AutoDesk Smoke :: Use Timearp Function In The Same Way As Time Remapping In AE?
Jun 18, 2012
Is it possible to use the Timearp function in the same way as Time Remapping in AE?
I just watched Grants video for a third time and it doesn't really touch on this kind of time manipulation.
specifically i need to add keyframes at specific events then be able to move those keyframes to match up with other moves on a different video layer, and have the "time" between the two keyframes react accordingly.
How to speed up and stabilize a video clip, however, the embarrasing discovery is that a Macintosh proprietary software that comes standard with each Apple computer purchase (Imovie), has a stabilizater and time remapper that works seamlessly.
I just installed 2013 2.2 and the Match function, both the hotkey and right click, still crashed my system?? I've tried a new user. Anything else I can try? It did this in the previous version and I was hoping it would work in the new release.
I've tried Match Source, Match Content and Match Frame and while they do different stuff, none of them are doing what I'm expecting.
To be clear, if I organize my clips into bins for an edit, I'm hoping to hit match on a cut sequence and the Smoke will take me to that clip in the media panel, and then I would be able to look through alternate takes of the same shot. It's more useful to me for finding similar sources than making a copy of the source which is already in the timeline.
I'm trying to apply the time remapping settings from my original clips to those that I've colored in DaVinci Resolve. I turned off all effects on my colored clips and graded the entire clip, not just the segment in my original timeline. My workflow thus far has been this:
1) Copy the original clip above the colored clip
2) Revert the speed of the original clip to 100 from where it was adjusted to (the speed of the original clips varies from 500% to 1000% across the timeline)
3) Turn off Time Remapping on the original clips (this is done by deleting all keyframes)
4) Find the In and Out points of the original clip through timecode
5) Set the In and Out points of the colored clip to those of the original
6) Make another copy of the original clip and set it to 100 but don't turn off time remapping
7) Copy the time remapping settings of the original clip to the colored clip
8) Convert the colored clip to the original clip's speed (usually between 500% and 1000%)
Now, in several cases this works, but in others it falls apart at Step 3. When we turn off time remapping, the original clip gets grey stripes over it in the timeline and we cannot see the footage in the Program or Source viewing monitors. We have tried reversing steps 2 and 3, but when we do that the clip gets shrunk down to 1 frame and we lose the original In and Out points.
I come from the FCP world. When I edit, my clips don't change speeds just bc they are placed in a certain area of the timeline.
In SMOKE 2013 they do. I want to turn off that feature if its possible.
When I extend a clip Id like it to stop when its done and not keep stretching itself as long as I keep pulling it so that it time warps. Same when I trim a clip. Id like for it to trim not time warp to fit to its new shorter length.
My timeline has all sorts of sped up and slowed down clips.
Currently TRYING to LEARN (key words): SMOKE for MAC Currently using: Final Cut Pro 7, Photoshop/After effects on CS6 Current system: MacPro5,1 12-Core Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz RAM: 12 GB ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB OSX 10.8.3
I lost an edit I was working on and Time Machine has complete backups for the past several days. I can see and find the backup copy in Time Machine in /usr/discreet/project/ . I can extract it from Time Machine. But how can I make Smoke aware of it and open it?
I tried a few things like I have an existing project called "/usr/discreet/project/Project1", I removed it and put my backup in the same place with the same name, but that doesn't work either.
Enter a time code simply by starting to type using the keypad. The period (dot) key should give you 00.
This works if you click on the clip time code, but if I just start to type using the keypad, I get a hash before the frame number instead of a : and on hitting enter nothing happens.
Today I was messing around with import. Tried to pull in 100GB of footage and found it took nearly 1hr 45 mins over USB3. I know the slow speed was down to the rubbish hard drive I was pulling from but it would have been really useful to know that it was going to take 1hr 45mins. I could've gone to the pub!
We get a time estimate on backburner importing? I also wanted to check that smac 2013 isn't throttled anywhere on import speeds? I know that smoke all the way up to 2010 vsn was throttled so that you would never get import as fast as your disks could go.
does smoke have a feature to do 'time offsetting' ? in connect fx (not in action), i have a clip and applied some fx node like blur , CC etc. Now i want to offset or slip the network (media and fx nodes), so not only the media but also all the keyframes from all the fx node. Can i do this ? i use foundry Nuke where this can be done easily. How about in smoke ? So maybe like attaching a 'timeoffset' node to the network.
How do i move a keyframe in time without changing any of its x,y,z parameters?
and Can i have different interpolations for individual keyframes on the same parameter? (so i can ramp a move into a keyframe, then continue out at a linear interpolation)?
each time I force quit Smoke with the service monitor in a project when I open the same project after it takes several time to load the clips (EDITDESK: LOADING CLIPS). Sometimes the project just didn't open and stay on the EDITDESK: LOADING CLIPS screen.
There's something I'm doing wrong or my project is totally corrupt ?
I know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs. Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card? Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.
Is there any way that Smoke can see/output sub-blacks and super whites? Can't find any way of seeing them on my scope, Smoke just clamps everything. It won't even see anything below zero in order for me to make a correction on it, everything seems to be clamped on import. I'm using ProRes HQ footage.
What is the best plugin to do spline warps in smoke?(need something like the distort in flame) I notice revisionfx don't make a warper for smoke on mac.
I am experimenting with Smoke 2013 pre-trial and I am having issues with importing images and video with alpha channels.
1. If I have a layered Photoshop file or png with an alpha channel (a still frame lower third), I see that I can import it as a multi layered clip, but what is the best way to have it in the sequence to show up properly?
2. If I have a QuickTime in animation format or Pro Res4444 format with an embedded alpha, how can I import that file to show and cut it on a top layer to animate above my video?
Does Smoke have selection functionality similar to that of Combustion? As an example, you might want to selectively blur part of an image. In Combustion, you would draw a selection and then apply an operator above the selection to achieve this. I don't see a similar selection tool function in Smoke, but I imagine you could achieve the same effect by duplicating a layer and using a Gmask via the Wipe timeline FX.does Smoke not have a selection tool similar to Combustion?
I am using the CS5 with RAW support version for D800 without any problem before. I am not very sure the RAW support version that I use in the past.
But after I restore my iMac with the latest time machine file. CS5 cannot open the RAW file for D800 anymore, I try to install the latest RAW file version 6.7 for CS5, but when I click to check the RAW support version in CS5, it keeps showing version 6.6.
Whats the dealing with importing TWs to Smoke? I have a show that's 70% keyframed with timewarps and need a way other then baking the effect to bring it into Smoke. It's comming from FCP7 and we have Automatic Duck but neither the XMLs or AAF bring anything other then the first speed of the clip. Any way to retain the keyframes?
Currently i have a problem with xrefs. I just changed my network drive from B to A. As all the xref was not working. I only can do is manually remapping the xref. Thats will be wasting time to do that.
Any solution without remapping the xref when change the drive letter?