Corel Ventura :: No Additional Fonts In Ventura 10 (Windows 7)
Jun 25, 2011
My father recently switched to Ventura 10 (from 8) on a Window 7 OS, and the program is running smoothly. However, he is not able to install any other fonts (other than default ones) on them.
i'm using DBP to fill a 48 page catalog in ventura 10 with 500 product descriptions (up to 600 characters) and small .jpg photos in tables (six columns). the data is .dbf format (dbaseIV from access2000) including a memo-field and .jpg links. depending on the sort order and/or filtering (selection of ) the items it either:
1. works like a dream or
2. most commonly, the tables (including the headers) have additional empty rows around each item
with exactly the same data just sorted differently the results can be different (with or without empty rows). the result is 100% repeatable using the same recipe/sorting.i can't see any difference in the .txt files apart from the sort order of the table contents.the .jpgs are all 600 x 600px and the frame preset to 2.1cm x 2.1 cm..default page fonts all set to 7pt to avoid row height > page size
I have used this option in Ventura but want to avoid using a script I use to create a php page. Is there any way in VP of creating a header and footer which tops and tails the chapter?
I'm trying to import foreign characters into Ventura 10 that are not available in the Multinational A or B sets under Insert | Symbols. If I simply copy and paste them from Word, nothing shows up in Ventura. Is there any way to get these "extra" foreign characters to appear?
How to import the AI EPS image (files done & saved on Adobe Illustrator) to Ventura 8 using a script? Basically, unlike EPS / TIFF / or JPEG images, the AI EPS images could be loaded in Ventura using script, but the script has a different behavior. It flawlessly loads & imports the AI EPS (you could see the AI EPS files in Ventura publication chapter file navigator), but the image does not load in the publication template.
In order for these AI EPS images to get loaded & appear in the template, they need to be imported as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) using the Filter Type option (attached image for reference).
A month ago, a Windows update broke the version of PowerPoint I was using (on deadline, of course). The next day, while we were trying to straighten out that mess, I hit a website that downloaded a virus, which caused Win XP to blue screen within minutes. That got cleaned up immediately, and our net op set my computer to run in safe mode. After about 2 weeks in safe mode, I returned to normal access.
Since I started running safe mode, I've been unable to write to the workspace files in Ventura. I thought returning to normal access would straighten that out, but it hasn't. Neither has a reinstall. The net op has been through the registry twice, including cleaning out every key he could find before the reinstall.
Every time I close V10, I have to hit OK on half a dozen prompts. There's one for each of the four *.cfg files in the workspace folder. After the fourth one (shortcut keys), the Ventura window closes and the shortcut keys message is presented twice more.
Naturally, within VP, if I access Options, I get the four cfg prompts, and I get them again when I click OK in the Options palette. Only the cfg files are affected. The workspace *.ini files update without issue.
I just tried to restore V10 defaults using F8 but the problem persists:Ventura 10 interface is corrupt and icons in the toolbar are hidden; I can see the desktop through the V10 toolbars. Only when I mouse over them they appear. But not all icons will appear.
If I try to run the color management dialog box I get printer driver errors.Is there a way to restore V10?
I was almost sure it was an easy task but I cannot find a way to format numbers in a table cell. All I want to do is to use the DECIMAL alignement in table cells containing prices.
But it works only when the number are specified in the format ####,00. If you need a number like #.###,00 you have to insert a dot in the numbe and Boooom Ventura (correctly) treats it as text .
So, my question is: is there a way to type 1000,00 and get 1.000,00 correctly decimally aligned? Here is what I'm trying to get (fixed width font):
Just want to ask if there's a script command or syntax in Ventura 8 to highlight and select multiple lines?There is a marker/paragraph tag to mark the beginning of the first line to be highlighted and selected, and also another marker/paragraph tag to mark the end.
Sample here...
line 1line 2line 3begin_select lineline4line5line6line7end_select lineline 8line 9line 10
Well, above is just simplified document sample. The main goal is to have a script to select multiples lines that will start from the marker "begin_select line" and selection/highlight will terminate at marker "end_select line". Thus, giving the output of highlighting and selecting multiple lines which are line4 up to line7.
I run into a nasty problem using Ventura 10 on Windows XP.
When I select a text part to give it another colour (e.g. blue) and also it alise and/or bold the text, then after saving these settings are repeated several to many times in front of the indicated text part.
I am using Corel VENTURA7 running under Windows Vista in 64 bit processor speed. I have a four page document covered with photos, about 20 per page. Seemingly at random, my photos disappear from view and will not print. The individual frames still have the photo links attached - they are not embedded - and when I close Ventura and come back in I get a message telling me that I have broken links indicated by files in Navigator being crossed out. However, there are no files crossed out in Navigator. If I delete the offending files from Navigator (and hence the frames) and reload them, they reload with a suffix 1 appended to their name in Navigator, but still won't display on the page.
I've recently upgraded to Corel Draw X6 via download, however I can't find the additional specialized fonts, templates, etc which are supposed to come with it.
I have just purchased CS6 upgrade single user (volume licensing). Currently I have a Windows desktop and a MacBook Pro. I would like to install the primary on the Windows desktop and the additional on MacBook. Am I allowed to install primary on Windows machine and secondary on Mac machine as per EULA? I am the only user.
if it is allowed as per license since I have heard that multi platform is not allowed but I couldn't see anywhere in the EULA forbidding this.
It used to be that I very rarely used fonts within CS5 but recently I have. I realized that all of the fonts supposedly included with CS5 are not available via my drop down menu.
I then found these fonts in Windows/fonts so I copied all of those fonts into Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts. These unavailble fonts are now listed in that folder but are still not available via the dropdown menu in PS CS5.
I've recently read that the fonts don't really even NEED to be in the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts folder and that PS should actually make all of the fonts in Windows/Fonts available via the dropdown menu. Yes, I have restarted PS after copying the files and also tried rebooting my PC after copying the files. The fonts are still not available via the drop down text menu within PS even though all of them are now in both locations.
I have put some new fonts into C:/windows/fonts and they have come up in other programs e.g. Microsoft office but they are not showing up in photoshop.
i am using vista home premium with SP1 and it is 32bit and photoshop cs4.
I was wondering (I know it sounds counter intuitive) if its possible to get mac fonts to appear in windows gimp. I'm trying to redo images using gimp on a windows computer that come from .psd files created with a mac. The fonts (though Tahoma in both) don't look remotely similar because mac fonts are different from windows fonts apparently. Is there some sort of workaround I can use in gimp to make them look more similar? The mac font looks so much smoother and "full-er".....I wish i could say the same about the windows one. And yes, I am using the same size, color, and font in both images.
I am unable to minimize or close Photo Paint by mouseclick in W7. The program bar (is that how it is called?) is missing, so it is impossible to toggle between draw and photo paint. Coreldraw does show the program bar. Changing monitor resolution did not work, neither did reinstalling. On another computer of mine, with W XP there is no problem.
Just installed a new fonts Monotype Corsiva .ttf to my Win 7 X64 unfortunately when i opened my photoshop cs3 the fonts did not appear but when I open my word application it works smoothly.
I've noticed that I can download open type fonts on my computer (OS Windows 7) but if I type them out in my Corel X3, nothing shows up. Even files that I open up in Corel that have open type fonts in them, no text shows.
I have been a long time Photoshop user and am now am moving CS6 extended (Windows version) from a PC to a Mac (CS6 Mac version) and need to migrate all of my fonts, actions, plugins and everything else from my pc to my Mac.
I have been provided a copy of CS6 for Mac by Adobe and basically need to move my entire CS6 configuration to the new platform.
I have been updting upgrading my Photoshop since the CS3 days so there is a lot of files, actions, and stuff that I do not want to loose when I move to my new platform.
I created some graphics with text using Arial Narrow Bold in PS CS before I reformatted the HD on the same machine with the same XP OS disk. When I reinstalled Arial Narrow didn't appear in the Fonts list but was in the Windows Fonts List and available to other Folders. I am running XP, not Vista.I have tried dragging Arial Narrow into Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeFonts etc to no avail. I have also tried removing and reinstalling the Arial Narrow fonts without success. I have not worked out how to edit the Adobe Fonts File to include Arial Narrow.I have reinstalled CS, trialled CS3, and even reinstalled an earlier version of PS 7 which used to support Arial Narrow as a dedicated font, but not any more.Granted, in PS CS3 you can select Arial, then select <Narrow> in the adjacent drop down menu, but you can't select Arial Narrow Bold which makes it impossible to edit or alter the text in the earlier graphic that I created, something that is essential for either letterheads or business cards.If anybody has a fix on how to be able to create / edit / alter Arial Narrow Bold in either PS CS or PS7 I would be very grateful.
I have Corel PhotoPaint X5 running on Windows 7 x64. Every time I save a jpg or jpeg file, the file cannot be shared and appears with a padlock on the bottom left hand corner. To be able to share it, I have to go to the properties of every individual photo and add "Everyone" to the permissions in the Security Tab. Other files save OK. Its only jpg/jpeg files that get locked.
There were some patches available at one time but I'm not able to find them anymore. I have recently installed X3 on a W7 machine and have so far found everything to work fine except for an issue of half of my fonts being blank when trying to choose one from the drop down menu. Existing files with these blank fonts also come up with the fonts completely missing as if the entire set of words was deleted. Here is the list of patches that I've heard is necessary for X3 to be compatible with W7...
Below is a message from an older post:
I too have CorelDraw X3 on a Windows 7 machine, in order to get the best from it you will need to visit Corel's website [URL] and install the following patches Service Packs and patches in this order, re-start after each:1. CGSX3 Hot Patch1.exe2. CGSX3SP1.msp3. CGSX3SP2.msp4. Font Nav Fix.msp .. which will fix the problem with the Fontsand then run the program in Compatibility Mode with Windows XP+SP2
I have installed some new fonts in my windows font folder, but they are not showing up in illustrator. I am using a cloud version of illustrator and have tried closing and restarting to no avail.
I am facing this problem that when i give plot command and preview the window it show fonts different other than my main window. Also it prints as per the preview window and not as per the fonts present in my AutoCAD model space and layout.
I got calls from 3 of the DRAW users that some of the fonts are not displaying correctly since they have updated their Windows today. I have not yet connected my laptop to internet. Shall check it and try to identify the culprit update.Few fonts known for not displaying correctly since today.