CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Create Backup Settings To Apply To Another Installation?
Aug 6, 2011
what to copy from my home installation of Coreldraw 12 so I can put it on the installation I use at work. I want to save EVERYTHING, hotkeys, default new documents, default and custom palletes, macros, command customizations were I have applied certain hotkeys like ctrl+m or whatever to run those custom made macros/vba scripts, things like snap to grid, snap to object, wether or not to save backups and if so how often, etc... Bascialy ABSOLUTLEY EVERYTHING.
I tried copying CorelDrw.ini, coreldrw.env, and GlobalMacros from my home computer from the folder:
C:Program FilesCorelCorel Graphics 12Draw
and then pasting it into the same folder on my work machine, clicking OK when asked if I want to replace the already existing files there. Some things worked, some things seemed not to. For example, the macros i wrote copied over fine, but the hot key association i made for them didnt, i had to set that up again in Customization.
I would love to find out how I can really back up all my settings so I can simply copy them over to my work machine instead of taking a couple hours to re-enter everything in. Also, I think all serious corel users would want to keep a backup copy handy in case they ever have to re-install corel or if they buy a new computer, etc.
What are the folders of my current CorelDRAW installation i can back-up and use them to replace the folders of a new installation so to retain all my settings (workspaces, customizations, shortcuts, settings, plugins, etc)
I need to uninstall and re-install my current installation
when i install corel draw its gives me an error that your setup file has an error it gives crc error and ask me to ignore or abort when i ignore its continue extraction butt when its extract then on installation its give errrors. i install trail version i download from different sites like from corel or but its give me same error when extraction
I have a full version of the X5 graphics suit and now I would like to install it on my notebook. However, I have only 3 GB hard disk space left, so I wanted to install X5 without the extra content. But I cannont find an option in the installer where I can switch the extra content off. It seems that it always wants to install the 6GB extra content. Required hard disk states >5GB, even when I deselect everything. Hence, I cannot continue the installer.
Even though the trial installation has been removed, runs through the entire process and then reports that there is an existing installation.... What should I do?
I have tried to install Corel 12 to Windows 7 (x64). Corel 12 refuses to install himself reporting "Internal Error 2738". I tried to solve this problem by re-registering vbscript (recommended for Windows Vista), but with no effect.
I was facing problems with X5 soon after installing it, it actually doesn't installs properly. Somehow i have to End Process of installation and though find X5 in my Start menu of Windows XP SP2. Well the actual problem started when i recently tried to publish PDF for one of my client's brochure of 17 pages, X5 closes all of a sudden and i have to restart the whole process. At times it creates a PDF which then has errors and Acrobat Reader don't read it.At times X5 even gives Error while saving files. Then have to click Save till it actually saves the file.I uninstalled X5 thinking, there could be some corrupted files and re-installed, but all in vain..
Since older versions of CorelDRAW that I have set the recovery time for Auto-Backup saving time as 3 minutes only, in order to reduce the partial loss of job, when the program crashes.I'm doing a series of small illustrations vectorized (yes, hundreds of them!) and I intend to reduce this time for just 1 (one) minute!This time decreased in 2 minutes (from 3 to 1) can make a difference, because some of these vectors are made fast, and unless those two minutes, I may lose some illustrations if freezing or any other irregular behavior of the software and/or Operating System, though these illustrations are subdivided into several files (simple vectors) and do not consume a lot of RAM.
Reducing the time of Auto-Backup for just 1 min is a risk, or how it can affect the performance of the software or OS? Or one thing does not interfere to another? [URL]
I have a background image with Linear transparency applied on the top of my image. I would like to replicate the same transparency on the bottom of the image. How can I do this?
I have a list - want to apply bullets, but cannot.
I've tried changing fonts, but bullets are greyed out in the paragraph section of text properties box for every font I choose. I've selected many fonts ... still ... no bullets.
I tried to apply a transparency to a beveled rectangle and was unsuccessful to get any effect to apply. Tried to make the bevel first and then apply transparency and vice-versa, a transparent rectagle and tried to do bevel effect. Neither way would work.
Don't they play nice together, or do I have to try it in PP?
Can you apply tranparency to a stroke made by artistic media? his seems like it should be possible... I've been told to use the transparency tool for my type of transparency needs... but I can't find a way to get this to work. It would be handy... in PS, you just adjust the transparency slider for the object or layer. In Draw, how is this done specifically for an artistic media brush stroke?
1. First question: I need to apply Mesh Fill effect to a circular vector (ring) which was built with the Combine command (Ctrl + L), but Mesh Fill is not allowed for objects combined. Is there any alternative for this?
2. Second question: How to make that mesh nodes has the circular shape of the figure (in this case, a ring)?(By clicking on the object, it creates a mesh grid and edit the nodes to obtain a circular form is very laborious and the result is not satisfactory).
I managed to get a nice set of different settings to publish a corel file to pdf. Now I would like copy these settings to multiple other pc's in the office. where a can find the file/folder in which these settings are being saved?
Otherwise I would have to set all different pc's individually and I rather spend my time otherwise.
X3 - I use X4 at work with no problems but at home I have X3. I set my workspace the way I want it and all my presets the way I want. I hit tools/save stings as default. I then save my workspace as todays date. Close corel and reopen. It starts with the defaults every time! I have to manually choose my workspace and even after doing so my settings have reverted back to default i.e. text to be point not inches like I chose etc.
So in document color settings in color management, should the primary color mode be RGB or CMYK? I only print inkets and never send stuff out to a regular printer.
should all color settings be at RGB if the option is offered?
I have an existing X6 document which has a rectangle object with a Lens attached.
I did not create the document, so what sort of lens it is and what settings the lens has. I suspect it is a transparency lens.
I cannot find any way to locate the settings for this lens - so that I can reproduce and modify the lens settings. Where i can find the settings for the lens?
When you save a PDF preset it says 'security settings are not saved with PDF preset' is there anyway to change this, i want to save the security setting so i don't have to set a password each time i save it, i make dozens of PDF proofs a day and its a pain having to set it every time i publish to PDF.
I use CorelDRAW X4 exclusively (90%) for Laser work. I have a Page saved as Laser Page. It use to open with a 24 x 12 page area and Horizontal and vertical guidelines in place. It is set to "show guidelines."
However, every time I open a new document, the page layout and guidelines are not there. I always have to rebuild the page and add the guidelines. What has changed so that all I get is a blank page anymore? Or how to reestablish my defaults? I have re-saved it as my new default countless times but nothing sticks. It's a pain to have to always reestablish the layout I want to work with..
I've noticed that DRAW seems to forget whatever settings I choose for duplicate.
So, I found the following in the index:
"Copying objects quickly. You can use other methods to create copies of objects quickly, without using the Clipboard. You can use the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad to place a copy of an object on top of the original object, or you can create copies instantly by pressing the Space bar or right-clicking while dragging an object."
The + sign thing is cool. Wish I had known. But the Space bar drag either doesn't work at all or puts down one copy at what is apparently a set distance from the original, and then a second copy wherever I release the mouse button. ? Win7, DRAW X6.