Edge Animate CC :: Buttons And Mouseovers Playing And Stopping Same Symbols?

Sep 22, 2013

I have two symbols nested. On mouse over, the first symbol saturates the image, and moves it down. The second symbol makes the image cycle through three pictures. On mouse off, the slideshow stops, the image desaturates and moves up. This works really good!
I have a button below it, that when pressed, starts the timeline of the first symbol (saturates the image, and moves it down). This works great...but when I hover over the image, (after clicking the button), it snaps back up, and is desaturated. I'm not sure why it does that...I want the image to stay where it is!

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons Appear All Together After Converting Them To Symbols

Nov 7, 2013

I created 5 buttons in Edge CC that appear one after the other. After converting them to symbols, they still appear one after the other in the timeline, but in a browser preview they all appear at the same time.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Start And Turn On Symbols From Buttons On Main Timeline

Mar 5, 2014

1. I have my timline. There is a button. I have made a symbol. This symbol should not be visible at the start. If I click the button it should make the symbol visible and start it.
So... What is the code I should give my button? Should the sybol be on the timeline? Should it be turned off or should I just turn off autoplay?
What I have so far is:
The symbol is in the timeline. It is set "on" and I can make it play with:
So far so good. My problem now is that the symbol should be over my button. So it is not possible to press it. So logically the symbol should be turned "off" (then I can click the button under it) and when I click the button the symbol should turn on and then play. So actually what is the code to turn it "on"?
2. I have a button in a symbol. Can this button controll the main timeline. It should for example got to frame Number 30 on the main timeline. Is that possible? What is the code I have to give the button?
I tried so many stuff and it wont work. I am new to edge and java script etc.

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Edge Animate CC :: Stopping Embedded Video From Loading Multiple Times?

Jan 10, 2014

just started using Edge Animate. I have some experience with Flash and After Effect so the layout is pretty familiar to me. I have no background in coding so I am very happy that it generates codes for me.
My goal is to make a simple html5 site with links / embedded videos to my contents (500 and vimeo). I copied some codes used for Youtube embedding, sub'd the url with vimeo url, and it worked fine. I used a "play video" button on the main page to trigger loading the video page (see my code below).
It worked great the first time I clicked the button and went to the video page. However, upon returning to the main page, and click the "play video" button again, a duplicate copy of the video is loaded right below the video loaded upon first click. This occurs for as many times as I click the play video button.

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Edge Animate CC :: One Symbol - Playing Other Off

Jun 14, 2013

I start with several items on the stage, each an iteration of the same symbol. When I click on one, it performs an opening animation, then pauses. When I click on another, the first symbol un-pauses on its timeline, animating back to original position, while the second one I clicked plays its opening animation till its pause. Each of the symbols can tell the already deployed symbol to "play itself off."I'm sure this was done in Flash all the time, and there's a Javascript solution.

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Edge Animate CC :: Playing Audio On Safari?

Jan 11, 2013

I play audio with the following code:
var a = new Audio();
a.src = "xxx.mp3"; //.ogg if IE
It works on different browsers including IE, firefox and chrome, but have no sound on Safari. I tried Safari 5.1 on PC and on iPod 4.3.3. I tried .wav, .ogg, .mp3.

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Edge Animate CC :: Playing An Animation In Reverse?

Jan 9, 2014

I have created an animation where the objects move left to right.Is there a simple way of 'flipping' the timeline so that the animation effectively plays in reverse, rather than redoing the animation altogether?

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Edge Animate CC :: Control Edge Symbols From External JavaScript?

Jan 9, 2013

I have come across about a dozen similar discussions, but most have presented solutions that worked in earlier versions of Edge and no longer work.
I am trying to use Edge to build animations that can then be integrated into larger non-Edge projects. I would like to then be able to control the Edge timeline or Edge symbols from elements OUTSIDE of Edge, such as another link or button in the page.
I cannot seem to figure out how to properly reference the Edge stage or symbols.
I have come across several proposed solutions for referencing Edge stage, such as:    
     var comp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage(); 
     var comp = $.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage();      
     var comp = Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage();
     and these either DO NOTHING or throw errors about either AdobeEdge or Edge or comp being undefined.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Get An Embedded Video To Stop Playing

Jul 21, 2013

I have an embedded video in my animation , in an earlier state on my timeline I have a back button.
When the back button is pressed teh animaiton returns to this state but the video still plays in the backround.
The video cant be seen as its only appears at a later stage on the time line but the audio can still clearly be heard.

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Edge Animate CC :: Prevent Animation From Playing / Until Visible On Screen?

Jun 21, 2013

I have multiple pieces on animation elements on my site. I'd like the animations to play when the user has scrolled to that position on the page and not beforehand. Right now, page loads, user is at the top of the page and all animations load and start playing. By the time I scroll down, the animations have ended.

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Edge Animate CC :: Show Image Before Animation Starts Playing?

Jan 3, 2013

I have started to work on an animation which will work as a splash-screen before the users see the actual site. (Yes I know... but the client wants it like this...)
The problem I have now is that the animation plays after a few seconds and that during these seconds it shows the content of the website. Besides that I still find it pretty difficult to actually position the animation the way I want.
I am using a plug-in for wordpress.
I tried fixing this with a pre-loader but this is also too slow. Is there any way I can force the animation to play sooner or to make sure they can't see the content before the animation has played?
You can find the concept of the website on: [URL]

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Edge Animate CC :: Multiple Compositions On A Page / First Comp Stops Playing

Dec 13, 2013

I have two compositions on a page and I identify them within the AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback. As soon as the user scrolls to the first animation I want to start it with an external call (compId.play()). If this is the only composition on the page it does work correctly. But as soon as the second one is added to the page it doesn't play at all. If I trigger the first animation via the console (e.g. compId.play(1000)) the animation jumps to the 1000 ms mark but then it stops immediately and doesn't play on.

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Edge Animate CC :: Navigation Four Buttons

Aug 14, 2013

I have made four buttons.  And they work, but when I click again on button 1 all tree animations are playing! When I click again on number on the start animation is displayed. In the buttons I have set the animations for 2, 3 and for to hide.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons For Web Slideshow?

Jan 4, 2013

I'm trying to make a slideshow similar to what is provided through the Adobe Edge showcase sample files. Particularly the designer spotlight animation.
I want to get my buttons working so that when I click one it goes to that particular slide. I have copied and modified the code to work in that way but for some reason I can't get my animations to play when I click buttons-only the first button plays the first animation. Whenever I click the other button, it behaves as if it's playing the whole animation until it reaches the point of where it needs to play from the timeline.
I can post code to show you an example.
Here's what I have inside of the stage code:
// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here
this.circleBtnSymbol = sym.getSymbol('buttn_1');
// turn "on" first circle btn
 // global vars
this.activePanel = 4;
this.prevPanel = 1;
this.panelCount = 4;

All of the code seems to be set but I'm still not getting it to play exactly the way it should from the timeline.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Revert-symbols

Sep 23, 2013

Is there way to revert or un group assigned symbols?

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Edge Animate CC :: Creating A Complex Set Of Buttons?

May 1, 2013

I am creating a map of the US wherein each state would ideally be its own button. I would like this to trigger an event that makes that state bigger. How can I set this up? I have my map laid out in Illustrator with states on individual paths.

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Edge Animate CC :: Replacing Symbols Dynamically?

Jun 19, 2013

I am trying to make a fairly simple user interface. I have 3 buttons on stage and each button will pull out a correspoinding symbol from the library and display it on the stage.
Eg. Click btn1 and it will show content1 from the library.
So far it is working in that it shows the corresponding content but it appends subsequent content to the bottom of it. I need the content to be replaced instead.
I would prefer if I could dynamically get content from the library instead of having items on stage that are set to 'hide' and 'show'.
Note: I noticed that when you create a child symbol on stage that Edge gives it a randomly generated ID. There is some code towards the bottom that tries to rename its ID attribute. I am not 100% sure if it is even doing what I expect it to do.  
var btnArray = ['btn1','btn2','btn3']
function init(){
for (var i = 0; i < btnArray.length; ++i) {


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Edge Animate CC :: Reversing A Symbols Timeline?

Oct 22, 2013

I need to activate a timeline event on a symbol with a button press on another object, then when the button is pressed again, reverse the timeline event. This will have something sliding in and out of the stage.
If the animation is placed right at 0.00 and there's nothing else, then this code works OK:
if (sym.getPosition() == 0)
However there is other animation that plays automatically on page load, then a trigger stops all animation. The animation I need to trigger is a couple of seconds later bracketed by labels 'start' and 'stop'. So I need to code the button A to get the symbol B and animate from 'start' to 'stop' and then wait. Then on a further press to animate from 'stop' to 'start'. But I'm damned if I can get anything to work.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Sync Timelines Of Different Symbols

Oct 10, 2013

I want a command that sets a symbol's timeline position based on another symbol's timeline position.
 My case: Im making a intercative animation of a room, where i have a black screen symbol ("filmepreto") with a opacity animation over my room image. That symbols adjusts de room ilumination.

I have a symbol with an animation of a curtain closing (cortina) and another one with a roof lamp that gets on or off controlled by a button. When the button that turns the roof lamp the position of the "filmepreto" must be the same of the curtain. Both the curtain animation and the "filmepreto" animation have the same lenght.
I have more things that interefere on the ilumation of the room but, if I have the code to sync the off state of them with the position of the curtain animation i think I can set everything.

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Edge Animate CC :: Get And Hide All Child Symbols?

Jan 8, 2014

I'd like to target all child symbol instances of my mT symbol and hide them.
Something like this (except this doesn't work):
childsymbols_d1 = sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbol("d1").getSymbol("mT").getChildSymbols();
for(var i=0; i<childsymbols_d1.length; i++){
I don't want to use the timeline because I have a lot of child symbols, and would like to do this operation on several other symbols.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons To Control X And Y Position Of Symbol?

Jul 28, 2013

I am trying to move a symbol around based on it's x and y coordinates, without using keyframes to actually animate any movement.
Basically what I want to do is have a largish map image inside a symbol, most of which is off stage, with right,left, up and down buttons that slide the map in and out as you mouseover them, thus allowing the user to navigate east, west, north and south, if you see what I mean.
The buttons would move the map symbol around in increments of perhaps 10 or 20 pixels at a time, but it would freeze where it was when you moused out of the button, and begin moving again when you mouseover.
Of course it would be important to fix limits to how far the map symbol could be pushed so that you could only see as far as the edges of the map, and not beyond the limits of the map.

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Edge Animate CC :: IPad Buttons Are Slow In Reaction

Jul 8, 2013

I have an Edge project for web and ipad.The buttons in on the web site funtions well.But on the ipad it is slow and doesnt want to responed.

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Edge Animate CC :: Avoid Copy - Rectangle On Buttons?

Feb 12, 2013

I made an animation with adobe edge which I used in adobe dps. There is a button with touchstart (starts the animation) and touchend (play animation reverse). It works really well, but when I have the finger on the button it shows this gray copy-rectangle (the one with the blue little dots). The people at the adobe dps forum said it has to do something with adobe edge...

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control The Appearance Of Symbols And Elements

Jan 24, 2014

I've been experimenting with different ways to control the appearance of my symbols and elements.

I've seen multiple examples where people would add custom styles to the head of the html document created by edge. I've tried this, but no matter how I tweak it, I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried adding it to the existing edge runtime <style> tag, creating my own <style> tag (both before and after the edge runtime) and then adding the CSS into that, but to no avail. I have tried adding the class to both symbols and elements on the stage using both jQuery and that class form field next to the element name. I've also made sure to close out of the project before I add my styles, just in case that was the problem.

I feel like there might be some edge animate terminology/notation thing that I'm missing, because it seems like it should be a pretty straightforward process. 

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control Multiple Symbols Using Classes

Feb 14, 2013

I am wondering how I could control multiple symbols using classes.
So lets say I have 10 symbols on the Stage - each symbol has a class of 'box'
Using this:

only the first box will animate, not the other 9.

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Edge Animate CC :: Play Button With Audio And With Symbols

Apr 22, 2013

So my animation is a song and I'm doing like a video clip with interactivity (the interactivity is not inside at the moment).I need to have  a play button so we can see (heard) on iPhone, iPad...
My problem is that the animation begin immediately behind the play button and before I press it.So the song and the animation are not synchronize.I try many things to stop the animation but nothing is working.

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Edge Animate CC :: Order Of Symbols Returned By GetSymbols?

Nov 12, 2013

It seems that the order of symbols that I get back from sym.getComposition().getSymbols("symbolname") doesn't correspond to the order they were created or their order in the Elements table or their order in the timeline list.  What determines their order in the array?  How can I sort based on y position on stage or order of creation?

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Edge Animate CC :: Switch Symbols Inside Another Symbol

Sep 12, 2013

I have a parent symbol (symbolA) that contain another symbol (symbolB). when I click on the inner symbolB, I want to make it switch with a third symbol (symbolC) always inside the symbolA.

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Edge Animate CC :: Randomize Position Of Many Duplicate Symbols?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a rectangle (Named "Data") that falls down the stage on a loop. This is all contained within the symbol itself. The stage has this code in it:
var randX;
var randShouldWait;
var randSpeed;

This creates a nice looking randomized "shifting" as the block falls. The issue is that this code is specifically related to the "Data" object and when I duplicate the symbol it names it "Data_1" which obviously doesn't shift randomly. The goal is to have this expandable to have dozens of these rectangles at once, so Ideally I'd like to find a way to create new ones programmatically that each have individualized behavior so my timeline isn't so busy.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Call A Label Placed Outside Of A Symbols Timeline

Aug 27, 2013

how can I call a label placed outside of a symbol's timeline in edge animate? I made a droppable symbol and now I need an action (for a button... making click) to return to the principal stage to a specific label.

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbols Are Disappearing In Preview And Publish

Feb 18, 2014

so user error is not unlikely, but I have a small animation with 11 small circles that animate opacity and Y pos. The circles are all symbols and are being controlled (play/stop) from the main timeline. When I preview, half of them do not show up. The symbols that don't appear are consistent from preview to preview. I've looked at the Elements in the browser and they are there, they just aren't animating.
So I thought I would just recreate the "bad" symbols and their animations, but they are still not animating in my preview. When I play the timeline in Edge Animate evrything is fine.
I've tried it in Chrome, Safari and Firefox (all latest releases) with the same result.
Is there a symbol bug in Edge? Is there a method of creating symbols that I should be using (other than draw, cmd-Y and edit symbol timeline)?

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