AutoCad :: How To Create 2D Door With Attributes
Nov 16, 2011
I'm trying to create a 2d door with attributes like manufacturer, order number, width, and height.
I have drawn the door as a dynamic block, making it possible to set the width of the door by scaling a linear parameter with one grip. However. It would be really cool to make this scaling when entering the attributes for the block when you insert it into the drawing. Is this possible to do? Will it acquire a lot of programming skills? Because that is something I don't have I am using autocad 2012
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Nov 24, 2012
how to create a basic door and a window. I know it's easy, but I'm new to AutoCad. I'm taking a class, and I know that we use the W (Write Block) command and the I (Insert) command. I think that I have to know how to take the dimensions for a door and window and create them.
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Jun 19, 2013
I'm new to the architecture package, but not AutoCAD. I just got training and this has stumped my instructor and me. We use half doors in our buildings and can't figure out how to design one. The door and frame that will finish @ 42" AFF.
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Feb 28, 2012
I working on a deadline with little sleep, but I cannot believe it is this hard to get an overhead door to look right. All I want is a 1" thick frame, the same depth as the wall AND the door slab to be INSIDE the frame like a real overhead door.
The attached PDF shows the standard OH door on the left with the stupid door centered in the frame. The door on the right is one I created by inserting a cased opening in the wall, then manually drawing a rectangle and dashed line for the OH swing. All I am interested in is getting this right in plan at this point. Using Architecture 64 bit.
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Feb 14, 2012
I have ACAD Arch 2012 and I am trying to associate my door tags with my door schedule and visa versa. I get as far as creating the Door Schedule with all the doors on it and quantified just the way you would want to see it; however, the "Mark" remains "A" for every door. I discovered that I can change the Mark on the extended properties of each door, but I believe there should be a better (and more linked) way to accomplish this. Since the program already recognizes how many doors there are of a specific style it should be able to put sequential "marks" to each door, for example "A", "B", "C", etc.
what's the difference between Door Tags - Project Based and regular Door Tags?
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Apr 29, 2004
--Is there a way to do a door schedule by styles rather than individual door?
--To clarify: I want my door schedule to create a new door number only when one or more of the property sets, classifications, or door styles pertaining to a door are not defined by other doors in the schedule. This would facilitate giving the same door number to multiple doors that have matching schedule information, and cut down on my schedule size.
--how to do this. If I need to create custom tags, schedules, or formula properties.
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Aug 30, 2011
I created a dog leg laundry door and window and finally got it to work but when I open the door the window pane moves with the door, also the window does not show up in the plan view. The cut plan is set at 1400 and the window sill is at 1200.
Have a look at the dwg file
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Sep 17, 2012
In my previous post of the same subject, I managed to create a door style using a custom made profile for the jamb .However I have been having a lot of problems trying to make the door leaf sit properly between the jambs. Attached is what I'm trying to achieve - is that possible in ACA? (BTW this was done in Revit)..
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Jul 17, 2011
I am new to Revit and a long-time Autocad Architecture user. I was wondering how to create (or if one exists) a door with a sidelight. The door is a hollow-metal door and frame with a glass panel sidelight that will be hosted in a wall.
Not too sure if this is a curtainwall family or something else...
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Apr 12, 2013
I have a question about creating title blocks with attributes. I know how to create attributes and I know how to draw title blocks but when you create a title block with attributes does it have to be saved as a dwg when you do the wblock command? And what about the viewport? Do I have to create the viewport every time I insert the title block? Normally I just use the template I created and fill in the date, page number so on. I would like to automate this with attributes to reduce chances of mistakes.
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Jan 3, 2012
How can the dimensions for the system family door be shown in the door schedule?
I tried to make a instance paramater, type parameter, both through shared parameter for the doors in the family file, but they are still not showing up.
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Dec 22, 2011
How do I assign a door tag to a facade door element?
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May 7, 2013
I have an access database attached to a blank drawing. The database is a list of existing oil wells. I want to have civil3d (or map) create a custom block (I already have the blocks created) inserted at a coordinate in the database and propagate the other fields in the database into attributes in the blocks. For instance, the first two fields in the database are the x and y. Some of the other fields in the database are the well status and company name. Is it possible for Map to read the first two fields to know where to put the block, then select the block to insert based on wells status and company name, and then complete attributes from the other fields (section, township, range, county, etc) into the block? I'm having a hard time getting my head wrapped around the map3d user's guide talking about topologies, link templates, object classifications, etc. Using Civil3D 2013 infrastructure design suite, Win 7 64-bit, office 64-bit.
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
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Dec 19, 2012
I have a site plan with underground water lines on it. We had a surveyor go out and GPS where all the water valves are. I brought in all the survey points and put a block of a valve in all the areas that were surveyed. I created the block with two attributes.
1) Valve ID # (ex: 001)
2) Valve Size (ex: 8")
I would like to know if I can do the following:
1 - Highlight all the blocks and have AutoCAD create a table with the valve ID# and Size that I can export/copy/paste into excel.
2 - If I have accidentally number an abandoned valve can I remove that valve and then make all the blocks update themselves automatically. Basically they renumber themselves.
I have the AutoCAD 2013 Master Suite of Software's so I have every AutoDesk product there is. However I use AutoCAD 2010 and not 2013 (for production purposes)
have a question on if its possible to have blocks automatically renumbering themselves using block attributes.
For example I have 12 blocks numbered 1 through 12, I delete number 4 and I want the remaining 5 through 12 to shift down in value. Would it be possible to use block attributes to do this?
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Feb 28, 2011
I am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.
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Apr 27, 2012
When I first create block or edit a block and add attributes, the attributes will not show up on the block.
I but insert the block again for the attributes to show up.
Is there a way to update blocks with out having to re-insert the block again?
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Nov 12, 2012
I am trying to find a way to create an index drawing without having to input much information in.
I would like to export the attributes from each drawing file in my (project folder) from the title-blocks (drawing numbers and descriptions) into excel and then be able to just data link that into my Index table in AutoCAD. I know i could put the info in excel and import it into my table in CAD but i am looking for something more Automatic, so that every time i need to create an index it will automatically extract the info from the drawing files title-blocks.
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Nov 3, 2013
How I can modify this code to create a block, ask for a new name for the block, then add the attributes listed inside the code below to the new created block. The lisp does a wonderful job - however, it only works if you already have a block created. We are in the process of drawing components and making blocks one by one, so it makes sense to add the attributes automatically when the block is created. We currently have over 500 components to create as a block and set the attributes to each one by one.
Also I would like to know, If Fields can be used inside the lisp routine. That way we can always have access to the attributes from outside the block and change values for all the blocks at once.
(defun c:addattribs ( / blk def ) (while (not (or (= "" (setq blk (getstring t "
Name of block to update: "))) (tblsearch "BLOCK" blk) ) ) (princ (strcat "
Block "" blk "" not found.")) ) (if (/= "" blk) (progn (setq def (vla-item (vla-get-blocks (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) blk)) (vla-addattribute def (getvar 'textsize) acattributemodelockposition "New Attribute 1" (vlax-3D-point 0 0) "NEW_TAG1" "New Value 1" ) (vla-addattribute def (getvar 'textsize) acattributemodelockposition "New Attribute 2" (vlax-3D-point 0 (- (* 1.5 (getvar 'textsize)))) "NEW_TAG2" "New Value 2" ) (command "_.attsync" "_N" blk) ) ) (princ))(vl-load-com) (princ)
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Oct 15, 2013
How i can filter attributes string value.
How i set the layer name is = attributes string value.
A attributes string value is R8 .all these string is set the layer name is same string value(R8).
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Jan 21, 2013
I am trying to create a block and include attributes that have the background masked. I know how to mask the background in mtext but am curious if it is possible to do on attributes.
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Aug 8, 2012
I have searched high and low and still could not find a tutorial to really explain how to create a drawing title with attributes (Detail Number, Sheet Number, Detail Title, Detail Scale). All I find are on creating dynamic block, which I could achieve, but I need one for a block that has (or will have) attributes.
I was able to find a tutorial on attributed door numbers, but it does not work for drawing titles that has attributes. GOAL: I would like to have all my seven drawing titles in one file and to be able to stretch the leg of any selected title to a desired length.
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Jan 4, 2012
i am trying to restrict users from modifying certain attributes in a block,i can create the blocks with some of the attributes on locked layers, but then autocad pops up an annoying alert box, is there a way to disable this? the other option i can think of is to redefine the commands *ddedit, *attedit, *ddatte,*attipedit,
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Nov 16, 2012
I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.
Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.
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Nov 17, 2011
I'm working on setting up a process where I can bring AutoCAD drawings into GIS. I need to assign an attribute to a Polyline or Line so that the attributes can be viewed in GIS. I've noticed there is a way to convert AutoCAD to a SHP or SDP however I'm not familiar with this process.
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Jan 23, 2012
From the attached image you can see what I'm talking about.
(left=original, middle=ROTATE, right=PROPERTIES)
When I rotate blocks using ROTATE command everything is fine, but when I rotate blocks using PROPERTIES my attributes get messed.
I need to rotate several blocks at once with PROPERTIES, because I don't have time to rotate each one separately.
The same thing happens when scaling blocks, but this was resolved using the command BSCALE in the command line.
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Feb 14, 2013
Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
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Feb 7, 2011
My office is trying to create dynamic blocks with dynamic attributes. We have the dynamic blocks created. how to create the attributes
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Jun 25, 2012
the steps of drawing a door hinge. I need to draw sth similar to. dwg file attached. I assume the "Subtract" command was used! what 3D object I should subtract from a shelled-cylinder!
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Dec 7, 2012
I had created a dynamic door block (my first one). As the block has door frame section on both ends, i need to place the linear distance parameter near the door hinge (and not on the basepoint for block insertion). This extends the door by 4" from the value of door opening i manually enter. Suppose i enter 42", the resultant opening will be 46". how can i make the block to accept only predefined sizes like 2'9", 3'0" etc
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Feb 28, 2012
what is the secret for inserting the dynamic door block. It seems to want to rotate and flip around but I cant seem to find a way to control that when placing the door. Once it is placed I understand the swittches which adjust swint, door width and jamb thickness, but I usually have to use rotate and move command to get the door where I want it.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2011
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Nov 18, 2011
New to Autocad and using Autocad 2010. I am trying to trim a door jamb and attached my project in this thread. The attached picture coming close to finishing the drawing. There are other door jambs in the drawing that I have not started.
Trimming the door jamb I have selected several lines. Appearing in the attachment as two horizontal lines located above the lower left square and the left vertical outside double line border. These are my step to trim these lines.
Extend Command. Select both horizontal lines. Press Enter to end the command.
Trim Command: Select both horizontal lines once more. Enter.
Select vertical outside lines. Enter twice.
Trim Command running select both horizontal lines again. press Enter.
Completing the jamb in the drawing the two horizontal lines still there only as dashed lines. After saving the project these lines appear as solid lines.
Coming close with these steps. Is it possible to show me how to trim the door jamb following these guide lines I have outlined.
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