AutoCad :: How To Fill Enclosed Polyline In Plot Style Table Editor
Jul 31, 2012is it possible to fill enclosed polyline in plot style table editor? i prefer different modification for viewports.
View 8 Repliesis it possible to fill enclosed polyline in plot style table editor? i prefer different modification for viewports.
View 8 RepliesHow do you download the new plot sytles from your page set-up? Where to get it from your autocad file samples or set ups?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've the same problem: in autocad Architecture 2011, in "plot style table", there is no "monochrome.ctb". Just mentioned "none" and "new"; How I can put in monochrome into the plot style table?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIm practicing for my CAD certification test and im trying to select all objects inclosed in a poly line. Right now i have a bunch of random circles and a random figure drawn in the middle of a bunch of circles. How do i select ONLY the circles that are completely in the object?
P.S. I would add a picture but i don't know how to take a screenshot on windows xp.
Here's my problem: I have a customized plot style table "SK.ctb". I have it saved both in the appropriate folders on my computer and in a shared folder on the network. Usually when I am working in a file and open the plot window, my plot table is available in the list at the upper right "Plot style table (pen assignments)".
Right now I am working in a drawing that was sent to me by another firm. They of course didn't send me their pen assignment tables, not that I really care as I would rather edit the layer colors if necessary, but use my own. The problem is that in the plot window it is only showing their plot styles - none of mine! Theirs are all listed as missing, but I can't get it to even look for the plot tables I usually use.
I've edited the plot style table in the past to do things such as change yellow to print black. I've also successfully used it to select monochrome to print B&W. Currently it's not working. I can select a different plot style, apply it and see it look correct in paperspace. However, when I preview or print it, I still get yellow, printing yellow or if I try monochrome, it will still print in color.
I make sure to click apply to layout and I've also tried restarting ACAD and neither seems to work. I've also tried using the page setup manager and it still prints differently than what I select. Is there some other variable I can turn on or off that I am not aware of?
Is it possible to copy a line in Plot Style Table, in my case red nr 1, and have two with different linetype?
I have a drawing where this specific line and the text belonging to it should be in red, (line 1) and the lines dashed. If I in my Plot Style Table make line 1 dashed, the text get dashed too.
At the moment I have put another color to the dashed lines, but if there is a way to have two red nr1 lines with different linetype .
I need to change many drawings from our old Plot Style to a new version.
I was going to use a script to also purge and complete a few other house cleaning items...
what is the best way to change the plot table from old.ctb to new.ctb (they are not named that BTW.)
Civil 2013
Having problem with the monochrome .ctb plot style table not showing up in the plot dialogue for AutoCAD Architecture 2010? Typically it seems to be standard upon install of the software.
View 6 Replies View RelatedOur office has recently moved the folder containing our ctb files. The Plot Style Table Search Path has been correctly set on each computer, however when attempting to plot, Autocad cannot find the ctb files.
Having problem moving and repathing the location of the plot style tables?
Any way to automatically substitute a default plot style table when it is set to ‘None’ in existing drawings?
I applied a default plot style table in the ‘Options > Plot and Publish > Plot Style Table Settings’ dialog box, but it doesn’t seem to take effect for existing drawings or when I create new drawings.
My goal is that when I open a drawing where the plot style table is set to ‘None’ it will instead apply my default CTB file.
I have created Table styles for Structures in Autocad 2009 Civil 3D, but now I have Autocad Civil 3D 2011 and the Table Style Fill appears black in paper space.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe have a person in the office that would like to create their own .ctb file that we would like to have them to access but they will also need to access our .ctb files (Standard). We currently restrict access to the .ctb files as they can be alterered leading to problems for everyone printing. Is there a way to create another path so they we can have a locked folder of .ctb files and an unlocked folder for .ctb files.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, my plot style is applied to my viewports. So for example, when I choose a monochrome plot style for the layout, the view ports in that layout display in black and white. I want to disable this. Is there a system command to turn this off?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a lisp that would change the plot style table? I don't know of any variable to type to change that. We convert drawings from Solid works to AutoCad and use the basic monochrome plot style. I'd like to easily change that since the act of doing that is repeated many times.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow does one convert an stb file to ctb. I have tried using the CONVERTPSTYLES command to no avail. After selecting the stb for conversion, i am getting an error message stating that the stb does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert drawings.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI read that it's not possible to import a style (styxml file) into the style editor through the API, there is no dedicated command.
However I'm wondering if there's a a way to have the internal name corresponding to the button as we can do for the ribbon buttons (there's a sample code which does this).
So is it possible ot get the internal name of a button inside a dialog box (style editor here) or is it really hopeless to think I can import a style with a macro ?
By the way, that would be for Inventor 2009.
I am looking for a way to change the text style used by a table style with Visual LISP. So far I have been able to get the IAcadTableStyle object from the acad_tablestyle dictionary, but there is no property for text style. Is this even possible? Code and results are below.
(defun DumpTableStyles ()
(setq dict (vla-get-dictionaries (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq TableStyles (vla-item dict "acad_tablestyle"))
(vlax-for TableStyle TableStyles
(vlax-dump-object TableStyle)
There is a font and table style called "Legend" that is automatically generating and can not be purged.
I have looked through all the start up files, all the lisp files and can't find anything that would be creating them!
They appear in any file I open, new or old and even if I open a template file.
I have attached a file that should be empty but you will (or should) see both a font and table style called "Legend".
(FYI I am running AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 as AutoCAD 2010)
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
AutoCAD - Why does the Normal plot style plot in color? Black seems to make a lot more sense. Almost everyone in Architecture uses black prints most frequently so that should be the default. And you can't adjust Normal to all black. So what was AutoDesk's reasoning?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am an experienced Autocad user, and plotted with ctb files. I installed 2013 and plots come out not as i want. Although i assigned a ctb plot style, lines come out according to an unknown plan to me. I attached the file. It seems that the lines are influenced by the ctb file, but some colors are fadded I found it. i had to assign the color black to all colors, since it plotted with colors, on the black and white plotter. But a new problem arose. now i don't see colors when i am in the layout, all lines are white!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have closed polyline:
Polyline rectangle = new Polyline();rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle. AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.Closed = true;
How can I make it like a hatch(to fill it up)?
I need to have a table that updates when I change the length of a polyline, These lines are split up into segments for different types of materials. We usually add this up manually but would like to find a solution that is a little more automated.
I have mostly a background in GIS and have excellent knowledge of Autocad Map. I came up with a solution by creating a shapefile and making a multi-part feature for the segments. I added a table and connected to the .dbf file of the shapefile. I then calculate out the lengths of the line and update the attribution of the shapefile. Easy and took a few minutes to do.
I just want to know if there is a better way of doing this. I have did some searching and have found some information about alignment tables.
I created a map by using mapwspace and the FDO connections to shp files. Lately, when I have made changes in the style editor such as adding a thematic rule with a feature label, these changes are not "sticking" after the drawing has been saved.
I have deleted the associated idx files but it has not worked.
The drawing is saved at the end of the day but when I open it up the next day, the Style Editor changes are not there. I have been using MAP3D 2013 for over a year but this specific issue has occured only in the past couple of weeks.
The attached image shows a table that I created as a AEC Object from my Civil 3D Alignment (i can turn it to 'MText' and then 'Text' in one or two steps). What I need is a routine, or anything, that fills the third column with an information based on the second column: the deflection angle, something like that:
Curve Angle Type of angle
C1 22°30'00'' 2
C2 39°21'28'' 3
C3 44°59'59'' 3
C4 45°00'00'' 4
C5 45°00'01'' 5
Is there something I could read to study to solve it myself and specify my own angles/types of angles?
I have a survey symbol for a tree that is created using two polyline arcs with width to make a solid circle. It is scalable in the desc key by tree size.
Sometimes when I plot a drawing the tree symbols plot (both paper and pdf) as "spokes on a tire", like a line with a polar array. (Even though the style is created with 2 polyline arcs with width)
If I explode the point object (not anywhere near ideal) then it plots as a solid circle as it should.
I don't maintain the template, I just use it, so modifying the point style isn't really an option.
I have not been able to nail down when it occurs and when it doesn't.
Let's say I have a rectangle and I want to fill a table inside of it.
The below is the code snippet I wrote.....
Table tb = new Table();tb.NumColumns = 5;tb.NumRows = 40;tb.SetRowHeight(C_height / 40);tb.SetColumnWidth(C_width / 5);tb.Position = new Point3d(ext.MaxPoint.X, total_MaxPoint.Y, 0);tb.Width = C_width;tb.Height = C_height;tb.SetTextHeight(C_height / 40, (int)RowType.DataRow);tb.HorizontalCellMargin = 0;tb.VerticalCellMargin = 0;btr.AppendEntity(tb);tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tb, true);
Where C_width and C_height are the width and height of the rectangle respectively.
Then, I got the following
The red line is the specified rectangle. It seems like SetRowHeight and SetColumnWidth are not working.
FYI, the rectangle size is around width = 3.5m height = 5m.
How do you set the text style for cells in a table? I used to be able to set the title row, head row and data row text style in vba. In I tried using <tablestyle>.SetTextStyle but it is asking me for an ID.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to add a hatch fill polyline area but leave the text island out. What I did is put put Polyline ID and Text island ID into an ObjectIDCollection. The code doesn't throw any error but I can't see the hatch.
Public Function AutoCADAddHatch(ByRef newAddedHatch As Hatch, ByRef HatchElementIDs As ObjectIdCollection, ByVal HatchColour As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color,
_ ByVal HatchLayerName As String, Optional ByVal PatternName As String = "SOLID", Optional ByRef strError As String = "") As Boolean
Dim db As Database = acApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
[Code] ......
I am creating exhibit drawings and legal descriptions for right-of-way and easement acquisitions. I'm using parcels to create the various objects for the exhibit drawings: parcels allow me to label the acquisition, area, and lines and curves. The parcel property gives me a 'mapcheck' description that I use to generate my legal description. All good.
How are people generating this sort of information for polylines? I will have polylines from my POB to my TPOB that I need to describe. I have artificially closed these polylines to create parcels from them so I can glean the information that I need, but that feels like a work-around.