Edge Animate CC :: Two Buttons Clicked To Make An Elements Disappear?
May 11, 2013
When the user clicks on two button on the stage I need an eleiment to disapear.
for example:-
If one of the buttons is pressed... nothing should happen.
Then when the other button is pressed then an element disapears.
(The user needs to be able to press the buttons in any order)
I have been usine verables to try and work this out. How I understand it is that I sould be able to store the verable on the stage and recall it.
This is where I have the problem. I have not pasted the stage code because it just does not work. But below is the code for one of the Symbol Button.I had set all the "Var" to "0" at the stage but can not change all recall them.
var but1 = 1
if (but1 = 1 && but2 = 1){
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Jan 22, 2014
I have created a symbol that is a horizontal banner consisting of six paragraphs of text P1 thru P6. Each paragraph is no more than 300 px wide.
I then created six trigger symbols and placed them beneath a 300 x 300 vieweing window on the stage.
When the stage opens, paragraph 1 (P1) is viewable in the window. If the user clicks a trigger, I want the banner to scroll left or right, from its current position, to display the corresponding paragraph.
Example : P1 is showing in the viewing window. The user clicks trigger #4. The banner scrolls right and eases P4 into view in the window. The user then clicks trigger #2. The banner then scrolls left and eases P2 into viewing position in the window.
My old (very old) Flash training tells me I need to set a numeric value into a variable when each trigger is clicked and then use that value and concatenate it with label text to tell the play head to play from the proper postion (play ("Para1")), (play ("Para2")), etc. where Para# is the label on the timeline.
I feel like I'm close to getting this to work, but after a number of hours of trying I've concluded that over time I've either forgotten a key step or there's some easier way to do this in Edge Animate. (I'm very new to CC and EA).
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Nov 26, 2013
I am working on a project with several nested DIVs, and I would like to be able to get the top and left coordinates of a DIV when I click on it, relative to the Stage.
I used this code in the On Click action for the DIV:
var objTop = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("top");
var objLeft = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("left");
But, since this is a nested DIV, it seems to be giving me the coordinates relative to the parent, not the Stage.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a dozen or so animated symbols on the stage and I'd like a randomly called one to play each time users click a button.
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Feb 12, 2013
I have photoshop elements 9. When I go to click on a layer to move it, the layer disappears or moves to an obscure location without me moving the cursor. I have tried restarting the program but it does not seem to work.
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Aug 14, 2013
I have made four buttons. And they work, but when I click again on button 1 all tree animations are playing! When I click again on number on the start animation is displayed. In the buttons I have set the animations for 2, 3 and for to hide.
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Jan 4, 2013
I'm trying to make a slideshow similar to what is provided through the Adobe Edge showcase sample files. Particularly the designer spotlight animation.
I want to get my buttons working so that when I click one it goes to that particular slide. I have copied and modified the code to work in that way but for some reason I can't get my animations to play when I click buttons-only the first button plays the first animation. Whenever I click the other button, it behaves as if it's playing the whole animation until it reaches the point of where it needs to play from the timeline.
I can post code to show you an example.
Here's what I have inside of the stage code:
// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here
this.circleBtnSymbol = sym.getSymbol('buttn_1');
// turn "on" first circle btn
// global vars
this.activePanel = 4;
this.prevPanel = 1;
this.panelCount = 4;
All of the code seems to be set but I'm still not getting it to play exactly the way it should from the timeline.
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Nov 7, 2013
I created 5 buttons in Edge CC that appear one after the other. After converting them to symbols, they still appear one after the other in the timeline, but in a browser preview they all appear at the same time.
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May 1, 2013
I am creating a map of the US wherein each state would ideally be its own button. I would like this to trigger an event that makes that state bigger. How can I set this up? I have my map laid out in Illustrator with states on individual paths.
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Jul 28, 2013
I am trying to move a symbol around based on it's x and y coordinates, without using keyframes to actually animate any movement.
Basically what I want to do is have a largish map image inside a symbol, most of which is off stage, with right,left, up and down buttons that slide the map in and out as you mouseover them, thus allowing the user to navigate east, west, north and south, if you see what I mean.
The buttons would move the map symbol around in increments of perhaps 10 or 20 pixels at a time, but it would freeze where it was when you moused out of the button, and begin moving again when you mouseover.
Of course it would be important to fix limits to how far the map symbol could be pushed so that you could only see as far as the edges of the map, and not beyond the limits of the map.
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Jul 8, 2013
I have an Edge project for web and ipad.The buttons in on the web site funtions well.But on the ipad it is slow and doesnt want to responed.
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Feb 12, 2013
I made an animation with adobe edge which I used in adobe dps. There is a button with touchstart (starts the animation) and touchend (play animation reverse). It works really well, but when I have the finger on the button it shows this gray copy-rectangle (the one with the blue little dots). The people at the adobe dps forum said it has to do something with adobe edge...
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Nov 27, 2013
Microsoft says Adobe products are not up to date with modern browsers.
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Apr 30, 2013
In Edge, I have created an application where a user can click buttons and then it takes them to a separate scene. However, I seem to have run into a problem where the click only works in a certain area of the box. I created the buttons in Photoshop and imported them to Edge. Only the edge of the button closest to the edge of the stage will work for clicking for some odd reason.
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Jul 6, 2013
I have an image that is mostly alpha.Problem is that it blocks buttons from working.Is there any way to set a flag to an image so it is not part of the 'touch/mouse' collision funcitons?
i can arrange it behind the buttons... but that brings other issues, because something needs to be behind the image with alpha but over the buttons.
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Sep 22, 2013
I have two symbols nested. On mouse over, the first symbol saturates the image, and moves it down. The second symbol makes the image cycle through three pictures. On mouse off, the slideshow stops, the image desaturates and moves up. This works really good!
I have a button below it, that when pressed, starts the timeline of the first symbol (saturates the image, and moves it down). This works great...but when I hover over the image, (after clicking the button), it snaps back up, and is desaturated. I'm not sure why it does that...I want the image to stay where it is!
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Jan 8, 2014
I just downloaded the current version of Animate CC and followed the tutorials.Nothing seems correct.
There are no Gradient buttons for color on stage or vector items. the keyframes do not populate even though I have keyframes on. Dragging items do not produce a transition on the timeline.the Max width button only says None and will not let me make changes. I'm on Mac Mavericks. But if this it the quality of CC, it ain't worth the price.
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Mar 5, 2014
1. I have my timline. There is a button. I have made a symbol. This symbol should not be visible at the start. If I click the button it should make the symbol visible and start it.
So... What is the code I should give my button? Should the sybol be on the timeline? Should it be turned off or should I just turn off autoplay?
What I have so far is:
The symbol is in the timeline. It is set "on" and I can make it play with:
So far so good. My problem now is that the symbol should be over my button. So it is not possible to press it. So logically the symbol should be turned "off" (then I can click the button under it) and when I click the button the symbol should turn on and then play. So actually what is the code to turn it "on"?
2. I have a button in a symbol. Can this button controll the main timeline. It should for example got to frame Number 30 on the main timeline. Is that possible? What is the code I have to give the button?
I tried so many stuff and it wont work. I am new to edge and java script etc.
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Jan 29, 2014
I'm trying to figure out how to have the code use touchstart only if the user is using a touch device. Mousedown & Mouseover would be used if the user is on a desktop.
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Feb 7, 2014
Say there are 4 compositions in an html file. Is it possible to create a few navigation buttons in the html file, so that when a 3rd button is clicked, the animation jumps to the 3rd animation. Something like JQuery slideshow, but the difference is, each composition is animated instead of a static image.
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Feb 16, 2012
Architecture 2009 running on Windows 7. Dell Precision T5400 with a Quadro FX570 graphics card.
I have lately been having some issues with text in Architecture 2009. I first noticed that within Mtext, when you hit the "UPPERCASE" or "lowercase" buttons, the text disappears in the editor, and no changes are made. Not the end of the world, but not handy.
Then it stopped letting me type in Mtext boxes at all. The return key seemed to work, but nothing else. Then it started converting text typed into Mtext boxes into (I think) Chinese characters. Really not handy. At this point I decided to try to reinstall. First I tried a repair, then reinstalled over the existing installation, then uninstalled completely and reinstalled from the disk. I've also done a windows restore, though as this has slowly been falling apart, I'm not sure when I should restore back to.
I have Mtext basic functionality back, but the "UPPERCASE" and "lowercase" buttons still make the text disappear.
Not sure if it's related, but I also get a Fatal Error e06d7363h at 758bd36fh about 4 or 5 times a day. Usually it's associated with the open command (ctrl+o), but sometimes it just happens at random.
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm a software developer currently developing an audio application. I need some buttons (Play, Record, Pause, etc.) that glow when they are clicked. I've found some tutorials for 3D glass buttons however that's not quite the effect I'm after.
How I can create this effect or where I can find a tutorial that shows examples of this?
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Apr 6, 2013
The Elements window in Edge Animate seems to be unstable. When I right-click in the field to modify an asset, Edge often crashes with the resulting error message:
Edge Animate - Exception An error occurred. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate.
It happens quite frequently (~7/10 right-clicks)
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Sep 19, 2013
How to make a triangle?? is it like indesign of illustrator...while deleting a anchor or something...and how?
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Mar 6, 2014
whats the best way to make scollbar timeline?
so when im scrolline to the right or left side , the timeline follows!
id tried some different way ,but i dont think its good.
1 way was. on my stage in scroll:
var animationWidth = 5000;
var stageWidth = sym.$("Stage").width();
var scrollPos = sym.$("Stage").scrollLeft();
var duration = sym.getDuration();
var percent = scrollPos / (animationWidth-stageWidth);
var time = duration * percent;
// Update timeline
it works but is giving me double scroolbar and the second scrollbar is scrolling out of the "stage"!
2- way i tried was:
// insert code for scroll event here
var myCalc = e.currentTarget.scrollLeft/(e.currentTarget.scrollWidth-e.currentTarg et.clientWidth);
var pos = Math.round( myCalc * sym.getDuration() );
also working but same result as last.
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Nov 7, 2013
I'm having trouble making my project fit all screens.
This is my project link: [URL]
I've made this project 7000px wide - scrollable horizontal - with a fixed object (the shopping cart) to make it feel like you are pushing the cart along the street. I then set height to about 1200 px, to prevent the bottom of the screen to go white.
I want this project to look good on mobile, iPad, laptop and PC/Mac - both orientations.
I thought I was in the clear with theese settings, but checking it on a small screen (laptop), the bottom of the stage fell out of the screen. And we can't have that...
I tried setting the height to 100%, tried having a smaller height (800px) and setting the background color to green, tried hiding and showing the overflow, but I can't seem to hit the perfect settings for this to work.
My inspiration comes from this project:[URL] Now, this works - as far as I can see - on all screens, both orientations.
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Sep 28, 2012
I am a graphic designer and I work on w7 64.I find the latest version of Edge Animate.I saw several tutorials, amongst those showing how to make a loop on an animation. I proceed as explained in the preview on my browser (Chrome), the animation runs, but no loops.In fact, I tried other interactions and other triggers : nothing of these works there!
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Oct 24, 2012
I've found this awesome Tate's site today about the "lost art":
You can navigate it with pan&zoom, like the Moma Museum in its own app.Is it possibile to make the pan&zoom navigation with Adobe Edge and/or with Adobe Edge and external JS libraries?
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Jul 31, 2013
Is it possible for text or an object to overlay another object that is interactive but not inturupt the interactivity of the object below? As if the the text interactivity was trasparent.
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Sep 13, 2013
I want make slider something like this http:[url].... but i want make this slider with my own graphic style, is it possible ?
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Aug 6, 2013
Drag & Drop with validation.What I need to do and would like to learn is:I have 4 buttons that I can drag and a box that I drag the right choice. If the option is correct stays, it is if it was incorrect is returned to its place of origin.
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