Lightroom :: CS5 Colour Change When Saving To JPEG

Apr 18, 2012

In a nut shell if I use lightroom 3 only and print images the printed images look exactly the same to the monitor - therefore I would assume the calbration of the screen is okay.
If I use lightroom 3 and export to CS5 to continue making more adjustments when I save the image as jpeg it appears to have saved okay. However if you then maximise the photo to full screen the colours change - drastically. Basically they look aweful. They become quite dull and lose there saturation adjustments (which were done orginally in Lightroom). They print this way too.
I don't think it has anything to do with calibration because it's all okay when just using LR3.
I have played around with this quite a bit to try and find a solution and have now found that if I export lightroom to CS5 and don't make any changes to the photos but just save it - it's still changing the colours
I am not exporting from lightroom to CS5. All I am doing is selecting the Right clicking and selecting Edit in>Adobe Photoshop CS5.1....

Then in CS5 it opens and appears exactly the same as it was in LR From there I click file>save as>format Jpeg  and there is another box checked labelled - ICC Profile: Prophoto RGB (not really sure what this is and there are no other options to change it)
I have tried to show a difference in colour by attaching the photo.
Picture on right is Lightroom edited. Those colours are what you see when it is maximised on screen and the colours print correctly too . This photo was then opened in CS5 (photo on left) (with the LR adjustments) and saved as jpeg and you can see how the colours change. But you don't see the change unless screen is fully maximised - and it prints that way too.

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Photoshop :: RGB Values Change When Saving As JPEG?

Aug 25, 2013

I open my file (which has an embedded srgb color profile) in photoshop (my rgb values are 246/205/218). When I use the color picker, it confirms that my color is accurate. Then I save the file as a JPEG (using maximum-12, and baseline), also embedding the same srgb color profile into the photo (which is also my working space btw). Then when I reopen the JPEG file in photoshop, and use the color picker.... my srgb values are (246/205/219). The difference is so small that it doesn't make a huge difference, but why is this happening? My PSD file has of course maintained the original rgb values.

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Lightroom :: Change Each Exported JPEG File Name From Export JPEG Slideshow?

Jan 3, 2014

It is convenient to add each image name as a text on each figure by Slideshow. Could I use each image name as the exported file name?

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Lightroom :: Saving Modified JPEG Files?

May 13, 2013

I  did a series of shots  with an incorrect EV setting ( Exposure compensation) so I used Lightroom 4.3 to modify the exposure on these jpeg files. I  then exported the modified images, and found that the file size was only 50% of the original.

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Lightroom :: Saving Synonyms In JPEG File Doesn't Work?

May 10, 2013

I am using LR 4.3. I added keywords to my pictures. Some keywords got synonyms. I also checked "export synonyms" in the keyword options. When pressing Strg-S to save meta date into the files (all JPEG) all keywords are stored but without synonyms. When doing a normal export then synonyms are saved directly in the JPEG.
Is there a way to save the synonyms also with Strg-S or do I have to export all pictures and re-import them into LR? To be honest that would be not what I expect from a good software.

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Lightroom :: Change Colour Of Area?

Jan 22, 2013

How do I change the colour of an area. Not tint over the area, actually change it. For example, change the colour of an eye from brown to purple.

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Lightroom :: Facility To Change The Colour Layout Of 4.2

Oct 22, 2012

Is there a facility to change the colour layout of Lightroom 4.2 away from what I consider depressing shades of grey?

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Change Eye Dropper Into Colour Sampler Point

Jan 11, 2012

It would be nice to have a colour sampler in Lightroom 4 to be able to monitor the use of the new RGB channels in the curve. Is there such an item, or is it possible to have something like that in the toolbox? Something like the Camera raw where you can select mulitple points - or use a modify key to change the eye dropper(Lightroom) into a colour sampler point?

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Lightroom :: Change Post-crop Vignette Colour?

Dec 9, 2012

I have just watched the video on how to apply a vignette. In the video the vignette is black. When I tried to emulate the steps, my vignette is white. How do I change the color to black?

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Lightroom :: Change Pic To JPEG 1024 X 768?

Sep 26, 2013

How do I change a pic to jpeg 1024 x 768?  The pic was already jpeg

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Lightroom :: How To Change Raw Photo To JPEG

Aug 22, 2012

I am new to LR4 and I am trying to find out how to change a raw image to a jpeg photo.

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Lightroom :: Change Raw File To JPEG?

May 3, 2013

How can I change a raw file to a jpeg file?  I want to email a file to an online printer and they only accept jpegs.

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Lightroom :: How To Change NEF Files To JPEG

Nov 12, 2011

have edited all my wedding photos in Lightroom 3. how to change my NEF files to JPEG.

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Illustrator :: How To See Object Selected Change Colour Dynamically As Adjust Colour Sliders

Aug 11, 2013

How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider.  But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with.  Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE.  Dynamically.  In 2013.  In Illustrator.

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Lightroom :: How To Change JPEG Quality When Using External Editor In 4.1

Sep 10, 2012

I'm using LR4.1 on Windows 7 64-bit and I'm running into something quite annoying; When I open a jpeg image in an external editor (in my case Nik Software Editors) and I choose to " Edit a copy with Lightroom Adjustments" and JPEG file format I end up with a much smaller size, lower quality file before it's even saved by the external editor. I can't seem to find any settings for the jpeg quality and I'm starting wonder if I'm missing something big here...
I have dug through the forums and google searches with no luck. I do prefer to work with RAW but some of the cameras I use only output JPEG and I don't want to make unecessary conversions to TIFF.

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Lightroom :: How To Change To JPEG File Type To TIFF

Dec 4, 2011

I am a new lightroom user. I have a catalog of 2600 images that are jpeg files. I would like to change to file type tiff.

What would be the best method to get things changed?.

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Photoshop :: Reproducing JPEG Colour In ACR

Apr 11, 2012

Pentax K-5 has various colour settings. These settings are embedded to image files. However, Adobe Camera Raw doesn't require such settings from Pentax raw files. Thus, when shooting RAW+, images from the ACR (settings 'As shot') look higly different to .jpg images. It corresponds to .dng as well as .pef. On the other hand, the Pentax original software, Digital Camera Utility, does require the camera colour settings from the raw files. The cast of Raw files in DCU is absolutely like the cast of .jpg files. So the question is how can the camera colour cast be reproduced in the ACR (I am using Photoshop CS6 beta and Photoshop CS5.1).

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Paint.NET :: Selecting And Changing To No-colour Background (JPEG)?

Jun 12, 2013

I have a very simple picture in jpeg format. The picture is all in white on an orange background.I would like to use to select the white picture and place it on no-colour background.

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Lightroom :: How To Convert Colour Negative To Colour Positive

Sep 12, 2013

I have photographed some colour negatives in RAW. Any outline of a process as to how to convert these to positives using Lightroom v5.  I have tried and failed!

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Photoshop :: Saving For Web Dulls Colour

Jul 12, 2006

When I save an image for the web I notice that the colours go dull. It only seems to happen after I have applied a drop I can stop it?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Traced Image From JPEG Into Vector - Changing Colour Of Outline

Jul 17, 2011

Cupcake Teddy.cdr

I have traced this image from a Jpeg into a Vector to colour but how can I change the black out lines into other colours. When I right click the mouse with an outline selected the colour appears around the line but there is still a fine black line in the centre of it. I want to change the actual outline into another colour

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Photoshop :: Colour Changing Drastically When Saving To JPG In CS5

Jul 27, 2012

First off, my experience level is basically an advanced beginner, so speak to me as if I am a 10 year old.
Now, the attached link to a Word document illustrates my issue: [URL]....
I am getting horrendous colour shifts when saving to a jpg in photoshop. It looks OK in photoshop when I open it, but when viewed anywhere else it is brutal. I included screenshots of my colour settings and I am working to sRGB and embedding that profile when I save, so I am at a loss as to why it shifted so much.

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Photoshop :: Saving In JPEG

Feb 26, 2013

I have an old (as in OLD) version of Photoshop- Photoshop 7 that was a (uhm) gift from a friend, it's always worked 'well enough' for me in the past, but in the last few months I've been having issues saving something as a JPEG file.

The program will let me save it, but when I go back later to open the file, I will get an unwelcome pop up box announcing "Could not open _____ because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found" I finally started saving everything as a PSD or PNG file just so I could keep working, but I need to start converting all these files to JPEGs so I can keep working! Photoshop isn�t doing this all the time, but enough that if I start saving things a JPEGS I'll stop checking my files after a few times, and them WHAM- I have 6 or 7 files that I can't access anymore!

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Photoshop :: Saving As A JPEG

Jun 6, 2008

When Im using a pdf or a psd file, certain instances wont save as a jpg unless I follow the suggestion below.

"could not save a copy as'fileserver...plan.jpg' because there is not enough memory (RAM). try saving without optimization or as baseline JPEG"

This is usually when there are larger files being worked on, but it never used to do this before.if I do as the error says it works but it is in bad quality.

I have got 4GIGs of ram and 4GIGs of V-memory in place I cannot add any more to it.

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Photoshop :: Saving A .jpeg To A .BMP

Oct 4, 2004

I.m trying to save some of my digital photos, which are .jpegs, in a .BMP format and at a high resolution, around 400-500 Dpi. I managed to change one of them, using Adobe PhotoDeluxe, and it came out at 118 MB. It's just what I wanted. But when I tried to do this a second time, I couldn't duplicate my actions. The second photo came out only at 3.8 Dpi.

I need the big files for work I'm doing in Paint Shop Pro. I have Adobe PhotoDeluxe HE 4.1 and PhotoShop 7, MGI Photo Suite, PrintShop and others.

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Photoshop :: Colour Changes When Saving Images As JPEGS / PNGS In CS6?

Sep 15, 2012

When I save my .PSD files as .JPEGS the colour of the images change drastically.

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Photoshop :: Colour Profiles - Images Saving Too Dull?

Jan 10, 2013

the record I am using Photoshop 7 (yes it's old, but it suits my needs just fine!) and Windows Vista Home Premium.What I do is take photographs of my artworks, edit them in Photoshop until they look accurate, then post them online. Images have always looked identical in every program, and I had never had any problems, until I got connected to the Internet on Tuesday. This computer has not been connected to the net for a good few years, and so lots of updates got installed. I'm not sure which ones exactly, as my boyfriend took care of that, but I'm convinced this has caused the problems I am having now:
First I found that an image I had edited and saved as .jpg for web use was showing up overly saturated and contrasty in the Windows Photo Gallery preview. I assumed I had saved it wrongly. I re-opened the jpg in Photoshop to check - it looked exactly as I had saved it. I figured something had messed up with Photo Gallery during updates, so I uploaded the jpg to the Internet. The image that uploaded was the overly-saturated, contrasty one.
After realising that suddenly ALL the images I had uploaded online, and all the images saved on my computer, now had this awful over-saturated look, and yet the thumbnails on my desktop looked fine... I realised it must be something to do with the colour profiles, and tried to find out the answer online. My monitor colour profile was set to "21.5 inch monitor" so I changed that to sRGB as default. I can't remember what Photoshop was set to, but at any rate I set it to sRGB also.
I thought I had it fixed, as it seemed to just be Photo Gallery that was not matching up (it was displaying my images with less saturation than as I saved them).However today I took a new photo of a drawing I'm working on, to load onto my blog. I had to take it into Photoshop to make edits and correct, as always. I opened my photo in Photoshop... lo and behold, far too contrasty and saturated!!

This time, Windows Photo Gallery preview is showing the (unedited, straight out of camera) photo as it should be... Photoshop opens it too contrasty.I made my edits anyway, saved for web as .jpg, checked the jpg in Photo Gallery before uploading... It saved duller than it should have done!
Uploaded the jpg to the internet... and I have the dull image uploaded.
So first they were too contrasty, now they're too dull. Being an artist who displays work online and has a certain reliance on the internet... my images have to be accurate and consistent all the way through. Is there anything I can do to set things back to the way they were before?

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Lightroom :: Print To JPEG In 5.2 Produces Corrupt JPEG File That Cannot Be Opened

Nov 5, 2013

Print to JPEG in LR5.2 produces a corrupt JPEG file that cannot be opened.
Lightroom is running on MacPro. When printing I am attaching an ICC profile provided by the bureau that is going to produce the prtins. Having said this the file cannot be opened neither on a Mac nor on a Windows PC.
Up until now, i used to exported as TIFFs but after reading Jeff Schewe book The Digital Print i have become convinced that printing through LR to a file is much more efficient.

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Corel Ventura :: Repeated Colour Indications In Text After Saving

Mar 2, 2011

I run into a nasty problem using Ventura 10 on Windows XP.

When I select a text part to give it another colour (e.g. blue) and also it alise and/or bold the text, then after saving these settings are repeated several to many times in front of the indicated text part.

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Photoshop :: Keeping Changes When Saving To Jpeg?

Oct 14, 2012

Working in raw, I have made changes to exposurre etc.  when I save to jpeg they go lighter.  I have looked in the colour settings which are set the same as the camera at sRGB but not sure if I a missing something.

  I have recently upgraded from CS4 to CS6, wasn't a problem in CS4, I have looked at the settings in both to try to get them the same but nothing is working.

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Photoshop :: Saving Images As JPEG

Mar 6, 2013

I'm having trouble saving images as a JPEG. I've never seen this before, but when I scan an image or even create an image and try to save it as a JPEG so it's smaller and easier for others to view Photoshop freezes...kind of. All of the buttons become inaccessible and the image does not save. I can't even close Photoshop until I enter task manager and end it manually.

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