AutoCad :: Selection List Box For Ambiguous Pick

May 15, 2013

Have noticed that on an AutoCAD 2013 workstation when the user make an ambiguous pick (that it, pick on top of two or more overlapped items) instead of just selecting one of them, there will appear a list box (whose caption is "Selection") containing all entities that may be selected in that spot and also None option. The user may pick the entity(ies) he/she want to have selected, but this behavior also prevents dragging the entities (since the said list box is shown again).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketched Symbol - Pick List Options?

Jun 16, 2006

Is there any built in option for a symbol to have a pull down pick list of options? I know that you can make it have a prompted entry, but can you do a sim idea with a pick list?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selection Box Won't Pick Up Objects Twice

May 16, 2013

I am having trouble with my selection box. Ordinarily, when I am trying to select multiple object, I can just create multiple selection boxes and it keeps adding more and more objects to my selection. However, it recently started acting funny--it stopped selecting things after the first box was drawn. No matter how many boxes I drag, it won't add any more objects to my selection.

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AutoCad 2D :: Difference Between Using Pick Points And Objects Selection Methods?

May 6, 2012

What is the difference between using the Pick Points and Objects selection methods in the Boundary Hatch and Fill dialog box?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BomRow Is Ambiguous In Namespace?

Jun 25, 2012

This project was working fine but it fails on the following line with the ambiguous in the namespace error. If TypeOf CurrentBomRow.Parent Is BOMRow Then Inventor 2012.

Visual Studio 2010

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AutoCAD LT :: Ambiguous Output Error When Hatching

Sep 25, 2001

When I try and change existing ANSI hatch to Solid Hatch I get an 'Ambiguous Output' Error.

This only happens with some of the Hatch on the drawing. I want infact select all of the Hatch on a particular layer using the selection filters and change it all to Solid on mass. Although the process seems to be available the command fails when I choose Solid hatch giving the 'Ambiguous Output' Error.

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AutoCad :: Add Selection Boxes Or Pick Boxes To Block?

Jun 10, 2011

Can add selection boxes or pick boxes to a block?

Here's the situation. I have a block that will be inserted showing a piece of angle iron that is used for a stiffener. We have various sizes that will need to be used. Instead of typing in the angle size each time it's inserted can I have a list of all the angle sizes and then a pick box or radial dial or something to be selected and that is what is put in the block?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Multivalue List For IPart Selection?

Jul 8, 2013

I have a form with a multi value selection containing name vaules from an iPart.

I want to make a selection from the field in my form and swap out my iPart in the assembly for my selection. 

I thought that something like:

Dim iFactory As String

MulitValue.SetListInComponent ("FileName:1", "Param name", "list of params.......")

Parameter("FileName:1", Param name") = "PK 407"  'could be any thing selected from the list of params..

iFactory=Param name

iPart.ChangeRow("iPart Factory File Name:1", iFactory)

Such that the part would be swaped out for what ever Param name = as a result of user selection.

I get the following error from this: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Browser Nodes Additional Properties Added To Selection List

Aug 10, 2012

Looking for a way to add additional properties to the drop-down list in Rename Browser Nodes.

Standard List:
Part Number

Additional properties would be a concatenation of native inventor properties:

<Part Number>-<Description>

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Project Disappeared From Selection List?

Oct 18, 2012

some projects suddenly disappeared from the selection list that comes up when you start Smoke. The project files are still there and I didn't mess with them either. Is there any way to "refresh" the project listing?

I am working with PreRelease 4

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Revit :: Dropdown List For Wall Type Selection

Jul 11, 2012

In the properties drop down list for wall type selection, most of the different wall type are not showing. Also my elevation carmera is not showing when i click on a new drawing. In a previous drawing all walls selection type is there and the elevation camera. Only when i start a new drawing when wall type  and elevation camera is missing. I check the interface to make sure the boxes are check.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Get Saved Selection List In JavaScript

Aug 21, 2012

Recently I met a little problem about save selection. I want to get saved selection list so that I can used in javascript. Some useful information about how to get Saved Selection list in javascript!

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3ds Max :: Selection Floater Scrolls Through Endless Combinations Of White And Blue Jumping Up And Down List

Feb 10, 2011

When I select MANY objects on screen with the selection floater open, the selection floater scrolls through endledss combinations of white and blue jumping up and down the list. This can take ten or fifteen minutes!!! How can I get this to act properly (other than the obvious close the selection floater before making any selections).

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AutoCad :: Generate Part-list And Order-list In 2011?

Oct 5, 2011

I have some blocks (different exit signs) in a drawing. I want to make a table or excel sheet that sums up the number of equal blocks in the drawing. How can i make this?

I want to connect this tabel to excel 2010.

I use AutoCad LT 2012.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add List To A List

Jul 15, 2013

I have a list -

(setq List1 (list "Line A" "Line B" "Line C"))

I would like to add each item in an existing list to a new list -

(setq ListNew (list "This is some text" "This is more text"

the following is the part I can't figure out - it just adds the list to the list, not the individual items

(mapcar '(lambda (x) x) List1)))

I am looking for ListNew to be - (a list with 5 strings)

"This is some text"

"This is more text"

"Line A"

"Line B"

"Line C"

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AutoCAD .NET :: Can't Pick Updated Block

Sep 30, 2011

I have programmatically created a block, which resembles the protective tube schematically drawn. The block consists of two ellipses of connected the two lines. This block tries to modify (also programmable). The modification consists of changing the position of the ellipse and the length of the line. Everything (almost) goes smoothly, until the pipe extends beyond its original length. The changes are visible, but I'm not able to pick the block beyond its original contour. So I can pick out such lines, if picked point is on the original length, but beyond its original length is not already. The same applies to the ellipse. The situation returned to normal, if I tried stretch the block (base point) or command _move. Regeneration of the model does not work.

I throw a piece of 

using( Transaction tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() ){//Block?Entity ent = tr.GetObject( per.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead ) as Entity;(...)BlockReference blRef = ent as BlockReference;(...)Ellipse ell1 = null;Ellipse ell2 = null;Line line1 = null;Line line2 = null;BlockTableRecord btr = tr.GetObject( blRef.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead ) as BlockTableRecord;foreach( ObjectId entId in btr )
[Code] .........

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AutoCad 2D :: Cannot Pick Some Lines On In World UCS

Aug 8, 2013

I have a file that is behaving very oddly. Its a detail that I cannot pick some lines on in world UCS, but in Isometric views will pick ok, and to make matters worse, when I do a regen the lines in question vanish.

File attached, refer to AS DRAWN MKGP2, top left of drg sheet 324125_JJ_005_A.dwg

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AutoCad :: Crosshairs And Pick Pox Have Disappeared

Jan 4, 2012

I was drafting away, and all of a sudden my crosshairs and pickbox disappeared. Once I move the mouse there's nothing in my drawing plane. I can type commands, and when I move the mouse up to the menu area I can pull down menus. I've opened up other drawings and the crosshairs and pick box are there.

What can I do to resolve this? Of course it happens during a deadline.

Using Autocad version 2009, windows 2007, Professional

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Osnap Pick Prioritizing

Mar 16, 2012

In selecting a point in a drawing to connect new poly lines to existing objects, is there a way to set the order to which osnap elements are used?I have perhaps 1/2 of the osnap element settings activated. End point, Mid point, Node, Intersection, etc.

When I go to select, it's like everything EXCEPT End Point is recognizing. And while I can go to right click, and select end point, I am now wondering, if besides the rt click, there is a way to preset the priority, or order in which the osnap elements recognize the type.Without resetting the settings each time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Versus Pick - API

May 17, 2012

I'm writing a program (C#) that automates the notch tool within the frame generator add-in in Inventor. I can select one part and then select multiple other parts that will notch to the first selected part automatically. This will save me a TON of time if I get it working correctly. With that being said, I have it to the the point where the user selects the first part and then window multiple parts (these are stored and then cycled through later), then I use SendKeys to open the "Notch Tool", and now this is where I encounter my problem. 

The Notch Tool is waiting for the user to Pick/Select one part. In my code I've tried to use the CommandManager.DoSelect method which does not register with the tool (I'll exit out of the tool and the part will be selected). My thinking is that this notch tool will only accept the CommandManager.Pick method which would defeat the purpose of the program as I do not want the user to have to go through the parts one by one notching them together.

Is there a way to simulate a mouse click on a selected occurrence within Inventor? Is there another approach I should be considering? And finally, how to rewrite the actual notch tool to allow multiple notches to be done at once?! I'll post a snippet of my code.

docName = instance.ActiveDocument.DisplayName;
int iHandle = NativeWin32.FindWindow(null, "Autodesk Inventor 2012 - [" + docName + "]");
keybd_event(0x23, 0x4F, 0, 0); // Press End
keybd_event(0x23, 0xCF, 0, 0); // Release End (Brings up notch tool)
//keybd_event(0x28, 0x0F, 0, 0); // Press Tab
//keybd_event(0x09, 0x8F, 0, 0); // Release Tab

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cursor Pick Object Event

Feb 8, 2012

i am trying to make a custom palette to display some custom information pulled out from selected objects.i can deal with the palette part.

i want some code for when you click an object in model space then the property palette updates. i am gonna keep it simple so this custom palette only refresh to the last selected object. but i don't know how to make an event when mouse click the autocad object and then do my things. any codes in c# or would be nice.

so use commandmethod load in a command and there will be a palette there stay open, when user click on an object then it will get populated. what event do i use for the clicking?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pick Profileview From Drawing

Jan 23, 2007

I want to create a function to pick a profileView(Alignment/.. in the future) in the drawing. I just get entity which type is Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ImpCurve from GetEntity, and I failed when I try to cast it to Autodesk.AECC.Interop.Land.AeccProfileView. Is there any way I can pick a profile from drawing in .net?

Civil 3D 2007 and Visual Studio 2005

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Pick Insertion Point With Mouse

Apr 26, 2011

How do I get an onscreen point after/ during a dialog box is launched (as example like with Hatch add pick points. I would like to create button for this in a dialog box?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Lag With Zooming And Pick Window

May 22, 2011

I am having a lag problem when quickly zooming in or using the selection window quickly. When quickly picking a window from left to right the first pick point  lags and I would select some thing else. Iam using Cad 2012. Is there a command setting that has changed from Cad 2011 to 2012 ??

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AutoCAD LT :: Dynamic Rotation Pick Circle

Mar 13, 2009

I have a block with a rotation parameter/action. I can't seem to get the rotation "circle" to stay in the same spot relative to the block when I rotate. Example: I make a block of a circle. Go into block editor and put a rotation on it with the base point in the center. Move the blue rotation circle to the center. Close block editor and do a rotation. The "rotation pick circle" will not stay in the center of the circle.

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AutoCad :: Pick Up Lots Of Nodes (to Become Editable - Red)

Apr 18, 2011

how can i pick up lots of nodes in shortest way (not to pick it one by one) to become red (editable)!?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Properties Dialog Is Blank - Pick-first Is Set To 1

Jun 21, 2013

I am using autocad 2013, and My properties dialog is blank. Pick-first is set to 1. I have completely repair, registry cleaned, but now this problem is continues.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Select Element Of Pick Point Through API

Apr 3, 2013

I am trying to understand how to select element of pick point through API.

I have found example in API manual, chapter "Interactive selection". Everything seems be clear but finally this example (and also others which I have found on web) doesnot work as I am expecting.

There is example:

Public Sub TestSelection() ' Create a new clsSelect object. Dim oSelect As New clsSelect ' Call the pick method of the clsSelect object and set ' the filter to pick any face. Dim oFace As Face Set oFace = oSelect.Pick(kPartFaceFilter) ' Check to make sure an object was selected. If Not oFace Is Nothing Then ' Display the area of the selected face.'''' there is cursor and content menu correct

I am able to select face, during selection is cursor shown as arrow with plus symbol, content menu show correctly zoom and pan commands. Unfortunatelly when this selection is done and message box show the value, the cursor and content menu does not return to correct state. Cursor is still with plus and content menu with zoom&pan. I have found that problem is with messagebox, just before messagebox is shown the cursor and content menu return to correct state , but after messagebox is shown and closed, then cursor and content menu is wrong. Why?

Finally I need it for my addin in C#, is there and better way how to select item or input 2d point?

I use Inv 2013.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Offset Polyline By Pick Point On Side?

Feb 3, 2013

how to offset a opened polyline by pick point on side of opened polyline.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Pick Box Turns Into Rectangle (not Square)

Dec 8, 2011

The pickbox keeps turning into a rectangle and not a perfect square.  It's width is less than its height.  This keeps happening and is annoying.  When I close AutoCAD 2012 and then reopen the drawing its a square, but soon turns into a rectangle. 

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AutoCad :: Change Line Tool To Pick Polyline?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm working with ACAD 2011. How can i change the line tool to pick a polyline every time i press the line button?? It's simply because I'm tired of the pulldown menu. I know the shortcut but I would like to be able to pick it in my ribbon as well..

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