AutoCad :: Merging Polylines To Go From Point A To B
Nov 29, 2011
If you are drawing a polyline....and (in looking at my pic) draw from point A to point B an then back up to point C, is there a way to merge the poly so that it only goes from point A to point B?
What I want to do basically is merge a couple of polylines (which have different widths and may overlap each other) together into a single 'shape'. I am calling it shape, but I think the correct term would be polygon.
The end result should ("from the outside") look the same as before merging, the only difference being that the polylines are now merged into one shape. Important note: it cannot be a polyline with segments of different width, I know AutoCAD supports this, but the drawing will be exported to a format which does not seem to support this (and the result then is a line with a single width - wrong).
Here's a mockup of what I want to achieve:
On the left are three polylines (PL1, 2, 3), where PL2 has a different width and overlaps the other two polylines. On the right is the desired result: a single polygon (NOT a polyline with variable width) in the same shape as the polylines.
While i am using Join Command, I Could not able to select all polylines and also could not able to make those are join together (which those are touching at one point).
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
Is there a way of converting 3d polylines to polylines with an elevation?
I have a dwg of contour information, the contours are 3d polylines, because they are contours the z value is constant all along the line, so there no question what the elevation of the polyline would need to be.
I need to do this as I then need to import the dwg into a GIS programme called MapInfo whch doesn't read 3d polylines.
I need to design a walking track 1 mile (5280 feet) from a starting point and finishing at the same point. I need to go around buildings, ponds, etc. What is the best way to tackle this? I thought about 16 splines at 330', but as soon as the spline is moved the distance changes.
I need to find a way how to insert a point or a * on the center point of a hole and put it on a different layer. The reason for this is - I am a CAD tech for a welding shop and we cut parts out of steel and we use the dxf file format for our plasma table to cut parts. For example : if i have a 1 inch thick plate and want to put a 3/4'' hole in the plate the hole will be distorted because the hole is smaller than the material thickness. For these situation we can use the plasma table to burn a point or a dot on the center point of the hole. But to do this the point or dot must be on a different layer in the dxf.
Civil 3d 2012..I used 3d orbit, it crashed. My points, point groups and newly updated description keys are gone.I have looked at all my backup files etc, and they do not want to display.
Im still new to Civil 3D and i would like to know how to connect inported points using 3D polylines. I imported my points from Excel in a PNEZD format. How do i get the 3d poly line to snap to my points so I can Connect them? someone mentioned using a feature line to connect the points but im not sure how or what that would do.
I'm trying to draw a plan of my house in Autocad 2009 but I seem to be endlessly using trim and extend because I can't easily select the points that I want with osnap. Eg. imagine I have a box, and I want to start drawing another box inside it that has each side as 10 units smaller than the corresponding side on the outer box.
Step 1 - I draw a small line from the top left corner of the big box using the endpoint snap, typing in "5" for the length.
Step 2 - I then do the same at right angles to the first line to get me to the starting point of the inner box. This always leaves me with 2 small lines to remember to delete.
Step 3 - Then in order to draw the top line of the inner box I end up drawing to a random length because I can't say "draw until 5 units away from the right hand side of the big box", then I end up trimming it later once I've repeated steps 1,2 and 3 for the next side of the inner box.
I know in my example above I could have scaled the box down or something but that's not what I'm getting at. I really want a way of selecting line start and end points that are a known position away from an existing point.
I have a database of points I am trying to import, and the point data for each point includes a hyperlink. I've created a set of custom User-Defined Property Classifications for all the data types in the point database, and I've created a point file format to use to import the points.
It's a database of existing curb ramps, the data includes things like widths, slopes, some text, and a hyperlink to the Google Streetview at each ramp. I've created a custom point label that will show the data I need to see at each ramp.
All goes great except that the import fails because of the hyperlinks. I've tested it by removing the hyperlinks from a small test portion of the data set, and the test points are then successfully imported. I suppose I can delete the hyperlinks from the entire database, but if there is a way to include the hyperlinks in the point import I would prefer that.
In uploading the Point input data into the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 software program, is it possible for me to add more Point Attribute items after Point Number, X, Y, Z? I need to have the chemical results/data attached to the (sampling) Point that has the Point #, X, Y, Z - like Point Number, X, Y, Z, Arsenic, Lead, Mercury in the input .txt (or .csv) file.
how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?
Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.
How to set a default point style for point groups? Whenever I import survey points, I always put them into their own point group, so I can display each day's worth of survey data differently. For some reason, the point style always defaults to a certain style (our control point symbol). I'd like it to default to Basic, so I don't have to change this every time. Is it a template drawing setting somewhere?
First time importing into 2012-have csv file that I imported. Coordinates land in right spot. Local system-No transformations/State Plane zones attached. When I look at them with tracking everything is okay. When I export the points they are the same I imported.
I am working on a utility map with water valves and hydrants. I collected my points with a Trimble unit and converted them to shape files. I am unable to snap to these points, how i can use snap to draw my water mains from point to point?
I'm inserting blocks into my drawing and the block has a basepoint and a 0,0,0 point. The CAD guy who usually works with me is off today but he has a keyboard method of switching between the 2 points when inserting the block.
Its a fairly straight forward thing on his keyboard, nothing he has set up but standard in autocad.
I've had a try hitting a few keyboard buttons this morning but can't seem to do it.
I am trying to get point 1234 to show a label that says Point #1234 and then in a grading plan have that same point show up as a spot elevation. I have tried making two point groups "Point #" and "Spot Grades" which include the same points in them with two different label styles for each group, however the point seems to only want to take one label style at a time.
I have a *.csv file complete with point references, easting, northing and height. I'm trying to find a way that I can import the points so that I can snap to them and also include the point reference beside the inserted point. Currently running CAD LT 2011.
I want to add a point after the last point of a polyline. But this point really is the first point and the command insert vertex really insert a new point.So, a solution , reverse the polyline to insert points after the last vertex.
Nobody thought ever to offer a insert_first and add_last commands ?
How to choose my starting point to be relative to another point without drawing help lines (which mean they must be drawn, selected, deleted = time).
For argument's sake, consider I am attempting to draw a cross. I use the line command, input a starting point; choose next point: @100<0 (to draw a line 100 units in length at an angle 0 [relative to X axis] relative to previous point).
Now I need a vertical line of equal length to cross the middle-point of the horizontal one. I could snap to middle-point, draw a line of half-length at angle 90 and draw another of 2.(length) at angle -90. This produces 2 lines one of which is unwanted must therefore be selected and deleted.
This simple example illustrates my point.
I need a command which allows me to choose my first point (for the LINE command) as the point which is "X" units at angle "alpha" relative to a point "x,y" (or a coordinate selected by the SNAP tool if you will).