AutoCad :: Transfer All Settings From One PC To Another?
Jun 16, 2011
can i transfer all setting of autocad from one pc to another pc which also run autocad i wish can keep all thing as before at my previous pc including all tool bar i position can i do that?
Is there a way to transfer the settings of one autocad to another computer?
My work station at work has autocad set up with alot of tool bars and windows open. Is there a way i can save that and import those same settings so i can have a exact copy of my works Autocad at home too?
I have been working on a template (.DWT) for Civil3D 2012. I decided to continue my work recently with a newer vesion C3d 2013, and to my shock there seems to be no way at all to transfer my newer settings (I.E.: default layering, default data bands, newer CODECS, etc to the C3d 2012 version. This is about a week's worth of work that I will have to replicate manually to C3d 2012. I cannot believe that the 2 versions are this completely incompatable.
I hate having to setup one pc to all the autocad setting that we need and then having to go do 27 more. I want to take my exact setup, menu, system variables, colors, file locations...everything and apply it to 27 more computers. We have tried using profiles but it only coppies over a few things and some are still missing. Is there are way to copy everything?
The mother board in my old PC went out, I bought a new one with Windows 8. Loaded Autocad 13 and want to transfer all my settings from old hard drive (now a slave) to the new one.Â
I am trying CS3 with Windows 7. Where would I put the "Adobe" settings folder that I copied from XP? XP=(C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataAdobe)
I subcontract a lot of event work. I'm still using an older MBP which is 32bit so I can't upgrade to LR4 yet which requires a 64bit processor. Â The studio that contracts me is running LR4 and they don't seem to think that the develop settings I make in LR3.5 are transferring to LR4. Is this possible?
I'm thinking an easy work-around would be to export all the files as DNGs? This would automatically include all changes that I make wouldn't it?
when I upgraded my catalog from Lightroom 4 to Lightroom 5, it appears that not all of the my develop settings transfered for all photos. If I am to open the catalog in Lightroom 4, the appear to still exist. How can I see all the settings in Lightroom 5.
Lightroom 5. I have combined two catalogs into one "Master Catalog" per Julian Kosts tutorial ([URL]....) without incident. However, my presets are not to be found. Could there be other issues? How Do I properly get these presets into my Master Catalog?  How to transfer Lightroom settings from one catalog to another?
I have several Lightroom catalogs from over the years, many of the from older versions and many of the catalogs contain develop settings from photos I have on my current catalog. Â The thing is I have some picture folders with rates, develop setings and more things from an old catalog that I want to transfer to my new catalog from Lightroom 4.4. I want to transfer just the settings and rates, nothing else, i already have the photos, sometimes with many photos rated and developed. Â Is there a way to transfer just the settings and rates of a certain set of photos from one catalog to another one?
I’m a long time Photoshop user but recently picked up LR4 to try to fine tune my workflow. I’ve noticed that after importing new files (RAW, I haven’t tried with jpg) into my library as I scroll through them (1-up, not in grid) the preview comes up and then after a second or so the WB changes to a much colder image.  Does LR4 initially preview at specific settings and then change to the individual image settings? Even if so, the final images seem very cool and I feel like I have to up the temp more than I should have to. My previous workflow was to sort in Bridge and then use ACR to import to Photoshop. I feel like I did much less tweaking of my WB this way. I feel like I’m starting from square one with LR4.Â
Photoshop CS5 v12.1. Mac OS 10.6. I'm printing to an Epson R1800 printer. Â Print. Choose Color Management. Choose Document. Choose "Photoshop manages color". Choose the correct printer profile that matches the paper I'm using. Choose Relative Colorimetric. Â THEN, I click Print Settings...under the 4th drop downu I choose "Print setting..." again. Under "Basic" "color" and "Color settings" are grayed out as are some of the "Media Type" options. Â Is this normal? The problem is my black and white prints are printing really badly. They have color tones. I've cleaned the nozzles on my Epson printer, done everything the print utility suggests. All the test prints look fine.
i recieved a prom pic from my daughter and i was going to print it and frame it, but 2 things happend.
The first one was that when i tried to print it it said it was tooooooo big 40inx60in so i resized it to 8.5x11 and it got very blurry, after about an hour i figured out how to get it sharp again (by accident) and forgot how i did it DOH!!! It was some kind of compairson with 4 of the same photo and resizeing the file from 9.5M to about 400kb and actualy adding some blur.
The next problem is when i printed it, it was so washed out it looked like an old 70's poloroid but on screen it looks great. Now I've read the color settings section but i think i might have set some settings wrong [U]and i don't think i fully understand what i'm reading . I know there are settings to either let photoshop take care of the printing or let the printer.Personaly i think i would like to let photoshop do it that way any email's or photo's i shoot will have a common baseline. The printer i'm using is an hp psc 2410 and the camera is a minolta dimage7i, is this a good camera / printer. I'm in adobe rgb(1998) mode and i think i saw somwhere in the printer software to choose between adobe rgb or the hp printer.Do these have to match.
Put simply how can i print it the way i see it on screen
I know ....long winded but i try to give all the info i can
 I'm having some problems with drawing paths in Illustrator. Everytime I draw a new path, this new path shows up in the standard settings. The 'brush defenition' turns back to 'basic' and the 'variable width profile' back to 'uniform'. It would save me a lot of time if I could change those standard settings into what I prefer.
I would like to transfer my current AutoCAD setup to another computer which at this point has AutoCAD out-of-the-box installed. The transfer needs to involve workspaces, toolbars, tool palettes, menus, pretty much the works. I'm not very comfortable working the CUI, so I'm looking for a process so to ensure that all of the above elements are brought over.
Our Cad person recently switched from a dying windows machine to an iMac. Â I know you can do the liscene transfer (the windows pc is being put down) however I can't find anyway to get the LT 2012 Mac download. (The disc is a windows only) Â I thought about just getting the trial but only 2013 is offered and we don't plan on updating as of yet.
I saw a youtube video "Cross Section in AutoCAD".But i could not understand how to transfer the data from excel to AutoCAD.There is a file TMaker.exe to make template of excel data.I could not find that elsewhere on net. Making earthwork x-sections with AutoCAD.
I've just received 358 .dwg files from the owner of my project. They failed to provide an index along with the files.Is there a way to "Publish" all 358 files without having to open each .dwg? PDF is preferred.
I've just completed a fairly complicated dynamic block (took me a few days to make actually), and there is a possibility of me cleaning up the quick properties window to have less redundant input dimensions if I simply transfer actions/action bars from one parameter to another. Is this possible to do?
I'm making a car model on autocad 3d and I have to make all of its differents surfaces flatten on a same plane (similar to papercrafting). I must get the "real sizes and dimensions" of all rectangles and triangles that compounds my model.
This is about 20 differents planes defined by the lines of the car. The idea of this project is to make it possible to build the car from a printed paper.
Ive tried to use UCS making the "new xy" plan on the diferents surfaces but it would take like a day to make this in the whole model. I've also tried rotating the surfaces, but inst accurate enough.
The car is not yet solid; I just used the normal line commands. I'm plannig to use 3DFACE to create all the surfaces.
The only thing I could come up with was to define various UCS and then use 3DALIGN with a previous rectangle made on the WCS. But this is not very efficient.
Any way to "transfer" the differents surfaces to a same plane so that I can get the "real dimensions" (the real area, line sizes) of them? I'm not sure being clear enough..
I have a brand new windows 7 computer with LT 2013. I had XP with LT 98. All my old files seem to have transferred over with one exception. My old architxt.shx font does not seem to be available to me. Even though it shows up graphically on my old drawing text, any new text becomes romans.shx. I even tried copying some existing text and that didn't work either. I have the font on a floppy disc but my new computer doesn't have a floppy drive. Is this font available?
One other problem. Hatching my old drawings is very slow. Works fine in new drawings.
When the 'up' arrow appears in a thumbnail and comes up with the message:  The metadata for one or more of these photos has been changed by another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?  What exactly does that mean? This seems to happen every time I export an image to PS (CS5) and return to LR. What exactly has changed? What settings are being imported if I choose 'import settings from disk'.