GIMP :: 2.8.4 - Gestures Not Working (zoom / Rotate) On Mac
Apr 16, 2013
I have a Wacom Bamboo Capture, I'm on a Mac OSX 10.8.3, and I'm using GIMP 2.8.4.
The pen and tablet seem to work together fine, with pressure sensitivity and all, but when I attempt to use the gesture functions (such as rotation) GIMP doesn't respond.
I know the problem isn't with the hardware because the little "rotate icon" pops up when I do the gesture, it's just the way it is communicating with GIMP that is the problem.
In all other versions of PS I was able to zoom using either a scroll button on a mouse or when I was Mac a pinch gesture. In CS6 it seems that the only way to zoom is to select the zoom tool then there's a variety of different ways to zoom. Is there a way to not have to select the zoom tool first like it used to be? I am using a synaptics gesture touchpad, Windows 7. I am able to pinch to zoom in most all other applications.
Also, another issue I see in CS6 which is causing an extra step from old versions- the "window-arrange- tile all" had a button on the menu bar. how to get those buttons back on the bar.
I've noticed when you tilt things using Rotate/Zoom the edges and some finer details can get quite jaggy.Pretty much like in Shape3D unless you check the AA option and raise the level up to 4/5. Then all the creases are ironed out and detail is kept Is it even possible to put an AA option into Rotate/ Zoom ?
Is there a way (plugin and or method) to rotate/zoom a layer without anti aliasing being applied?I'm working with sprites and anti aliasing is a pain to remove.
I just spent thousands of dollars on a new cintiq 22hd touch and now people are telling me that touch zoom and rotate are not supported in photoshop when running it with a windows platform (only works with MACS)???!!! are you serious???!!! I just tested this out and its TRUE!!! You can pan with touch but not zoom or rotate. The zoom and rotate functions work in all my other programs BUT NOT PHOTOSHOP. I even have the latest version of photoshop (CC), latest patch and all and nope! no multitouch support!
I dont know who im more pissed with WACOM or ADOBE. Wacom's touch advertising was supposed to be their selling point! if you cant even use it with the most popular graphics program...err what's the point?And Adobe should have provided support like what...AGES AGO...the touch tablets and cintiqs have been out for almost a year now!
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT WE LIVE IN 2013 and the best graphic hardware IS NOT COMPATIBLE with THE BEST GRAPHIC SOFTWARE on an OS (windows) that like over 50% of the population use?
Matrix3d cur = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem; Vector3d x = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); Vector3d y = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); Point3d o = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); [Code] .....
Code is rotating well my model, but it's zooming to bad point. I want to zoom to the point from previous view, so I'm transforming it by new UCS - unfortunately something is going wrong (it's not this point what I want).
any dwg. Save also create acad.lsp empty file any folder open I found this acad.lsp empty file...any dwg. Open my mbuttonpan, fillmode and zoomfactor not working after I set working
In X5 holding [Shift] while zooming with the scroll-wheel decreases the zoom step size. In X6, holding [Shift] has no effect and CorelDraw zooms in the same large steps as when zooming without holding [shift].
I have both X5 and X6 installed. X5 performs as it should, X6 does not.
why [shift] has no effect? I desperately want the smaller zoom-steps back!
I'm working with objects big from 10 to 100 centimeters. When i use ctrl+alt+mmb to zoom, or the magnifying glass, it's too sensitive and hard to zoom in/out. How to solve this?
I have set "Zoom about mouse point" to "on" in Preferences for both ortho and perspective viewports. However, the function doesn't work in my perspective viewports.
This is driving me crazy, Rotate Canvas tool seems to be buggy as S*&T. I have read this can be Open GL Issue. My graphics cards are supported " ATI Radeon HD 5770 " this is an adobe issue as it comes and goes, the same files will allow and then 5 min later refuse to rotate saying that I need to have open GL.
I have set the prefernces on normal basic and advanced and there seems to be no consistency it works and then it doesn't
I am really getting tired of trying to figure out why... using CS6 from the creative suite...
But when trying to rotate an object in 2010 3ds Max while holding shift to only rotate every 5th degree it ends up rotating the same as it would when normally rotating. I know this is a feature in the 2010 version but cannot find the shortcut key in the settings.
when i am i the viewports and use the "scl" shortcut click zoom to scale nothing will happen i can zoom use anno. in the lower right corner or propties.
is there a buttom or a prompt that needs to be fixed.
My lot top mouse is not working no more with the zoom in and out command. I dont have and external mouse other than the one is install from factory on my lot top comp. It was working perfect, but i think i click something by mistake. I only learn enough to draw in cad but when it comes up to problems like this i do not know what to do. I was trying to copy a table with chairs from and other file and when i pasted to my drawing something happen so my mouse is not zooming in or out in my drawing .
I recently installed Windows 8 RTM and Photoshop CS6 Standard. I have installed the patch brining it up to 13.1 but rotate via the intuos tablet and it doesn't work. Intuos5 has touch now and that feature works on my laptop with W7 and CS5. Rotate canvas is also available on the touch ring but that doesnt work either.
The other day(most likely either coinciding with an update or maybe downloading another CC program) scrubby zoom and flick panning both stopped working. If I select the zoom tool scrubby zoom is greyed out.
the zoom burst effect has stopped working in PSE 12! when I click the zoom burst function the photo distorts as designed but when i click the "add focus area" button on the photo it returns the whole photo to normal without focusing the part selected.I have uninstalled and reinstalled PSE 12 already with no effect.
In a book I am working on, the zoom toggle suddenly stops working. It shows up, but moving the slider does not change the image size in the photo cell. I can still move the photo around in the cell, but cannot zoom in or out. I can right click to change to zoom to fill or zoom to fit, but cannot manually zoom in or out from that. Tried changing the default method to Z2Fit and Z2Fill, but neither mode solves the problem. I have been working on this book for a while, and the manual zoom has worked seamlessly up til now, and suddenly it doesn't work. I am hoping I accidentally hit a keyboard toggle to turn it off somehow, and just can't figure out how to get it back.
fwiw the problem cropped up as I started adding photos from another source, which were Nikon-based jpg files whereas all the rest previously added were either digitial scans (jpeg or tiff) or Pentax files (RAW & jpegs). I cannot imagine this has anything to do with the problem, but mentioning it just because its the only thing that was different when the problem cropped up.
I checked my preferences and OpenGL is enabled, so I don't understand why it randomly stops working when I'm trying to get work done. Been working for less than four hours today and have had to restart Photoshop CS5.5 6 times. It starts working for a little while, then the "Scrubby Zoom" box becomes greyed out and the shortcut doesn't work as well.
Also when I hit space (hand tool) to drag the image around, that stops working at the same time as the zoom. I'm using an Intuos4 with this, haven't had problems with it until recently but there haven't been any significant changes in my machine (PC), which has a nice graphics card, processor, etc. I'm using Google Chrome, maybe it has something to do with my browser being open at the same time as PS?
I've used Photoshop 7 for around a year now, using it mainly to touch up digital photos. I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS, but I've found that I'm having difficulties with my keyboard.
Usually, to zoom in, I can press CTRL + +. However, when I do this, nothing happens. Also, when I make a mistake with the magnetic lasso tool, I can usually press my Delete key to undo the last fixed point. Again, this doesn't work. All that is on on my keyboard is "Number Lock", which just allows me to use the right hand number keypad. Even with this off, the problems still aren't solved.
The good news is that, if I were righting a routine that locks up AutoCAD, I'm finished. The bad news is that I'm not.
The code below is the portion of a routine where I have the user select 2 points and then pass those points to the Zoom command and the M2P osnap. The problem is that, when the Mid Between 2 Points osnap tries to use the first point, it returnns an "Invalid point" message, enters a loop and locks ACAD.
(defun C:ZC () (setq PointOne (getpoint "First point of M2P ")) (setq PointTwo (getpoint "Second point of M2P "))
My MacBook Pro had been able to use the Rotate Canvas feature in the earlier release of Photoshop CC I downloaded in July, 2013. With the update in September, this feature has stopped working and it no longer detects my video card. True, I don't have 512 Megs of Video memory. And I have tried to install updated NVidia drivers for my computer... but even it refuses to update. My computer has 2 video cards depending on power settings.
OS X 10.6.8 NVIDIA GeForce 9400M (when in energy savings mode) NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT (normal and usually the display driver I use)
I can not accept that rotate canvas does not work because of my video card or my lack of video card memory. Both Maya and ZBrush are able to handle this operation using software rendered modes. Maya is also able to use my hardware using Viewport 2.0.
When I have a photo that has come out portrait rather than landscape which is a normal case the rotate function seems to cut off some of the two sides of the photo. If I want to rotate it what I call correctly I use Gnome Image Viewer.
I download a few new brushes but i cant rotate them. they stay the way i downloaded them... is there a way i can rotate them... double click the brush i wanted and brush editor pops up but says "READ ONLY"... i do see an angle position but its not movable so cant rotate it.
Would I be able to open a picture and zoom out to 45%. Then open a new layer with a new picture, and keep it at 100%?
Every time I try to change the 2nd layer image to 100% then over lay the first layer, the first layer automatically goes to 100%. Is there a way to keep one layer at 100% and another at 45%?