AutoCad :: Access To Move Tables And Chairs Around A Drawing
May 30, 2012
I am working in an events organisation that uses AutoCAD to do room drawings for clients. the Event managers are new to CAD and only need to have access to move tables and chairs around a drawing. So we have set them up with pallets.
I have created a profile with the workspace they need on the network, I having trouble getting the customised profile to come up as the default, instead the Vanilla profile comes up and I have to go into options to change the profile to the Company one.
Where do I need to change it so that it chooses the profile I have made first? or should I be doing this a different way?
MS Access database that can export Family Tables? Or knows of a 3rd party application that all the type information can be houses in a database, and the family table's TXT is just an export. The family tables we create are nemorus, and lengthly family tabels, and Excel just is not cutting the mustard.
I have a need to delete all the tables in my drawing.
I started with the SS14 code from Jerry Winters VB.NET progamming and modified it to select tables. Unfortunately, when trying to select a table, the code does not work. I tried it with Polylines, block references, Mtext and it worked OK with all of them. See the code below:
<CommandMethod("SS14")> _ Public Sub SS14() Dim myDB As DatabaseServices.Database Dim myDWG As ApplicationServices.Document Dim myEd As EditorInput.Editor Dim myPSR As EditorInput.PromptSelectionResult Dim mySS As EditorInput.SelectionSet Dim myFilter(0) As DatabaseServices.TypedValue myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "INSERT") myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "TABLE") ' myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "POLYLINE") ' myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "MTEXT") '''' Chenge items commented out above for testing. Dim mySF As New EditorInput.SelectionFilter(myFilter) myDWG = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument myDB = myDWG.Database myEd = myDWG.Editor myPSR = myEd.SelectAll(mySF) Try mySS = myPSR.Value If Not IsNothing(mySS) Then MsgBox(mySS.Count) End If Catch ex As SystemException MsgBox(Err.Description) End Try End Sub
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a bug when selecting "Tables" as distinct from other entities?
what is the best way to make exactly those chairs and table. The colors are not that important but the shapes. I am still a beginner in Autocad and the version i use is 2009. Here's the attached image.
I put in 3 seperate hole tables in a drawing, labeld one counter bore holes, one dowel hles and one jack screws. used the selection hole method and all the tags were the same starting with A1 ...
Any way to control multiple hole tables so they use different tag numbers
Is there a way to search the database/tables/whatever to determine if new layers are present in a drawing?
I want to run a script to reconcile new layers in the sheet drawings after having cleaned the xref drawings, and the script bombs if there are no new layers present in the parent drawing.
If I could determine what triggers the layereval/layernotify sequence (tblsearch?) I could include an if or while lisp routine that would invoke the layer command and then reconcile the new layers.
I'm experimenting with treadsafe progressbar, that would allow me to stop the process.
but for some reason, on this line
Dim _db As Database = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
AutoCAD crashes with fatal error This runs on the new thread, so i suppose it has something to do with it, but i have no clue, why this should be a problem.
how to access the drawing sheet revisions using Ilogic.My company is wanting to start making the default initial rev on a drawing a "-" and inventor does not like to keep this when brought in as a template.
So like normal I am trying to trick it into having the dash until a rev is actually added.
Instance 1. I have lost the Quick Access Toolbar located above the ribbon to the of the right of the application menu button. I can no longer save a drawing and no longer undo or redo any commands that I need to edit while creating a drawing.
Instance 2. I created a drawing saved it and then later came back to it. Went to Veiw tab then clicked the Tile Vertically button. My drawing on one half of the screen and a blank one on the other half. I X out of the screen and started the drawing once again and the drawing area is now labled Drawing1.dwg with a blue square border around the drawing area. With no split screen. I would like to get back to the original drawing area without the blue border going around it titled Drawing1.dwg. I was trying to use the move command to get my drawing into the empty space next to it.
How to access the color for a particular hatch within a drawing using iLogic.
I would like to color the hatching for parts based on paramaters besides material.
Purchased parts = Green Hatch
Refrence = Grey Hatch
I would hope one could loop through the views looking for hatches, and once found, check the part they are associated with, then based on an "if then, change the hatch color and move on to the next pattern.
I am looking for a way to use the .dwg file properties of a drawing to generate an updateable drawing list/register. One that will update automatically as the file properties are updated. I have already created a title block that uses text fields to display custom properties of the file on my title block, such as the job no., drawing no. etc.
I have searched the web for answers, came across this site, joined and searched through it... There are a number of threads that 'sorta' deal with my needs but alway tend to digress more towards the "poster's" needs and away from mine. I noticed that they all talk about Lisp Routines and I have no knowledge of using them. Is that the only way to go or can I use another route? Another one was the Sheet Set Manager but I don't think that this is exactly what I am looking for...
I have a program that creates a drawing. I want to move all of the objects (lines, blocks, arcs...) from one point to another. I was using the SendStringToExecute, but it doesn't seem to work. Here is the section of code I have:
Dim newCenterX As Double newCenterX = (rightXCoord + ((leftXCoord - rightXCoord) / 2)) startpt = New Geometry.Point3d(newCenterX, 0, 0) endpt = New Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0) ' Move the objects from newCenterX to 0 acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._move all startpt endpt ", True, False, False) acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._zoom _all ", True, False, False)
This will select all of the objects in the drawing, but it just doesn't see the start point and end point. It just keeps prompting me to enter the start and end points manually. Is there a way to pass the variables to the command? Is there another way of moving the objects?
I want to import the attached file to cypecad for structural analysis. It mandatary that lower left corner of drawing should be moved at (0,0,0). How to do that?
I have a weird issue with basic use xref in AutoCad 2012. There are two files complementary, (an elevation , one is masonry, the other windows). One is refering to the other with x-ref for a complete view (in overlay). From time to time some objects from the xref file are brought into the master file. This seems to happen randomly, like not all objects from a layer are moves for instance. These are usually blocks that are taken from the xref file. And when I discover them in the master drawing they are exploded too. So I have to clean my drawing up from all that scrap. It happen like twice a week.
I have table, several chairs and some glasses and plates on table. I want to group them and instance that group, hundred of times. Problem is that I do not have materials implemented and I will not until client is satisfied with arrangement. I have problems later, even using many scripts I found, to add material to all instances. Only way is to select one by one.
Other thing is that there might be new objects added into set, so best way would be to add to master group and that will be added in instances of that group automatically, but that does not work with Maya.
I am not able to move any of the views in my drawing (*.idw). As instructed by the web page this should be as easy as "click and drag the red border", but this does not work. I cannot move the dimension annotations either.
Drawing started in LDD a few years ago. It was on a local coordinate system of 1000,1000.
The drawing has since been migrated to C3D2012. Now we have data in UTM coordinates that we need to match to the old data. Actually, we want to shift/rotate the entire original set of data to match the new UTM data, so we can continue in UTM for all future data collection.
So, I went through and turned all layers on, Thawed them and unlocked them. I made sure all points were visable, etc. Then I tried to move the original data (I also tried the align command, etc., with the same results) and found a glitch. After I moved the data, I found that there was some points and survey figures as well as a cooridore, that had not moved. The vast majority of the drawing had moved as expected, but the afore mentioned data would not move.
When I move any object using move command then dimensions are move with objects but dimensions are stretch and show as long extension line in the drawing.
I have often problem with drawing view labels. When model is changed and I switch to the drawing then the label is moved to an random position. There is possible to little move with view, or edit label text or switch off/on label and label move back to correct position. This is very unpleasant when there s more views in drawing, is necessary to correct each label.
I found that I can right click a dimension in a drawing and select "Move Dimension" which then prompts me to select an alternative view in which I want the dimension placed. Is it possible to control-click multiple dimensions once to do this all in one fell swoop (e.g. I decided my view is too busy and want to move dimensions to a newly created detail view of that area)?
Just did a beginning drawing and placed it too close to an edge. Tried figuring out how to move it away from the edges. When I select it with one of the select tools, and then use the move tool, it moves the whole canvas (right word?). I did not want to move the canvas, just the object on the canvas, or layer, or background, whatever it is called.
Perhaps there is no way to move this. If that is the case, then how to I make the background bigger, and keep the object where it is so I can draw around the object?
As of today's update to Illustrator 17.1 it seems that you cannot use the spacebard while in the middle of drawing a shape (a rectangle, circle, etc.) any more. I don't see a preference to turn this back on. This was an incredibly useful feature.