AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create Block - Add Attributes Automatically
Nov 3, 2013
How I can modify this code to create a block, ask for a new name for the block, then add the attributes listed inside the code below to the new created block. The lisp does a wonderful job - however, it only works if you already have a block created. We are in the process of drawing components and making blocks one by one, so it makes sense to add the attributes automatically when the block is created. We currently have over 500 components to create as a block and set the attributes to each one by one.
Also I would like to know, If Fields can be used inside the lisp routine. That way we can always have access to the attributes from outside the block and change values for all the blocks at once.
(defun c:addattribs ( / blk def ) (while (not (or (= "" (setq blk (getstring t "
Name of block to update: "))) (tblsearch "BLOCK" blk) ) ) (princ (strcat "
Block "" blk "" not found.")) ) (if (/= "" blk) (progn (setq def (vla-item (vla-get-blocks (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) blk)) (vla-addattribute def (getvar 'textsize) acattributemodelockposition "New Attribute 1" (vlax-3D-point 0 0) "NEW_TAG1" "New Value 1" ) (vla-addattribute def (getvar 'textsize) acattributemodelockposition "New Attribute 2" (vlax-3D-point 0 (- (* 1.5 (getvar 'textsize)))) "NEW_TAG2" "New Value 2" ) (command "_.attsync" "_N" blk) ) ) (princ))(vl-load-com) (princ)
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Oct 3, 2012
How to create a lisp to automatically export attributes from selected blocks to defined txt file without having to everytime confirm the file name, location and if the file shall be replaced?
Meaning is that I often export attributes to txt file for further use. It is always the same file (I just overwrite it always).
The way I do it now is selecting blocks, using ATTOUT command, then going to the desktop, selecting ATT.txt file and confirming that it is to be replaced.
Is there a way to make lisp or script that will just do all it in at once?
I found on forum such a lisp as below, but it exports all ablocks on drawing and it exports to txt file which is located in same place as drawing and with same name as drawing. Tried to modify it but without success:
(defun cut-att ()
(load "attout")
(setq fna (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix")
(acet-filename-path-remove (acet-filename-ext-remove (getvar "dwgname")))
(setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))))
(bns_attout fna ss)
Same question for ATTIN - I use attin and always same file name from same location - how to automate it with one command?
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a block named "WD_MLRH". There are 3 specific attributes which I want to change in it. The attribute names are.
RUNGCNT will = 20
RUNGDIST will = 1.0 (or 1 will suffice)
RUNGFIRST will be decided by a user input.
Something along the lines of...
(setq RUNGFIRST (getint "Enter first rung number: "))
I'm sure this is completely wrong, but i hope that portray what I'm trying to accomplish.
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Aug 8, 2012
I know how to retrieve the entity information from the block, but can't figure out how to write the loop statement to loop, look for first attribute, assign to a variable, goto next attribute, assign to different variable, etc., etc...
In my research, most programs I've seen it execute the loop, assign to a variable, then print/put that data somewhere, loop again and utilize the same variable to print/put the next data somewhere.
I would like each attribute within a block to be assigned a separate variable.
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May 21, 2013
I am testing de new version of autocad 2014 and i have a problem with lisp.
when i use (command "_insert" "block1" pt1 "" "" "" obj1 ).
The block is inserted but without value. In the old version work.Some variable that has to change?
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May 9, 2013
I have 40 pages in one set of drawings and would like to rev-up the drawings. i will put same texts in same locations in the title blocks.
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Nov 4, 2011
I am using 2008 and I have a dynamic block with attributes that I want to insert with the below program and have the attritute values filled in automatically. I have done this with other programs in the past and they worked great with literally no problems. They were not dynamic blocks may be the reason this does not work. Why the block will not fill in the attributes like it should. Occasionally in my testing I see a message about "units" when I am inserting the block but I have my insunits set to 0. I have attached one of the blocks I want to use. I am thinking either you cannot do this because it is a dynamic block or there is a new variable that won't let it work.
(setq upisosym "L:/AcadUtilsJack/Programs/InsertIsoSymbols/ELL90BW_Flip_01" isosym "rat")
(setq upod "3" upsch "sched" upmatl "matl" uprat "400")
I found these two new variables and turn them off or 0 thinking they might be the problem???
(defun c:JD ()
(setvar "attdia" 0)
(setvar "attreq" 1)
[Code] .....
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Apr 26, 2012
I am working on a lisp routine that automatically inserts a parameter in a block and then ads a stretch command to it. But the problem is that for the stretch command u need to select the drawn parameter. So my plan was to get the name of this parameter (car (entsel)) and feet it to my lisp program. But when i do that it doesn't work because autocad demands a parameter.
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Oct 15, 2013
How i can filter attributes string value.
How i set the layer name is = attributes string value.
A attributes string value is R8 .all these string is set the layer name is same string value(R8).
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Jan 4, 2012
i am trying to restrict users from modifying certain attributes in a block,i can create the blocks with some of the attributes on locked layers, but then autocad pops up an annoying alert box, is there a way to disable this? the other option i can think of is to redefine the commands *ddedit, *attedit, *ddatte,*attipedit,
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Dec 16, 2010
How to change the Scale Uniformly property in dynamic blocks accross hundreds of drawings using either/or scripts, lisp, vba or anything else that might do the job.
I just need to open the drawing and select the block (one block per drawing) then edit the scale uniformly property within the block, save then close the drawing and move onto the next drawing.
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Nov 16, 2012
I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.
Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.
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Mar 16, 2012
i'm relatively new to lisp routines. I've been trying to create a routine that will create a custom block with attribute with an option to select which drawing border size is being used. This is what i've got so far;
(defun c:NEW_REV_NOTE ()
Drawing Size:")
[A1/A3] <A1>: "))
(IF (= Paper_Size "A1")
I'm going wrong at the moment I get an error message when I try to load the file "; error: syntax error".
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Sep 26, 2013
take a look at this piece of my LISP-routine.
(command "_.block" pause pause ss "")
ss - is a Selection set of some entities
In the rest of code, I don't change the values of initdia, or cmdecho, or whatever else
I haven't sill understood them that well.The problem is the following:
When My routine executes this line, I am promted for:
1. block name - that's OK
2. insertion point - that's OK
3. then the block-command receives correctly the entities from ss-selection set - that's OK
4. then all the object dissapear! **Problem here**
The block is created... I can insert it in the drawing from the block-data base...
But is there a way to let this block stay in the drawing ? without disappearing?
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Sep 23, 2013
I've spent the last week and a half creating blocks that have between 2 and 10 visibility states in order to represent the separate iterations of common valves.
I would like to construct a lsp and dcl (we work off of a network drive that would enable a stable location for an accompanying dcl file along with the base lsp, though I believe that in order to do what I'm wanting done some on-the-fly dcl manipulation may be necessary) that would display the current drawings in our dynamic block folder and upon selection within the first List_box, would display the different options for visibility states for the block in the 2nd list_box. After a user selects one of the visibility iterations that are now displayed in the 2nd list, an image preview (or slide, I can handle creating the different slides for each block once if required) of how the block will be displayed in the selected visibility state would be shown in what would be the 3rd space, this time an image preview and not a list_box, though I would like proportionality between the list_boxs and the image preview. Some white space is allowable in the list_boxes.
I'm not even sure if this would be possible, but I'm assuming you can access the different visibility states in the same manner that you could access polyline verticies or block definition attributes.
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Oct 24, 2013
I'm looking to draw a mleader (with a leader style CLL_Anno) using the block basepoint as insertion point, read two attributes from that block and use those as the text for the mleader. for example: "attribute - attribute". Attached is dwg with blocks with attributes and leader style. (Block is "Trees", Attributes are "V_SPECIES" "V_DBH_DIM")
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Feb 14, 2013
Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
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Nov 18, 2011
I have this snippet that inserts a block “Exit_Arrow”. The block has one attribute. Is it possible to force the attribute to remain at “0” rotation regardless what angle the bock is rotated?
(defun C:Exit_Arrow (/ LA DS)
(setq LA (getvar "clayer"))
(setq DS (getvar "dimscale"))
(command "._insert" " Exit_Arrow " pause DS "")
(setvar "clayer" LA)
Is it possible to create blocks whose attributes remain at "0" rotation regardless the host block's rotation?
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May 16, 2013
I isolated 3 attributes as you can see with my code. My object is too take the value of blkDESC1 and set it as blktag, and then take blkDESC2 and set it as blkDESC1, and erase blkDESC2.
(defun c:aup (/ dxf ent dxf1 ent1) (defun dxf (code ent) (cdr (assoc code (entget ent))))
(progn (if (and (setq ent (car (entsel "
Select an Attributed Block: ")))
(eq "INSERT" (dxf 0 ent))
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Jan 5, 2012
I've been trying tons of different solutions to solve this problem: insert a block that has an attribute which happens to be the last object id.
This is the best code I tried so far but without any succss.
(defun c:q1()
(command "_.PLINE")
(while (= (getvar "CMDNAMES") "PLINE")
(command pause)
[Code] .....
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Sep 12, 2013
I have searched the web and the Autodesk Discussion Group for a LISP Routine that allows me to convert all attributes in a drawing to Layer 0 but i have had no luck. It would be great if the LISP could edit xrefs as well although not sure if this is possible.
**BATTMAN command will take too long for the hundreds of blocks, xrefs and drawings i need to edit.
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Mar 1, 2013
I need a function that will allow me to do a "divide" with blocks but I need the single attribute to remain intact.
I need the blocks to align with object and keep the attribute. I did get it to work with constants but the function that I need to run next failed because of the constant. My variable is preset and locked.
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Oct 16, 2012
I downloaded a lisp routine that will align block attributes. The problem is I can only select the attributes one at a time. I'd like to be able select multiple attributes using the selection window or a crossing window, but I haven't had much luck. If you use the AEATTSHOW command, it give you a prompt to "select using window" by pressing W. I'd like to have the same functionality for my Align attributes routine.
Below is the portion of code I currently have to select attributes one at a time:
;* Select all attributes to align with the parent selected above and add the attribute entname and the block
;* entname to a list in format ( (AttrEntName BlkEntName) (AttrEntName BlkEntName) (AttrEntName BlkEntName) )
while (/= TempAttr nil)
TempAttr (nentsel "
Select Attributes to align: ")
[Code] .........
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Oct 11, 2011
I have to go through quite a few drawings and extract the attribute vales of the whole drawing and then a subset contained within a couple of polylines.
The whole drawing is Ok as I can use at out or the data extraction, but its the ones contained within a polyline. How do I do that?
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Jan 25, 2013
I know that for layers ON/OFF in current open dwg file, I should use:
[I just want to On/Off for my "STAMP" layer]
but I have more than 150 dwg file and I should open all of dwgs one by one and setting ON/OFF for STAMP layer for every drawing and it takes so much time!
I just want to select files and LISP program set the STAMP layer to ON or OFF value.
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Mar 19, 2013
I have an interesting challenge. I am tasked with updating old drawings. The only difficulty that I've run into with the old files are that the TitleBlocks are all done with all of the attributes are named "SPEC". There are 90 attributes. I'm really struggling with getting each attribute's value and then storing the value to a variable so that I can then put that value into a new TitleBlock. The old TB will be deleted to avoid future confusion in the file.
(To clearify, the old TitleBlock is in model space, while there are actually nine new TitleBlocks all in seperate paper space Layouts, and this program may have to run on hundreds of files.)
getting the values from the Old TB. I need them in order of first to last or last to first (either way will work since I have the variable names in a list that can be reversed if necessary.)
simple function to read through the block's attributes in order and store the attribute's value to a variable name in the seperate list (also in order)?
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Sep 5, 2013
I'm using a blocklibrary, where I stored all my blocks, most of them have attributes.
Now I'd like to simplify my workflow and want to update the blocks that I inserted in a drawing trough LISP.
Is there a way to update all inserted blocks and attributes of the whole drawing a once? The idea is, that the LISP checks the whole blocklibrary and updates the inserted blocks that to not match with the once from the library.
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Feb 27, 2013
We wanted to automatically fill a block's attributes from a selection in Excel. I have a piece of code that has the user select/pick a block to fill. What I want is for the selection to fill multiple blocks in an active drawing. Some of the blocks are the same - which means the same tags/attributes. I've included the code that allows the user to select the block and throws the Excel selection to certain attributes.change the code so that
1) I don't have to manually select blocks - it will find them.
2) One cell (from Excel) will go to multiple blocks - some are same block name.
3) An IF statement that if a certain cell isn't blank/nil
(pretend it would be (nth 21 vl) change DESC11 to XYZ and DESC12 to ABC. For Block namesake we'll call one, BLOCK1 (say it has 3 instances and gets different info in each case) BLOCK2 (say it has 2 instances, also gets different info) BLOCK 3 AND 4 both have an attribute - DESCAA1 that gets different info from Excel.
(defun C:AUTOFCM (/*error* adoc attribs blkobj enExcelapp Sel Sht Rng vl Wbk ) (defun *error* (msg)(if adoc (vla-endundomark adoc)) (if (and msg(vl-positionmsg '("console break""Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort") ))(princ msg)(princ "Error!") ) gc) (princ) ) (or adoc (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) ) (vla-startundomark adoc) (alert "Select a range of cells in Excel.") (setq ExcelApp (vl-catch-all-apply (function(lambda ()vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application") )) ) ) (if (vl-catch-all-error-p(setq Wbk(vl-catch-all-
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May 29, 2012
I want to find a Lisp routine for building rooms (bedroom, bath, kitchen etc). example: I want to build a bedroom and every bedroom has the following blocks: smoke detector, door, window, bed, night stand, closet. Is there a way to run a lisp routine that would just ask me for basepoints and rotation angles of all those blocks? Basically it would automate building a bedroom by inserting all the blocks for me and just prompting me for basepoints + rotation angles.
Would a macro be better suited for this? I want to do one for every room - kitchen, bath, bedroom, living, dinning etc. I already have a nice collection of blocks.
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Jan 10, 2013
I am looking for a lisp that will rename all the layouts automatically. I tried the Layoutlist function but the output is not in order. Is there anyway that i can get all the layouts in a drawing from left to right order. for eg. i have layouts from layout1, layout 2........layout10). The layoutlist returns as layout1,layout10 etc...instead of layout 1 layout 2.
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Nov 10, 2011
I am looking for a lisp routine which will allow me to mirror an object that I pick automatically. I don't want to have to pick the two points to set the mirror line. I just want the point I pick on of the object I select to be the point of the mirror. If that can't happen, I was wondering if the object could mirror at its insertion point (like if it were a block or a text.
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