CorelDRAW X6 :: Option Exactly Similar To Adobe Illustrator CS4
Aug 29, 2013
Find out an option in coreldraw x6 which exactly similar to adobe illustrator cs4 as below
storke / align stroke / align stroke to center / align stroke to inside / align stroke to outside
5270.DO NOT STEP.pdf
how can i create a attached rectangular sticker 150mm with x 40mm height with outline 2mm width and that outline width did not go out dimension of 150mm x 40mm
I use CDX5 and I can not import any Adobe Illustrator file. The Corel stop to work each time. I try to start the pgm with the F8 key, but no way. It doesn't work.
I have purchased some clipart where the artist used Adobe Illustrator and it contained extensive Mesh Fills. The artist sent me the same artwork in pdf & eps but I am unable to open any of them with X5. Apparently it is a function of the mesh fills?
How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?
I able to add in the 3D tab as a plugin? I've purchased the standard PS CS5 and never got told we had other options, if this can be added in or do I need to pay another k just to upgrade?
I have problem in using 'save for web' option in adobe Photoshop cs6 recently. Each time I try to save for web, it gives me this warning: The operation could not be completed. The system cannot find the path specified.
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
I have a form I'm creating in CorelDraw and I would like to be able to input numbers and have a table that performs calculations similar to what Excel does. It's basically going to add up prices and then calculate tax.
I want to create a line that looks like a set of railroad tracks - two rails and ties - or a single track with ties half as long as the 2 rail tracks would be.
I want to be able to use it the same as the lines that are installed with CDR 12 - scalable, editable points, curving, extend the length by pulling an end point, set point size , etc.
Basically anything I can do to and with an installed line, I want to do with my custom one.
I found Oberon Fit Objects To Path as a very interesting macro and i tried to download it.I have downloaded the zip file from Oberon website , but an Error showed up on my screen saying: "Unable to find CorelDraw x5 installation"...
I know the reason for this is because of the x5 version, which i don't have in my system.But i have also downloaded some other macros that are x4 or x5 versions and they are working excellent on my CorelDraw x6.
Any other macros similar to the "oberon Fit Objects To Path" macro?
Is there a text editor window in Illustrator similar to Freehand? I want to be able to edit text without constantly having to zoom in so that I can see the text, then zoom out again to see the whole page.
In Freehand, you could select a Preference that would open a Text Editor window that was consistant in size no matter what the zoom level was. You could opt to show the text in 12pt Helvetica or in the actual font and size. This was enormously useful in organizing and shaping the size of the text.
I am developing a plugin which is supposed to fill contents (text/image) from external source into a ai file that has placeholders. So far I am able to get the text part working using text frames. I am however not able to figure out a way to provide placeholder for image. Is there an equivalent of textframe for image? what are the alternatives?
I want to get similar transforms with rotate and translate as I get it with the Transfommation Effect on multiple copies. But somehow the rotation of the Filter puts a different transform than doing it with rotation in js. With js the copies get rotated around a center, that is on the same level for all objects. With the filter the translations seem to have an different origin/direction. I dont get the logic how to get the same output with js.
I used to have the option for "Use Adobe Dialog" in all the CS2 programs, but I didn't really use it that often. Now that I've just reinstalled Windows and gotten everything set up again, I was wanting to use it again, but now the option is no longer there in the Open dialog.
I designed a festival event guide and our new publishers asked me to add a "bleed" to the documents before publishing to PDF. I followed all the instructions, but when viewing, all it shows is an extra white border around my pages. I need the color to bleed...
I am a long time user of CorelDRAW but have been moving more and more to Adobe CS. In part because it is the standard in the graphic design industry but also because Corel always seems to have some issue. My latest issue is when I select an imported image in a CorelDraw file and go to the top menu, I can't select edit bitmap. The option is grayed out. It's a new install on winxp-pro. I've used this tool over many years and questioned why Adobe could not launch photoshop and edit embedded images from within Illustrator. It still can't, but it can edit linked files, a danger if you only want to apply changes to the image in your current work file. Corel's ability to edit embedded images is a great feature. Why it does not work has got me stumped. jpg files are associated with Photo-Paint, I close and reopen Corel and still no capability to edit images from within CorelDraw.
I downloaded a file and when I try to group everything, the option is not available, it's greyed out. The status bar says curve on layer 2. I have another object on layer 1 and had no problem grouping.
im using coreldraw x5 since last year but recently when ive tried to open uniform fill tool (***+f11) the separate window isnt showing up. is as if it is invisible because i would have to press esc to continue back to my work. the only pop up window that does work is fountain fill (f11) the rest such as option (ctrl+j) doesnt pop up
Is there a way that coreldraw x5 by default saves as to an older version e.g. 12, 13,. [ so we don't have to specially go to the save as dialog box] automatically just like there's an option in AutoCAD?
Is there an option setting to show palette color names but not show the tool tips? I like the color names displayed but dislike the tool tips getting in my face.
I've been using X6 for over a year without any major problems. I have all updates and hotfixes installed. Last night I saved a project I was working on and this morning when I went to open it it crashed immediately, before the splash screen even appeared. Everything froze including the mouse and keyboard and I had to do a hard shutdown. I booted back up, tried again and the same thing. Tried different .cdr files and opening CDX6 directly. Same complete system-wide crash. The F8 reset option freezes the system too.
I tried reinstalling the last update and as soon as the reinstall began it crashed. I tried uninstalling it. It crashed. Each time freezing the complete system, mouse, keyboard and all, requiring a hard shut down. I scanned for viruses—nothing.
Everything was working fine last night, all I did was boot down the PC for the night and boot it back up in the morning like I've done a million times.
While using print merge option Corel Draw X5 give me an error when I try to import an existing csv or txt file on the print merge dialog box. It says "Impossible to open the file or not correct file format". The files are made with open office or microsoft works, and in the past I've already used and worked good. Now I find this error...