer matrices corresponding to the two images saved as jpg files pic1.jpg and pic2.jpg.

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GIMP :: View EXIF Data In 2.6?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there a way to view EXIF data in Gimp 2.6? I tried using the plugin 'exif-browser.tar.gz' but it did not seem to work in 2.6.

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GIMP :: Coloring Layers Based On Data Set

Jun 20, 2011

I am hoping to utilize GIMP to map the results of a research project. Is it possible to color defined layers based on a data set? For example, is there a way to use GIMP features to edit an Adobe Illustrator editable map by importing an excel document containing two columns: one column containing the names of the defined layers and another column containing the color value in hex code. Based on this document, could I use GIMP to easily apply the colors to the layers?

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GIMP :: Reading Raw Image Data (not Camera RAW)

Nov 23, 2011

Is it possible to read raw image data into Gimp? By raw, I mean image data without a header or compression, i.e., RGB, 16-bit unsigned, or 32-bit floating point grayscale, etc.

I see "Raw image data" under "Open > Select File Type", but grayscale isn't listed. Is the only option? Are there any add-ons for grayscale?

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GIMP :: Unable To Read Tile Data From Disk

Apr 21, 2013

I am using GIMP 2.8.4, on a netbook running Windows 7 SE, with 1G RAM, and a 1.6GHz CPU.

Ever since I started to use GIMP 2.8.4, I get this "unable to read tile data from disk" prompt, and a tile in the picture is missing, frequently.

I attached a screen shot of the prompt.

Is this because of my hard-disk? or a known bug in GIMP 2.8?

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GIMP :: How To Get Listing Of Layers And Select Black FG Layer Data

Feb 9, 2013

I have a small image imported from a PDF 1.2 X 2 centered on a 8.5 X 11 inch White background.

I simply want to select the black portion of the image, copy - duplicate a set amount around the existing image.

I thought this would be select, copy paste, paste..... done, save. but no not that easy.

I assume I have 2 layers a FG and a BG layer. I believe that FG is Black ? I have tried rectangle select then paste but that is not working.

How do you get a listing of layers?

How do I just select the Black FG layer data?

How to I paste into a 3X3 array which is my ultimate goal:

X is the original image in Black:

C are to be copies of the X image:

I will attach the PDF image

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GIMP :: Loss Of Exit Data When Importing From External Editor

Sep 7, 2013

I noticed that importing files from external editor such as photivo or rawtherapee results in a loss/deletion of exif data...

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GIMP :: Copy Histogram Data From Red Channel Of Non-corrupt Portion Of Image?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a nice image that has lost the red channel histogram data for about half of the image. It can still be viewed, and the preview is correct.

Can I copy the histogram data from the red channel of the non-corrupt portion of the image? I know it's the red channel because when I open the color data from the corrupted portion the red channel is literally non-existant.

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Photoshop :: CC Locks Up On Loading?

Aug 12, 2013

cc locks up on loading

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Photoshop :: HDR Efex Pro Locks

Aug 6, 2012

Currently running Photoshop CS6 and a trial version of HDR Efex pro 2 downloaded from the official Nik website. The issue is simply this:
1. I click Merge multiple images or Merge to HDR Efex pro 2 in the file menu.
2. The program becomes unresponsive.
I can't select images, no box pops up for it. It just hangs..I can force quit with task manager and I can alt+tab to other windows, but the HDR efex 2 box and photoshop program can't be clicked, moved, or used at all. It is highly frustrating and I've reinstalled numerous times. I've also loaded up an old copy of CS5 that I had and the same thing happens.
I've recently reinstalled windows and previously CS 5 + HDR Efex worked fine, but since the reformat it now does this.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Locks Up When Go To Print

Nov 4, 2013

I have to task manger my way out i have updated PS the dialogue box does not come up.  it is PS not the printers.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Locks Up

Jan 20, 2013

I'm not good at PSP at all, and I know I am not using the most current version, but it seems to fit my need. I have been working on an invitation to party, and have saved it multiple times. I got it to look the way I wanted, exited the program, but this morning when I try to re-open it, the entire program locks up. It it saved in the PSP format. The thumbnail looks good, but for some reason I can't get the thing to open.

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Photoshop :: CS (ver 8) Locks Up At Start

Aug 26, 2008

Computer is about 6 month old running Vista. Installed and used program without a problem for last 6 months now it begins to load at the start up screen and then freezes. Task manager says "not responding." Re-booted several times however locks up at the same point near the end of the start-up screen load.

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Photoshop :: CS Locks Up On Dual G5

Jun 24, 2004

Not having any other issues with my new system other than Photoshop CS. This has happened four times now and the last time was a trip. Running CS on a Mac dual G5 with 1GB ram...working on two image files approximately 20MB each.

This happens when saving a file...the spinning rainbow wheel of death will just spin and spin and I can't get access to Photoshop again. Can't force it to quit and it will eventually lock up my system so bad that I have to use the manual shut down button on the front of the system.

Yesterday it did this and the spinning wheel came up and my monitor went to sleep! Could not wake it up, then the fans kicked into overdrive and they kept getting louder and louder like the processor was cranking away on something. I had to force the computer to shut down again.

Any ideas what's causing this? My RAM allocation is set to 50% in Photoshop, so it should not be a ram issue and there are NO other programs running.

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Photoshop :: Locks Up My Computer!

Jul 16, 2007

i do a couple of brushstrokes, especially with brushes larger than 50 pixels, the program locks up my computer. It worked just fine before, but then my video card broke, and i had to use my onboard card that takes 32 mb's out of the computer RAM. When i tried to use a friend's card, photoshop worked just fine! I've tried photoshop 6, 7, cs and cs3, none of them work, they all crash.

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Photoshop :: PS7 Locks Up While Loading

Feb 7, 2003

Problem just started. When I try to load PS7 it works fine until it gets to "sorting font list" then it locks up and won't load any further. I loaded PS6 just fine. I have both installed.

My OS is Win 98SE, 512 RAM. I have been having problems with motherboard and am running system in DOS. Need a new PCI card or motherboard. Could this be the problem? I have had the motherboard problem for about two weeks. But I have been running PS7 all day today several times without a hitch. I have not tried reinstalling yet. Wanted to check here first to see if problem has occured with someone before and they found solution.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Locks Opening CS6

Nov 21, 2013

From LR5.2 edit in Photoshop locks up LR and PS doesn't open. Only Task Manager frees up LR.This started happening out of the blue in the middle of a day working like this and not doing anything else.
It also happend six months ago with LR5.0. Then, it freed up when I removed a program I'd installed so assumed that was the cause. This time, I removed anything updated or installed in the past day but no effect. Also update ACR. No effect.
Searching this forum it appears similar problems go unresolved so particapants clearly give up and presumably the situation corrects itself ultimately. Or maybe it never does!! Who knows? Certainly not Adobe who never respond here. They shift responsibility to their customers to provide support for each other. Amazing cheek! Imagine if a motor company did that!! Oh, your car needs servicing, take it round to Joe Bloggs and leave it on his driveway...
I can't afford these hiccups and the lack of interest, concern or care from Adobe is galling. They are so big and ubiquitous that they feel they can ignore their customers. And they do and they get away with it.

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Photoshop :: Windows Locks Up Totally

Nov 19, 2013

I have been using Photoshop 7 for years on my Vista home premium laptop, with no problems. Now suddenly, today it has started crashing on startup and, worse, locking windows when it does so. I get a windows has stopped working error. I restart and if I try again with PS7 I get a similar result but now windows locks up totally and I have to push the power button to get out of it.

I have already tried uninstalling PS and reinstalling, but I get exactly the same effect.

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Photoshop :: Cursor Changes To Hand And Locks Up CS6?

Jun 29, 2013

I'm working along in PS CC (and this happened in CS6) and all is going fine.  Then for some unknown reason the cursor changes to a hand and none of the tools will work.  The only way to reset PS, is to restart the computer.  Just restarting PS won't work. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 Locks Up / When Open RAW File

Mar 3, 2013

CS6 locks up when I open a RAW file.  Doesn't matter how I open the file.  Other files open fine.  This just started happening and I haven't changed anything on my PC.  I'm running Windows 7 and have plenty of RAM. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Cursor Movement Locks?

Aug 2, 2013

I have just got CS6 and I am having problems with the brushes tool when drawing, moving a cursor values, moving images and so on. Although I am moving the brush, on screen it appears as if it wasn't moving at all, and the circle around the brush appear, as if the brush was stationary, and a line starts to appear around the brush cursor creating a circle, when this circle is complete, it bring the left-click menu (when using brush tool).

It's frustrating, becase a 5 min job ends up taking 20mins instead. I'm having to do really exaggerated cursor movements for the circle to not appear around the cursor and actually register movement, but by that point, the movement is so exaggerated that it messes up the drawing or piece I am working with..This didn't happen with CS3 when I was using it yesterday, but has been happening since the beginning with CS6.

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Photoshop :: Locks Up Once Image Is Opened

Jun 18, 2012

On OSX Lion. Just installed the Creative Suite (paid subscription).
I can launch Photoshop just fine, but when I open any image it locks indefinitely once I go to edit it. I've left it sitting for hours with no luck.
What's happening?

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VideoStudio :: X6 Locks Up When Click On Transition

Nov 9, 2013

I have Video Studio Ultimate X6. For some reason, when I click on a transition to drag it to the time line, the entire program locks up. Some times, I can drag 1 or 2 transitions without a problem - and on the third, it locks up. I have restarted the computer numerous times, and that doesn't solve the problem.

Running Windows 7, 64 bit, 8 gigs of ram, Intel Core i7.

The program seems to work perfectly other than this one issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: It Locks Up On Startup

May 23, 2012

At least once a day, upon starting up Inventor 2013, it locks up at the introduction display(with the progress bar). I just installed Inventor 2013. Inventor 2012 did not do this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Locks Up Between MS And PS

Nov 18, 2013

i've got a drawing that locks up when switching from model space to paper space, and i've determined it's the contours causing it. i guess during regen it can't work with the contours. if i freeze the contours it doesn't happen.

Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0

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Illustrator :: CS6 Locks Up When Choose File - New

Jun 8, 2012

I have Illustrator CS6 on a Mac OSX 10.7.4. Every time I choose File - New... or press 'cmd n' it locks up and I get the dreaded spinning ball cursor.
Opening a file by double clicking on an ai file in finder is fine.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Run Organizer (E11) - Locks Up

Oct 14, 2012

Just upgraded from Elements 5.0 to 11 and Organizer locks up. I can run the editor, what can I do?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Remove The Locks

Nov 29, 2012

I have edited photos and am unable to figure out how to remove the locks even though I have finished. They say work in progress. What do I do?

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