AutoCad :: Wrong Scale On Xref Drawing?

Aug 2, 2011

I make a drawing1 with layers on it and then I made another drawing2. I Xref the drawing 1 as my reference , where I put the column of the building. When I open drawing 2 referencing drawing 1, my scale is different. my inches scale is becoming feet when referencing in drawing 2. I put the same LTscale and limits in both drawing

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AutoCad 2D :: Xref One Drawing Into Other And View Scale Changes

Aug 22, 2013

How does it work? I see in the properties after I high lite it. Annotative Scale no/yes. We xref one drawing into other drawing and the view scale changes. will my hatch look the same or will the smaller view scale look really big in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XRef Base Drawing - Scale Factor Always Comes Up To Be 12

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to xref a base drawing. But everytime I insert the drawing, the scale factor always comes up to be 12. I tried changing it, but it won't let me. I have attached an image of the problem I am getting.

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AutoCAD LT :: Wrong Scale After Pasting?

Oct 24, 2012

I occasionally download drawings from web sites, (McMaster -Carr, Grainger, etc) for parts that I'm using.  They make it easy: they offer drawings in multiple formats, (I use .DWG), although there's also .DXF.

The drawings open right up no problem.  Here's the problem:  What I see almost all the time is that when I copy and  paste those drawings into my drawing, the scale is wrong.  

Specifically:Say the original drawing has a feature with two holes, and the original drawing shows those holes as 1 inch apart, center to center.  I paste that drawing into my drawing, and when I dimension it, the holes are never 1 inch apart.  They're some completely different unpredictable dimension,

Is there a way to paste differently so the dimensions come down right, or is there something else I need to do so I can use those drawings without all the hassle I have now?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Schedule Tag Is Created At Wrong Scale

Dec 21, 2013

I'm using ACA2013.  I've been working on making a couple of custom schedule tags and have found what seems to be a bit of a glitch.  I have the annotative scale set to 1'-0"=1'-0".  Once I have the desired linework and attributes created, I have used the 'create tag wizard'.  Once that is finished, the tag is inserted at a much smaller size than the linework I used - 1/10.6666.  If I scale the linework and attribute text size by 10-2/3 prior to using the 'wizard' then the tag is created the correct size.    Is there something I'm doing incorrectly or is that a glitch in ACA2013?

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AutoCad :: Blocks Coming Into Drawings At Wrong Scale

Aug 3, 2011

I recently started working at an Electrical Engineering firm and one of my many tasks is to sort out their AutoCad system and bring it up to date! An issue that has only recently started happening is that our blocks don't insert at the correct scale. Some of our drawings are metric and some are imperial, and currently all our blocks are in one Imperial file (reference file for our palettes). Is this our issue, my understanding is that when you create a block you should create it as a wblock and each block should have its own file.

The problem is that some of our blocks we want to come in at scale ex/ a 2'x4' light fixture, however an electrical socket or light switch symbol we want to come in at a slightly enlarged scale so that you can easily read the drawing and see where they are located.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 Coordinate System Scale Factors Are Wrong

Jan 2, 2014

I was recently setting up a new install of Civil 3D 2012 and was going to set the default coordinate system to 3TM (CM=114°W) when I realized the scale factor was set to 1.0 at the central meridian.

It should be 0.9999. I checked some others and they are all the same. I also checked the 6TM projection and it is also set to 1 although it should be 0.9992

Below is the WKT(ESRI) out of Civil for EPSG code 3401:


Looking up the .PRJ for EPSG 3401, the published standard is:

PROJCS["NAD83 / Alberta 10-TM (Resource)",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-115],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9992],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]

Win 7 Enterprise SP1 64 bit
Intel i7 3770 @ 3.40 GHz
Civil 3D 2012 SP2

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Section View Scale Labeling - Wrong Text

Jul 12, 2013

In civil 3d 2014 i need 2 sections (and a profile) all with different scales in the viewports (layout). Sizing of the labels and bands is all fine, only a text item is not updated. I need to display the scale (the number) for the current section (or profile), it works but the scale shown is always the scale from the model and not the scale from the viewport, so the different scaled sections all have the same text in the label, e.g 1:200, even if they are correctly scaled to different factors in defferent viewports.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale Of Drawing Field Versus Scale Of Object

Jun 27, 2013

When I open a new drawing in my AutoCAD 2013 that I just recently installed last week, I encounter a problem that I am not familiar with from previus versions of AutoCAD I have worked on.  First of all, the units default to decimal, and I want them to default to architectural, with feet and inches.  I have to type UNITS in the command line every time I open a new drawing in order to adjust this.  I have AutoCAD for Architecture 2012 on another computer, and the program automatically defaults to architectural units upon opening up.  Just to let you know, the program I am having this difficulty  with is part of a package called Autodesk Building Design Suite 2013.  I was under the impression that it included AutoCAd for Architecture, but I think it has only standard AutoCAD.

The scale of the objects I draw vs. the scale of the drawing field is very out of proportion.  What I mean is, when I open a new drawing and draw a 30' -0" line, the line appears so long on the screen that I cannot see the whole object, even if I zoom out to the maximum.  I should be able to see the object in it's entirety.  In fact, when I draw a line that is only 12" long, even when the zoom is all the way out, the line looks huge in length.  I have tried adjusting the units to the architectural/inches setting of course, and I have tried adjusting the scale in model space from 1:1 to 1/4'=1'-0", but nothing is working.

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AutoCad :: Annotation Scale In Xref

Dec 9, 2013

I have drawn my blocks and text using annotation scale. When I xref the legend which has also been drawn using annotation scale, I cannot set the scales. That is annotation scale does not work when I use xrefs.

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AutoCad 2D :: Scale XRef Between Two Files

Apr 15, 2012

I have a file that is x-reffed into another file. In both instances the drawing has the same measurements, but when I make a viewport in the receiving file the drawing (in the viewport) is 1000x smaller than it should be. It should be noted that I am working in metric units AutoCAD 2011.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Text Scale In Xref?

Aug 7, 2012

i have a structural xref drawing that has all the text 10"high. I xref (overlay) that drawing into another one, but that drawing is going to have a scale 1/4"=1'-0" is there a way to auto scale all the text in to xref to become 4" high?

a bit more information

the structural drawing that im xrefing in will be overlayed over my floorplans, then printed at the 1/4"=1'-0"

I need the structural base drawing to keep the 10" text height because some times i have to print off the entire structural plan separate.

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AutoCad :: Understanding Drawing Scale And Scale Factor?

Jul 8, 2004

I am having some problems getting the hang of applying the drawing scale to my assignment. I understand the scale factor that is applicable to the printing only and that AutoCAD doesn't care about the units used...but something is not clicking here and I'm sure it is pretty simple. My assignment requires me to draw 3 simple structures at 1/8" scale on 11X17 paper. Each house is 20' long with 10' walls and each is done in absolute, relative, and polar. I actually completed the work with all 3 formats without specifying the scale or paper size, just to get familiar with the commands. But now that I am trying to set the dimensions correctly, I cannot replicate my work because I'm getting lost in the way things are defined. I am using AutoCAD 2005, also have a 2002 version to which I can defer.

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AutoCad :: Xref Block Unit Scale Factor?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm inserting an xref, and its coming in at a weird scale.... I noticed that in the 'external reference' dialog box the 'block unit' scale factor is set to a weird scale (.0394), but it will not let me edit it.

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AutoCad :: Line Type Scale For 3D Polylines / Blocks Using XREF

Jan 20, 2012

I have several .dwg files which I attach using XREF so that I can ensure I have the latest versions combined.

The problem is that the line types do not show up correctly. After looking up on google I have found that this is a problem due to it being a 3d model rather than it being flat.

I managed to half solve the issue by inserting each drawing into one, then exploding the whole image. Then changing the scale in the bottom right to around 1:200 to make the line types visible.

My problem is this ends up being a lot of work as the separate drawings can be updated daily. Is it possible to have all the drawings Xref'd in and to be able to have the scale changed to be able to read the line types? I tried to save the XREF setup as a template, then just bind all the drawings into one, explode and change the scale. But for some reason this doesnt work for me. I end up with just solid lines, rather than line types. I don't the drawings are made up of several lines, all of different length. (This I have been told is why the scales do not appear correctly)

I have been shown one method to work around this, which is to open the Xref drawings, explode them, then take each section of line and manually change each scale to the biggest that shows up.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Field For Viewport Showing XREF Scale First

May 7, 2013

I've got a drawing that contains an XREF. I've got a field reading the viewport object's Custom scale>Use scale name. However, whenever the drawing is loaded up all of the XREF's scales get imported. Since they contain the same scales, the field changes to read the XREF scale instead of the one it was set to. They are the same scale, but the field reads the XREF one first. Here is a screenshot showing what I'm talking about. Notice that the viewport's properties never show the scale as 1:20_XREF, but the field does. 

I've been having to click "show all scales", do a SCALELISTEDIT, remove the XREFs, then do a UPDATEFIELD. I have to do this every time the drawing is open. It stays that way until C3D is closed. This becomes a problem when I go to PUBLISH a sheet set. If I haven't opened all the sheets in the sheet set and changed the scale list then they all get the wrong scale list shown. 

Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit

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AutoCad :: Drew In Wrong Drawing Of Xz Instead Of Xy

Feb 17, 2012

I accidentally did my drawing in the xz plane and y is always 0, is there a way for me to get the drawing into the xy plane?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Wrong Value Displayed In Drawing

Dec 11, 2012

See the jpeg:  1.345 is a regular dimension, .875 is a hole note.   The hole note is wrong. 

(the part doesn’t have to be scrapped.  It can be dis assembled, sent back for rework, refinished and reassembled.)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Drawing Scale In Drawing Settings

Jul 25, 2012

I realize it may be a Civil3D question.  When I change my drawing scale in the "Drawing Settings" dialog box to 1"=40', for example.  The Annotative scale in the Properties Palette changes to 1"=40'_XREF.

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AutoCAD .NET :: GetSystemVariable Gets Variable From Wrong Drawing In 2013

Dec 15, 2012

We are in the middle of implementing AutoCAD 2013 to replace 2010 so at the moment I am converting / modifying our own code to suit the AutoCAD 2013 API.

One of our routines collects data from drawings (drawings are not fysically opened in AutoCAD) using the system variables 'LimMin' and 'LimMax' in order to collect all objects drawing within the titleblock.

Point2d min2d = (Point2d) Application.GetSystemVariable("LimMin");
Point2d max2d = (Point2d) Application.GetSystemVariable("LimMax");

Only the objects in the titleblock area need to be processed and this gives the engineers also the opportunity to add extra information outside the titleblock. We have used this method in 2007 and 2010 releases of AutoCAD succesfully.

But with AutoCAD 2013 I have run into a snag. As said does this routine not fysically open the drawing in AutoCAD it merely adresses the 'autocad database'  so to speak. It seems that 2013 selects the variables from an opened active drawing instead of the 'opened' drawing by the routine. What do I need to modify in the lines of codes stated above to get this rouine up and running?

The workaround for this moment is to skip the collection in the titleblock area al together and select all objects in the entire drawing which does not speed up things very much  

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Settings Tab In Toolspace Shows Wrong Drawing

Aug 13, 2013

Set up the settings tab in Toolspace to always skip to display the drawing that I'm not working in?  I just spent half an hour creating expressions in the wrong drawing,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Files - IDW File Showing Wrong View

Jan 2, 2013

I am having an issue with drawing files. I have set views on assembly files. But on the idw file it is showing wrong views... And this is making problems when i am trying to give dimensions.  I have attached jpg files.

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AutoCad :: XRef Within A Drawing

Jul 15, 2013

A question about ex referencing. Can it be done within a drawing. In other words, can I can Xref the plan to another part of model space to then create the elevations in UCS, and then Exref the elevations from USC to a horizontal line.

This would be very useful in the sketch plan stage.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Direct XRef Of Particular Drawing

May 25, 2012

Suppose I have a Drawing Structure like:


When I use XrefGraph xg = mainDb.GetHostDwgXrefGraph(true); in Code then I get all the Files as a node including MasterRoot (say count=6).

If I want to get Only direct Children (here, Root1 and Root2)(means count=2 only), then what i have to do?

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AutoCAD LT :: Inserting A Drawing To Xref

May 29, 2012

Is there any advantage when inserting someone else drawing into  yours  to xref it rather than copy and pasting into your drawing?

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AutoCad :: Origin Set On XREF Drawing

Jan 21, 2005

I have an operator here who has an XREF that he brought in and it did not line up as it should with the remainder of the drawing. He then went in to the drawing being XREF'ed and reset the origin so that it would line up properly. When he did so, the XREF did move but no to where he set the origin. The XREF is still showing the insertion point some place other than where he has the origin set on his XREF'ed drawing.

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AutoCAD LT :: Attaching Drawing As XRef?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a main drawing that I want to pull into another drawing as an XRef. When I try and attach the drawing as an attachment I get then message *Invalid* in the command line.

I have taken the drawings off the network and put them directly on my computer to make sure that it is not a network issue, but I still cannot attach the drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Bind An Xref Into A Drawing

Feb 7, 2012

I'm attempting to bind an xref into a drawing. I keep getting an error message: "Some objects in the specified xref failed to bind." Any reason why some objects couldn't bind? I've thawed all layers in the drawings..

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AutoCad :: Drawing Second Floor - Xref Command?

Aug 26, 2012

I've finished drawing my ground floor and now I need to draw my second floor. I read in a tutorial that the best way to do this is using the Xref command to know where is the walls, bathrooms and etc.

But I didn't get it at all. I need to draw my second floor in the same drawing. So what's the easiest way to do that?

After that I need to have a drawing with my second floor walls in dashed thin lines over my first floor. How can it be done?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Xref Original File Name Of Drawing?

Jan 30, 2013

I'm trying to get just the filename either with or without the .dwg extension for an xref given I already have its reference (BlockReference) and its model space (BlockTableRecord) all open for read; skipping accessing any BlockTable.

Im doing something like this:

Either get the XGraph and first node or prompt user for a block reference and check it's from attachmentStart active document's database transaction, get the BlockReference.Get the BlockTableRecord only with the BlockReference's BlockTableRecord-ObjectId property.At this point I can iterate through the model space and see the nuts and bolts of the xref drawing without actually changing anything after saving my drawing, even after committing a trasaction.So what I want to know is how to get the filename of the xref'ed drawing (i.e. Original_Drawing.dwg).

I'm looking at doing this without opening the referenced drawing as a side database and checking the filename.I can't debug right now, but is it. myBlockTableRecord.Database.OriginalFileName ?

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AutoCad :: What Is Command To Create XRef From Drawing

Feb 1, 2013

What is the command to create an X-Ref from my drawing?

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