AutoDesk Smoke :: 2013 Ext1 Crashes While Applying Axis Effect
Sep 10, 2013
I have a problem everytime i apply the axis effect on a clip in the timeline. What happens is that smoke starts loading the effect, but hangs there, and after a while a message comes up saying that due to a software error smoke must close. But the only way to close it, is only if i do force quit process through terminal. Everything else works really well though, besides this specific issue with axis effect. This by the way didn't happen with Smoke 2013 SP2, maybe a hardware compatibility issue?
here is the smoke log file from console:
Sep 09 20:33:33 : No shader unit for shader (null).
Sep 09 20:33:33 : Assertion failed: (_curUnit), function shaderUnit* shaderUnits::getCurrentUnit() const, file develop/src/libcoreGraphics/shaderMgr.C, line 378.
Sep 09 20:33:33 : Application: smoke 2013.2.53 x86_64
Sep 09 20:33:33 : Pid: 3023
Sep 09 20:33:34 : Uninitialising thread manager.
The footage that i'm using is SD PAL, in DV format (.mov) files, captured through firewire through Premiere CS6. Is it a problem of the footage? GPU? or am i missing something?
My computer specs are (i'm on a hackintosh for now...):
I seem to remember that there was a way to apply effects to the same shot even if it's used in another timeline so that you don't have to manually drop it on every instance.
Is there any way to turn on motion blur in Axis on the time line like you can in Action?
I looked in setup and it doesn't seem to be there, hoping I'm just missing something and I don't have to hall this text into action and back each time it gets updated.
I'm in CFX in the Modilar Keyer. I loaded a setup previously with GMASKs previously applied on a HD shot. I now need to scale the GMASK for a 4K HD shot (200%). I was told to go in the GMASK schematic (the one that looks like action) and add a parent axis to move all the masks at once. WHen I'm in GMASK schematics I don't have access to a node bin. Where do I add an AXIS to parent all my masks in there?
When I enter Stabilize/Track through the Axis editor I arrive at a blank viewer screen with no footage. I get tracker target boxes, but no footage to track. Stabilizer/Stabilize works fine, but the tracker does not seem to work.
I'm working with 1080i50 footage. Interlaced, upper field (F1). When I apply an Axis effect to a clip in the timeline an render that, the result is wrong.
I'm not sure what exactly it is. Either the fields are inverted or somehow 'melted' into one frame. In the Axis editor the Interlaced/Progressive switch is set to Interlaced. If I set it to Progressive the rendered result is ok.
I'm trying to make a PIP in a timeline with Axis. PIP is a easy thing so I made it of course.
But the problem is When I use multiple PIPs. There's no Global axis like in Action, so I couldn't control PIPs at once. I thought make a Gap effect with axis or Container would be work, but It didn't work as I thought.
Do I have to make a mask for PIP? Is there any way to move, rotate, scale them together easily? & Axis could have only one image? In animation view, there's a Global axis and a image axis.
Using the axis transition how would I go about creating a push, it sounds so simple but I've been screwing around for a little bit and haven't done it.
I've done a "slide in" on my incoming clip but thats just half of it. Also, I saw somewhere that you can reveal the axis nodes on a timeline axis effect, but I'll be damned it I cant remember how.
It would be nice to have the full set of blend modes available to the AXIS tool in the timeline.
Quite often the most used blend modes for quick color treatments....Overlay, Hard Light and Soft Light etc...are not available in the timeline AXIS soft effect.
Is this a limitation of the soft effect as opposed to using ACTION or say Blend&Comp nodes?
New users would probably not find where the extra layer blend modes where, and may simply think that Smoke lacks these most used blend modes.
1) Is there a way to hide all axis icons in Action apart from selected ones? Even though they turn grey it's often very hard to see the selected one in big comps.
2) In HD text module how can I see the full picture? While postioning text I can't see the bottom of the picture on either the preview monitor or the broadcast monitor.
How do I set the animation graph in Axis FX to show only those parameters that have been modified ? Currently takes me a while to locate the parameters that I want to tweak.
I'm new to Smoke and have an issue. Im importing an xml from FCP and Smoke crashes in the library. I'm taking a class @ FXPHD and the first class is an easy xml import reading the source media.
As soon as I load the xml into the clip library Smoke crashes. I've already gone thru the system set up requirements and have a great machine built to Smoke requirements. I'm wondering if it is a network configuration of some sort? Not sure...
As soon as i try to open the default canon folder containing 5d footage, software crashes (spinning wheel, then app exited abnormally message).
I try re-starting wiretap gateway, wiretap server, and stone+wire thru Service Monitor then restarting smoke but that sometimes solves the issue and sometimes it doesnt. And sometimes i see checkerboards.
I tried solving the problem by running smoke with airport on or off but with similar results.I did some search here and gathered that it could be due to a number of reasons (IP address, local host etc) but I dont quite fully understand everything.
I don't have my mac pro networked via any Ethernet cable or anything and don't want to have to keep airport on unless i need to be online.
Doing a project in 5760 x 1080 (3xHD). And smoke does not import, crashes, leaving no reports. Just hangs.Upon a new project, and import, but when pushing the edit button for resize, crashes again. Hangs, no report...
Whenever I try to enter source record mode the programs crashes and quits. I've tried with keyboard shortcut, using the option dropdown and the same thing happens. This did not happen with previous version.
When I add a text fx to a gap effect in the timeline. During typing I can see the axis. but after typing I cannon drag it on screen. I have to enter the editor to move it around. Am I missing something?
I have a new project coming up.At the beginning, everything is supposed to be in a black and white world, just the product is supposed to be colored. And everywhere, where you place the product, the surroundings become colored too (as if being washed over with color). I already started playing around, but the result is not yet satisfying.
I know that the Euphonix panel we have has an edit soft effect button. But it doesn't add the effect as well. (plus you have to hit the "NAV" button to make it accessible)
How to use Smoke make Dark Edge Border effect. I have tried wipe, make a mask and enable the advance gradient, but not happy with the result. Is there any other method to make a Dark Edge Border effect?