AutoCad :: Moving Edge Of A Circle Precisely To The Edge Of A Line
Feb 15, 2011
Using Autocad 2000LT and trying to locate as many 1.5" diameter circles as I can within a 21" diameter circle keeping all the circle .500" apart from any other circle and .500" away from the outer edge. Am using the array function. Trying to bring the first circle up to the line thats .500" in from the 21" outside diameter.
First when I zoom the 1.5" circle looks like a series of lines, not a smooth round circle. First how do I smooth out the appearance of the circle. Second, what commands do I use to move the edge of the circle to just tough the line so that when I measure from the outside dia to the far edge of the small circle I get 2".
I am having some trouble trimming a line using a circle as my cutting edge,the line falls short of the circle,I have tried changing EDGEMODE and still the problem persists!
I am not able to dimension to a circle edge when adding a sketch to existing feature of part. It works fine when it is the first sketch of the part file, but not when it is a child sketch. I've attached images of both situations. This has been verified on two machines, one is Inventor 2013, the other is Inventor Pro 2013, SP 1.1. The feature that I am trying to sketch on is the face of a contour roll.
I would like to add a white highlight to the eye of one of my images like the one in this that it is white in the middle then gently fades to black without having a line around the edge. Been trying to do it but can't get the same effect.
It seems that I have accidentally changed a setting but I don't know how to fix it. I am trying to create a circle with a thick edge/border,like this My link I am going to have text in the border. It worked fine as in previous pic but gimp wont let me do it anymore.
When I try to create a circle with wide edge now the shape completely changes to a diamond type shape My link It's not a circle anymore! I am guessing that I must have changed some setting but don't know how to fix it. I am using windows vista and gimp 2.8.4.I
Is possible mask an image/ text inside a circle objetc with overflow hidden?Even I put an image/ text nested circle object + overflow hidden...The results is always the box edge, not the circle shape.
When I extrude/bevel a perfect circle (Illustrator CS6 Mac), there is a defect visible on the edge of the circle. Please see 4 images attached. Is this normal, and is there a fix or workaround?
I am trying to add a shadow effect for dimension to just a section of the edge on the inside of a circular ring. Is there a way to make a drop shadow do this on the inside? Or do I need to look at some other technique?
I'm simply trying to animate the y axis of a symbol with code. When I rollover one symbol, I'd like it to move the symbol it's inside a certain distance. Never seems to work. I've tried looking up the simple jquery syntax to change an image's y position, but it's hard to find!
I'm trying to graduate a circle precisely . An example such as a draftsman's compass or a clock face. I create a circle then I make a vertical line which then I copy , space them apart and create a blend between them. I then choose (new path) and select the circle, then (blend along full path) and finally (rotate all objects).
At a quick glance it looks proper but as in the case of a clock face (a graduation every 30 degrees) some of the lines are not precisely radiating from the center of the circle I'm using as the path. In the near future I plan on drawing" to scale' a certain number of meshing gears and this will cause problems.
I draw a rectangle. I want that rectangle to be longer, so I drag one side. Why does the other side move a little? I can't think of an instance where this would be useful behavior.
Here's the rectangle:
Here is what it does when I drag:
Notice the outline preview of how big the rectangle will be. On the left side, It has moved considerably from it's original position. Why? Why on earth would I ever want that and is there a way to make it stop?
I created a simple symbol from a circle with a cross inside (two rectangles). The symbol has two states labelled "normal" and "over" in which background colors change : on mousover and mouseout on the circle, sym.stop("over"); and sym.stop("normal"); respectively.
The problem : "over" when the cursor hovers over the circle, but back to "normal" when it hovers over the cross. The API suggests to use mouseenter and mouseleave to avoid child elements of the symbol interrupt the mouse event. I tried it, but the behavior is the same.
Is there any JavaScript solution (I'm a beginner, coming from AS3), or should I bypass with two flattened graphics "normal" and "over" ?
I'm having trouble getting the edges of my eyes to look like they are part of the chair, which got me wondering. Is there a way to feather my edges with increased intensity closer to the edge? To be specific, I'd like to start the feather 100px inside the border with 60% opacity, all the way to the edge (border) with 0% opacity. I tried doing this manually a couple of ways and it just didn't look uniform.
I have also tried with the eyes seperated (without the middle area), but I still have the same issues.
I have an existing HTML page (created in Adobe Muse) and I am trying to draw some Adobe Edge objects on top of the page (e.g. a rectangle or an image). When I look in the layers panel, the Edge objects show as top in the list. However, visually when I look at the page, the elements show behind the pre-existing HTML page from Muse.
When I go to crop or move an image close to the edge of the canvas it jumps to the edge. I am having trouble especially with cropping the space between the image and the edge of the canvas the way I want it. turning off this jumping to edge problem I'm having?
Also, I've used CS4 a fair bit and haven't come across this same problem but in PE when I'm editing things like adjusting text on a layer and I'm changing options with hotkeys to resize the text box for eg, Elements seems to jump to the background layer quite alot and then I have to click back on the layer I want to edit between changing tools. Is it something to do with the Esc key?
I have a continuously moving looping slide show that has back and next buttons. When you press the next button it should move forward one where ever it is on the timeline every time you click it and the same for the back button.
This is the code I am using but the the problem is that it goes to else {"one");} when the button is clicked. No matter where in the timeline the next button is clicked, it goes back to number one. I don't know much about coding and I have tried everything to fix this but I am stuck.
var pos = sym.getPosition() if (pos <= "one"){"twenty"); } else if (pos <= "two"){"three"); }
How do I snap my new line to the edge of another object? A workaround is drawing the line over the object, and snap the point back using intersection snapping. I hope you understand.
In version 5.2 for Mac i'm seeing Export -> Long Edge / Short Edge giving the wrong result... they seem to be inversed... I.e. defining a long edge seems to result in an exported image with that length as the short edge.
The Elements window in Edge Animate seems to be unstable. When I right-click in the field to modify an asset, Edge often crashes with the resulting error message:
Edge Animate - Exception An error occurred. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate.
Is there a way for me to know what all features of HTML5 does my Edge project actually use.
I know there are a lot of sites which tests what all HTML5 features are supported by a browser, but I want to know which all features are being used by a edge project.
I've placed the OAM file of my Edge animation and gone through the steps of creating a "folio", but when I preview in Adobe Content Viewer all I get is a static page that fades out when clicked.
I have come across about a dozen similar discussions, but most have presented solutions that worked in earlier versions of Edge and no longer work.
I am trying to use Edge to build animations that can then be integrated into larger non-Edge projects. I would like to then be able to control the Edge timeline or Edge symbols from elements OUTSIDE of Edge, such as another link or button in the page.
I cannot seem to figure out how to properly reference the Edge stage or symbols.
I have come across several proposed solutions for referencing Edge stage, such as:
var comp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542"); var stage = comp.getStage(); var comp = $.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542"); var stage = comp.getStage(); var comp = Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542"); var stage = comp.getStage();
and these either DO NOTHING or throw errors about either AdobeEdge or Edge or comp being undefined.
From the image above you can see that "jquery" loaded twice @ 91kb = 181kbedge 1.5 loaded twice @ 102kb = 204kb aswell as the edge and edge actions files loaded twice and if i boot strap comps together the images are loaded multiple times aswell
I have a Photoshop image, which has been edited down to a shape of a person, with a transparent background. I would like to use this image in Illustrator, and do not need it to be vector, but would like the object to be shaped like the image, rather than a rectangle. How do I get the Illustrator to read the edge of the image as the edge of the object?