CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Lost RIGHT CLICK Using Wacom Tablet
Dec 22, 2012
I need to use CorelDraw X5 the bigger the pain in the neck the issue becomes.
The tabket is a Wacom Intuos 3 an my pen is set up to have a right click for the lower side button, double click for the upper side button and single click for the nib. In all applications and Windows this works as expected but as soon as I run X5 I lose the right click and it takes several minutes to return after I have quit X5.
While using CorelDraw the only way to get a right click is to hold down the nib to bring up a pop up menu.
Is there a setting in the tablet driver (or CorelDraw?) that will stop this happening?
Is it possible to assign a "grab" command to the button on the Wacom Intous 4 pen?
At the moment in Painter 12 and Artrage, if I hold down the button closest to the tip on the pen, then press the pen to the pad and drag, it will grab the canvas and allow me to move it around the screen. I cannot figure out how to set this up in Corel Draw X5
btw, its specifically Draw, not Photo Paint that I want to set this up in
I just installed cdr x5 on a tablet pc (asus slate B121) and I like it very much. But I begin to get frustrated by the Poliline tool.
Since this tool needs you to double click to end a curve I always get curves with added nodes to the ends (it's impossible to do a double-click with a pen without moving the pen between the two clicks.
The only workaround that I found is to move away the pen from the screen far enough so that you can press the space bar to end the curve without extra nodes. But this is really extra gymnastic for your arm... and quite annoying while you try to get the job done in few minutes.
So, is there a way to use the poliline tool without "putting down" the "unclicked" node while pressing the spacebar? Something similar to the freehand tool, but with the ability to draw curve-straight lines consecutively.
Is it possible to obtain a drawing tablet which can be taken out, away from the computer and be used like a sketch-book when out and about? Then, after coming home with this drawing tablet, connect it into the computer and upload all the sketches you've done when out?
I presently use a Wacom Bamboo which connects into my laptop, but I sometimes would like to just take the 'Bamboo' out - draw on it like an electronic sketchbook - come home and put all my sketches into the computer for further work.
I'm looking to get a wacom tablet, but I'm not really sure what tablet it best for digital art and animation type stuff. I'll be using it with Photoshop CS6 and probably Toon Boom or some other animation software. I'm just not sure what the difference is between the tablets.
Every since I updated CDx6, Photo-Paint no longer allows for drawing or erasing in a straight line by clicking, pressing the alt key and clicking again. Instead a scale comes up that changes the brush opacity...What happened? I can't figure out what happened. See attached file. The red arrow indicates what comes up when alt is pressed.
With X4 I can right click a piece of text - with pick tool - and drag the selected text to an open area and the text is duplicated. With X5 this does not work - text is locked. The only way to duplicate is to copy / paste. Is there a setting that needs to be reset.
I'm working on a drawing of an airplane, it has lots and lots of objects. I need to change the color of a bunch of these objects without affecting their stack order.
In a simple example, the left wing and the right wing need to be blue, but the fuselage in between them needs to stay white. If I group the wings, it moves them both on top of the body.
Is there any way to re-color all my airplane parts with one click without moving them all to the front?
I seem to have lost the functionallity of double-clicking on an image placed in CDR X5 to automatically edit in Photopaint. The checkbox in tools/options/edit is checked and photopaint can certainly be opened in the Application Launcher but double-click does nothing.
I am using CorelDraw 12, and recently when I try to drag a drawing, I do a left click and drag. But in doing so, depending on how far I move the object, and how long I hold the left click down, it will just continue making duplicate copies of my object. So as I drag the object, it is also copying. I have had to restart my computer to get it to stop, but this is getting old.
how to disable the drag copyiing? Everywhere I have looked, I find that people are right-clicking, so to clarify, this is a left click issue with my mouse.
I have multiple files open in Corel every day, and then, at the end of the day I have to run to get my lift (never at the same time!) and I would love a way to save all my files with just a click of a button.
I know Dreamweaver had this function - not sure if it still has, but I would love for Corel to have this so I don't have to scroll through all my open files and save them! If the file is not named it can pop up the save as box as usual and leave it open till the next day.
I have to save before I go, as we have very unreliable power and the UPS systems are not reliable either.
I would like to know if some users have the same problem : when I vectorize manually a bitmap with the polyline tool of CorelDraw X6, sometimes I have two nodes very close (I don't understand why because I do one click with my mouse...). I change my mouse without improvement.Do you know a macro to clean my polylines and to transform the "double" nodes in a single node (adjusting the gap distance) ? The reduce nodes feature in CorelDraw is not nice to do that.
is this possible. A lot of programs auto-duplicate when you drag and press either the shift or ctrl or alt key. Its a habit ive gotten pretty into. Plus, its a little akward for me to go from a left click immeadeitaly into a right click with the mouse. I always feel like i've dragged the object a little bit when I switch fingers. it would be great to just add a hot key of shift+drag to this feature, wouldnt even have to turn off the standard right click option, I could deal with both being there.
If I double click a CDR file and CorelDraw X5 is not open, it will open and the file will be loaded. But once Draw is open and minimized and I double click a second file from Explorer or on my desktop, the second file refuses to open in Draw. I have to Restore Draw and either use the file open command or double click the file again from Explorer once it's restored.
I've spent some time designing a chart using the table tool. Now I want to adjust some column widths and add some text.
However, the mouse keeps trailing a small table icon, and all it will let me do is insert another table. I can't enter text, or highlight a row or column, for example. Most of the right mouse click options are greyed out.
How do I change from this mode for the mouse, with the Table icon switched on, to other modes where I can do other things with the table I have already created?(If I create a new table below this existing table, all is well. However, I can't grab the content in the earlier table to paste it into the new one.)
When I select the text tool and click in the layout area, I type "i" and upon clicking off it auto changes to a capital "I". It's never done this before. If I do i space i space i space, it keeps changing, it won't allow me to have lower case letters.
I am on the creative cloud and have down loaded and successfully installed PS6. I am a professional illustrator and use the Wacom tablet. My concern is with the pen pressure effect not staying on. I have went to option on PS6 and checked for updates and down loaded them with no results and called support as well .
I went to the Wacom sit as well to check to if my drivers are updated and they are, and called their support as well with no results. I understand that PS6 is a new product and that I may have to wait for patches, that is fine.
I have a chance to get a small Wacom tablet, its a older version ,screen size 4x5, It comes with all the software, Also has Elements 2.0 My question is,can I also use it with CS3?
I was using a wacom tablet in adobe cs3 just fine, now I get no tip sensitivity. As in, the pen will always draw a think line no matter how light I use the pen.
I use my Wacom Saphire CTE 430 for all my software. Recently I decided to move from Corel PhotoPaint to CS3. However, I am experiencing a very strange problem. If I use the mouse none of the photo shop paint tools work. If I use the pen the paint tools work but others do not. At first I thought is was my ignorance of PS and that I just needed to configure something. I eventually discovered that if I disconnect the tablet Photoshop works fine. I have downloaded and installed the latest Wacom Vista drivers as suggested by Wacom but it has not fixed the problem. PS is the ONLY program experiencing problems with the tablet. I run AutoCad 2008, Sketchup Pro and CorelDRAW X3 suite and they work flawlessly.
I'm currently using Adobe Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP with an Wacom Intuos 3 tablet.
The problem I'm having is that when I use the tablet pen to click anywhere in Photoshop, the cursor essentially locks in place and does not move. On the canvas, this means I can only place dots. This happens whether I'm clicking on tools, scrollbars, etc...
I used to be able to use it fine in CS2, but then it stopped working on day, and I thought that maybe upgrading would solve the issue. However, this has just left me with the same issue.
The pen does work normally in all other programs, such as in MS Paint or when clicking and dragging to select icons on the desktop. Also, clicking and dragging with a mouse works normally.
I have Wacom Bamboo Fun with latest drivers, use Vista 64 and run PS in 64bit mode. I uninstalled CS3 before installing CS4. The tablet worked in CS3 as expected, but CS4 ignored pen pressure - it always worked like mouse - with maximum pressure. In order to fix this problem I uninstalled and reinstalled Wacom drivers and cleared PS preferences by starting PS with Alt-Ctrl-Shift. Now Photoshop ignores the tablet completely - the cursor won't move and I need to use mouse to navigate in Photoshop.