Corel Ventura :: Repeated Colour Indications In Text After Saving
Mar 2, 2011
I run into a nasty problem using Ventura 10 on Windows XP.
When I select a text part to give it another colour (e.g. blue) and also it alise and/or bold the text, then after saving these settings are repeated several to many times in front of the indicated text part.
My father recently switched to Ventura 10 (from 8) on a Window 7 OS, and the program is running smoothly. However, he is not able to install any other fonts (other than default ones) on them.
I have used this option in Ventura but want to avoid using a script I use to create a php page. Is there any way in VP of creating a header and footer which tops and tails the chapter?
I'm trying to import foreign characters into Ventura 10 that are not available in the Multinational A or B sets under Insert | Symbols. If I simply copy and paste them from Word, nothing shows up in Ventura. Is there any way to get these "extra" foreign characters to appear?
How to import the AI EPS image (files done & saved on Adobe Illustrator) to Ventura 8 using a script? Basically, unlike EPS / TIFF / or JPEG images, the AI EPS images could be loaded in Ventura using script, but the script has a different behavior. It flawlessly loads & imports the AI EPS (you could see the AI EPS files in Ventura publication chapter file navigator), but the image does not load in the publication template.
In order for these AI EPS images to get loaded & appear in the template, they need to be imported as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) using the Filter Type option (attached image for reference).
A month ago, a Windows update broke the version of PowerPoint I was using (on deadline, of course). The next day, while we were trying to straighten out that mess, I hit a website that downloaded a virus, which caused Win XP to blue screen within minutes. That got cleaned up immediately, and our net op set my computer to run in safe mode. After about 2 weeks in safe mode, I returned to normal access.
Since I started running safe mode, I've been unable to write to the workspace files in Ventura. I thought returning to normal access would straighten that out, but it hasn't. Neither has a reinstall. The net op has been through the registry twice, including cleaning out every key he could find before the reinstall.
Every time I close V10, I have to hit OK on half a dozen prompts. There's one for each of the four *.cfg files in the workspace folder. After the fourth one (shortcut keys), the Ventura window closes and the shortcut keys message is presented twice more.
Naturally, within VP, if I access Options, I get the four cfg prompts, and I get them again when I click OK in the Options palette. Only the cfg files are affected. The workspace *.ini files update without issue.
I just tried to restore V10 defaults using F8 but the problem persists:Ventura 10 interface is corrupt and icons in the toolbar are hidden; I can see the desktop through the V10 toolbars. Only when I mouse over them they appear. But not all icons will appear.
If I try to run the color management dialog box I get printer driver errors.Is there a way to restore V10?
I was almost sure it was an easy task but I cannot find a way to format numbers in a table cell. All I want to do is to use the DECIMAL alignement in table cells containing prices.
But it works only when the number are specified in the format ####,00. If you need a number like #.###,00 you have to insert a dot in the numbe and Boooom Ventura (correctly) treats it as text .
So, my question is: is there a way to type 1000,00 and get 1.000,00 correctly decimally aligned? Here is what I'm trying to get (fixed width font):
Just want to ask if there's a script command or syntax in Ventura 8 to highlight and select multiple lines?There is a marker/paragraph tag to mark the beginning of the first line to be highlighted and selected, and also another marker/paragraph tag to mark the end.
Sample here...
line 1line 2line 3begin_select lineline4line5line6line7end_select lineline 8line 9line 10
Well, above is just simplified document sample. The main goal is to have a script to select multiples lines that will start from the marker "begin_select line" and selection/highlight will terminate at marker "end_select line". Thus, giving the output of highlighting and selecting multiple lines which are line4 up to line7.
I am using Corel VENTURA7 running under Windows Vista in 64 bit processor speed. I have a four page document covered with photos, about 20 per page. Seemingly at random, my photos disappear from view and will not print. The individual frames still have the photo links attached - they are not embedded - and when I close Ventura and come back in I get a message telling me that I have broken links indicated by files in Navigator being crossed out. However, there are no files crossed out in Navigator. If I delete the offending files from Navigator (and hence the frames) and reload them, they reload with a suffix 1 appended to their name in Navigator, but still won't display on the page.
i'm using DBP to fill a 48 page catalog in ventura 10 with 500 product descriptions (up to 600 characters) and small .jpg photos in tables (six columns). the data is .dbf format (dbaseIV from access2000) including a memo-field and .jpg links. depending on the sort order and/or filtering (selection of ) the items it either:
1. works like a dream or
2. most commonly, the tables (including the headers) have additional empty rows around each item
with exactly the same data just sorted differently the results can be different (with or without empty rows). the result is 100% repeatable using the same recipe/sorting.i can't see any difference in the .txt files apart from the sort order of the table contents.the .jpgs are all 600 x 600px and the frame preset to 2.1cm x 2.1 cm..default page fonts all set to 7pt to avoid row height > page size
From my original picture, I have selected an area (which took about 1/2 hour to carefully select!) and have cut it out into a new layer. What I now want to do is save the file in this state, so that I can repeatedly change the colour of the selection to different colours, at different times, as I find new colours to use!
I've just started using X4 for the first time and what I'm trying to do is add text to the last frame of a gif. I got the text in and see where the colour changing tools are but for some reason even if I made everything red, the text colour still comes out completely different. It seems to be matching it to the colour scheme of the GIF itself. I just want to text to be red.
we've just got 3ds Max at work, and I've started with the most basic of projects you could imagine, beveling a text/spline, which repeatedly crashes 3ds Max on adding the Bevel modifier.
I should add that the program seems to work fine with polys and meshes, and we've done some pretty complex work on it with minimum crashes already, it just seems to be something with these splines.
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
Is there a way to save default setting. I like to have the ruler to show and the page to be in pixel, I work on webpage. Also is it possible to set default export to pixel.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
I must of changed something but I don't know what , when I upload a photos and simply save it without doing anything (and adding/changing photo) it saves it but in a lower quality .
This happens only occasionally. I have a file open in PP5. I resample the image -- reduce the physical size from, in this case, 53 inches to 8 inches high, and increase resolution from 72 to 300 dpi, with the resulting file size smaller than the original. I save the file, then import into my layout in Coreldraw. The imported file is back to 72 dpi and the physical size is huge. I reopen the file in PP, resample again, and resave under a new file name. Same problem occurs when I import into Draw. Of course, I can physically shrink the file to 3 inches high and the resulting dpi will be 300.
First off, my experience level is basically an advanced beginner, so speak to me as if I am a 10 year old.
Now, the attached link to a Word document illustrates my issue: [URL]....
I am getting horrendous colour shifts when saving to a jpg in photoshop. It looks OK in photoshop when I open it, but when viewed anywhere else it is brutal. I included screenshots of my colour settings and I am working to sRGB and embedding that profile when I save, so I am at a loss as to why it shifted so much.
In a nut shell if I use lightroom 3 only and print images the printed images look exactly the same to the monitor - therefore I would assume the calbration of the screen is okay.
If I use lightroom 3 and export to CS5 to continue making more adjustments when I save the image as jpeg it appears to have saved okay. However if you then maximise the photo to full screen the colours change - drastically. Basically they look aweful. They become quite dull and lose there saturation adjustments (which were done orginally in Lightroom). They print this way too.
I don't think it has anything to do with calibration because it's all okay when just using LR3.
I have played around with this quite a bit to try and find a solution and have now found that if I export lightroom to CS5 and don't make any changes to the photos but just save it - it's still changing the colours
I am not exporting from lightroom to CS5. All I am doing is selecting the Right clicking and selecting Edit in>Adobe Photoshop CS5.1....
Then in CS5 it opens and appears exactly the same as it was in LR From there I click file>save as>format Jpeg and there is another box checked labelled - ICC Profile: Prophoto RGB (not really sure what this is and there are no other options to change it)
I have tried to show a difference in colour by attaching the photo.
Picture on right is Lightroom edited. Those colours are what you see when it is maximised on screen and the colours print correctly too . This photo was then opened in CS5 (photo on left) (with the LR adjustments) and saved as jpeg and you can see how the colours change. But you don't see the change unless screen is fully maximised - and it prints that way too.
I have a around 500 cdr(corel draw ) files, and each pages have around 20 images in it.
so what i do. select every single image on the pages then using convert bitmap option to save them on my computer. That consume my whole time in saving them to my computer.
Is there any fast option available to select all images at once and convert to bitmap 20 images and save in a number say 1,2 ...20
the record I am using Photoshop 7 (yes it's old, but it suits my needs just fine!) and Windows Vista Home Premium.What I do is take photographs of my artworks, edit them in Photoshop until they look accurate, then post them online. Images have always looked identical in every program, and I had never had any problems, until I got connected to the Internet on Tuesday. This computer has not been connected to the net for a good few years, and so lots of updates got installed. I'm not sure which ones exactly, as my boyfriend took care of that, but I'm convinced this has caused the problems I am having now:
First I found that an image I had edited and saved as .jpg for web use was showing up overly saturated and contrasty in the Windows Photo Gallery preview. I assumed I had saved it wrongly. I re-opened the jpg in Photoshop to check - it looked exactly as I had saved it. I figured something had messed up with Photo Gallery during updates, so I uploaded the jpg to the Internet. The image that uploaded was the overly-saturated, contrasty one.
After realising that suddenly ALL the images I had uploaded online, and all the images saved on my computer, now had this awful over-saturated look, and yet the thumbnails on my desktop looked fine... I realised it must be something to do with the colour profiles, and tried to find out the answer online. My monitor colour profile was set to "21.5 inch monitor" so I changed that to sRGB as default. I can't remember what Photoshop was set to, but at any rate I set it to sRGB also.
I thought I had it fixed, as it seemed to just be Photo Gallery that was not matching up (it was displaying my images with less saturation than as I saved them).However today I took a new photo of a drawing I'm working on, to load onto my blog. I had to take it into Photoshop to make edits and correct, as always. I opened my photo in Photoshop... lo and behold, far too contrasty and saturated!!
This time, Windows Photo Gallery preview is showing the (unedited, straight out of camera) photo as it should be... Photoshop opens it too contrasty.I made my edits anyway, saved for web as .jpg, checked the jpg in Photo Gallery before uploading... It saved duller than it should have done! Uploaded the jpg to the internet... and I have the dull image uploaded.
So first they were too contrasty, now they're too dull. Being an artist who displays work online and has a certain reliance on the internet... my images have to be accurate and consistent all the way through. Is there anything I can do to set things back to the way they were before?
is it true, that CS3 master collection is not compatible with the new AMB II X4 9800 64 bit processor? If it is true,. then I hve one hecl of a big proble,. the money tree is lookin real skinny
I have accidentally loaded some patterns more than once and so they are repeated in the list (which is more annoying than anything at this point).
I have checked the manual and it just says to go to any Pattern pop-up menu and to then select the pattern and hold the Alt key and click (pointer turns into scissors) and the pattern will be deleted.
I don't want to delete the patterns by going to program program files > adobe > presets ... or what have ya b/c I do want one copy.
Is there a way to clear them all from the list and then I can reload/import the patterns again?
I have tried to get rid of the duplicates in the list by using the Preset Manager, the Import/Export panel and by (of course) the (above) Alt + Click on the pattern name to no avail. All in all I would just like to keep my patterns organized so as the collection grows I'll be able to manage them better and find 'em more quickly.