GIMP :: Creating A Service Ribbon / Medal

Nov 24, 2013

I would like to be able to create a service ribbon/medal, like the following, for my clan:


Not exactly like those, but somewhat like them. I don't know how to do it .

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Creating JPG File By Online Photo Processing Service

Oct 12, 2011

I have created an image using CorelDRAW X4 and "exported" it as JPG file. The JPG cannot be opened by Corel Paint Shop ProPhoto X2 or Corel MediaOne and when trying to upload it to an on-line photo processing service I receive an error message that the file type is not supported or cannot be used.

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Photoshop :: Making An Image Into Golden Medal

Sep 25, 2008

Im trying to turn some clipart I have into a golden medal (silver, bronze, etc) type of image.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Blurry Ribbon After Editing / Creating Multiline Text

Dec 7, 2011

I use Autcad Architecure 2010 on my computer.

After I created or made a multiline text, the ribbon in autocad is getting all blurry. None of the icons in the ribbon will work (see attached picture).

I always have to shut down Autocad and restart it to continue my work.

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Revit :: Creating Sweep - Ribbon Will Not Show Mode Options To Accept Or Discard Changes

Mar 14, 2012

Ribbon has been acting strange. One example is when creating a sweep the ribbon will not show the mode options to accept or discard changes while creating the sweep path. I have to cycle the ribbon display options to show the X and check options to complete the sweep path. This is only one example of many different odd things happening.

Sometimes when I am simply drawing model lines the selection options for rectangle, circle etc do not appear until I cycle the ribbon display options. This only started in the last week or two.
Windows 7

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GIMP :: Replicate Military Ribbon Textile Effect?

Jun 21, 2013

I can't seem to find how the original creator made this effect and he isn't around anymore. As you can see, the horizontal lines make the image appear as a ribbon and I just can't get the same effect.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Customize Ribbon Panel In Ribbon Tab

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to customize Autocad 2012 ribbon tab. I can't seem to find how to mimic the small arrow that appears in several of the standard menus. For example, in the 3D Solids - Home Tab, the second panel from the left is "3D Solids Home - Mesh" It has a small arrow in the corner that opens up a preferences dialogue box.

How can I add that arrow to a custom panel with that little arrow so that I can add my command to it?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Where Are Bits Of Ribbon API To Add Slide Out To Ribbon Panel

Jan 24, 2013

Where are the bits of the Ribbon API to add a slide out to a ribbon panel?

Autodesk.Windows.RibbonControl ribbonControl = Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.Ribbon; RibbonTab Tab = new RibbonTab(); ribbonControl.Tabs.Add(Tab); // create Ribbon panels Autodesk.Windows.RibbonPanelSource panel1Panel = new RibbonPanelSource(); panel1Panel.Title = "Panel1"; RibbonPanel Panel1 = new RibbonPanel(); Panel1.Source = panel1Panel; Tab.Panels.Add(Panel1);
I saw some source that hinted you could use panel1Panel.AddSlideout() but in the search I do not see any Ribbon API that allows for any slideout functionality?Do you *have* to use the CUI API for this?

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GIMP :: Creating The Relief Map

Dec 16, 2012

which is the equivalent process or command in GIMP for the section "Creating the relief map" in that tutorial: [URL]

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GIMP :: Creating Of Metal Textures?

Oct 17, 2012

I am working on a 3D object (a bus) and want to add a deep metal color on it! I don't know how to make a texture so I get that nice metal color! I am going to paint the bus red and some other color but I get lost in all effects etc!I How I continue after adding a red color on the texture so I get it to look like a nice deep metal color!

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GIMP :: Creating Preview Message

Oct 7, 2012

When I start the Open Image process in the Windows version of GIMP and move to a directory and select an image file, I get the message "Creating Preview", which briefly changes to "Preview is out of date". This takes a long tim and may never end, depending on the directory and file I choose. What is going on? Is GIMP creating a preview image of every graphic file in the directory? If so, can I set a low resolution somewhere in the program to reduce the time spent doing this. In some cases I can't see the image after I open the file, but that may be a different problem (feature?) of the program.

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GIMP :: Creating Highlighter Pen Effect?

Sep 17, 2012

Stage 1: I wish to mark up an existing image with transparent, highlighter-like markings. I've come close with paths, stroking with brush, and applying a gradient map (with alpha adjustment), but I would like to get the density of the coloring to vary and I haven't been able to find a combination of brush and gradient adjustment that will accomplish this in a visible way. Specifically, I would like the center of the broad line more transparent and the edges less so.

Am I using the best approach?

Stage 2: Carrying Stage 1 a bit further, I would like the edges of the broad line to be discontinuously more intense than the center, so that they appear as edges. This seems like a gradient map function on the line left by the brush (standard fuzzy, (19)(21x21)) but again, I haven't found a gradient that will do it. I've tried splitting the map, etc, but I may just lack the experience. Or this might be the wrong approach altogether.

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GIMP :: Creating Watermarks For Video

Oct 17, 2011

I've been trying to create text logos to be used as water marks for videos. Making the the text images is quite easy and the options under "create logo" are great. The problem is I don't know how to isolate just the text. Is there an easy way to do this? I was told to save files as "GIFS" to place on videos.

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GIMP :: Creating Displacement Map From Texture

Feb 16, 2013

I am trying to create a displacement map from a texture, and am not sure how to go about it. If you look at the attachments you can see what I am trying to accomplish. What I have done so far is:

Desat by Lumin
Motion Blur -> Linear
Length 10

Then I think I need to color by apparent depth.. which I am not sure how to do?

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GIMP :: Selection After Creating Text?

Jul 29, 2013

I add text to an image using the text tool, after which the "active selection" (is that the right name?) is a rectangle around the text so that any edit I make will only be applied to this text.

That's fine, but what I can't seem to do is to get the "active selection" back to the whole image. If I use the rectangle selection tool, the selection appears but the selection around the text is still there and moreover, any edit I make will still only be made to the small box around the text.

I end up saving the image, closing, and reopening to continue working.

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GIMP :: Creating Rounded Border

Aug 18, 2012

I am trying to create a runded border to make signs like the 'Give Way' sign but I don't know where to start with it, I want to make a four sided sign and not three, which I guess will make it a lot easier, how to make a three sided one.

Attached File(s) Give Way.jpg (4.46K)

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GIMP :: Creating Animated GIF Image

Aug 30, 2013

I don't even have any single experience in editing images but I can do simple image manipulation like cropping.So what should I do to learn Gimp quickly?

And I am in an urge to create an animated .gif image like the one in the attachment. I have to post to my blog to illustrate a process. So how to create an image like that?

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GIMP :: Creating 3D Text (2012)

Aug 22, 2012

How do you make your text 3D?  As in, instead of flat it has a 3D cube look or round or something like that?  I looked at the text portion of the user manual and didn't see anything about that.

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GIMP :: Creating Brush Of A Bubble

Jan 3, 2014

I am trying to create a brush of a bubble. The end result I want is a colored bubble with a white shine like in this tutorial [URL]...... I am trying to make it into a brush so that I can replicate it easily and add an overlay to make the color.

I am having difficulty getting color in the middle and white as the edge/shine. I keep getting color as the shine and white in the middle. I suppose I am doing something wrong with the choice of white, black, gray, and alpha while making the brush.

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Photoshop :: WIA Service For PS:CS

Aug 1, 2004

Is anyone here good at understanding Windows XP Services. I've had a problem with PC:CS which I'm troubleshooting right now, and I THINK it has to do (in part) with the fact that my Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Service is stuck at STARTING.

(I do not get FILE > IMPORT options) and many of my FILE > AUTOMATE selections are gone (not grayed out, gone!).

If I can get this service to run, maybe it'll fix it. I don't know why, but even after purchasing the PS:CS upgrade, Adobe says I don't qualify for any tech support for the product.

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3ds Max :: Run It From A Windows Service?

Mar 21, 2012

I wrote a max script that renders png files from AutoCAD dwg files.

I wrote a test.exe application that launches MAX. When MAX launches the above mentioned max script runs and creates png files from the latest dwg files in a folder.

Next, I wrote a windows service to launch MAX every 15 minutes to do the same as above.

Problem... when the windows service launches MAX I can see 3dsmax.exe in the windows processes running but max just sits there. Nothing hapens. No cpu usage.

Is it possible to launch and run MAX from a windows servce?

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GIMP :: Creating Semi Transparent Text

Jun 18, 2012

How do I get started creating semi-transparent text? What I am looking for is text which you can "see through" the reduced color (not text which is bordered and otherwise entirely "see through".

I have got as far as creating some text in a document.

I looked on Google and it pointed me at the Layers menu and then "opacity" which I don't have on 2.8, so I guessed "transparency". It won't let me "Add alpha channel" (which I thought I had to do) so I made the text colored (which I want in the end anyway) and tried "Color to Alpha" but no matter what I do I can't change it in any way with the dialog boxes that open. Which Means I may be chasing the wrong dialog box anyway, but although the labels are very good, the terminology means nothing to me.

In the end I want to be able to create a series of short phrases and have them overlapping in a text design, being able to "see through" the overlap to some degree.

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GIMP :: Creating 300dpi Image From 70dpi

Apr 4, 2011

Have a question regarding the preparation of a TIFF image for printing. I would like to take the image and use it as the background for a printed flyer I want to mass-produce.

Currently the properties of the image are:

pixel dimensions: 1600 × 790 pixels
print size: 564.44 × 278.69 millimetres
resolution: 72 x 72 ppi
colour space: RGB Colour
file size: 3.8MB
file type: TIFF
size in memory: 13.2 MB
number of pixels: 1264000
number of layers: 1

I have been told I need to provide an image at least 300 x 300 dpi in order for it to be printed at a decent resolution.

My flyer is going to be around 100mm x 200mm and will be printed on both sides. I will be placing text over the image too. I have the text ready so I just need to work out how to get the background image ready.

My question is, how do I get the image into a format which is acceptable for printing?

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GIMP :: Creating Great Looking Game Textures

Dec 12, 2013

How to make textures look great around the edges and blend nicely with the background.

Here's a sample of my problem, here's how the texture starts to look:

Here's it is rendered against a smoky light colored backdrop:

Here's how I want it to look, the edges are so nice!:

Here's the above ball zoomed in:

I can add shading in the .png file but then I can't render it properly as the shaded geometry messes up when I created the transparent background.

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GIMP :: Creating Alternating Color Stripes

Sep 3, 2013

I'm trying to create a test font where the font changes to an opposite color than the stripe running 'through' it. Problem is I don't know if there is a specific name for this style, so all my searches have failed. I have attached a sample image and will explain.

The image has a phone cover with alternating red/blue stripes. There is a white cursive script font running vertical but the script is white. What I would like to try and do is make the script red where the stripe is blue and blue where the stripe is red. In effect, the font become a negative of the color it touches.

DragonDonAttached File(s) navy_blue_red_stripes_monogram_apple_iphone_5_case-r27cb9d407b154af8a8e50cc5bccc8936_80cs8_8byvr_512.jpg (28.51K)
Number of downloads: 5

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GIMP :: Creating Galaxy Background For Photo?

Aug 27, 2012

i am interested doing a galaxy background for one of my photos. i don'y know how to create another backorund for my pic but and i was wondering how to, and also i am wondering if it is possible to make is so like you can't see anything from the original background. This is the galaxy background i would like to use

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GIMP :: Creating Transparent WaterMark (2013)

Apr 14, 2013

I would like to add a hidden watermark to my photos, but not sure how to do so. I did find a tutorial of how to make the watermark in GIMP, but it was written using an old version of GIMP. I have the current 2.8 version.

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GIMP :: Creating Groups Or Layer Sets

Jan 1, 2012

I use adobe photoshop quite often and one thing that has always been a valuable tool is the ability to create a group or a layer set. Is this possible in GIMP or would I have to obtain a plugin to do this.

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GIMP :: How To Curve Text Via Creating Path

May 30, 2013

I have been working on a project in which I need to curve text. I know how to curve the text via creating a path, path to text, etc. This issue that I am having is that the bottom of the text is distorted. By distorted, I mean the bottom of the text becomes thin and it looks bad.

Here is an example of the issue that I am dealing with (if it shows up).

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GIMP :: Creating Background That Looks Like Old Faded Paper?

Dec 11, 2013

creating a background that looks like old faded paper.

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Photoshop :: CS3 And XP Service Pack 3

Sep 2, 2008

After installing SP3 for XP I encountered problems while opening files in Photoshop. It takes 10x times more to open GIF, JPEG, PNG and PSD files than before. While it opens, Photoshop seems to freeze and it takes up to 20 seconds until a 10x10 pixel file or a 10MB PSD file is opened. So size doesn't matter.

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