AutoDesk Smoke :: Directional Light Only Show Effect On Text If Rotated
Jul 10, 2012
I have two lights in action. One spot with falloff and spread and one directional.
The directional light only show an effect on the text if I rotate it, but moving it along the Y-axis perpendicular to the text shows no changing effect.
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
When I add a text fx to a gap effect in the timeline. During typing I can see the axis. but after typing I cannon drag it on screen. I have to enter the editor to move it around. Am I missing something?
I'm trying to line up some audio with my cuts. I can see the the amplitude but as soon as I hold and move the audio it turns "light" blue. And I can can't see the waveform, which is useful a lot.
All I want to do is line up the cuts with the a back ground beat.
I have a new project coming up.At the beginning, everything is supposed to be in a black and white world, just the product is supposed to be colored. And everywhere, where you place the product, the surroundings become colored too (as if being washed over with color). I already started playing around, but the result is not yet satisfying.
I know that the Euphonix panel we have has an edit soft effect button. But it doesn't add the effect as well. (plus you have to hit the "NAV" button to make it accessible)
At the moment I am in action building a composite. We I am viewing the entire comp via the default camera, I can see all the effects applied to the comp, but when I switch to perspective view. All the effects are gone.
Is there a way to see the effects why in perspective view?
How to use Smoke make Dark Edge Border effect. I have tried wipe, make a mask and enable the advance gradient, but not happy with the result. Is there any other method to make a Dark Edge Border effect?
How do I set the animation graph in Axis FX to show only those parameters that have been modified ? Currently takes me a while to locate the parameters that I want to tweak.
I have a problem everytime i apply the axis effect on a clip in the timeline. What happens is that smoke starts loading the effect, but hangs there, and after a while a message comes up saying that due to a software error smoke must close. But the only way to close it, is only if i do force quit process through terminal. Everything else works really well though, besides this specific issue with axis effect. This by the way didn't happen with Smoke 2013 SP2, maybe a hardware compatibility issue?
here is the smoke log file from console:
Sep 09 20:33:33 : No shader unit for shader (null). Sep 09 20:33:33 : Assertion failed: (_curUnit), function shaderUnit* shaderUnits::getCurrentUnit() const, file develop/src/libcoreGraphics/shaderMgr.C, line 378. Sep 09 20:33:33 : Application: smoke 2013.2.53 x86_64 Sep 09 20:33:33 : Pid: 3023 Sep 09 20:33:34 : Uninitialising thread manager.
The footage that i'm using is SD PAL, in DV format (.mov) files, captured through firewire through Premiere CS6. Is it a problem of the footage? GPU? or am i missing something?
My computer specs are (i'm on a hackintosh for now...):
I'm looking for an easy way to get a simple page fold effect on a 2D Logo. I'm playing around here in Axis with the surface set to Bicubic but I'm moving around the corners and handles and can't really achieve a realistic look. Is there something like page fold in the Avid where you can adjust the fold radius and it simply works....?
I just installed Smoke Ext 1. I noticed that all of my source files on an existing job, that are H264, don't show up...they just have a black screen with audio.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
Why is there a difference between the text from the soft fx and the text in action? If you look at the attached picture, the 3 lines look slightly different although they shouldn't. The first line was written inside the soft fx.
The second line, with an ugly outline, is the 3D text, and although it's the same font, it looks thinner here. And the third line, which I think looks a little too soft, is with AA turned on in action.
So why can't I achieve the same look in action, as in the text soft fx?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I have a video layer in Action with a ring of text orbiting around it. Unfortunately the text is not disappearing behind the video layer on the backside of the ring.
I have composed a scene in action that contains 3d text with a reflection layer. I animated the reflection to keep the part of the image that I want to appear on the letters in view. Everything looks ok when I step through in action or click preview, but comes out wrong when I render.
It looks like there may be some sort of timing issue, so I've checked for slip and TW problems and found none. I've also checked for transitions on other axes that might cause a problem and see none. Is this a bug?
So in Action, how do I set the justify for a 3D Text object?
I've moved on... But for the life of me I can not find the option to set the justify for 3D Text. I thought I had done this before in action, but I can't find the option.