I am trying to create a pattern like this [URL]... in CorelDraw x4.
It's not something I have tried to do before and I am a newvie to CorelDraw as my new job requires me to use it. My old job required Illustrator CS4/5.
How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?
A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.
i'm using illustrator cs5. making a pattern containing a pattern. i have some illustrations that i've put a simple polka dot pattern behind. in order for illustrator to accept it as pattern, i've been expanding the polka dot part before dragging it over to the swatches panel. however, when i do this it slows everything down tremendously and usually makes the system crash.
i want to have a gradient of 12px by 50 px and i want to make that into a pattern so that i can have it for later use. what do i do to make a new pattern.
Having trouble saving a pattern in 64bit Illustrator? Seems to work fine in 32bit but only saves the original symbol (1 time) in 64. Follow the same procedure in each case, drag symbol (or place own symbol) to library then to document, make pattern (all works fine) but then "save a copy" in 64 only saves the original symbol not the pattern(in my case).... 32bit saves the pattern.
is there a simpler way of creating these patterns or a way of doing less work to create these patterns?can this be accomplished with a formula/ function?
Is there a way to see the end result of a pattern as you are creating it?
That is a way so you can see the pattern tiled all over the document. So say you are working on a 100x100 area to be the pattern in layer 1, but you want to see this replicated over an entire document. Maybe you have an overall image/document that is 800x600 say, and you work on the 100x100 area in a layer. Anyway some way of doing is so that when you make a small change in the 100x100 area of the layer you're using for the patter creation, you immdiately see the replicated result of the 800x600 area.
I have been looking all over to try to find a way to create a flat pattern from a 3D model in AutoCAD. I've found several sites saying it can be done on Inventor, but as I do not have Inventor, I would like to know if it is possible to do with AutoCAD, and if so how to do it.
I'd like to create a pattern so that I can fill a large rectangle with it and have it look like a checkered tablecloth.
I've attached an image of the idea of the pattern, as well the pattern I created and the result, which did not come out the way I wanted. How do I get it to be seamless (repeated with no break)?
I am trying to create an infographic that has a circular pattern. I'm hoping there is a streamlined process that allows me to start with a linear set of bars/pattern (with vertical text) and then automatically transforms the set to an evenly-spaced radiating pattern.
Here are some examples of what I would like to achieve: [URL] ....
I'm created the parts successfully with no error, but when I try to create a flatten view it kept giving me error. I notice that some people try to use chamfer to resolve this issue but I tried with no luck. Also, I play around with the gap size and still get the error. How to create the flat view for me so I could learn how to do it.
I am using 2012 currently. I am trying to make 2 key ways in opposite sides of a short aluminum round tube or bushing. the keyways will start at the top edge of the tube, cut to the center of the tubes length, then go 90 degrees in either direction going with the curvature of the tube wall, then back towards the top edge, but not all the way back out.The keyway will be through all, on both sides.
It essentially is a twist lock for a shaft with two pins to be pushed in, turned 90 degrees and sprung back into a locked position. What autodesk intended its Inventor 2010 and 2012 users to use to put this feature into the parts drawing or model.
I have a titleblock with a table for the BOM. When I select the block I want to enter text into, the block has a yellow box around it and the table editor pops up. I can click the arrow keys up and the highlighted section goes to the cell above the one it was just on. Down moves it down, Right moves it right, and left moves it left. The problem is when I double click the box to edit the information in the cell. when I double click the box and enter information, I typically am able to push the up key to get to the cell above it. NOW when I push the up key, it goes to the cell to the left. When I push the down key, it goes to the cell to the right.
I am positive that the is either a function or a button or a property that needs to be changed.
AutoCad 2012 can extract pre-selected object attribute data to a database. After editing and manipulating that data in 2012’s native database tool, I want to be able to return the modified data to the objects it originally came from. However, the 2012 database tool returns data to a disassociated label rather than to the source objects.
My application for this functionality is to be able to DI-directionally edit low voltage wiring information like wire numbers, device source, device destination and sheet IDs that are assigned to blocks as visible and hidden attributes.
How to do this in 2012 or with an externally loaded routine? I have tried JTB World’s ACAD-db external process without success.
I am trying to 'keep up' with my students, thought I'd use the Tutorial provided, finished the 2mm_guard...went to Create Flat Pattern and...I've never seen an 'exit' that quick before. I'm running Windows 8.1 on what I thought was a 'magic' Dell XPS 12 -
i'm newbie in customizing tools in autocad especially in creating hatch pattern. i understand that to create new hatch pattern is by adding a new hatch pattern in acad.pat file with specific angle.
my question is is it posibble to create a hatch pattern that can use specific angle follows the object shape?
This is what autocad can do by default this is what i'm trying to create
I am using 3ds Max 2012 to create some simple freeway directional signs for my experiment. I succeeded to make a panel but when I export it, the color has changed for some unknown reason. It looks like an additional white layer applied on the surface (In the yellow box in the attached pic).
Any suspicious check options I can try?? I really need to do this right..
I'm drawing a setting-out plan for landscape construction purposes and need the dimensions to have an arrow in the middle of the dimension line to indicate to the contractor the route to follow around site.
I have a model of a plywood seat "blank" which I have trimmed by way of an extrusion cut to give the plywood seat its shape. Basically I'll use my modeled shape to CNC rout the shape into the actual blank. However, before I tie up a CNC to make my 1st part I want to create a flat pattern which I will lay on the actual plywood blank and cut it out by hand to see if the shape aesthetically works. I am trying to unfold/ unroll/ flat pattern the shape in inventor (as a sheet metal part) so I can plot it but am not able to do so successfully (fails). Is the shape to complex? I have attached an image of the blank, an image of the finished shape desired and the .ipt. I'm not an expert at sheet metal but I have successfully done this sort of thing before making flat patterns of transition cones etc so I do think I am following the correct procedure but this part is far more complex that I am used to. Also, the model of the "blank" was imported as an iges from my supplier before I made it a thickened surface so I'm afraid inventor doesn't "historically know" how it was created and therefore cannot flatten it.
Is there a way to unfold a coil shape to get the flat pattern? When I try to unfold the attached part I get an error message (see attached error_msg.jpg). We have been using AutoPOL to unfold these kind of shapes (which works fine). But since we have a very old version which we really need to upgrade, I was wondering if nowadays Inventor could handle coil unfolds.
If this will not work with the current IV2013 release, will this then be implemented in a future release? Are there any alternatives or should I just go for the AutoPOL upgrade?
Using a fresh stock installation of After Effects CS6, when I enable the 3D switch for a solid layer the directional handles will not appear, neither will the bounding box for the layer. Is there a preference setting that I'm missing, or is this just a "fluke" that will require me to re-install the software?
While tracing a tree image using splines for a school project i have run into some problems...I am creating a pattern for a plasma cutter.
When i move the points of my spline sometimes it causes the whole spline to randomly move around and twist and turn where there are no points. Also sometimes when i open the drawing some of the spline lines are out of place while the spline points have not moved.I have tried to constrain all the points but it turned into a mess.How can i stop this from happening?
I have two lights in action. One spot with falloff and spread and one directional.
The directional light only show an effect on the text if I rotate it, but moving it along the Y-axis perpendicular to the text shows no changing effect.
I want to create a flat pattern of a sheet metal-part that I've used in an assembly. In this assembly I've made cut-outs in some of the parts (see attached .png). Is it possible to get at flat pattern of the specific parts with the cutouts? I can e-mail a ZIP-file with the assembly (the file was too large too attach).
Let's say that I'm making a simple L bracket. I'm going to form it, and machine the holes in both ends *after* forming. So I don't want the holes to show in my flat pattern.
On the few threads I found, the consensus seemed to be that you may have to have the part file contain no holes and put them in as assembly. So I just accepted this that it must not be able to be done.
Then I ran across a piece of promo literature online from AutoDesk that made mention of the ability to create "postform" features that obviously are created after the forming process.