AutoCad :: How To Delete 5 Block From All Drawings - Located Exactly In Same Xy Coordinates

Dec 22, 2013

I have 800 files where all text fields in the drawing (about 10-20 text/block in every file) copied from the same block.

I need to delete 5 block from the all drawings and these blocks located exactly in the same xy coordinates. I cant delete these blocks by name because all 20 blocks in same drawing have same name.

I need lisp routine - delete block with name _TXT_ from location X_cord1; Y_cord1 and X_cord2; Ycord2 and so on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block Creation - Picture Not Located In Current Project

Dec 6, 2011

Age old question; Title Block Creation.

I took an existing title block out of another document and pasted it into my 'standard.idw' file, modified it, made it the default title block and it looks pretty good. Problem is, having saved the 'standard.idw' file it saved it under a project header and now everytime I open said new drawing I get the error that it is not part of my existing project. Obviously.

Is there a way to create this file, with my new title block and not get this error, supress or have it projectless?

Also, with that in mind my other problem, which I am sure is related, is that I put an image in my title block, which gives me e error that my picture is not located in the current project. Currently I bypass that one by hitting skip and it still retains my image, which is fine.

These two things together are slight annoying but I can live with it until I deduce a way to kill these errors.

Inventor 2014 PDS

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AutoCad :: How To Delete Block From Insert Block List

Oct 20, 2007

I am using Autocad 2007 I made several blocks with att. And I use this drawing and copy it to the samples/design center folder so that I can see the blocks that I created on the Design center window for use on different other drawings.

My problem is that if I make a cange on the ORIGINAL block drawing how can I update the inserted blocks on the other drawings? I try to delete the block from the local drawing insert block list (is this possible?) to paste the block again with the new changes, but somehow even when I grab the new modified block to inserted again when I do it, it takes the shape of the old version!

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Delete Attribute From Drawings

Dec 1, 2013

i have one drawings there is attributes so how can i delete that one.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Filter Block Selection By X / Y Coordinates

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to select two specific types of blocks from a drawing so that I can create layouts for each one of the pairs of blocks in my drawing.  Basically, one block is the outline of the piece of the drawing and the second contains information about the drawing.  I would like to select all of the outline blocks and then create a selection to get the second block which is inside the bounds of the first block. 

I'm not sure how to create a set of typed values to do this.  Here is my code so far which sets up a filter to get the first block and then for each of the blocks that it finds, it would select the block with all of the information which is where I am having problems.  I don't know how to create a filter based upon location of the block. 
using (Transaction tr = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { filList = new TypedValue[] { new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator,"<and"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start,"INSERT"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.BlockName,"D-1*"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator,"and>")}; // Build a filter list so that only block references are selected filter = new SelectionFilter(filList); //Select all res =

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Delete Linetype In Drawings

Nov 6, 2013

I have some drawing that contains PHANTOM2 linetype.

I can't delete this linetype from my drawings!

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AutoCad :: Block With Coordinates - Read Points In Drawing?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to make a standard block which will automatically read the co-ordinates! i have started making it trying to use fields, but when inserting the block into the drawing it stays at x=0, y=0, which is the point in the block. how do i get it to read the point in the drawing, and also how would i always get it to read the world ucs.

i have attached the block i've started, haven't added any dynamics yet as i'm just testing it.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Output Coordinates Of Point / Block

Dec 19, 2013

A way to automatically output a point into a table. For instance having a table searching for a specific block reference or point inside a block or external reference and submitting this into a table with x,y coordinates?

I make a lot of civil drawings and sometime i need to list up relevant coordinates. In stead of manually plotting these in a table i would like to list them up automatically.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete All Empty Layouts From Drawings?

Mar 10, 2004

I am trying to create a lisp to delete all the empty layouts from mydrawings. I do not see any code to control this.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insert Large Amount Of Coordinates As Block In DWG

Aug 21, 2012

I have an excel spreadsheet with a lot of coordinates. I know how to insert a large amount of coordinates as an block in my dwg. But what I want is to connect my Excel to my dwg, so if I change my Excel automatically the blocks in my dwg change.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Delete Specific Blocks From Drawings?

Aug 25, 2005

I need a LISP routine that could delete specific blocks from drawings. I have over 100 drawings, each having 4 blocks that I need to get rid of.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Rounding Up Block Coordinates (insertion Point)

Sep 2, 2013

We have several AutoCAD drawings with hundreds of block references inserted with imprecise coordinates. Now we need to dimension all elements and need to correct these positions.

I am searching for a routine to round these positions up or down towards a 5mm precision so I don't have to manually move every single block element.

Is there any way to automate the task or do you know any workaround (like inserting the elements into a drawing with poorer unit precision settings)?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Add Block When Other Drawings Are Open

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to add a block with an attribute to a drawing. The command works if there is only one drawing open, but when there are other open drawings then the block doesn't appear. Strangely if I select the block in the block editor and then close the block editor the block suddenly appears. Do you know what is causing the block to not appear when other drawings are open?

I included the code below. "s1" works but "s2" has the strange behavior of the block not being visible.

public void AddBlockWithAttributeToDestination_WithNoOtherDrawingsOpen() {
    var attributeValue = "1234";
    var destination = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
    using (var transaction = destination.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) {
        addBlock(transaction, destination.Database, attributeValue);


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Updating Block (19 Drawings)

Jan 9, 2014

I have a block that has to be update in a bunch of drawings -more than 20-. I updated in only one drawing, apply coy paste to the following but the block does not update in the drawing that I am pasting my new block. How is possible to update this block in the following 19 drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Title Block In Old Drawings?

Oct 22, 2013

I have done a new Title Block in our drawing templates.

It only works in New drawings if I open an old drawing I must "Copy/paste" the new Title Block into the browser to the left But I want all our old drawings to use the new Title Block.

Is there a way to have the new Title as default on all old drawings?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Update Block In Several Drawings

Jul 15, 2013

I have 20 seperate Acad drawings, which uses multiple blocks across all drawings. Is there a way i can create a block using Wblock and save seveal blocks in a folder. So when i need to make a change to a block, i make the change to the block in the folder and it automatically updates the block in all drawings? Is it possible to set this up without using xrefs, as i have hundreds of blocks.

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AutoCad 2D :: Amend Block In Multiple Drawings?

Dec 5, 2013

I have amended our drawing frame (a block) in our templates so I now have a set of 82 I need to amend the frame in. So is there a easy way of redefining a block in a number of drawings or do I just do each drawing separate ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Create Title Block For Drawings

Jun 5, 2012

I'm having some difficulty in deciding how to go about creating a title block for my drawings. I have attempted to create the title block with Document fields from the drawing properties custom properties tab, and creating the same fields with information from the Sheet / Sheet Set fields. Both title blocks used attributes inside the block to house the fields, and both were .dwt files.

Is there a way to take the properties from the .dwt drawing into a newly created drawing, or is there a way to link custom sheet set properties with a newly created sheet set? The main goal is to not have the user manually input multiple custom fields either in the drawing properties or the sheet set manager of the new drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Search A Group Of Drawings For A Block?

Feb 16, 2012

I have been given a set of drawings (300+) and I need to find where and/or if certain blocks (and other objects) are used in these drawings.  Is there a utility program or does AutoCAD have the ability to search a group of drawings for a block (by name) and return a list of all the drawings where the block is found. 

On that same topic, is there a utility program that will export all the CAD data from a list of drawings to a .csv file or even excel so I can filter and search several drawings for layers, blocks, xrefs etc. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Redefining Block In Multiple Drawings?

Feb 10, 2010

I had a set of drawings that I needed to redefine a block in and had to go into each drawing and redefine it seperately. Is there a way to redefine it once and then possibly select the drawings this block is redefined in?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Block Editor Close Drawings

May 27, 2011

I was in Block Editor and when I hit the save changes button it closed my drawing.  Now when I open the drawings, the only thing in it is the block, but it is exploded.  I can not find any of the information that was in the drawing.  The file size is still 1.3 MB.  I would have to lose the 3 hours of work I have done and go to a previous version file of the drawings I was in.

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AutoCad :: Delete Objects In Block Reference?

Feb 7, 2013

I have a block that I use as hatch (using superhatch), so the block appears several times. At the border of the hatch I want to fix some of the lines.

If I try to ungroup & explode the hatch, then the block appears outside of the hatch boundry.

So my question is if I can fix the lines so the hatch remains whole.

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AutoCad :: Explode Command Delete The Block

Jan 31, 2012

At my job, we are 15 drawers using acad 2008 and 2006. For some reson, on 1 computer, when the guy explode a block, acad delete that block insted exploding it. It make the just for some block, not all block. It make this with acad 2006 and acad 2008 but just with that computer.

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AutoCAD LT :: Losing Block Editor Setting When Sharing Drawings

Oct 26, 2013

I used to be able to hold the ctrl button down and double click a block attribute to directly change the text (_attipedit) but when I shared this drawing with another AutoCAD user who returned the drawing that double click to edit is missing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Sheet Name To Title Block Of Drawings With Variable?

Apr 15, 2009

Is there a way to add the sheet name to the title block of drawings with a variable?

I can add the sheet number, revision and size but not the name. Why not?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add A Block To Numerous Drawings?

Nov 6, 2013

(setq plist (vl-directory-files (getvar "dwgprefix") "*.dwg" 1))
 (foreach ins1 plist
 (setvar "lispinit" 0)
 (command "open" ins1)
 (command "insert" "C:UsersasmoleyDesktopBSK100_BD" "0.875,0.28125")
 (command "save" ins1)
 (setq plist nil)

bad variable name in SETQ and malformed string on input errors.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Block Into Several Drawings

Aug 2, 2013

Any way to insert a block onto many different drawings quickly? I have a title block I need to insert into about 100 drawings. It seems very tedious to open each drawing and insert 100 times.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Tracking A Block Or Xref In Multiple Drawings?

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to come up with a way to track a block or xref in multiple drawings. I have multiple drawings that have the same block in them and I was hoping that there was a way I could find out what drawings have the block without having to open up every single drawing.

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AutoCad :: Batch Plot 50 Drawings - Publish With Block Stamp?

Jun 20, 2012

I'd like to batch plot 50 drawings, all of which have the same title block in the same position. This is easy with the PUBLISH command, but I'd like to be able to add a "stamp" of the customer logo to these drawings, which I have as a block in a separate file. Basically I want to easily be able to plot the same drawings for different customers, the only difference being the customer logo. Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete Specific Block

Feb 13, 2013

I need to delete a specific block from current opened drawing by LISP command.

for example removing XREF attached is very easy:


I can remove "FRAME" XREF from drawing. Now, I want to delete a/all block with "TB12" name with same action!

(command "BlockDelete" "TB12")

so, how can I delete a/all block with specific name in current drawing?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete Empty Block?

Jan 29, 2013

The below gets the block names of empty block records. The blocks may or may not be actually inserted in the dwg. In my case though, apparently they are nested in other blocks in the drawing I am working with... but it looks as if they are part of deeply nested block definitions and therefore cannot be purged.  I checked a couple blocks (the code returns over 1000 in my case) it returns and there are no objects in its definition.

How can I force them out of a drawing - and hopefully reduce it's file size?

(defun NullBlocks (/ block *thisdwg* block nullblocks)
(setq *thisdwg* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vlax-for block (vla-get-blocks *thisdwg*) ;iterate block table
(vla-get-Name block)
(if (= 0 (vla-get-count block))
(setq nullblocks (cons (vla-get-name block) nullblocks))

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