CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: 60x100mm Voucher With Numbering - Generating PDF
Dec 19, 2011
I was trying to make a 60x100mm voucher with numbering.
The artwork has a bitmap background.The file before I do a print merge is 2MB.
I need a running number from 1001-1200, so after I apply the print merge, it creates 200pgs of the voucher.When I try to save this file, it takes almost half an hour to do so.I think this is due to the heavy file size?In addition, the local print shop knows nothing about print merge and imposition, so I have to prepare the artwork readily in A3 size to print.The imposition creates a 10pgs files.I wanted to save this as PDF to preserve the color, but it turned out to be a nightmare (in daytime) for me that it takes more than2 hours to generate the 10pgs PDF.
Is it possible to generate a group of shapes with different size randomly in corelDraw macro? For example I want to generate 100 squares with different size and distribute them into the sheet automatically.
I work with CorelDraw X5 and I wonder if there is a way to insert an application of page numbering that is automatic, which automatically update the page when I add or remove a page, as in the word.I got a number through the macros but the problem is the numbers are fixed and not change. And numeracy not appear on new pages.
I created a list if voucher numbering from 1001 to 1200, but when I perform the Print Merge, the list shown are with one decimal point i.e. 1001.0, 1002.0, etc....
How do I renumber a page, starting at any number, eg 120.Reason: I have a catalog, divided into 4 files, gives the first page 1 to page 50, the second page gives the 51 to 100 and so on .. are 214 pages .. how do I get in this second part, put the number of pages, starting with page 51?
I need to be able to automatically number pages with a preset. Coreldraw can already do what I need using the PageNumbering macro but I have to enter the individual settings for each template every time. I simply want the included PageNumbering macro but with the option to save 5 presets. If possible I would like the option of saving the presets to a file that can be shared with other workstations so I don't have to manually recreate.
simple programme for consecutive numbering of forms while digitally printing? e.g. adding consecutive numbers to a batch of pre-printed invoice sets. One original, but numbers on it increasing or decreasing as they are printed.
I have the page numbering macro. It works on new files; however, it doesn't work on specific saved files. What could be wrong with those files? Is there any way to enable the page numbering macro in those files?
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
Often whatever I'm working on in X4 disappears off the document page when I zoom in or out. It's still there (I can see it in the print preview)and I can print it, but I can't see it no matter what view (e.g., normal, draft, etc.) I select. If I select the entire page I can see the graphic and text handles, but nothing else. The only way I can see my work again is to save it, close the program, and then re-open the file. My computer is a Dell Precision Work Station T3400 running Vista Ultimate with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 256MB. All my software and drivers are up to date. The problem occurs no matter what screen resolution or refresh rate I'm using.
i´m using CRD since X3 so I think i´m quite experienced with all the crashes and uncompatibilities but now I have a problem which I can´t solve.
I made a graphic project which is quite large (2,6m x 2,0m @ 300dpi) and including raster grahics. The CDR file itself has about 400MB. When I tried to export this graphic to the png or jpg at the current size Corel X5 always crashes. I tried almost everything on many computers but always the same problem.
It looks like the project is too large for export. At this moment I desperately need to export the file to jpg or png at full resolution. Maybe X6 is more stable when exports or I have to simplify the project somehow but...
FILE IS UPLOADED here and I need to have it 2,6m x 2,0m: [URL]
I have a 900 x 500 px image in Adobe Illustrator, which overlaps a bit the canvas on the left side.
When I open this file with Corel, it adjusts my graphics so that it's centered on the screen. The AI file is centered on another point. Also, the canvas Corel creates is A4 sized. I always have to resize the canvas and then manually adjust the position of my graphics.
Question: How can I save an AI file so that when I open it at Corel, the position and size of the canvas will be exactly the same?
Entire Corel suite freezes on start up - I cannot do anything. Reinstalling also does not work - suddenly buttons on the installer dissapeared - there is no text on them and when I click them nothing happens.
A week ago I have installed service pack 3 and everything worked fine. It has all gone wrong again. And installation of the latest patches does not work anymore.
I am running Windows 7 64-bit and I've got a feeling that is must have something to do with system updates.
I often create graphics in CorelDRAW export it and inserting it into my MS Word documents and finally convert my documents to pdf. When it is vector graphics, exporting as EPS works fine: The increase in file size is small and lines are displayed perfect independant of how much you zoom in the final pdf document. When I handle bitmaps, I usually export as JPG (or PNG), which works well too. My problem arise when I have a mixed vector and bitmap image. I have imported a bitmap into CorelDRAW and created some lines on top of it. I want to export it as a whole. If I export as EPS, the final result is fine, but filesize has increased considerable. If I choose to export as jpg, the filesize is fine, but the lines are getting slightly blurry. Is there a way to get the best of both Worlds - resonable filesize and perfect lines? Maybe settings in some dialog??
How on earth do you export bitmaps cropped to the size of the canvas? This seems like the simplest functionality ever but i can't get it to work. For example, I am designing an advert for use online. It needs to be 600px wide x 150px high. I may want to use a background image or a photo that when placed goes beyond the edge of the canvas. Logic dictates i would only want to export the canvas with a web image (otherwise why would i have set an exact number of pixels.) However, Corel insists on exporting everything on the canvas and desktop. Surely it should allow us to choose the bounding area of the exported bitmap.
Just to clarify what I mean, i've included a screen shot showing and example original graphic and the export result. I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this. If it's one like this i can crop it easily, but sometimes a print customer will ask me to send them, for example, a 32pp booklet we have designed for them with each page as a JPG and to crop each one manually is a right pain.
X5 Recently have begun missing parts of print out. Tried to duplicate but appears completely random.
Output to both Full colour laser and Wide Format printers will miss either text or part of objects. Today printed the text but not the text effects. Initially closed and reopened, rebooted, However this has become a now daily feature so regardless tried reprint from the same screen so next print has everything included.
Very costly and time consuming - print preview shows all correct but output is not the same.
I have some Ai files that I need to open in X6 but they use linked images which I have, but when opening in CorelDraw all I get is the basic Ai stuff but not the linked images, is there an easy way to open the Ai file and see it as it was intended?
As a sub note I can't go back to the supplier of the Ai file to make any changes.
I just used the help file for the first time in ages and noticed all the links to the graphics are broken hence no diagrams etc. I tried to search out where they are usually stored and it gives some weird Address under properties. It's a vba so suppose it's a database? How do I restore the links without having to do a re-install?
As to the pen: How do you stop the annoying over-the-top predictive curve that happens past the node in the next section after a long drag to form the first curve. i.e. you simply want to draw a straight line after dragging out a curved section previously and you get this unmanageable curve to deal with ?
I am building a new desktop and am thinking about using dual graphics cards for my work in Corel X5. Ive seen nothing in technical specs or min requirements that even alludes to the program being able to take advantage of an SLI configuration (evga gtx 465 superclocked with 1gb ddr5).
Client supplies me with word document, I make a PDF from it and then from Acrobat create an ESP file, this is done as an eps file is much less likely to cause probs then importing a PDF, I then print from the Coreldraw file with the EPS pages no problem. The problem then arises when I have to then create a PDF file from COreldraw for the client - any EPS files in the document do not appear in the PDF - so there lies the problem.I cannot alway directly import a PDF file (often screws up) even if I save fonts as outlines. Saving as EPS overcomes most/all issues.
I have a client that I laser engrave parts with a variety of graphics, about 35 different designs that fit on 10 different parts and all the designs are different sizes on the parts. I use a fixture that holds 40 parts, two rows of 20, for each type of part. I have a master file for each part that contains a page with each graphic laid out as in the fixture so that I can simply go to the page and select the graphic in the right position for the fixture and paste it into a "lasering" file. The lasering file is just as many pages as I need to run the order and is much smaller than the master file.
That works fine now and is actually pretty quick and easy to setup, but I just found out that they will be adding about 35-40 designs a month. That will make the master file huge and very cumbersome to manage, not to mention the order sheet (spreadsheet) will get huge in no time at all. I can envision it becoming a nightmare to manage and mistakes will be frequent due to the sheer size of the files.
What I would like to do is have a spreadsheet with the graphic and a quantity and merge that into the lasering file instead of doing it manually. I am very familiar with merging data but I don't know if it's possible to merge a graphic from a database or somehow import the graphic into corel.
When I checked my computer for any any unused programs I got see this coreldraw (r) graphics suite x5 installed. When I got to uninstall it showed and error message that some sort of setup.xml is missing. When I checked this programs folder I got to see that there are two corel folders [Corel and Corel (2) ] in my C: drive. After checking all the file locations of different corel applications I deleted the Corel (2) foder. After that also corel was not being uninstalled. I don't want to re-format my computer only for this
Im using draw x5 graphics software and want to know where to find useful for properly sizing web friendly graphics. I want to build a banner and an icon for my new site.
how to do sequential numbering in CorelDraw or is it even possible? From time to time we are required to produce items that have sequential numbering, say, from 1 to 200 for example. If it were only "one set" that would be no problem, but when it is 5, 10 or more sets then it is very time consuming.
I'd like to start using Capture but it won't let me assign a hot key - it says "This hotkey is being used already by this system. Please choose another one"
As others have reported - you can't assign any key combination, and the application is useless.
is there a way to capture and by pass this problem?
I did find a solution on the Internet that says to uninstall SnagIt and remove references to TechSmith, but I'm reluctant to do that until I find out that Capture works.
I have been trying to find a solution to this for a couple days now. The problem is that when I convert my EPS and WMF files to JPG the results look bad. I've tried multiple programs and multiple methods. The only way I get good results are if I open the file in CorelDraw, import as curves, and Export For Web to a JPG. Otherwise, the output jpg file looks low resolution. I have thousands of EPS and WMF files that I would like to convert to JPG. Again, I can use a batch conversion program like FastStone and the results are poor.Is there anyway to automate the high quality conversion?