GIMP :: Brush Settings For Digital Lineart

Oct 7, 2012

Is there any hint that GimP brush can behave like this: (for digital lineart purpose)

At the left I manually draw the line by using GimP, and at the right is MyPaint ramon/delayed ink/brush, but the problem is this ramon/delayed brush in MyPaint (for me) is too responsive.

I know Photoshop brush could do like this, but I don't use PhotoShop again after using GimP and never look back. =)

I have both GimPainter and Gimp 2.8 . I've try the Ink tool on both GimP, but it isn't what I wanted... I want Gimp Brush to behave like this.

I could paint this [URL]......using GimPainter, but I am suck at making digital lineart... (+_-)

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GIMP :: Coloring The Lineart

Feb 22, 2012

I'd love to color linearts with GIMP. But I have few problems. Actually only one. First my problem was that I was only allowed to use black/grey colors (so gotta change the photo as a RGB mode). Now I have new problem. You see, I've made few layers (layers for background, lineart, colors..) but when I'm trying to color the lineart (and I'm "in color layer") any of that color isn't showing?

I made the color layer as transparent. I don't know is the "lineart layer" transparent, but haven't seen a button where I could change its mode.

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GIMP :: Different Brush Settings For Different Tools

Jan 8, 2013

I'm just beginning to use Gimp with my Thinkpad x230. It's got a pressure sensitive stylus with eraser to use on the screen, and in ubuntu it's basically an on-screen wacom.

One of the greatest things about this is that I can use Gimp like a souped up sketchpad, I can automatically change tools to eraser whenever I spin the pen around.

The only problem is that whenever I change the brush size for the pencil, then move over to eraser, Gimp uses the brush size I selected for the pencil for the eraser tool. This is super annoying in practice. Is there a way for Gimp to memorize which brush size I want for a given tool?

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GIMP :: Unable To Change Settings For Any Brush

Jun 10, 2012

I am unable to change the settings for any brush because they are all grayed out. It's like this for my custom brushes, too.

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GIMP :: Brush Settings For Photoshop Brushes?

Oct 7, 2013

A few months ago, I bought a book that had some Photoshop brushes on its CD. Inside the book, each brush had some vallues written under description, for Painter and Photoshop. I have heard that Gimp can import Photoshop brushes but are the settings equivalent to the pnes in Photoshop? Here are some examples of what I mean:

Brodery - Opacity: 70-100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: 0%
Min diameter: 0


Canopy- Opacity: 100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: off
Angle Jitter: 0%
Jitter: 73%
Roundness: 62%
Texture: Wrinkles
Scale: 45%
Texture Each
Tip: On
Mode: Multiply
Depht: 100%
Depht Jitter: off
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: Both
axes: 0%
Count: 1
Other Dynamics:
Opacity Jitter: 0%
Flow jitter: 0%

Could all these settings be done in Gimp? Are they equivalent? How to use them?

Dual Brush:
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: both

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GIMP :: Best Way To Retain Line Quality When Altering Lineart Colors?

Jun 11, 2013

Is there a way to change the color of a line without losing any of its sharpness/quality? I'm working on a black lineart image originally drawn with a tablet and the ink tool, which gave me really crisp, bold lines. Changing the color using any of the selection and fill tools results in a pretty strong downgrade in quality around the edges, which I would like to avoid. (Seriously, it's looking like I drew it in MSPaint at this point.) ? Or should I have planned out colors from the start?

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Photoshop :: When Change Brush Setting For 1 Brush It Changes Settings For All Brushes

Apr 13, 2013

There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings.  Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s.  I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it?  Seems to me it should be the other way around?

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GIMP :: Converting All Of Photographs Into Digital?

Jan 16, 2014

I'm converting all of my photographs into digital. I don't want to do them one at a time since my scanner takes so long to scan, so I'm scanning four or five at a time. I want to cut the resulting image into individual photographs. Is there an easy way to do that? Attached is an example of the bulk photo scan.

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GIMP :: Make Mandalas From Digital Photographs

Dec 8, 2011

I am new to gimp and want to use it mostly to make mandalas from digital photographs. I found a tutorial online for making mandalas in photoshop and though it seems to be transferable to gimp for the most part, I am having some difficulty actually recreating the example. URL....

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GIMP :: How To Get Digital Images In TIFF Or PDF Format

Nov 29, 2012

I like to repair books with missing pages. Often I can get digital images in tiff or PDF format, but they are often 'dirty', like the one attached. This one seems a good example of the sort of thing I would need to work on.

I need to reconstruct the image, which I think would mean:
i) getting an image that is complete and rectangular with a bleed out of in the same colour.
ii) remove blemishes like library marks, names etc.
iii) reconstruct the decayed text as sensitively as possible.

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GIMP :: Set Brush Size For Paint Brush And Eraser Separately?

Jul 5, 2012

I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.

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Photoshop :: Lineart Looks Pixelated

Aug 29, 2013

I've been using Photoshop CS5 for years now and never had any trouble with my lineart. I use an Intuos 4 tablet. This is what my lines used to look like last time I used Photoshop. Always on a 1 px round brush with the following settings:

Now, all of a sudden, my lineart looks pixelated. I am using the exact same settings and even tried updating my drivers, it has not been fixed. It's causing me insane amounts of stress since this is what I do for a living and the decrease in lineart quality is really taking a hit on my work.This is what they look like now..

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GIMP :: Create 16 Bits Test Pattern To Be Used In Digital Cinema

Feb 16, 2013

I need to create a 16 bits test pattern to be used in Digital Cinema. I have downloaded Gimp 2.9 beta that I understand can handle 16bits pictures.

It's a simple test chart, I need to select some colors when drawing white and Red Green Blue shapes. However when I try to select a color, I cannot select anything more than 255.

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Photoshop :: Brush Settings

Feb 24, 2004

what do "lock brush tip" in brush settings in photoshop cs

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Photoshop :: CS6 - How To Export Brush With All Its Settings

Nov 4, 2012

I can export a brush to an .abr file but it doesn't keep its settings like Shape Dymanics, Color Dynamics or Scattering?How do I do this? I'm using CS6.

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Photoshop :: Custom Brush Settings

Nov 2, 2007

I have a line path and I want to apply a brush stroke to it. I know how to do this and i was wondering if there is a way to apply a gradient colour to the stroke at the same time. it is a curved line so a gradient mask doesn't achieve what I need. i want the line to consistently change colour as you go along it even round curves.

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Photoshop :: Brush Lag - OpenGL Settings

Jan 11, 2009

For anyone having horrible Brush lag, please try the following settings and report your findings in this thread.

After much configuring and comparing CS4 vs CS3, I found that these settings do improve CS4's brush lag significantly. CS3 is still faster, but these settings made CS4 brush strokes a lot more responsive.

NOTE: these do not improve clone tool performance, the best way to improve clone performance right now seems to be to turn off the clone tools overlay feature.

Perhaps Adam or Chris from Adobe could explain what is happening here. The most significant option that improved performance appears to be the "Use for Image Display - OFF". I have no idea what this feature does or does not do but it does seem to be the biggest performance hit. The next most influential setting seems to be "3D Interaction Acceleration - OFF"

Set the following settings in Photoshop CS4 Preferences:

OpenGL - ON

Vsync - OFF

3D Interaction Acceleration - OFF

Force Bilinear Interpolation - OFF

Advanced Drawing - ON

Use for Image Display - OFF

Color Matching - ON

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Illustrator :: Retaining Brush Settings

Jul 4, 2013

I am currently having a big problem with Brush Settings in Illustrator. It was working perfectly fine until the other day so I am worried I have clicked a button incorrectly.When I try and draw a line using the brush tool (and my tablet) I change the settings to, for example, Calligraphic 7pt Black with no stroke.
As soon as I draw it sets itself to No Fill and creates a Stroke instead, which doesn't show the pressure sensitivity I use with my tablet. why it started doing this as it worked fine a few days ago but it is vital to my job, the "New Art Has Basic Appearance" box is unchecked.

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Photoshop :: Brush - Create Different Tool Settings?

May 18, 2013

I am thinking of a good way to organize my brushes. Now they are all in the settings window, in a row.I would liket to oganise them in folders, like they where in different boxes.

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Photoshop :: Why Doesn't CS5 Load Brush Settings

Feb 6, 2013

I'm having a difficult time figuring out why my PS CS5 is not loading my brushes properly.
I see the brushes however Photoshop does not load their settings. They all are flate and hard.
All my brushes before in PS CS2 worked properly so I don't understand why CS5 is not. And I have loaded CS5 brushes and still does not read their settings.
Do I have to do something first before loading the brushes?

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Photoshop :: Changing Brush Settings Fast

Feb 15, 2013

How to control the angle and roundness without having to constantly do it within the panel.

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Photoshop :: Maximizing Scattering [Brush Settings]

Jan 30, 2008

When I use the brush tool with scattering set to maximum, the range of scattering is still pretty narrow. I mean, it could be set to 1000% scattered, and the points I draw will still only be with a few pixels from my cursor (about 20 pixels or so). Is there a way to set scattering even more than this?

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Xara :: Colour Settings On Custom Brush?

Aug 28, 2012

What I am trying to do is to have a flat vector brush in black that I can change to whatever colour I want later just be selecting the colour from the colour bar while I am working.

So. When I edit the brush I go to the fill Properties tab and select 'Local colours replace - all brush colours' and save. The trouble is that it does not seem to save this setting. When I edit the brush again it reverts to 'local colours replace - named colours' I get the same problem if I 'save as new'.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Settings For Blob Brush?

Aug 10, 2013

i need to draw with different sizes and different tablet pen response settings, sometimes very large others smaller others very small. Is there the possibility to keep all the different settings as like different brushes or styles? or is there an other way to avoid me to go to the the blob brush setting windows each time i need to replace the old settings?

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Illustrator :: Why Does Brush Keep Resetting Itself To Original Settings

Sep 29, 2013

i click on the brush and change its color and or size then, when I go to paint it goes back to previous settings.   (after that I can change its setting and it will work, but I always have to make a mark with the settings I don't want before I can change it to desired settings)

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Photoshop Elements :: Brush Tool Settings

Jul 26, 2013

I accidently switched my brush tool settings. I now have this smart detailed brush tool setting that appears to be photo editing oriented. How can i reset to default where I can simply choose brush types, diameter, etc.

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Illustrator :: Fill A Lineart Graphic Based On Its Outline

May 21, 2012

i can find no way of doing this short of taking the pen tool and connecting all the points to get an overall shape.this gets even harder because a lot of the desks have round parts on their outline.

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Photoshop :: Paint Brush Settings When Using Blur Mask

Sep 15, 2012

I'm learning how to use a Gaussian blur mask to airbrush portraits, but one issue I keep running into is that whenever I paint close to a colour other than skin (e.g., glasses, hair, shirt) then the paintbrush picks up that colour and paints it on the skin. Even when I try a very small diameter of brush or increase the hardness to 100%, it still shows up. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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Photoshop :: Brush Settings For Making Abstract Images?

Apr 24, 2011

I followed a tutorial on how to make abstract images using abstract brushes. One of the attachments is from the tutorial. The other is my result.(you will know which is whose; I used the same brush)

There must be some brush settings I need to adjust, but the tutorial doesn't say anything about them. What am I doing wrong here?(messing with shape dynamics and scattering produced a better result, but it was too bright and still looked terrible.)

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Lightroom :: Move Brush Adjustment - Copy Settings

Aug 19, 2013

For example you take 2 shots of a model, but with slightly different position, it sucks having to redraw a whole new brush on the next photo. Would be great to be able to sync then just drag the brush pin into place. Like how you can with the radial fand ND filter. And it would be awesome to be able to copy the settings of one, and the paste them onto another pin on another area or another photo.Right now its so time consuming having to sync brush adjustments, erase them, then repaint where I want the same settings applied to a different part of another picture.
Second, need to be able to select multiple or all pins, to be able to move them at the same time. Same for for the ND, radial, spot healing pins.
Third, we need to be able to copy brush settings via right clicking the pin, as well as maybe in the brush panel at the top so its something like like:
Mask: New | Edit | Copy | Paste

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Photoshop :: Turning A Photo Into Smooth Lineart For Cell Shading

Oct 23, 2007

trying to get a good smooth lineart output from Photoshop. As a picture says a thousand words let me explain.

Original Image

Now befunky is an online image app that creates cell shaded images for you, but at low res. It outputs a line art sketch like this.

Befunky Output

The closest I can get in Photoshop using a combination of Smart Blur and Gaussian Blur is this.


As you can see I'm not quite getting the smooth lines that Befunky seems to draw.

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