GIMP :: Coloring The Lineart

Feb 22, 2012

I'd love to color linearts with GIMP. But I have few problems. Actually only one. First my problem was that I was only allowed to use black/grey colors (so gotta change the photo as a RGB mode). Now I have new problem. You see, I've made few layers (layers for background, lineart, colors..) but when I'm trying to color the lineart (and I'm "in color layer") any of that color isn't showing?

I made the color layer as transparent. I don't know is the "lineart layer" transparent, but haven't seen a button where I could change its mode.

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GIMP :: Brush Settings For Digital Lineart

Oct 7, 2012

Is there any hint that GimP brush can behave like this: (for digital lineart purpose)

At the left I manually draw the line by using GimP, and at the right is MyPaint ramon/delayed ink/brush, but the problem is this ramon/delayed brush in MyPaint (for me) is too responsive.

I know Photoshop brush could do like this, but I don't use PhotoShop again after using GimP and never look back. =)

I have both GimPainter and Gimp 2.8 . I've try the Ink tool on both GimP, but it isn't what I wanted... I want Gimp Brush to behave like this.

I could paint this [URL]......using GimPainter, but I am suck at making digital lineart... (+_-)

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GIMP :: Best Way To Retain Line Quality When Altering Lineart Colors?

Jun 11, 2013

Is there a way to change the color of a line without losing any of its sharpness/quality? I'm working on a black lineart image originally drawn with a tablet and the ink tool, which gave me really crisp, bold lines. Changing the color using any of the selection and fill tools results in a pretty strong downgrade in quality around the edges, which I would like to avoid. (Seriously, it's looking like I drew it in MSPaint at this point.) ? Or should I have planned out colors from the start?

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GIMP :: Coloring With The Eraser?

Jan 21, 2014

I just watched about coloring black and white photos had me using the eraser to add the color, he didn't explain why and I now need to know how to erase something if I don't like it.

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GIMP :: Coloring In Scanned Pages?

Mar 24, 2013

I'm trying to get myself a little better with digital art, but still not too comfortable with the idea of doing the initial drawing without pen and paper. The only downside is that I can't really get those crisp colors with just pencil colors.

how do I go about setting things up to where I can color in a scanned, non-colored inked page, but without worrying about overlapping my inks and making it look messy in general. I imagine it would have something to do with copying and pasting new layers, but I just can't get a handle on what I'm supposed to do. I also know about messing with opacity to let outlines show through, but there's still the issue of color dulling the black when it overlaps.

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GIMP :: Changes To Coloring Don't Show On Print

Jul 5, 2013

The changes are quite evident on the screen but not at all on paper. I've flattened and saved the image as jpg before printing. Image is 300ppi. 4in x 6in.

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GIMP :: Coloring B&W Image With Gradient Colors?

Jan 20, 2013

I'm designing a banner for my gaming guild's forums. I have draw the logo/banner and textured it. After Desaturating the image im left with a nice B&W image.

I know of many ways to color the image but everytime that I do the color doesn't match the other colors we have on the forums.

What I want to do is color the image according to a color gradient that we use on the forums.

I would like to have the whitest pixels of the banner be the lightest color from the gradient(#c0a864) and the darkest pixels of the banner be the darkest color from the gradient(#917341). And have GIMP interpolate between those two colors for the other pixels in between the lighest/darkest.

Similar to how a Bumpmap works, only instead of simulating depth based on the range of colors from Black to White, I want it to colorize the banner.

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GIMP :: Coloring Layers Based On Data Set

Jun 20, 2011

I am hoping to utilize GIMP to map the results of a research project. Is it possible to color defined layers based on a data set? For example, is there a way to use GIMP features to edit an Adobe Illustrator editable map by importing an excel document containing two columns: one column containing the names of the defined layers and another column containing the color value in hex code. Based on this document, could I use GIMP to easily apply the colors to the layers?

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GIMP :: Coloring Line Art Keeping The Lines

Jul 26, 2013

My main art is drawing my own line arts the coloring them on gimp. I've successfully done it a few times and now haven't used gimp in a year. I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right, but my transparent top layer over the original is not staying transparent when I try to color. I want the lines from the original to stay but it looks neater when I layer to color. Why is the top layer not staying transparent like I've had it before?

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GIMP :: Invert Channel - Coloring Line Art

Feb 15, 2012

I don't do a lot of digital coloring or painting but when I do it's very comic book style. I have a method I use (you hay have seen it at

This is how it works. Get some good clean line art in RGB mode.

In Channels, duplicate the blue layer and INVERT it.

Go back to the Layer fill the whole image with white. Then create two new layers above the background layer.

On the top layer, go to Select and pick Load Selection. Pick Blue Copy. You see the marching ants.

Fill this selection with black. Now you have a layer of your line art, a middle layer on which you can color without messing them up, and then a background.

I haven't been able to do this in Gimp. I'm willing to learn a new coloring method but I really like this one. It's easy and fast and really allows for a lot of customization. You can color the lines, do masks, etc.

My problem is the part about INVERTING the channel.

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GIMP :: Coloring Book App - Make Image Fillable

May 10, 2013

New to GIMP! How to make an image ready for like a bucket or fill function. I am making a coloring book app so, I needed to make my images transparent PNG's so that the fill and drawing function are usable on them. I have made it transparent and added an alpha channel so I am able to draw on it, but fill it not so much.

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GIMP :: Convert Photo To Line Art (coloring Book)

Mar 19, 2011

How to do this? convert photo to line art (coloring book)

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Photoshop :: Lineart Looks Pixelated

Aug 29, 2013

I've been using Photoshop CS5 for years now and never had any trouble with my lineart. I use an Intuos 4 tablet. This is what my lines used to look like last time I used Photoshop. Always on a 1 px round brush with the following settings:

Now, all of a sudden, my lineart looks pixelated. I am using the exact same settings and even tried updating my drivers, it has not been fixed. It's causing me insane amounts of stress since this is what I do for a living and the decrease in lineart quality is really taking a hit on my work.This is what they look like now..

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Illustrator :: Fill A Lineart Graphic Based On Its Outline

May 21, 2012

i can find no way of doing this short of taking the pen tool and connecting all the points to get an overall shape.this gets even harder because a lot of the desks have round parts on their outline.

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GIMP :: Coloring Outline Drawing And Removing The Outline?

Jan 10, 2013

I have a black-and-white outline drawing that I want to color in using the "Bucket Fill" tool. There are two things I'd like to do to make it easier:

1. Is there a way to prevent Bucket Fill from leaking through small gaps in the drawing? Usually what happens is, I fill in one region, and then suddenly a much larger region gets filled in. I then have to examine the borders of the region for a small opening, close the gap with black, and then try again. Is there a feature that lets me say e.g. "Don't fill through gaps less than 4 pixels wide"?

2. Once I'm done coloring, I want to remove the black outline to make a more realistic, less cartoony image. However, it's tedious to go and paint over every segment of the outline with the color of its adjoining regions. What I want to do is essentially: Replace every black pixel in the image with the color of the closest non-black pixel. Is there a feature that does this?

Also, if there are third-party plugins that do these things, that would work just as well.

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Photoshop :: Turning A Photo Into Smooth Lineart For Cell Shading

Oct 23, 2007

trying to get a good smooth lineart output from Photoshop. As a picture says a thousand words let me explain.

Original Image

Now befunky is an online image app that creates cell shaded images for you, but at low res. It outputs a line art sketch like this.

Befunky Output

The closest I can get in Photoshop using a combination of Smart Blur and Gaussian Blur is this.


As you can see I'm not quite getting the smooth lines that Befunky seems to draw.

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Paint.NET :: Colouring In Pencil Sketch - Alpha Mask / Isolate Lineart

Jul 16, 2011

I need a tutoral for colouring in my pencil sketch, and I've already used Alpha Mask/Isolate Lineart on it. The problem is I don't know how to colour it in. I googled, but the results are pretty much all about Photoshop..

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Photoshop :: Coloring A Car In

Jul 4, 2006

how do I make this car purple instead of yellow and only changing the yellow nothe entire picture?

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Photoshop :: Coloring In

Feb 17, 2009

I made a simple drawing in adobe flash.

its suposed to be tux xD

Now I want to color it in like the original tux, you know? that glassy look.

I want to do it in photoshop, but I cant figure it out how to color it correctly.
Also if I export it out of flash as an .png and import it into photoshop the quality is all f*cked up...

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Photoshop :: Text Coloring

Oct 23, 2003

I've got a black and white photo and a paragraph of text in a layer over the photo.
The text is currently black, but of course when it hits the sections of the photo that are black, you can't see the text. So, I need to get the text to switch to being white at those point. I know I could probably just go in a change it at the proper points, but I don't wanna do that! It's a lot of text and it's a script font so parts of the letter fall at different points in the picture. We thought using the exclusion layer style would work, but it doesn't. Anybody have any suggestions?

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Photoshop :: Coloring Text

Aug 21, 2005

can someone tell me why i cant change the text color to anything other than black?

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Photoshop :: Text Coloring

Oct 23, 2003

I've got a black and white photo and a paragraph of text in a layer over the photo.

The text is currently black, but of course when it hits the sections of the photo that are black, you can't see the text. So, I need to get the text to switch to being white at those point. I know I could probably just go in a change it at the proper points, but I don't wanna do that! It's a lot of text and it's a script font so parts of the letter fall at different points in the picture. We thought using the exclusion layer style would work, but it doesn't.

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Photoshop :: Re-Coloring Method

Jun 10, 2004

IS it possible to re-color a photo so it is completely in one colour, but exhibiting different shades to show the definitions? e.g. pop-art style.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Line Art

Feb 21, 2004

how to color line art. I will be coloring in different channels so i can separate the colors.

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Photoshop :: Metalic Coloring

Dec 5, 2003

can I change any thing to metalic coloring?

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Photoshop :: Coloring Clouds Like This?

Apr 18, 2007

how this person colored the clouds on this images. I tried but mine comes out either too strong or weak, can't get the midtones just right.

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Photoshop :: Coloring A Sketch

Jan 10, 2006

used various tehniques for doing her colouring, the main one being builing up colour with the air brush using separate layers for each colour. Using this method, she is doing all her highlights and shading using additional airbrushed layers with lighter of darker shades as necessary. Whilst this produces some great results, things always tend to look a little airbrushed and soft.

how can produce textures such as cloths etc?

I have tried using the texturiser etc but they don't look any good cos the textures are uniform and don't follow the shape of the image.

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Photoshop :: Coloring A Layer

Apr 18, 2006

I open a photo with Photoshop and then added a New Fill Layer. I want to put a colored layer over my picture and then turn the Opicity to about 25% to give the picture a neat colored effect but the solid layer color is always GREY no matter what I do. I can change it over and over and it reverts to gray.

I would greatly appreciate if someone could assist me and tell me how I can change the fill color layer and why it is locked gray.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Walls...

Nov 12, 2002

how to color walls in a photo on photoshop.

I want to make it so that the color on the walls also matches the lighting.

I tried duplicating the photo as photo2 , and adjusting the hue/saturation of photo1 to match the wallpaper color, and then erasing the walls on photo2.

However, it didn't turn out that good.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Over An Image

Jul 31, 2008

How can I color over a black and white image without losing what's originally there (lines, texture, etc)? Usually when I color it's using my own lineart, which I just put as the top layer so it doesn't get in the way.

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Photoshop :: Spot Coloring

Sep 24, 2005

I'm creating an image for a client and he specifically requested the color 226m pantone matte. So basically I highlighted the logo, went to channels and created a spotcolor channel with the 226m. I then filled the channel with the shape of the logo. Now, the logo is placed over some other image, but now it seems kinda of transparent using the spot channel. So basically, what is the best way to show a spot color on the image? I tried saving the picture using Save For Web, but the logo came out grey.

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