Edge Animate CC :: Control Edge Symbols From External JavaScript?

Jan 9, 2013

I have come across about a dozen similar discussions, but most have presented solutions that worked in earlier versions of Edge and no longer work.
I am trying to use Edge to build animations that can then be integrated into larger non-Edge projects. I would like to then be able to control the Edge timeline or Edge symbols from elements OUTSIDE of Edge, such as another link or button in the page.
I cannot seem to figure out how to properly reference the Edge stage or symbols.
I have come across several proposed solutions for referencing Edge stage, such as:    
     var comp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage(); 
     var comp = $.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage();      
     var comp = Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
     var stage = comp.getStage();
     and these either DO NOTHING or throw errors about either AdobeEdge or Edge or comp being undefined.

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Edge Animate CC :: Targeting Adobe From External JavaScript File?

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to target adobe edge build from an external Javascript file? For instance, I click a button outside of the edge animate project and javascript tells Edge animate to "play()". What would that syntax be?

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Edge Animate CC :: Changing CSS Property Through External JavaScript File?

Mar 11, 2013

I'm trying to create all kinds of functions on an external .js file, so I can just call them in Edge multiple times with less coding. The thing is, after importing jQuery and my external Javascript file, some code works, but I get stuck at this part: changing the .css property of a symbol, more specifically, the "font-size" property. My current function is:
function setFont(textid,fontsize,originalWinWidth){ //textid: symbol's name; fontsize: current font size of this symbol; originalWinWidth: window size at the start of the animation
console.log("Set Font:");
//set the original font size
var originalFontSize = Math.round(originalWinWidth/fontsize);
console.log("Original Font Size: " + originalFontSize);
console.log("Text ID: " + textid);
//set the font size using jquery
sym.$(textid).css("font-size", originalFontSize);  }
I get an error at the last line, all other parts of the code works.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control The Appearance Of Symbols And Elements

Jan 24, 2014

I've been experimenting with different ways to control the appearance of my symbols and elements.

I've seen multiple examples where people would add custom styles to the head of the html document created by edge. I've tried this, but no matter how I tweak it, I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried adding it to the existing edge runtime <style> tag, creating my own <style> tag (both before and after the edge runtime) and then adding the CSS into that, but to no avail. I have tried adding the class to both symbols and elements on the stage using both jQuery and that class form field next to the element name. I've also made sure to close out of the project before I add my styles, just in case that was the problem.

I feel like there might be some edge animate terminology/notation thing that I'm missing, because it seems like it should be a pretty straightforward process. 

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control Multiple Symbols Using Classes

Feb 14, 2013

I am wondering how I could control multiple symbols using classes.
So lets say I have 10 symbols on the Stage - each symbol has a class of 'box'
Using this:

only the first box will animate, not the other 9.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control Dynamically Created Symbols

Jan 23, 2013

I'm trying to use ".createChildSymbol" to bring my symbols from the library to my stage. And in each symbol I have an OUT label, so every time a new symbol is called by a particular button, the last one plays from OUT label and new one appears at the same place. It's all easy for two symbols and I do not need to set any vaiable for them. But I have almost 180 symbols, and a menu of buttons to call them, so every button needs to play the OUT label of the current symbol and also plays the new one and make it as the current one.
sym.test = sym.createChildSymbol("test", "Stage"); 
sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("current", "test"); 
var current = sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("current");
sym.current.getSymbolElement().css({position:'absolute', display:'inline-block', top:167, left:91});

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Edge Animate CC :: Using API With JavaScript

Mar 11, 2013

i've been trying to get this going for a week now and I am still unable to access the Edge Animate instane through Javascript.
Here is the error I always get Uncaught TypeError: Object #has no method 'getComposition' 
And my code
<!DOCTYPE html>

It's weird that the documentation recommends using the following which wouldnt run at all: Edge.getComposition( compId )

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Edge Animate CC :: Starting Animation From JavaScript

Dec 10, 2013

I just made my first edge animate project and made a progress loader animation. Works well.When i placed the code in the site the animation was always on, so i've hidden the item in css
#Stage { display:none; }
When my animation is needed i'm making is visible however the animation has already been started in the background so wont begin the right place. I'm wondering should i stop the stage autoplay in the config and then start the animation in JS? If so how can i go about starting the animation via JS.
I've been playing around with  AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback but cant seem to get it to play.

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Edge Animate CC :: Stop() Overrides CSS That Is Applied Via JavaScript

May 15, 2013

I think I've found a bug via Adobe Edge.
If you have a symbol that has some labels as such
then you add that symbol to stage and have the following code in document.compositionReady
var mySymbolObject = sym.getSymbol("HoverExample");
var targetElement = mySymbolObject.$("backing");
where mySymbolObject is the symbol on the stage, backing is a rectangle div and the color is different than the original color in the symbol then you add the following code for hitbox (rectangle div that is alpha 0) under Hitbox.mouseover
the end result is that the css from the project, in this case the red background color, gets reapplied on mouseover despite me changing the color on startup.

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Edge Animate CC :: Changing Font Color Using JavaScript?

Feb 18, 2013

I have the following code and seem to have no success.
comp.getStage().$('LabelName').css('color', '#FFFFFF');

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Edge Animate CC :: Publishing To Wordpress WITH A Buzz JavaScript Soundfile

Jul 13, 2013

How to publish/ include my Edge animation which has an audio element (included via the buzz javascript library) to Wordpress. Thus far Ive been uploading Edge animations as .OAM's using Edge Suite plugin for Wordpress. However, when I upload the file, there is no audio so Im at a loss on this one.

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Edge Animate CC :: Setting JavaScript To Make Falling Snow?

May 24, 2013

I have managed to make a flake in Edge to flash randomly after following a tutorial on lynda.com
My javascript knowledge is fairly limited but I used the following code on a trigger inside the flake symbol I made:
var randomFrame = Math.floor(Math.random()*5000);
var maxWidth = $('#Stage').width();
var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random()*maxWidth);
var randomY = Math.floor(Math.random()*300);
var myName = sym.getSymbolElement();
  $(myName).css({'position':'absolute','top':randomY+'px','left':randomX +'px'});
This all works as a randomly appearing flake which doesn't look like snowfall. How to make the symbol float down from the top of the stage and repeated lots of times to look like snowfall?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Revert-symbols

Sep 23, 2013

Is there way to revert or un group assigned symbols?

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Edge Animate CC :: Replacing Symbols Dynamically?

Jun 19, 2013

I am trying to make a fairly simple user interface. I have 3 buttons on stage and each button will pull out a correspoinding symbol from the library and display it on the stage.
Eg. Click btn1 and it will show content1 from the library.
So far it is working in that it shows the corresponding content but it appends subsequent content to the bottom of it. I need the content to be replaced instead.
I would prefer if I could dynamically get content from the library instead of having items on stage that are set to 'hide' and 'show'.
Note: I noticed that when you create a child symbol on stage that Edge gives it a randomly generated ID. There is some code towards the bottom that tries to rename its ID attribute. I am not 100% sure if it is even doing what I expect it to do.  
var btnArray = ['btn1','btn2','btn3']
function init(){
for (var i = 0; i < btnArray.length; ++i) {


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Edge Animate CC :: Reversing A Symbols Timeline?

Oct 22, 2013

I need to activate a timeline event on a symbol with a button press on another object, then when the button is pressed again, reverse the timeline event. This will have something sliding in and out of the stage.
If the animation is placed right at 0.00 and there's nothing else, then this code works OK:
if (sym.getPosition() == 0)
However there is other animation that plays automatically on page load, then a trigger stops all animation. The animation I need to trigger is a couple of seconds later bracketed by labels 'start' and 'stop'. So I need to code the button A to get the symbol B and animate from 'start' to 'stop' and then wait. Then on a further press to animate from 'stop' to 'start'. But I'm damned if I can get anything to work.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Sync Timelines Of Different Symbols

Oct 10, 2013

I want a command that sets a symbol's timeline position based on another symbol's timeline position.
 My case: Im making a intercative animation of a room, where i have a black screen symbol ("filmepreto") with a opacity animation over my room image. That symbols adjusts de room ilumination.

I have a symbol with an animation of a curtain closing (cortina) and another one with a roof lamp that gets on or off controlled by a button. When the button that turns the roof lamp the position of the "filmepreto" must be the same of the curtain. Both the curtain animation and the "filmepreto" animation have the same lenght.
I have more things that interefere on the ilumation of the room but, if I have the code to sync the off state of them with the position of the curtain animation i think I can set everything.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons Appear All Together After Converting Them To Symbols

Nov 7, 2013

I created 5 buttons in Edge CC that appear one after the other. After converting them to symbols, they still appear one after the other in the timeline, but in a browser preview they all appear at the same time.

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Edge Animate CC :: Get And Hide All Child Symbols?

Jan 8, 2014

I'd like to target all child symbol instances of my mT symbol and hide them.
Something like this (except this doesn't work):
childsymbols_d1 = sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbol("d1").getSymbol("mT").getChildSymbols();
for(var i=0; i<childsymbols_d1.length; i++){
I don't want to use the timeline because I have a lot of child symbols, and would like to do this operation on several other symbols.

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Edge Animate CC :: Play Button With Audio And With Symbols

Apr 22, 2013

So my animation is a song and I'm doing like a video clip with interactivity (the interactivity is not inside at the moment).I need to have  a play button so we can see (heard) on iPhone, iPad...
My problem is that the animation begin immediately behind the play button and before I press it.So the song and the animation are not synchronize.I try many things to stop the animation but nothing is working.

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Edge Animate CC :: Order Of Symbols Returned By GetSymbols?

Nov 12, 2013

It seems that the order of symbols that I get back from sym.getComposition().getSymbols("symbolname") doesn't correspond to the order they were created or their order in the Elements table or their order in the timeline list.  What determines their order in the array?  How can I sort based on y position on stage or order of creation?

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Edge Animate CC :: Switch Symbols Inside Another Symbol

Sep 12, 2013

I have a parent symbol (symbolA) that contain another symbol (symbolB). when I click on the inner symbolB, I want to make it switch with a third symbol (symbolC) always inside the symbolA.

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Edge Animate CC :: Randomize Position Of Many Duplicate Symbols?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a rectangle (Named "Data") that falls down the stage on a loop. This is all contained within the symbol itself. The stage has this code in it:
var randX;
var randShouldWait;
var randSpeed;

This creates a nice looking randomized "shifting" as the block falls. The issue is that this code is specifically related to the "Data" object and when I duplicate the symbol it names it "Data_1" which obviously doesn't shift randomly. The goal is to have this expandable to have dozens of these rectangles at once, so Ideally I'd like to find a way to create new ones programmatically that each have individualized behavior so my timeline isn't so busy.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Call A Label Placed Outside Of A Symbols Timeline

Aug 27, 2013

how can I call a label placed outside of a symbol's timeline in edge animate? I made a droppable symbol and now I need an action (for a button... making click) to return to the principal stage to a specific label.

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbols Are Disappearing In Preview And Publish

Feb 18, 2014

so user error is not unlikely, but I have a small animation with 11 small circles that animate opacity and Y pos. The circles are all symbols and are being controlled (play/stop) from the main timeline. When I preview, half of them do not show up. The symbols that don't appear are consistent from preview to preview. I've looked at the Elements in the browser and they are there, they just aren't animating.
So I thought I would just recreate the "bad" symbols and their animations, but they are still not animating in my preview. When I play the timeline in Edge Animate evrything is fine.
I've tried it in Chrome, Safari and Firefox (all latest releases) with the same result.
Is there a symbol bug in Edge? Is there a method of creating symbols that I should be using (other than draw, cmd-Y and edit symbol timeline)?

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Edge Animate CC :: Overlapping Symbols With Mouse Events?

Aug 19, 2013

So I have an interactive piece with several shapes. There are about 5 rectangles, 3 horizontal and 2 vertical. For aesthetics and to fit them all in the space (stage), they overlap slightly. Whenever you mouseover a single rectangle it pushes the other rectangles away and a text bubble appears. When you mouseout, the text box goes away and the rectangles return to their original position. This worked without glitches when I applied it to the first rectangle. Now that I'm applying this to all of the other rectangles, I'm running into trouble. I'm thinking the trouble is with the overlapping portion. If you hover one rectangle where it overlaps another rectangle for a split second it plays the correct animation but then I think it tries to also play the animation for the other overlapping rectangle that appears underneath.
So my question is, what is the best way to remedy this problem? On mouseover can I temporaily disable mouse events for the other rectangles once one has been triggered? And then maybe re-enable them on mouseout? Is there a way for the rectangle that is visually on top to be the one that recieves the mouseover event?

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Edge Animate CC :: Using Jquery To Show And Hide Symbols?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a project in Edge with a couple of screens as symbols on layers in the main timeline. I've been trying to write a function in the global scope that I can call from all the buttons, to show and hide screens.
So far I have a function that looks like this:
function mainScreenOut (){
But this and many variations don't seem to work. how to use these jquery commands properly?

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Edge Animate CC :: Copy Motion Path From Other Symbols?

Oct 4, 2013

I need to apply the very same motion path to multiple objects. Is there a way to copy the motion path from a symbol to another? I can't find a way to do this.

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Edge Animate CC :: Handling Elements And Symbols (including Preloading)

Jul 26, 2013

I am trying to learn Edge Animate and I have not seen enough animations to know how this is typically handled and I searched the forum and have not found an answer either.
If you have many different elements and symbols for a project, what is the best practice for having them appear, disappear, etc. on the timeline? I ask this question not only from a performance based perspective, but also keeping in mind the idea of preloading. This is a 2 part question:
Part 1: Using elements and symbols later in the timeline:
Since artwork is always imported directly to the stage in an "always on" status, should we place a visibility OFF on every item until we need it?
or should they be opacity 0 until I need them?or should they be set to visibility hidden until I need them?
Which of these is the best option if you don't want the element / symbol visible until later in the timeline? Does it matter?
Part 2: Impact on page loading
Does the above question have any impact upon page loading speed or is this something handled in preloading?or do you need to make a special preloader?

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Edge Animate CC :: Play Random Symbols When Button Is Clicked

Oct 7, 2013

I have a dozen or so animated symbols on the stage and I'd like a randomly called one to play each time users click a button.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons And Mouseovers Playing And Stopping Same Symbols?

Sep 22, 2013

I have two symbols nested. On mouse over, the first symbol saturates the image, and moves it down. The second symbol makes the image cycle through three pictures. On mouse off, the slideshow stops, the image desaturates and moves up. This works really good!
I have a button below it, that when pressed, starts the timeline of the first symbol (saturates the image, and moves it down). This works great...but when I hover over the image, (after clicking the button), it snaps back up, and is desaturated. I'm not sure why it does that...I want the image to stay where it is!

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbols Shift To A Completely Irrelevant Position?

Nov 5, 2013

I'm having trouble with some of my animations. Althought they all work fine (there currently 4 individual animations based around click and play symbols) and the positions are correct on the stage, when I preview them or publish them, some of the symbols shift to a completely irrelevant position for no dicernable reason. When clicked, the animations all take place in the correct position and remain there.

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