CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Printing Options Not Saved With Print Merge?
Nov 23, 2012
Whenever I perform a PrintMerge the print dialog and its options are reset everytime I leave the print dialog.
Usually you hit print set parameters and hit apply, you now can cancel the dialog and hit print again, your previous settings should still be there. Same goes if you actually print and want to repeat the print process, as long as you dont close the document. This works for normal printing but fails with print merge.
Every time I close the dialog (not the document) all the settings are back to default. This did not happen in X5 and is very annoying since it resets to default even if you actually hit print, forcing you to set the parameters every time.
I am using CorelDraw to create price labels for my store. When I merge in the price field for an item I want it to show on the label with the cents in superscript as opposed to using a decimal and full sized cents text. Is this possible in any version of CorelDraw using the print merge feature?
Keep in mind that I also have the price field in an envelope so that the price takes up the full size allotted on the label whether the price is $1.99 or $999.99.
I was trying this Printing Merge many times. I noted that I could run the Printing Merge only with English Words because when I tried other languages such as Chinese and Khmer. Most of my words became error, so I really couldn't use it as needed. Is the Printing Merge used only with English?
On the contrary, I used to use the Printing Merge in MS Word. It works with all languages. I want to use the Printing Merge in Coreldraw 12 beside English.
The problem is that I have not Excel on my PC. Only Open office. I create a csv file but Open Office asks me every time what the Field and Text delimiter have to be - for the Field "," ";" ":" "tab" or "space" and for the Text " or '. After that it asks me to check or not few check boxes. See the picture below.
I tryed few combinations but the same result - Failed to save print merge data!
I dont know what to chek but the biggest problem is that I tryed to save a txt tab delimited on other computer with excel and when I try to print merge after loading the txt file Corel says Failed to save print merge data.
I saw that we can Print merge directly from xls files but I cant find that option in ODCB Data Source. Weird! because I have to do 1100 badjes with different merge fields like country, name, code etc... and if I start to make them by hand it will be forever!
I created a list if voucher numbering from 1001 to 1200, but when I perform the Print Merge, the list shown are with one decimal point i.e. 1001.0, 1002.0, etc....
I have just ugraded 4 computers to X5 (one w7, 3 with XP) and are having a lot of problems with the application crashing or hanging. Applies to all computers. We do a lot of print merges, more than 100 a day. Happens randomly, but mainly after several jobs have been printed (jobs, 5-10, still open in X5 in case som modifications are needed).
since i upgraded to X6 i cannot do imposition anymore, using print merge.
Before i set a page with lets say A5 with the layout, and then in the print merge, i would put 4up (four A5), and it went well, using (collate and cut as well).
Now look at my attached file, the first page stays different size.
I need to prepare the artwork for 1000 member cards with the membership number present as a barcode. How can I generate the barcode for each individual card without doing it one by one?
While using print merge option Corel Draw X5 give me an error when I try to import an existing csv or txt file on the print merge dialog box. It says "Impossible to open the file or not correct file format". The files are made with open office or microsoft works, and in the past I've already used and worked good. Now I find this error...
I have a document, where I need to have 4 different print merge fields from 4 different data sources (.txt).I can only make it work with 1 print merge field.
I am having an issue with X6's print merge not recognizing a properly formatted numeric filed from my Excel spreadsheet. My first issue was that Corel was adding a decimal point after my numbers. This was when they were still formatted as text fields. (which i still don't understand why, since they were just TEXT fileds)
I know that the fields need to be "numeric" fields.
FYI i have ALREADY COMPLETED MY TASK by using an "added" numeric filed that i added IN CorelDraw and then used the "Numeric Field Options" at the bottom of the page to get my number sequence.
However, that is not my question.... my question is: How do i get corel to RECOGNIZE a numeric field AS a numeric field in the first place.
To print business cards, I selected Label AVERY 5371 - 2X 3.5 BusCr. Print preview looks good. There is no any visible alignment problems.
When printing is completed (Linen paper AVERY 5371), there is about 2 millimeters alignment problem for each card. I created my own template and the print is with the same results. The printer I use is Canon MP830 ink jet.
so, for some reason when i choose the body of this cow i drew to fill, it fills its hind leg, and stubbornly refuses to fill the body at all. i have tried all the fill tools to get this too work. i figure if i flatten the image the fill tool will work a bit better.
there is no such thing as flattening the image or merging layers in the help section and the info online hasn't been so great. How do you merge layers?
Using x4. I am looking to merge a list of names into a matrix and maintain text constraints. I want all the names to fit into a certain space (ex. 1.5" long) and to maintain a certain character height (ex. .25" high). So my output should be no longer than 1.5" and all should have .25" high characters on a single line. I am able to setup the template and lock the fields, but during the merge everything gets messed up. All x, y positions, text length and text height have to be manually reentered for each name.
i've a problem with two options in the configuration of CorelDraw X4. Both option reset, after restarting the application...The first option is "Doublecklick image, to edit in PHOTO-Paint" and the second option is the performance of POWERTrace (I choose highest quality, but CorelDraw resets to better performance).
I need to make a bunch of barcode tags for a client. I know CorelDraw isn't the best tool for this, but it's what I have and this is a one-time job.
To partially automate the process, I'm trying to use print merge to make the parts of the tags that aren't barcode, but I include the text that belongs in the barcode on the page. The print merge works correctly, I get what I expect. The next step would be to cut the barcode text, choose Insert Barcode, and then paste the barcode text into the barcode dialog.
Except, when trying to paste the text intended for the barcode I discovered that I was actually copying the <var1> field--not the text. I verified this by copying the "text" from the print merge document and then pasting back into the same document--what I got from the paste was not the expected text, but <var1>.
Since the barcode type I was using does not support the "<" character, it gave me an "invalid character" error.
My attempted solution was to publish to a PDF file and then import into a new document. This worked except for some reason CorelDraw makes a new layer named, inexplicably, "Layer 1" (there's a "Layer 1" by default, why make a second layer with the same name?) BUT when the import is done the new layer is NOT chosen in Object Manager, the original "Layer 1" is. Which means, when I go to copy the text and insert the barcode it ends up UNDER the other parts of the barcode tag which are on the NEW "Layer 1".
When I create my merge document, regardless of how many pages, I will need to make edits to some of the text. Corel will randomly crash when I try to edit the text. Every time. I have lots of work to do and have not the time to deal with this.
I have just installed CorelDRAW x4 and when I first used the 'Duplicate' tool, a pop up box appeared. The second time I used it, the pop up box did not appear and I cannot find how to open it again.
When you right click on a divider bar on the menu you used to have a option to import or export the work space,now it looks like the screen shot on the right. ( I didn't have a screen shot of X6, but it looked a lot like the X4.)Why does things that work well in CorelDRaw keep getting changed?
I find when i open any file i have saved as an X6 file CorelDraw crashes ...the only way it works is if i open a blank template or older file (not saved in x6) first
X5 Recently have begun missing parts of print out. Tried to duplicate but appears completely random.
Output to both Full colour laser and Wide Format printers will miss either text or part of objects. Today printed the text but not the text effects. Initially closed and reopened, rebooted, However this has become a now daily feature so regardless tried reprint from the same screen so next print has everything included.
Very costly and time consuming - print preview shows all correct but output is not the same.
Time to increase the size of the options box as well as give it a little attention. It hasn't changed much since, ... well, forever.
Monitors are huge, so lets make it happen. I don't like having to scroll sideways with the slider to see full name of macros or tools when customizing.
I export many web graphics at the same size so with x6. I thought I would love the presets with x6 however when I set the preset to export like at 700px width it changes and re-sizes the exported graphic to 350px width. It show 700px on the screen when I load the preset however right when I click export or if I place me cursor in the transformation box it changes. I even tried to change it too 1400px hoping it would then change it to 700px but it still changes it to 350px.