AutoCad :: Transparent Hatch Not Printing As Transparent
Nov 8, 2011
I have created a hatch with a Transparency of 30% so I can see what's underneath.
All looks good in Model Space but when I do a print preview from Paper Space the hatch appears to be completely solid in color again and has no transparency.
I created a large transparent hatch in one drawing and copied it into 2 other drawings for use. 2 out of the 3 drawings plot to dwf and then to a plotter or pdf as expected but the 3rd dwf looks good until you plot that to a plotter or pdf; then it turns solid, masking everything underneath it.
additionally, if I go straight from CAD to pdf or plotter the transparency is removed as well.
cetransparency = bylayer
plot with transparenccy is checked on
I tried copying everything to a new drawing with no luck.
I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen.
Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies.
I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black.
So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command?????
I have a set of scanned drawings that they wanted marked up via AutoCAD to use for submittals. I made a nice check mark for all the "good" dimensions using a solid green hatch (which plots as green).
I brought the scanned drawings in as xref TIFFs and put my autocad objects over them. Problem is that when I go to PDF them, the check marks are transparent and I really don't want them to be. I've never messed with any transparency settings in our CAD and I've only noticed this issue when printing over top of images.
I work in a landscape architecture office, on AutoCAD 2005. Often when making preliminary drawings, we color them in AutoCAD by using solid hatch pattern fills in various colors. I have the layers set up within my pen file to be somewhat transparent, and it prints like this to my HP plotter. However, when I generate a PDF, the color hatches are solid and you can't view the detail underneath the layer (for example- if a sidewalk goes underneath a tree canopy, the sidewalk is not visible underneath the tree in the PDF, but is visible in a print directly from ACAD.)
I've tried generating PDFs both using Acrobat 9 Pro as well as CutePDF Writer- results are the same either way.
In Autocad 2014 when I use the zoom or pan command transparently some information disappears (hatch) and only reappears when I finish the command. This did not happen with version 2009.
I am working on a Mac (Snow Leapord) with Photoshop CS6. When I try to save a sliced and transparent PSD in the Save For Web dialog box with PNG-24, the transparency dissapears once exported. I have the transparency and interlaced boxes both checked. The images appear transparent in the Optimized Save for Web dialog box, but the transparency dissapears once exported out of Photoshop.
I never had a problem with this when I was using CS4...
I am trying to overlay a logo on top of my titles. The logo is a circle and is in PNG format. When I use this logo in documents it is totally transparent with only the circle showing. However, when I try to use it in my video the circle has a white square around it, the white being the transparent area.
I need to strip my current image of its background color so that the background color on my website goes thru my image. In other words I need a transparent background for my image.
I have create a new layer that is transparent, but the background color on my website does not go thru it. The background color of this image appears to be grayish not transparent.
Currrently, we print floor plans to pdf's, open them in Photoshop and make them part transparent and part semi-transparent so that we can overlay them in various visual tools. Is there a way to create pdf's or images where the background is completely transparent and and solid patterns within the floor plan that are semi-transparent?
I have a solid gray filled region that is set to be transparent that is not being transparent. We are trying to put a gray tone over the existing area of the plan. what is weird is that I did the exact same thing to another view & it works perfectly with the region in the background & all the wals & doors showing up correctly. I can't figure out what is different between one view & another.
I've tried changing the filled region to be "moved to back" but nothing changes. if I override the graphics of the element & change it to be transparent the it goes away all together.
I'm sure there's a way to do this but for the life of me I can't remember and can't find it when I do a search. I have an object that is comprised of several lines that are grouped together, and I want to fill the entire group with a fractal cloud 3-color fill. In order to do so, I am creating the fill as a background, and making the object transparent, but when I do that, all my lines disappear (of course!) but I need the lines in it for details. Basically I want to layer this object
I tried searching the forums for "Transparent Grid" and "Transparent Hex", but I could not find anything.I would like to create an image which is a Transparent Grid or Hex which I could lay over other images, like maps for roleplaying games.
I tried to use the eraser tool to remove all the white space from the image "TransparentHexes.png" (see attached). It was long and labor intensive, but when I tried to copy the image and lay it over another image, it removed the transparent parts and made them white space again, completely covering the underlaying image.
Perhaps there is a way to use the "Paint Bucket" to replace white with transparent? And how do I lay a mostly transparent grid over another image?
I am using CorelDRAW 12. I . would like to print the image on a transparent plastic with 2 colors separations. I scanned the image with black and white color. I would like to print 2 colors on the Transparent Plastic: (1) Black and (2) White
so that I can see White color on the Transparent Plastic under Black Color and then I can't see through the Plastic Bag because the Transparent Plastic is printed with White color and Black color and if I print the image on Red Plastic, I will see White color and Black color on Red Plastic, but I don't know how to solve it in the fast and right way.
The attached file shows the front castle of a ship with two ranges of windows on its white wall. I am trying to print this image with a laser printer on a transparent film while keeping the original white of the wall, letting only the windows inside their black frame transparent (the first two window frames of the upper row on starboard have been filled with a greyish tone merely as an experiment) - as if that transparent were projected on a dark surface rather than on a white one.
since the addition of all colours (i.e. 255) is equal to white and therefore to transparency (or to the absence of colours), and since transparency will show as, well, transparency when printed on a transparent film, how can white - in this case the white background of the wall - still be added to the transparent film while keeping only the windows inside their frame transparent?
All my attempts with a variety of painting tools (including those of Mypaint) and profiles failed. Should this be done with two different layers instead?
I am fairly new to PSE and I want to create an oval vignette in Photoshop Elements 10 with transparent background for printing on white paper using MS Publisher. Using the white background on inverse selection makes a slight line impression and either it should have a defined "frame" or nothing.
Hey, I'm having troubles with applying a gradient tool to a rectangular marquee in Photoshop CS3 for Mac OS X 5.8. Instead of getting a black color to fade into the background, I just get the black color.
And I'm click and dragging about 1.5 inches long. Sometimes I end up covering the entire picture with that color, not just the object (even though the object is selected). Gradient maps and layer masks don't seem to work.
I have an image with several layers. The background layer is transparent. When I merge the layers, the background becomes white. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong or didn't do that prevented my background from staying transparent.
The bar at the top of the screen that displays the drawing file name seems to be a blurred transparent image of the computer desktop. This makes the file name difficult to read, especially if the desktop image is light in color. Is there a way to make this feature opaque?
Also, on an earlier version the entire drawing path was displayed. Now I only see the drawing name. I cannot seem to find a way to turn that feature back on.
I have created this rendering and for some reason the metal plate which is supposed to be non-transparent is showing up with some transparency.
I'm using the diamond plate material that comes with AutoCAD. There is no transparency setting with this material so I can't set it to non-transparent. Short of trying some different materials, I was thinking there must be some way of resolving this.
I thought the idea for the Mtext background mask was to put a transparent mask behind the text to 'grey-out' the object below the text.
When I do that and select a mask color it plots as a black box. So I select a color that normally plots as a screened entity but it still plots out as a solid black mask.
How can I make the mask transparent? Can I not mask out what's below the text? My plotter is set up to plot line weights by line color.
How to get surfaces in a dwg to display correctly in inventor 2012? (just upgraded after SP1) I keep getting random results. I have a seat from our supplier translated from solid works brought in as a composite (converted in inventor 2011). I have assigned colors to faces and in the part/assembly environment it is fine, as soon as it is in a DWG it goes randomly transparent! Some times it is completely see through and others you get an odd face displaying correctly! Even in different views on the same sheet different faces appear normal.
Attached jpegs are: surfaces in dwg and surfaces in an assembly.
Inventor 2014 Professional Dell Precision T3500 Intel Xeon Windows 7 Quadro 4000 Inside Leg 35 inch
I'm using Application.ShowModalDialog to display a modal form to the user launched from a button on a tab in a PaletteSet. The modal dialog lets the user click a button to select a point. Is there any way that I can let the user run transparent commands and still return to the modal dialog?
The ideal would be for the user to be able to zoom and pan transparently from the GetPoint prompt. I could also provide a button to allow the user to reposition the drawing.
Using edUsrInt As EditorUserInteraction = ed.StartUserInteraction(Me.Handle) ' Get the insertion point from the userDim prPtOpts As New Prompt Point Options(vbLf & "Select center point: ") prPtRes = ed.GetPoint(prPtOpts)transientGraphic = DrawTransientGraphic(prPtRes.Value, BlockScale) edUsrInt. End()Me.Focus() End Using
I have a solid object whose layer I make transparent. It is transparent, but it leaves little grey dots in model space and paper space. Dot size and spacing doesnt' change when I zoom in and out.
6-24-2013 12-39-54 PM.png
This is a new machine (Windows 7) and it never happened on my old machine (Windows XP). I want the dots to go away.
I am running into an issue when two viewports intersect. Typically the drawing is just a standard single viewport but I have a certain couple instances (drawings for a special part of the report) where I have made smaller viewports that overlap with the larger. Where they overlap as most know you can see the objects from the underneath viewport in the overlapping. I had been described a technique of clipping it away but being that this is only used in few circumstances I was looking to operate this more of a "Toggle" like option. I have assigned the "Viewport Frames" on a seperate layer in which can be toggled "ON" and "OFF" using the MVIEW on the frames to apply or unapply the viewports. But when I toggle off the viewports the clipping has removed the portions of the underneath viewport (as it should). Any way to tell AutoCAD that when two viewports intersect the top one is not transparent of whats underneath??
Loaded 2013 and did a normal insert image a simple line diagram a BMP file and can not get it to be transparent, tried transparency etc when plotting comes out a solid object and adopts the layer colour.