Edge Animate CC :: How To Trigger A Random Part When Clicking On A Button

Mar 11, 2013

I have an animation with 5 different parts. I would like to trigger a random part when clicking on a button.

In order to do that I put labels on all parts (play1,...,play5). Then I put a code on the button on the click event :
var RandomNb=Math.floor(Math.random()*5)
It is just a simple test but it does not work : the animation play1 is always played no matter the value of RandomNb. I obviously make something wrong but I don't know what...

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Edge Animate CC :: Get Random Numbers In Text By Clicking A Button?

Apr 26, 2013

how can I get a Random Number in a Text by clicking a button?
For example: I have an already animated object [a dice] as button and I have a Text object located on other part of the stage and where should appear the random number from 1 to 6.
I have tried in CreationComplete and compositionReady, and in the Click option in the button, one of these two options:
var ran_number=Math.floor(Math.random()*5;
I have also tried in the dice image [button] within the symbol this [with one of the two previous codes]:
And it doesn't work anyway. Right now I'm basically lost. That would be like:

1.- start your computer.
2.- open Edge.

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Edge Animate CC :: Trigger A Function In CompositionReady Using A Button?

Aug 5, 2013

How do I use a button being clicked to trigger a function within CompositionReady? My overall aim is an On/Off button, the 'OnOffStatus' of which can be used to determine other factors within the program.

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Edge Animate CC :: Clicking Twice On Pause / Play Button

Mar 16, 2014

I have made a pause and a play button to my slideshow.The pause button is just a boks with the click-action code:
The pause button is a boks with the click-action code:
var timelinePos = sym.getPosition();
It works but in the beginning, I have to click twice before the function works. It is only the first time. After that everything works fine.

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Edge Animate CC :: Play Random Symbols When Button Is Clicked

Oct 7, 2013

I have a dozen or so animated symbols on the stage and I'd like a randomly called one to play each time users click a button.

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Edge Animate CC :: Delete Mouse Event Or Pause It After Clicking On The Button

Jan 30, 2013

i have a problem with an animation in Edge Animate. I try to animate a button which spins 45° on mouse over and back on mouse out. So far no problem. Now i want the button to spin 90° when i click on it and let it stay on this position. I made it spin the 90° but it always spins back on mouse out because the event is still there. Is there any possibility to delet the mouse out event or pause it after clicking on the button. I already tried remove it but without any sucess.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Use Animation Loop Without Trigger

Feb 25, 2014

how use animation loop without trigger?

I tried to do mouseover

var my_time  =  sym.getSymbol("mySymbolInstanceName").getPosition();
if ( my_time == 0) {
loop not work.

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Edge Animate CC :: Can't Get Stop Trigger Function To Work

Aug 26, 2013

I have made several Adobe Edge Animate projects and have inserted a stop trigger for the "home" arrival after animation intro.  I just created a new project and can't get the stop trigger function to work.  When I preview it plays through the entire timeline.  I've tried several different combinations of triggers - sym.play from () at the beggining of the timeline and then adding a sym.stop at () and no matter what, it plays through the entire timeline.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Create A Delay Function In A Trigger

Jul 2, 2013

I have a problem, i need create a function delay in the timeline with a trigger.
I want that my animation play every 3 seconds until the next sym.stop and then play again after 3 seconds.
Ej. I have 3 triggers in the timeline:
My idea is make a delay in all the triggers, like this:
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
Cause I dont know how to elaborate a function in jquery

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Set A Numeric Value Into A Variable When Each Trigger Is Clicked

Jan 22, 2014

I have created a symbol that is a horizontal banner consisting of six paragraphs of text P1 thru P6.  Each paragraph is no more than 300 px wide.
I then created six trigger symbols and placed them beneath a 300 x 300 vieweing window on the stage.
When the stage opens, paragraph 1 (P1) is viewable in the window.  If the user clicks a trigger, I want the banner to scroll left or right, from its current position, to display the corresponding paragraph.
Example : P1 is showing in the viewing window.  The user clicks trigger #4.  The banner scrolls right and eases P4 into view in the window.  The user then clicks trigger #2.  The banner then scrolls left and eases P2 into viewing position in the window.
My old (very old) Flash training tells me I need to set a numeric value into a variable when each trigger is clicked and then use that value and concatenate it with label text to tell the play head to play from the proper postion (play ("Para1")), (play ("Para2")), etc.  where Para# is the label on the timeline.
I feel like I'm close to getting this to work, but after a number of hours of trying I've concluded that over time I've either forgotten a key step or there's some easier way to do this in Edge Animate.  (I'm very new to CC and EA).

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Edge Animate CC :: Trigger A Symbol At The End Of Each Slide In Slideshow?

Jan 5, 2013

I need to have a symbol with it's own timeline play at the end of each slide in a slideshow.  I have the animation for the slideshow but when it comes to the first symbol, all the symbols load instead of just the one needed for the slide.  I have tried setting "play from" but that seems to refer to the symbol timeline not the stage timeline.  All symbols are set to "hide" upon click. 
The real problem comes when playing in reverse.  The symbol plays first with "hide" feature but does not continue the reverse animation from the stage since the "hide" feature stops the action.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Trigger An Event After Symbol Animation Completes

Nov 12, 2012

On the stage I have a button and a hidden symbol. The symbol has an animation within itself.When I click the button, the symbol becomes visible and plays the animation. Its all good so far.I want to be able to click the now visible symbol, the animation within itself plays in reverse and then it hides itself. How do I make it hide itself after the animation plays in reverse?

BUTTON CODE (This works for me):
var AnimOne = sym.getSymbol("AnimationOne");

If I add this, it just hides itself without animating in reverse

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Edge Animate CC :: Trigger That Seeks To A Point In YouTube Video

Apr 7, 2014

I'm working on a project that requires some interaction controlling video.   I've used the piece of code from this thread [URL]  and it works like a charm. But I'm looking at option of using youTube video for the same interaction. 
So on creationComplete, I've added,
var vid = sym.$("holder");
vid.html('<iframe width="640" height="360" id="video1" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o2l_zZOpSxk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="0" controls="controls"></iframe>');

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Discard A Random Symbol

Jan 23, 2014

I have a keyframe where I must to upload a random series of symbols, and I do it with the script:
var myVar = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
     var stage = sym.$("Stage");
           var myAni = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_" + myVar, "stage");
The script works fine, but, at NEXT keyframe I must load another series. The problem is that the symbol loaded in the previous keyframe is still present and the new symbol overlaps it.How can I unload or discard the previous symbol?

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Edge Animate CC :: Random Rotation On Click?

Feb 4, 2014

I have a banner I have been working on with three spinners like a slot machine.  Currently I have everything hand animated to rotate the spinners to spin to one of 4 options each.  What I would like is to have a button that triggers the spinners to rotate to a random ( 1 of 4 ) points over the course of 1/2 second 500ns. 
Is there a code snippit that will make an object rotate to one of 4 chosen variables?

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Edge Animate CC :: Call Random Symbol

Dec 5, 2012

I have several animations converted to symbols and I want the composition to call one at random on load. These will be page header animations and my intension is use the same composition on each page that pulls an animated header at random when the page loads. I've done this with Flash using Actionscript but not sure how to code it out in Edge.

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Edge Animate CC :: On Button That Navigates Slideshow

Apr 20, 2013

i am working on a slide show with photos, each show is marked with a title (slide1, slide 2...etc) i know how to simpy click on each photo and have it go to the next slide but i am having an issue with a button thet says (next).

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Edge Animate CC :: Button Overlay Not Showing On Top Of Placed Oam

Mar 18, 2014

UPDATE: 3-18

I am working on my first DPS project for iPad(s). I had a lot of flash experience in the past and I really like the workflow of Edge Animate. I have created an OAM and placed it in Indesign in it's own (cover - page 1) folio. I planned to just place an InDesign Hyperlink button on top of the OAM inside of the InDesign document and publish it. When I download and open the file on the iPad using the Adobe Content Viewer,  the button for the web url does not appear (doesn't work on the local viewer either).
Is it not possible to place other overlay items on top of Edge Animate files? Do I need to include the button in the Edge Animate OAM?
I also saw on another post where having trouble with a white FLASH using the autoplay... I am having that too, but I also see a rough-jaggy version of the poster image for a split second between the loading stage and the main stage during INITIAL playback.

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Edge Animate CC :: Mute Button For Video?

Sep 30, 2013

I am using this code:
var vid=sym.$("Holder");vid.html('<video width="444" height="250" src="video/video4.mp4" type="video/mp4" controls ="controls" autoplay ="autoplay" muted ="muted"</video>');
to bring a video in. What I want to do is turn the controls on and have  mute button on the stage that will mute and unmute the video.

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Edge Animate CC :: Publish Button Grayed Out

Apr 23, 2013

I've just started working with Edge Animate and have been building some animated buttons for a website. My problem is that I can't publish what I've created, the 'publish' button is greyed out and I cant use it. I can access the publish settings without any problems.

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Edge Animate CC :: Publish Button Is Not Working?

Mar 7, 2014

my publish button is not pressable so i go to file>publish options once im there i choose a folder on my desktop to export it to but it never shows up... (also i can only press on the "save" button doesnt give me the option to publish.. do you have to save it somewhere special? IM TRYING TO CREAT AN OAM FILE FOR ADOBE MUSE... i can save it to my desktop but then it just apears to be html.. what am i doing wrong????

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Target Nested Symbol From A Button

Feb 19, 2012

I'm new to Edge, Javascript and HTML5 (coming from Director/Flash/After Effects background) I'm wondering if there's a way to target a nested symbol from a button. I would like to make a simple Pause/Play toggle button that stops a nested symbol is it's playing and plays it if is stopped. In software's I'm familitar with, this can be done with a simple target path and  if/else conditional statement, but I can't find any examples that don't seem much more complicated.

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Edge Animate CC :: Play Button With Audio And With Symbols

Apr 22, 2013

So my animation is a song and I'm doing like a video clip with interactivity (the interactivity is not inside at the moment).I need to have  a play button so we can see (heard) on iPhone, iPad...
My problem is that the animation begin immediately behind the play button and before I press it.So the song and the animation are not synchronize.I try many things to stop the animation but nothing is working.

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Edge Animate CC :: Create Pop Up Window To Appear On Button Click

Jan 28, 2013

Is it possible to create following: pop-up window is appeared on click tha button?

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Edge Animate CC :: Button Inside A Symbol Does Not Work?

Feb 7, 2013

i create a button, when you clik it with this command:
you go in the stage timeline to the label called "mylabel"  ...all ok
but if i save my button as symbol when i press it, it don't go to the label on the stage called "mylabel"
What i need to write if i whan that my button inside anoter simbol work?

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbol Animation Active In Outside Button?

Dec 17, 2012

i created an animation inside symbol.i created a button outside the symbol. the animation only works when the button click?

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Edge Animate CC :: Cannot Get A Simple Rollover Button To Work

Oct 21, 2013

It does not respond to mouseover movements.
You can see what I try to do on this URL: [URL]
Fore each button I have e.g. client_button and client_button_over
For the over button I do have for mouseout and touchend :
// insert code to be run when the mouse is moved off the object
// Hide an Element.
//  (sym.$("name") resolves an Edge Animate element name to a DOM


But it does not show any change at all when I move the cursor.

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Edge Animate CC :: How Can The Properties Of Symbol / Element From A Button

Jun 13, 2013

modifiy, for example, scale and position of that element calling it from a button

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Stop All Actions After Button Has Been Pressed

Aug 26, 2013

Is there a way to stop all actions once a hotspot has been pressed? I have loaded an mp4 video into my presentation. I have created a slide menu that goes right to left. I made sure to turn the buttons on only in the areas that they are needed. Once I play the movie, it works fine, but when I select my navigation to go to another page the video is still playing in the background.

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Edge Animate CC :: Back Next Button With Continuously Moving Loop

Mar 13, 2014

I have a continuously moving looping slide show that has back and next buttons. When you press the next button it should move forward one where ever it is on the timeline every time you click it and the same for the back button.
This is the code I am using but the the problem is that it goes to else {sym.play("one");} when the button is clicked. No matter where in the timeline the next button is clicked, it goes back to number one.  I don't know much about coding and I have tried everything to fix this but I am stuck.
var pos = sym.getPosition()
if (pos <= "one"){
else if (pos <= "two"){


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Edge Animate CC :: Adding A Play / Pause Button Into An Animation

May 15, 2013

I have an animation that runs for around 2 minutes. I want to add a button that the user can click to pause/play this animation if they want extra time to read the content on screen. I'm not sure how to tell a button to pause at the current frame and resume when clicked by the user. The button will also need to change states from a pause image to a play image when clicked and vice-versa.

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