how to setup the paper size in paperspace, I want my template to match the papersize in paperspace. ie I have a metric template and want it to be setup so when I do a preview it looks right?
I’m using Photoshop CS 8.0 not the newer versions of CS2-5, in my previous versions of Photoshop before CS I was able to print Tabloid paper sizes, and in the new CS under page setup tabled is no longer in there. I am running windows 7 64-bit, the printer is a Xerox Work center 7345 with updated drivers. the printer sees and recognizes the paper size under the control panel printer driver preferences. but Photoshop CS will not see that size available.
How I set Linetype scale for 3 paper space with different page setup with in single drawing.
Explanation:I have a drawing with XRef attached, I want to make 3 paper space for this drawing with different page setup A0, A1 and A3. I am confused how I set line type scale for each paper space.
I am having a little trouble with the paperspace in autocad 2013, I am running windows 8. As shown in the attachment the paper underlay is missing or I dont understand the new process. I want to draw viewports that fit onto the specified paper size(A1). Without the digital picture of the paper under the viewport I dont know where to draw the viewport.
Trying to draw a titleblock for a college assignment and its supposed to start at 5,5 but that is in the middle of the paper (A3 setup). 0,0 is somewhere in the middle too - how do i get 0,0 to be the bottom left corner of the paper in paperspace??
I am trying to use a title block I made as a template in a paperspace. I made the title block in the model space of a separate drawing, its origin is at 0,0. I used the WBLOCK command to make the title block into its own saved block, but when I insert it into the paperspace of the drawing that I want to use the title block in the drawing of the title block is larger than the white rectangle which represents the paper. I can insert viewports and print the drawing fine, but the drawing of my title block being larger than the white area of the paperspace bugs me. How do I make it bigger?
I am useing a Canon Pro 9000 MKII and when I try to print 11x14 paper, it will not alow custom paper size. The Canon printer driver does have custom size but it does not show up in printer settings.
I am using CAD LT 2005 but also have access to AutoCAD 2005.
I am unsure about the best way of dealing with text in drawings. Originally I used to put my text in model space - which was fine until I started using multiple layouts in paperspace at different scales. The text would come out either to big or too small.
Others in my office say they put the text in paperspace ONLY at the right scale for that layout. This is fine until you realize that if you have to put text in 4 different layouts at 4 different scales 4 different times it takes forever.
So - I looked up about a command called SPACETRANS which seems to offer a way of working out the right scale for the text in paperspace. EG. Working in mm in model space a good text height for me was 1000. By using the spacetrans command in paperspace I worked out that the text height to be used here was 9.2. This basically gave me my text in paperspace at the relatively same height as it looked in model space.
I now realize that although I can scale my text happily to the right size in all my layouts it hasn't negated the need for me to type it all in many times over. Basically, I still have to type the text into paperspace at the right scale - in this example at 9.2.
How you can type your text in once anywhere (probably model space) and then scale it in all the different viewports without having to retype it all in?
I have tried numerous times to make my paper size and actual plot size the same. My paper size is 24 x 36 but for some reason it rotates the paper and the output is 36 x 36, every time! When I look at it on the preview, it looks correct but then the paper comes out with a foot of paper at the top of the drawing. I've created new page sizes, etc.
The color of the paper space outside of the page layout is a gray-white very bright that would not allow the white lines and white letters to be seen. I have looked at the Options dialog to see if that color can be changed, but I could not find the name of that area outside the per layout ( I have my paper layout to black, which is fine, but I do not know how to change the areas outside the paper). This bright color came with AutoCAD 2012.
at work we use custom paper sizes. We use HP Designjet 500 ploter and paper rolls of sizes 420, 610 and 910 mm. So I have made layout for all sizes: 410x 420, 600x610 and 900x910 mm. To share files between computers we use TortoiseSVN. But leaving for long time all sizes gets bad (page_ setup_ manager. png). Size from 410x420 becomes 409,96x419,95 mm. The same becomes in plot window too (plot.png). And to plot in right paper sizes we need to edit plot paper size again if not drawing is ploted in bad paper size (custom_paper_size.png). Is here a way to permanently bind good paper size to drawing?
I am making an independent film. And I've decided to use Photoshop to make the Poster...but theres one problem. We'll...3 actually. Hopefully someone could help me out and I would greatly appreciate it. Even if you can only answer one, I will still greatly appreciate it.
1. What would be the coordinates if you want to make a Poster?
2. How about a full paper. What size does the Photoshop picture got to be to fit a piece of paper perfectly?
3. How about DVD covers? Either just the front or the front and the back.
I have configured a special size and assigned to a PC3 file
(1350.00 x 1050.00 mm.)
This is the default printer for some other layouts in some other DWG's as well.
If I print the layout directly from the drawing editor, it creates a PDF with the paper size I assigned, but if I print it using the sheetset, it creates a document with another paper size based on I don't know what.
The plot and publish details window shows the next message when printed from the sheetset
Sheet: BA_00-P-050-0100___ - Plotted
Page setup: Device name: DWG To PDF.pc3 - plotted to file Plot file path: ...DesktoppublishBA_00-P-050-0100___.pdf Paper size: ISO full bleed B0 (1414.00 x 1000.00 MM)
I installed a new printer Officejet 7500A recently. Strangely that the A3 paper size appears in the Plot dialogue box is 425x302mm. Tried many hours to re-configure the Properties with no success.
I've just set up a PS plotter as per this link: URL....
Hatches in AutoCAD are being displayed really poorly (see attachment)... Basically they've been simplified to polygons instead of complex regions.
And secondly, my plot is cropped to paper size. The work we're doing is significantly larger then typical paper sizes, I realize I could add a new extremely large paper size, but is there a way to ignore the paper size?
I want to add a new layout to drawing with paper size "A3". this is want i am trying with. We had a VBA script before as shown bellow.
For Each tlAcadLayout In ThisDrawing.layouts If tlAcadLayout.Name = "A3" Then blnLayout = True tlCurMedia = tlAcadLayout.CanonicalMediaName tlConfig = tlAcadLayout.ConfigName oldOrg = tlAcadLayout.PlotOrigin Exit For End If Next With tlAcadLayout .RefreshPlotDeviceInfo .ConfigName = "None"
When working with other drawings I've got into the habit of dropping in my layout using the design centre rather than copying the whole drawing into my template setup. Most of the time this works fine but every now and then my layout will be massively oversized with borders, tables and veiwports all over the place.
My viewport is about 20 times the size of the paper! The paper size is fine and insertion units are set to 0 and I still can't find a solution. The attached image shows roughly the problem I'm getting. I'm using 2010 LT by the way.
A colleague of mine is having the following problem: He has a dwg file (AutoCAD 2010), with all layouts set to a custom sheet of 8.5" x 13" (215.9 mm x 330.2 mm). When he makes the publish to PDF (that is AutoCAD's default PDF option), he gets all the sheets in a ginormous size: 900 mm x 1,600 mm (35.4" x 63"). See image attached.Picture1.jpg
He keeps asking me the favor to publish it, which I do without problem. I have to say that I am using AutoCAD 2012, but before I posted, I tried using yet another PC runing 2010 and there was also no problem at all.
He is able to publish regular size documents without problem. It appears to be just that one file, but only on his PC.
I have a requirement sheet from the city for plans for a little strip mall that I'm drawing a renovation for one unit. Had to reproduce the entire site however for the city planner. No problem, doing that, but here's where it gets kinky. They want the plans submitted on 11 x 17, but scaled at 1"=10'. The site is 656' ±, so at that scale, ain't no way it's gonna fit on an 11 x 17 sheet, right? If one inch = ten feet, on a 17" page, the biggest anything could possibly be is 170 feet, right?
I have drawn plans and am trying to send them out for printing on 24" x 18" paper. I used the add a plotter wizard to get the Tiff version 6 plotter added to my plotters, and the tiff it puts out is only 4" x 3". I have tried scaling the picture, changing the paper size, looking through all the options in the layout tabs and plotting tabs. I can't get anything to work. My only options in for paper size in the plot menu are pixel sizes, I can't select paper size. I am using autocad 2005.
I use gimp 2.8.4 on a tablet with pen.The brush size that I usually use is ranging from 1-25.I prefer to change the brush size by dragging the slider, but using thetablet pen to click the brush size slider bar is really not easy to controlit to 1-25. (see attachment slider.png)Can I setup the the maximum value of brush size slider to 25?