AutoCAD .NET :: Creating New Layout With A3 Paper Size
Jan 23, 2012
I want to add a new layout to drawing with paper size "A3". this is want i am trying with. We had a VBA script before as shown bellow.
For Each tlAcadLayout In ThisDrawing.layouts If tlAcadLayout.Name = "A3" Then blnLayout = True tlCurMedia = tlAcadLayout.CanonicalMediaName tlConfig = tlAcadLayout.ConfigName oldOrg = tlAcadLayout.PlotOrigin Exit For End If Next With tlAcadLayout .RefreshPlotDeviceInfo .ConfigName = "None"
Right now i am using model space only i didn't use the layout but i want create the A3 layout. And I need to attach our customized title block into the layout, how to make it the A3 lay out size and how to attach the title block into layout ?
I am useing a Canon Pro 9000 MKII and when I try to print 11x14 paper, it will not alow custom paper size. The Canon printer driver does have custom size but it does not show up in printer settings.
QÂ Â I am trying to set the paper size for a H 30cm x W 80cm image using roll paper on an Epson R3000 printer. Computer Dell I7 64b and using Elements 9.
I have tried numerous times to make my paper size and actual plot size the same. My paper size is 24 x 36 but for some reason it rotates the paper and the output is 36 x 36, every time! When I look at it on the preview, it looks correct but then the paper comes out with a foot of paper at the top of the drawing. I've created new page sizes, etc.
I am looking to find a way to detemine the origin point of the paper background in the layout tab. I have a drawing border that has a tic mark in the lower left hand corner and I want to place that point at the lower left corner of the paper backgound.
I have used the following code in a small app to create named views: LINK_TO_Autodesk_Help_Topic
However...A user of mine tried running the command while in a paper space layout. It appears the view still gets created but only within Model Space.Â
The help DOES SAY that "a default model space view is created", but how would I specify that I want the view to be created within the "current" layout, either Model or Paper space?
I tried setting the .OwnerID property of the ViewTableRecord to "doc.CurrentSpaceID" but that did not work - no error either.
I created a Title Block in Model Space with a Scale of 1:100. When I copy it with Base point and paste it in Layout Paper space it do not fit with the default paper space. What will I do?
I want to create a simple scale bar in a paper space layout, that is dynamically linked to the scale of the viewport.Â
I've searched and come across a few dynamic scale bars on the web and a few forum discussions, but I just can't work out how to create my own from scratch...
I have a number of problems with alignment labels showing up in layouts that I don't want to show or want to show up differently,. Is there any way to label an alignment in paper space (layout)? (or any other type of label).
I have a 3D drawing in model space which I want to print with different views. I know how to make viewports for top orthographic view, side, front and 3D perspective view, but I can't figure out how to make a sectional view viewport from the 3D drawing as well.
Also, I can't figure out how to have autocad place hidden lines and centerlines for me.
Any LISP routine that can create multiple paper space layout tabs and can name them incrementally. I have a template and I wanted to copy tab2 of my layout multiple times and name them incrementally. I have a code shown below that comes close to what I need it to do but it creates a "New Layout" instead of copying the tab I need it to. Please see code below:
(vl-load-com)(defun c:LAYOUT+ (/ *error* prefix i n acDoc oLayouts layoutName) (defun *error* (msg) (if acDoc (vla-endundomark acDoc) ) (cond ((not msg)) ; Normal exit ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))) ; <esc> or (quit) ((princ (strcat " ** Error: " msg " ** "))) ; Fatal error, display it ) (princ) ) (if (and (setq prefix (getstring " Enter layout name prefix: "))
I have a prob with the Paper size and the Cell Size not matchng in LR4 using a Sony UP-DR150 printer. Â I'm running on Windows home premium 64bit, Â i have installed the Sony 64 bit printer driver. Â When i print the photo, it prints to the size 4.31 x 3.12 on the 5x7 paper.
I´ve got a headed paper done in photoshop (as it is quite difficult to create a decent design directly in word) and was wondering if there is any way it can be imported into word (maybe as a template, or bacground image, or something)
I am making an independent film. And I've decided to use Photoshop to make the Poster...but theres one problem. We'll...3 actually. Hopefully someone could help me out and I would greatly appreciate it. Even if you can only answer one, I will still greatly appreciate it.
1. What would be the coordinates if you want to make a Poster?
2. How about a full paper. What size does the Photoshop picture got to be to fit a piece of paper perfectly?
3. How about DVD covers? Either just the front or the front and the back.
I have a small project that I'm working on that inserts a new layout based on a user selected template size (A, B, C or D sizes). I need the program to insert the layout along with the titleblock geometry from the existing A, B, C, or D dwt files.
I know how to add a new blank layout. However, I'm having some trouble determing how to insert the titleblock geomtry. I've read a number of posts on here related to layouts, and while they were informative, none of them covered exactly what I need to do.
I am creating an A3 pdf of a layout at a scale of 1:200. I am creating the pdf from model space, but when I print the pdf off, it is not quite to scale. What am I doing wrong?
I reset preferences using the shift key and the instructions on the cited web site. neither worked I also restarted the computer. If I open paint shop X5 the paper edges can be seen behind the image but if you look at the enclosed screen print you can see paper edges are not visible in paint shop pro X6.
I have configured a special size and assigned to a PC3 file
(1350.00 x 1050.00 mm.)
This is the default printer for some other layouts in some other DWG's as well.
If I print the layout directly from the drawing editor, it creates a PDF with the paper size I assigned, but if I print it using the sheetset, it creates a document with another paper size based on I don't know what.
The plot and publish details window shows the next message when printed from the sheetset
Sheet: BA_00-P-050-0100___ - Plotted
Page setup: Device name: DWG To PDF.pc3 - plotted to file Plot file path: ...DesktoppublishBA_00-P-050-0100___.pdf Paper size: ISO full bleed B0 (1414.00 x 1000.00 MM)
I installed a new printer Officejet 7500A recently. Strangely that the A3 paper size appears in the Plot dialogue box is 425x302mm. Tried many hours to re-configure the Properties with no success.
I've just set up a PS plotter as per this link: URL....
Hatches in AutoCAD are being displayed really poorly (see attachment)... Basically they've been simplified to polygons instead of complex regions.
And secondly, my plot is cropped to paper size. The work we're doing is significantly larger then typical paper sizes, I realize I could add a new extremely large paper size, but is there a way to ignore the paper size?