Edge Animate CC :: How To Set A Numeric Value Into A Variable When Each Trigger Is Clicked
Jan 22, 2014
I have created a symbol that is a horizontal banner consisting of six paragraphs of text P1 thru P6. Each paragraph is no more than 300 px wide.
I then created six trigger symbols and placed them beneath a 300 x 300 vieweing window on the stage.
When the stage opens, paragraph 1 (P1) is viewable in the window. If the user clicks a trigger, I want the banner to scroll left or right, from its current position, to display the corresponding paragraph.
Example : P1 is showing in the viewing window. The user clicks trigger #4. The banner scrolls right and eases P4 into view in the window. The user then clicks trigger #2. The banner then scrolls left and eases P2 into viewing position in the window.
My old (very old) Flash training tells me I need to set a numeric value into a variable when each trigger is clicked and then use that value and concatenate it with label text to tell the play head to play from the proper postion (play ("Para1")), (play ("Para2")), etc. where Para# is the label on the timeline.
I feel like I'm close to getting this to work, but after a number of hours of trying I've concluded that over time I've either forgotten a key step or there's some easier way to do this in Edge Animate. (I'm very new to CC and EA).
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Nov 26, 2013
I am working on a project with several nested DIVs, and I would like to be able to get the top and left coordinates of a DIV when I click on it, relative to the Stage.
I used this code in the On Click action for the DIV:
var objTop = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("top");
var objLeft = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("left");
But, since this is a nested DIV, it seems to be giving me the coordinates relative to the parent, not the Stage.
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May 11, 2013
When the user clicks on two button on the stage I need an eleiment to disapear.
for example:-
If one of the buttons is pressed... nothing should happen.
Then when the other button is pressed then an element disapears.
(The user needs to be able to press the buttons in any order)
I have been usine verables to try and work this out. How I understand it is that I sould be able to store the verable on the stage and recall it.
This is where I have the problem. I have not pasted the stage code because it just does not work. But below is the code for one of the Symbol Button.I had set all the "Var" to "0" at the stage but can not change all recall them.
var but1 = 1
if (but1 = 1 && but2 = 1){
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a dozen or so animated symbols on the stage and I'd like a randomly called one to play each time users click a button.
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Feb 21, 2014
i'm doing a large project that requires me to import 40 to 50 image files into separate edge documents. (about 30 documents each with 40-50 sequenced images.) each time i import a batch of images, the order gets messed up. in finder they are labeled as filename01.jpg, filename02.jpg etc. when i import them into edge, it scrambeles the files for no apparent reason (see image below) and i have to delete them and re-add them from the images library to get them in order.
why don't they just import in order?
as you can see, i moved file _10000 to the top (it was somewhere in the middle) and the rest of the files are in no apparent order. this is extremely annoying as the files were named as such to keep them in order!! is this a bug, or just the way that edge thinks importing files works?
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Feb 25, 2014
how use animation loop without trigger?
I tried to do mouseover
var my_time = sym.getSymbol("mySymbolInstanceName").getPosition();
if ( my_time == 0) {
loop not work.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have made several Adobe Edge Animate projects and have inserted a stop trigger for the "home" arrival after animation intro. I just created a new project and can't get the stop trigger function to work. When I preview it plays through the entire timeline. I've tried several different combinations of triggers - sym.play from () at the beggining of the timeline and then adding a sym.stop at () and no matter what, it plays through the entire timeline.
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Jul 2, 2013
I have a problem, i need create a function delay in the timeline with a trigger.
I want that my animation play every 3 seconds until the next sym.stop and then play again after 3 seconds.
Ej. I have 3 triggers in the timeline:
My idea is make a delay in all the triggers, like this:
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
Cause I dont know how to elaborate a function in jquery
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Aug 5, 2013
How do I use a button being clicked to trigger a function within CompositionReady? My overall aim is an On/Off button, the 'OnOffStatus' of which can be used to determine other factors within the program.
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Jan 5, 2013
I need to have a symbol with it's own timeline play at the end of each slide in a slideshow. I have the animation for the slideshow but when it comes to the first symbol, all the symbols load instead of just the one needed for the slide. I have tried setting "play from" but that seems to refer to the symbol timeline not the stage timeline. All symbols are set to "hide" upon click.
The real problem comes when playing in reverse. The symbol plays first with "hide" feature but does not continue the reverse animation from the stage since the "hide" feature stops the action.
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Mar 11, 2013
I have an animation with 5 different parts. I would like to trigger a random part when clicking on a button.
In order to do that I put labels on all parts (play1,...,play5). Then I put a code on the button on the click event :
var RandomNb=Math.floor(Math.random()*5)
It is just a simple test but it does not work : the animation play1 is always played no matter the value of RandomNb. I obviously make something wrong but I don't know what...
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Nov 12, 2012
On the stage I have a button and a hidden symbol. The symbol has an animation within itself.When I click the button, the symbol becomes visible and plays the animation. Its all good so far.I want to be able to click the now visible symbol, the animation within itself plays in reverse and then it hides itself. How do I make it hide itself after the animation plays in reverse?
BUTTON CODE (This works for me):
var AnimOne = sym.getSymbol("AnimationOne");
If I add this, it just hides itself without animating in reverse
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Apr 7, 2014
I'm working on a project that requires some interaction controlling video. I've used the piece of code from this thread [URL] and it works like a charm. But I'm looking at option of using youTube video for the same interaction.
So on creationComplete, I've added,
var vid = sym.$("holder");
vid.html('<iframe width="640" height="360" id="video1" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o2l_zZOpSxk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="0" controls="controls"></iframe>');
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Apr 7, 2013
how I can save the value of a variable in a database? I need to keep the # of times you press click animation. to know how many times it has been seen.I connect to msql database, using php, javascript, ajax and jquery, but not how to save the variable counter clicks from adobe edge Animate.so I can connect to the database from adobe edge animate.
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Feb 21, 2013
I've tried the following: resVel = window.document.getElementById("txtVel").value;
this normally works in javascript, but crashes when using that line in the actions for a trigger.
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May 12, 2013
Just getting started with Animate and coming to it from Flash, as may be apparent from my question. How do you set a variable to the main timeline from within a symbol?
I have 24 pairs of clickable elements, each in their own symbols, and all 24 of those symbols sit inside another symbol. I want all 24 to be able to set the same global variable when clicked. I can't find that this question is addressed anywhere, which makes me think I may be stuck in a Flash mindset and approaching the task in the wrong way. (There are however MANY discussions of how to address objects at different levels in the hierarchy. That's well covered.)
Relatedly, how do you access a function on the main timeline from within a symbol?
Adobe should consider putting together a support page (or pages) just for folks migrating form Flash. In the materials I've encountered so far there seems to be a studied effort to refrain from mentioning Flash in any way. I imagine there are a lot of people out there like me who have a deep background in Flash coding, but are just getting started with Animate.
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Mar 3, 2014
I want to loop a code / function .. let's say 100 times and each time one parameter or variable is counted up.I found "for"-loops and some with a counter.. but I coudn't get it to work in Edge Animate.Here is a fragment of the code I want to loop ->
$.get("URL...+Num, {}, function(ask, code) {
switch(ask) {
case '9':
var leaf = sym.$("leaf"+Num); // How can I count the setting variable? "var leaf+Num = ... " doesn't work I guess..
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Dec 22, 2012
I want to center an animate stage left and right in the browser window.
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Jul 24, 2013
1. crolling like where you have buttons for example or press on a navigation bar tab, then it goes to that specific pace of the page, for a one page website, for example some sites you press on contacts and gose down to the bottom of the page where the contacts place is located, not opening a new link.
2.Second, navigation bar, where it fallows the scroll as it gose down, like for example when it is html the object is fixed to the top, and when you scroll down it will fallow it it,
3.I need Parallex scrolling where you can have the timeline or animations run while you scroll in the meantime and have animation running all the time, for example the infographic site where the bees are fluying but still have seperate animations while you scroll
4.I would also like to ask if like looping each animations sperately, not looping the whole timeline, can it be possible to loop an animation while you have all the interactivity witht he site like looping seperately all the time, without interfeering with all the other animation
5.I also are wondering if you can create multiple pages on one animate project, like multiple pages with html
I just moved on to edge animate from html, and html was also beirf learn for me and mostly i was doing design work, and i thought getting out of graphic river and moving on the theme forest.
I want also all the five things to work on one aimate project.
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Nov 22, 2013
Is it possible to get the text color to FadeIn or the opacity of the text color to animate with the lines of code below? I simply want the color to fade in when the mouse rolls over the text.
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_writing_btn}", "mouseover", function(sym, e) sym.$("writing_btn").css("color","#88ACBE");
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Oct 16, 2013
I'd like to animate snow falling. I assume Edge would be able to do this. Will it be possible to add it as a background? Or would it just be easier to add the effect to the top graphic portion of my page? I've used Edge back when it first came out. But havent' touched it in a while. I'm now working "in the Cloud". and I do use Dreamweaver.
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Dec 13, 2013
I am including an animation I built using Edge Animate into Dreamweaver. I can't use an .oam file because of some other JavaScript I'm using so basically I'm limited to an .html file with all my edge includes java, and other supporting files.
when I preview in browser within dreamweaver. However, when I upload the page to my domain, my animate HTML file won't work. Here is a link to the current site in progress. (The first green box top left is my link to my animation). URL....
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Feb 4, 2014
I have 280 extracted frames from a 12 sec. mp4 clip. I've cut-out the main object to get rid of the background and saved all the files as png. How can I bring this to a HTML5 Animation to place it on a page that will be showed on ipad-air (no animated gif and no flash)
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Jun 18, 2013
What the best way is to animate a progress bar with an increasing %. Seems like you would specify a variable set to 0 that is then incremented via javascript while an animation is going on.
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Jun 18, 2013
I have an ordinary div I composed with HTML, that I'd like to import into an existing Edge Animate comp and have it treated like an ordinary div. The two closest things I saw were: a YouTube video of a whole page opening in EA, and divs animated within itThis other forum, which has more components imported than I need:URL...Isn't there some kind of pasting window somewhere?
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Dec 17, 2013
So I created my own subscription form, I have it appear and disapear when you are on the button. And when you click on it, it stays. But how can a put in an action to add text to it?
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Dec 6, 2013
I'm looking for a way to animate a link with a hover feature. I would like the link to be initally blank, but after hovering hover the link, a colored rectangle of sorts slides in from left to right, essentially creating a new background color. When the cursor moves off of the link, the colored rectangle in the background would slide back to the left, disappearing.
After some thought, initially it sounds like an animation of clipping masks. Not sure if this is possible in Edge, or if I am on the right track.
Another hover animation that looks as if it would be some sort of clipping mask is found here on this site: [URL]....
I love the link to the right of the screen that says "Watch the trailer." It's a simple, beautiful animation that gives the site a great look.
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Aug 20, 2013
I have an existing HTML page (created in Adobe Muse) and I am trying to draw some Adobe Edge objects on top of the page (e.g. a rectangle or an image). When I look in the layers panel, the Edge objects show as top in the list. However, visually when I look at the page, the elements show behind the pre-existing HTML page from Muse.
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Apr 6, 2013
The Elements window in Edge Animate seems to be unstable. When I right-click in the field to modify an asset, Edge often crashes with the resulting error message:
Edge Animate - Exception An error occurred. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate.
It happens quite frequently (~7/10 right-clicks)
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Aug 2, 2013
Is there a way for me to know what all features of HTML5 does my Edge project actually use.
I know there are a lot of sites which tests what all HTML5 features are supported by a browser, but I want to know which all features are being used by a edge project.
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Sep 5, 2013
I've placed the OAM file of my Edge animation and gone through the steps of creating a "folio", but when I preview in Adobe Content Viewer all I get is a static page that fades out when clicked.
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