I have received a measured survey drawing from a survey that I wish to print out on A3.
The drawing and the title block are both in Model Space. When I measure the structural opening of a door, I found that the dimensions are in meters. On the title block, the denoted scale is 1:100.
I am simply trying to replicate this in paper space in order to print out this plan on A3 paper at 1:100. By the time I have worked through Page Set up Manager and chosen the scale of 1:100, the floor plan inside its border looks like a postage stamp.
I have tried Format > Units and changing the drawing units from unitless to meters but this doesn't change anything. I have also tried scaling the model space drawing x1000 but this makes the drawing too big in paper space at 1:100.
I have drawn a 2D 'ruler' 250 units by 50 units and drawn 10mm marks along the edge of the ruler with the last section divided into 1mm marks.
When I plot the drawing, setting the scale in the properties box to 1:1 or 1:2 (or whatever scale I choose) then selecting File, Plot etc, (leaving the scale in the 'Plot Scale' section of the dialog box as shown - normally 1:1) the resulting plot is slightly smaller than expected. What should be say 200mm is more like 199 mm.
I am using AutoCad 2007 and a local domestic type printer (HP type) connected via a USB line.
When I plot my Autocad drawing, arrows (see attached image) arrow.jpgpop up. I'm pretty sure they are coming in from one of my architecture x-ref files, but as they only pop up when the drawing is plotted, I cant seem to figure out how to turn them off.
With regard to line thickness, which takes precedence when plotting a drawing, the layer lineweight (in layer properties) or the line colour assignment (in plot styles)?
My employer wants me to plot to pdf so they can print it "upstairs".
So I drew a drawing and then opened up the template he wanted me to plot it in and pasted it in there, it was way to big for the template, so I figured I would scale the drawing to make it fit - heres my problem, when I scaled it the hours I had spend dimensioning got scaled as well.
Is there a way to scale without scaling measurements? Or is there a way to alter the template before I start?
In my company they draw out multiple pages of construction drawings in 1 file. They do all their sketching off to the side and then bring the finish detail onto the sheet that will be plotted out later.
They then start a new sheet below it and continue onward until they have 20 plus drawings in one DWG file.
What I want to do is print each drawing individually to whatever plotter or printer I set up. I can't batch file as I understand it because there are so many pages of a print in 1 drawing. Because all the DWG file has multiple pages I have to go thru several windows to get each page plotted out.
Is there a script or batch file that I can use that I can set up the plot and then for example highlight the page I want to send to the printer then go to the next print, highlight it and it gets sent to the printer without having to set up the plot again?
We use Autocad 2000 so I am working with a basic set up here without a lot of frills the later versions have. I am trying to get them to seperate the pages but that isn't working for the earlier drawings they have done.
When I plot to PDF using DWG to PDF.pc3 the drawing appears to be washed out, some things are darker than others. I am using Autocad 2011 and Adobe Acrobat 9 and 10.
I do not have this problem when I print from Autocad 2009 .
As I am working on a project this evening, at home, and only Autocad 2011 here, and Adobe Acrobat 10.
My plot setting are identical in 2011 as they are in 2009.
When i try and plot my 3D model in the Hidden style, so it simply looks like a black line drawing the plot comes out weird. The plot for some reason adds a thick black line around my entire plot, and makes all the other lightweights look faded out. How can i fix this??primary bar 3-Layout2.pdf
I have a question I have a logo that we use the color 5 Blue in when we print to the copier it prints exactly, but when we plot the same drawing to the plotter the the color looks like a purple shade instead of a Royal Blue.
I have a plotting issue I cannot resolve. Basically, my plotter is not plotting some bits of a drawing. Usually it just cuts 20% of it, sometimes it just doesn't plot some random objects.
I am on a 64 bit Windows 7 HP computer with AutoCAD 2010, and I am having a problem plotting a long (24" X 190") drawing file. We have a RICOH Aficio MP W3600 PS plotter. I have gone through the proper procedure through the Plotter Manager all the way to Select Custom Paper Sizes but the Add button is grayed out and I can't add a new user size. I was able to do this with AutoCAD 2004 on a Windows XP system but can't on this setup.
when I try and plot drawings from autocad I only get half the drawing, sometimes just a strip of blank paper. This is for standard A0 drawings and custom oversized drawings. Plot preview is fine, the same drawings can be plotted by my 2 collegues. We all have the same computer specs, same program, same drivers, as a department we had new computers about 3 months ago. We use 2013LT. I can plot the drawings but it means using True View to open and plot the drawings (same computer, same drivers, but it works) I repeatedly asked our IT department and finally got them to look at the computer, the answer was "yeah, your right it doesn't work".
Im having an issue with drawings plotting too light in AutoCAD 2013. Polylines with a specified thickness of 1/32" will print dark, but the rest of the drawing is almost unreadable because it is too light. "Plot with Plotstyles" is selected
I can use 2009 to print, which is also installed on my machine, and the drawing will print as intended.Using the same plot style, same settings in both.
I'm trying to print off an installation drawing which has some conduit running down through a wall. What I want is to show the conduit in the wall as a hidden line but I'm not able to do so. I'm using AutoCAD 2013.
i have a drawing from a client that is in metric and i need to print the drawings in inches in 1:1 for my boss. i should know this but it seems to be a bigger problem than i thought.
I have a 3D model. I'm making drawing view, using "create view" task. Now, when i got my view in layout, I choose "edit view" and set appearance to "hidden lines". Ok. When I plot my drawing, i get all lines with the same line weight - visible and invisible lines are all the same weight. How can I make invisible (hidden) lines to be plotted thinner, while visible lines stay thick? Do Autocad 2013 have this option to make it available to change?
Am trying to plot my drawing to a pdf, but none of my thicker line weights are showing up when plotted to pdf . Am using .stb style and all my line weights etc under general properties are set as by layer.
I have a problem regarding plotting high quality tiff files from cad. I need to plot a high quality tiff file (300dpi) from my drawing, but I have no understanding of how I could go about doing this. The tifout command does not produce high enough quality images.
Plotting a drawing from layout produces crowded labels,
This is the second time I’m highlighting this issue. I couldn’t figure out how to print a drawing (attached) from the lay out. What I got is a very crowded drawing as shown in the screenshots below.
I wanted to print my drawings (contour, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, etc.) in an A4 with a scale of 1/1000 or 1/1300. Then what should be:
The annotation scale? The viewport scale? The plot scale?
What did I get very crowded drawing when I tried to print from the layout?
I am running CAD Map 3D 2011 and a Windows XP SP3 machine with 4GB RAM and a 128 MB 3D card. I am trying to send the plot to a HP Designjet 800PS plotter.
The file that I am working on is not overly large and has no raster images or OLE objects attached. It does have several open database connections that I am using to theme one of my drawing layers. The sheet itself is an odd size (36" x 54"), but I have printed other drawings of this size before and I've never had problems.
When I first plotted the sheet, it was taking forever to spool, so I ended up canceling the print several times. I finally decided to try to plot to PDF, but this created a HUGE spool file (2.65 GB). Since it was actually spooling, I went ahead and let it run. It ended up taking about an hour to spool and print the PDF. Before I opened the PDF, I checked the size and found it to be about 12 Mb. When I opened it, all that was there was a blank sheet. After that, I re-sent the plot to the HP plotter and just let it work overnight. When I got in this morning, there was a 36" x 54" blank sheet waiting for me.
I've checked the basic settings and none of the layers are frozen, off, or set to not print. I also increased by page file size to work with the plot, but that does not seem to have had any effect. I've tried creating several different .pc3 files, but the issue has stayed. I am now trying to have another person open the file and print it from a different workstation, but so far no luck.
As a side note, I tried a work around by plotting to a dwf file using the included dwf driver. This spooled and plotted very quickly (<60 seconds) and the dwf file appears just fine in design review. However, when I try to print from design review, it won't let me set it as a 36" x 54" plot; it keeps with with the standard print sizes only.
I have a drawing that I created with acad 2010 that has a pdf xref attached. I just updated to 2013. And now when I go to plot the drawing my xref shows up in preview but doesn't show up on the plot.
I can go back to my 2010 version, and it plots fine. What gives?
Is there anyway of plotting a cad drawing from the model view screen so that certain linescales show? At the moment when I plot it will show hatched items without the outlines.
A plotting issue that has never been addressed perplexes me! When working in a paperspace layout and trying to plot or print by window or display, I get a partial print or nothing at all. Typically, I will get a partial print showing the drawing above a diagonal line. This has plagued me through many versions of Autocad.
The following link [URL] was emailed to me via a cruise line, I think it is an adobe flash file.How can I import the video and or audio into VSX5 and edit it.
I've tried saving to web and exporting my file out of Illus CS6 as a jpeg to be emailed.
I then attached the file to mail and send it. But then cannot download the file! I even send it as windows friendly. I'm not sure what else to do or why the jpeg files are embedding in the email instead of as an attachment.
Is it true that one can not email "zipped" fonts? I am having a great deal of trouble loading these fonts into a library to use for InDesign. The sender has zipped the fonts.