AutoCad :: Xref Reload Not Working?
Sep 9, 2011my xref reloading in acad v2011, it's not working-but the xref file is in the folder and in the right path as well.
View 9 Repliesmy xref reloading in acad v2011, it's not working-but the xref file is in the folder and in the right path as well.
View 9 RepliesWe recently upgraded from 2006 to 2013. We had a lisp routine in 06 that would reload all the xref's in a sheet so the layer states would update since simply reloading the xref did not always work. Below is the code we used. Now, in 2013, when we run it, I lose all layer states.
(defun c:xrl ()
(setvar "visretain" 0)
(command "_qsave")
(command "xref" "reload" "*")
(setvar "visretain" 1)
(command "_qsave")
I am using AutoCad 2011 and am not seeing the bubble notifying when an xref needs to be reloaded. I do see the notification alert in the taskbar immediately after saving the xref, but do not see the bubble with the link to reload. XREFNOTIFY is set to 2. Thought XNOTIFYTIME might have worked but I don't know how to use it as typing it in the command line in AutoCad doesn't work. Also tried (setenv "XNOTIFYTIME" "#") but typing that in the command line doesn't work either.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to xref a file in and when I select open through _XATTACH nothing happens. No subsequent dialog box opens up asking me to choose location, rotation, attach/bind, etc. The command just dies and I am back in my dwg.
AutoCAD LT 2011
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012
i type in xr and the box shows up but when i go to attach a dwg or image the box usually shows up so i can browse through and find the dwg i want to xref but the box doesn't show up all it says at the bottom in the command line is ATTACH
If i use the command classicxref then everything is fine i can attach anything i want. i checked the filedia and it is set to (1)
I just tried to do an xref and the command stops everything. I get no reaction from autocad. What is wrong?
here is an update: The Xref Palette is docked to my left side and when I hover to get it to flip out I click the DWG button in the left hand upper corner. Well nothing happens from there. Now, when I type -xref the command works at the command line. How do I get the palette to work again?
xref fade control not working?In model space I have xref'd a dwg (probably 2010 format) and it positions correct and displays in the normal default faded mode. No matter where I have the slider in display options, the xref fade does not change. Even changing the system variable through the command line is ineffective.
I'm running AutoCAD 2013 with Service Pack 1.1. installed.
I have loaded an xref in to my working file. I temporarily unloaded the xref so that it would not be in the way as I was editing my drawing. Even though the xref is unloaded and I can not see it on screen it still highlights and becomes visible as if I picked it with my fence while I am trying to edit other entities to my drawing.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhere is the question,basicly, i have a folder named "A", and this folder include 5 DWGs, named 1,2,3,4,5. "1" is the main DWG, so, 2,3,4,5 is attached or overlayed to main file. First step im copying this folder from server, and im pasting to my desktop.Im doing some modifications on xref files, and im uploading "A" folder to my friend's partage from local company server. its allright till here..
my collegue is copying this same folder "A" and opening main file, and main file reading another "3" file from his desktop... this is the problem. file names are same, and it has to be this way. i want to make the main file read from its own folder. we are using 2008, 2012.
I am trying to bind an Xref into my working drawing. Whenever I try to perform this command, an error message appears that says "Some objects in the specified Xref(s) failed to bind." No list of objects has been provided. I have tried exploding, purging and auditing both the Xref and the working drawing to make sure there are no extranneous objects in the files, but the message keeps appearing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?
I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.
Is it possible to run a lisp which can extract all the xref names, make a layer with that name and then change the xref on the layer? I have got a similar routine from earlier posts but it doesn't work if any xrefs inserted in paper space (works fine on model space). could change this routine allowing to change the layer of xref in paper space too.
(defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a)))
(defun c:lxr ( )
(setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
I am using (trying to anyway) a :VLR-xrefSubcommandReloadItem reactor. My only question is how to get the xref/block name from the 'reactor callback data' Object ID.
I am ultimately trying to pass it to (vla-get-xrefdatabase ....), but I cannot figure out how to turn the second parameter from the reactor callback data into something I can use - for example the second parameter returned may be "65" or some other number.
Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64
when you bind an xref the link disappears from the xref manager.
is it possible to bind an xref, but preserve that link in the xref manager? i realize that will lead to two copies of the same object in the drawing (one xref, plus the new block). everyone's okay with that happening.
I could have a drawing open, open up the xref, make a change in it save and close. I would get a message in the bottom corner of the drawing saying ‘RELOAD XREF’S’ I would hit that and it would update the changes I made.
I do that same change I won’t get any message saying ‘RELOAD’ and even if I type in ‘xref’ and reload the it that way, it doesn’t update any changes I made. I have to actually detach and re-attach it to see the changes I made.
I just updated my company .LIN file and now I need to find the most efficient way to reload all the linetypes into our template and some drawings hopefully without having to delete or purge them out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI think I have erased my template folder. So setting up new drawing has been a problem. Can I load a new template folder?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just installed AUTOCAD 2013 on my computer. Every morning when I start up, I have to reload by CUI file. My ribbons are rearranged, I have to arrange them back to how I had them. Why is this happening?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is a 2 fold question.
I have a drawing with 18 viewports, each one has (should have) a titleblock but xref manager tells me it is not found. Firstly, why would it now not be attached? And secondly, why am I not simply able to re-reference it? I tried to UNLOAD and DETACH it but it wont do it as there are multiple inserts. So I tried to RELOAD and ATTACH but no joy. It simply gives me the path to the referenced file (which is correct by the way) So, how do I reload the titleblock to each layout?
How do I get the full Xref Path name instead of Xref.dwg? I'm scratching my head is this totally under my nose... cause I don't see where the property is stored. I'm getting EV_BDR.dwg instead of C:folderEV_BDR.dwg
View 8 Replies View RelatedHaving this problem with 2 lisp routines, i have autocad set up to load a certain profile. but every time I start autocad, i have to reload the 2 lisp routines thru appload.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an addin which displays a form, then when I click a button operations are launched. The form is no modal, so I display it, select objects, apply, select objects, apply,... then close the form with another button (form.close).
All functions, but only on the first opened file : I open the file, use the addin, close the form. I open another file, the addin is always loaded, but when I click on the icon to display the form nothing happens... I have to unload the addin and reload it.
I have a bunch of drawings for which I have to reload the linetypes (they have to be redefined, for example pneumatic line has a new definition but the drawing has an older one). Is there a way other than rename the old linetypes, then load the newer version, then iterate through all objects and change the linetype to the newer version?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy company recently upgraded to Autocad 2013 from 2008. I was using a custom dimension cui file for sizing dimensions according to scale. I have reloaded the file into 2013. However, I am having to reload the file daily because it does not function without reloading. Is there any work around for this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any Functionality available for Reloading the PDF or Image like we have for DWGs (Database.ReloadXrefs).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm add Add button on exists inventor ribbon tab.After reload my add-in from Inventor buttons is invisible
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis issue applies only to AuroCAD 2013 64. 2012 works fine.
I have three old custom menus I use regularly. They were all in the MNU format when they were compiled to CUIx.
Let's say menu1 has a drop down menu and toolbars. Menu2 has a dropdown menu. Menu3 has a toolbar menu. They are all located in the same folder.
If I load the three menus they work fine for the duration of the session. However, once I quit AutoCAD and restart, only Menu1 loads. I still have to load the other two again. This is annoying. I have created a Profile and a Workspace with the menus loaded and set both current. Exit and again no menus.
I recently upgrading to ACA 2014. I have set my trusted locations, my file path, the startup suite, and the system variable to load acad.lisp on startup. Most of my lisp routines load, but not all. I still have my ACA 2011 loaded, all settings are applied as required, yet I do not have the same issue with the same lisp routines. I have to reload my lisp routines for every drawing.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to avoid nested references reload every time I open autocad drawing. In some drawings I have twenty nested references. I really need to avoid reload each reference.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I just upgraded to MEP 2013 last week and am in a bad situation where when I keep making my data link tables to a range on an excel table the file name's full address is not staying when I go to insert the table.
(ex. D:/Documents/JB Plans/NK.xlsm is just NK.xlsm when I try to insert the table)
Does some defaulting or setting that I haven't found involving this issue?
Recently purchases Lumix fz200 camera. CS5 with ACR 6.3 won't read AWR raw files. Instructions are to manually load ACR 5.2 into Library/Application support/Adobe/Plug-ins/CS4/file formats after moving old file. Could not move old file so renamed it and installed new file after authenticating in response to error message "can't move. Plug in ACR 6.3 still active. Exactly how much of above library file must be moved and replaced? (Mac)
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