AutoCad :: Make Block Unique For Editing?

Apr 3, 2012

When one edits a block all instances of the block are changed. What is the command in AC to make one instance of the block unique, so editing will not affect the instances? In Sketchup it is "make unique".

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3ds Max :: Make Selected Groups Unique

Apr 29, 2013

I want to know an easy way to do the following:

Suppose I have some groups and I want to make some of them unique. But I don't want them to be unique among them, I want them to be instances of each other so when I modify one they all change, but of course, not the original groups.

It's not easy to explain, but allow me to try... I have 5 lamps, they are instances so when I change one the others change also, now let's say I want to make 2 of them unique, but I want them to be 'linked', so when I change one of these 2, the other gets affected also, but not the other 3 of course.

So, what's the best way to do that?

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AutoCad :: Objects Not Part Of Block When Moved While Editing Block In-place?

Feb 3, 2012

When editing block in-place, not onely objects in the block, but also other objects (just drawn normal in modelspace), is affected by the commands.

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AutoCad :: Editing A Block In Block Editor Mode

Apr 30, 2013

I was in process of editing a block in "block editor" mode. I saved the dwg and exit instead of saving the block, exit block editor and then exit the dwg. When I opened again the dwg what I see on display is just the block. How to close the block and open the entire dwg?

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AutoCad :: Editing Title Block Using Block Editor

Aug 31, 2011

I'm editing a title block using the Block Editor. Unfortunatelly after closing the block editor the linse & Polylines reflect the changes apported in nodel space, but the text did not mouve?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Editing Attributes In A Block

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to edit the attributes in a titleblock using The block name is "Titleblock". It is already inserted into a drawing. My program does not need to insert it. It only needs to find the reference, for all layouts, and update a couple attributes for the titleblock on everylayout. I know some of the basics, but get confused with blocktables, and blocktablerecords.

Here is a piece of code I was experimenting with. With this code, I'm trying to get to the attributes, and read an attribute value for a drawing number.  It fails when I try to assign a value to the variable blkreftitle.

doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Using docLoc AsDocumentLock = doc.LockDocument
Dim db AsDatabase = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase

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AutoCad :: Block Editing And Lineweights

Feb 16, 2013

I edited a block in a drawing which had exactly the lineweight I wanted in my layout. After I edited it I lost the lineweight. If I try to change the lineweight for that layer it only affects the attribute. What I did and how I can get it back the way it was?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multileader Block Editing

May 2, 2013

I have some new multi leader definitions using blocks, however I can only edit the attribute definition text individually, where if I had the same block as a standalone with a leader I could select as many blocks as I wanted and change the text via quick properties in one quick step. Is there a way to achieve this using a block as a base for a multileader?

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AutoCad :: Editing Name Of Block Without Using Rename Command?

Mar 28, 2008

How can you edit the name of a block without using the rename command.

What if your drawing has over fifty blocks, and your chasing the renaming of just one block?

Would this be a script type solution.. ?

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AutoCAD LT :: Editing Block Replaced Everything In Model Space?

Jun 26, 2013

I was editing a block, I saved it and closed the file. When I reopened the file, everything in model space was replaced by the block.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Editing ATTDIA Attribute?

May 16, 2012

trying to set up a system for a less advanced user.

basically they donot like the advanced attribute menu when you edit a block with attributes in them.

looking at the varriables the end user likes the  Attdia set to 1 when you insert a block it then displays nice clean menu which just has the attributes you can edit.

can this be set so when you later edit a block this menu appear rather than the advance attribute editor?

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AutoCad 2D :: Number Of Viewports And Editing Attributed Block?

Apr 21, 2011

1) Problem about viewports :

I am using 2011, I have created 17 viewports in one paper space, there are 2 viewports not showing anything. I deleted 2 viewports with content, then the 2 viewports which were not showing is now showing images.

I started a new drawing, drew something very simple for testing, I could create 63 viewports the 64th is not showing.

I would like to ask what it is to control/affect the number of viewports I can create in one paper space.

2) To Edit an Attributed Block

When double click an attributed block (command = eattedit), the dialog box "Enhanced Attribute Editor" disappeared !

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AutoCad :: Editing Text In Title Block In 2012?

Jan 2, 2012

I been working through Ellen Finklesteins AutoCad bible (using AutoCad Architecture 2012) and in the first exercise (quick start, drawing a window) I was going ok until I had to edit the title block and no matter what I tried in AutoCad Architecture 2012 I could not find a way to edit the title block. Maybe I should have bought a book that was specific to AutoCad Architecture 2012.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Editing - Redefining Insert Point

May 1, 2013

In previous versions of AutoCad I would just double click on a block do my changes click the save changes button and then a save dialogue would come up with an option to change the insert point.  Did this option go away in 2013 AutoCAD?  I do not get this option anymore after I finish editing a block?  This is very useful.  Why would this go away?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Script For Editing Title Block In IDW Files

May 3, 2012

I've been looking for a while and managed to find 2 VBA scripts for replacing values in a title block. However one errors out on the line that is supposed to do the replacing and the other works off an ID number which isn't consistent.

I'm a proficient scripter but not in this language, so how these scripts are working but not the intricacies of them. Which Is exactly what I think is needed to get either of them working.
Function Test_UpdateTitleBlock()Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentSet oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oTitleBlock As TitleBlockDim oTextBox As TextBoxDim oSheet As SheetFor Each oSheet In oDoc.Sheets Set oTitleBlock = oSheet.TitleBlock For Each oTextBox In oTitleBlock.Definition.Sketch.TextBoxes If oTextBox.Text = "<FILENAME AND PATH>" Then ' Errors here and doesn't replace text Call oTitleBlock.SetPromptResultText(oTextBox, "New Value") End If NextNextEnd Function

This throws an error on the line I have marked.
Function Remove_Filepath()Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocumentSet oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument' Create the new title block defintion.Dim oTitleBlockDef As TitleBlockDefinitionSet oTitleBlockDef = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.DefinitionDim oSketch As DrawingSketchCall oTitleBlockDef.Edit(oSketch)oSketch.TextBoxes.Item(20).Text = " "Call oTitleBlockDef.ExitEditEnd Function 

This one works great, except that it does a "dumb" replace because it looks for the Xth textbox and edits that. The problem is in a detail drawing I want to edit textbox 20 but in assembly drawings I don't want to edit any textbox. So how to get this to loop through the textboxes and compare the text to what I want to replace.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Editing Architectural Title Block - Cannot Insert Into Drawing

Mar 5, 2013

I'm trying to edit an architectural Title Block. I've went into block editor and did attribute definitions. However, when I save it I can't insert it into a drawing. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Editing Dynamic Block Elements

Apr 22, 2012

Is it possible to create a dynamic block completely from scratch using Lisp?

I also want the ability to be able to create different dynamic block geometry depeding on the Visibility parameter.

I seem to be able to create the normal (non-dynamic) block geometry using Lisp but cannot seem to find out a way to enter the block editor and create stuff pertaining to dynamic blocks.

I have 1000's of dynamic blocs to create and looking to a way to automate this using Lisp.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Editor Visibility State - Editing Old Blocks

May 28, 2012

I installed Autocad 2013 a few weeks ago and I have a lot of blocks made with earlier versions (2008, 2012, etc...) that I need to use. When I try to edit such a block, block editor gives me trouble with visibility states. I can't select visibility states, and when I can, the changes made to that state don't follow and often the program reverts back to the first visibility state for no reason. This is getting to be extremely annoying and I'm thinking of going back to 2012 because of this. Is there a patch or some way to correct this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Slow Jerky Mouse Movement After Accessing Block Editor Or Xref-editing

May 19, 2009

This was originally posted under 2009 - but I have this issue in 2010!

The old post was: Block Editor Posted: Aug 1, 2008 7:01 PM

When I go into block editor, edit the block then close it out. My cursor is really jerky in model space. Especially bad when I go into a command and try to select something. The only way to get rid of the jerkiness is to close auto cad and restart it. Is there anyway to cure this?

I have 2010 and am experiencing this exact same problem. It is intermittent and will sometimes 'go away' after a few minutes. Block editing is definitely related as a cause. I use SDI = 1 predominantly and it seems to be session independent. In other words one drawing session is experiencing the problem but jumping to another concurrent session exhibits no issues.

Task manager shows off the chart 99% plus on process ACAD when it is occurring.

Palette transparency is off globally. I have installed the latest NVidia driver for my Quadro NVS 285 video card. I am running a 3GHz P4 with 4 Gigabytes of ram - Dell Precision 380 workstation. Block Editor background color is default.

Restarting AutoCAD does make it go away - for the moment - but it is soon back. Even closing all tool palettes has no effect.

This does seem to be drawing specific - 2010 seems to be sensitive to something in older drawing blocks - prototype drawings from hotel vendors for instance - most likely inherited from a third party DXF process exhibit the issue heavily - and blocks from these drawings to a lesser degree. I have to constantly purge, audit, and wblock/replace my drawings to keep them clean. My default file type is 2010 which 'seems' to work, but it still happens. Audits show constant drawing errors cropping up, and repeating an audit, shows the same errors until a wblock replace is performed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Editing Block - Dims Text And Arrows Grow Larger When Explode Or Burst

Dec 17, 2013

I have received details that have been blocked that I need to edit. When I expode or burst them, the dims text and arrows grow larger than is required for the block and I cannot find any adjustment in the properties to bring them back to the correct size for the detail. Also the leaders lose their point and association with their text and become just a line.

Is there a command that will allow me to edit the block without loosing the current sizing and associations?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Unique ID From Blocks?

Apr 23, 2012

how I would be able to get a unique ID of a block?

Currently I tried all the properties of a block table record that resemble anything to do with an ID like btr.objectID and btr.ID although copies of blocks have the same ID as the original and the copies contain different attribute values so I wish to access the copies by just feeding in one ID (that I have grabbed from every block in the drawing and put into an array).

Is there a number that is unique to every individual block is essentially what I'm asking, and if so, how do I access it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unique Copy N Paste

Jul 15, 2013

I cannot seem to paste into this one drawing that a client has issued to me. I can paste into all associated x-refs just fine, but the main drawing is the issue. Before we get into things I have tried all the most common things already.

-  I have checked layeer Visibilties and unreconciled layers.

- I have run audit and have purged/scalelistedit all drawings

- I have done almost everything ><

To sum it up I think it is global variable of some sort.

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AutoCad 2D :: Annotative Text Unique Rotation

Jun 18, 2012

I have my annotation scales setup, I can move each scale individually but i cannot rotate individually, ie if I rotate one scale it does the same for rotation for every other scale

how do I get them to rotate individually??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unique Solutions For Sketch Constraints

Mar 26, 2012

One of my frustrations with Inventor is the difficulty of constraining a sketch so that the solution is unique. It is an issue when alternate solutions appear while making adjustments.

As a simple example, suppose we have an adaptive work point. This point can be solved to be at a distance L from the origin, but could be in any direction meaning the part can rotate freely.

Instead of a work point, consider using an adaptive sketch point constrained vertically from the origin. When solved at a distance L from the origin, the part can rotate around the vertical axis (as one might expect when fixing two points), but it can also be flipped with the sketch point located in either the positive or negative vertical direction. Is there a way to ensure a solution is only found in the positive vertical direction?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Parts To Unique Layers In IDW

Nov 26, 2012

Any macro to do it automatically....

i still have the change occurrence layer based on material macro but cant seem to find the change layer based on part... 

yes we are still using autocad in conjunction with inventor, and on a side note have been quite enjoying the new parameters, dynamic blocks, easy scripts and customization features in autocad.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Create Multiple Unique Coordinate Systems

May 17, 2011

A - Autodesk will fix them in a timely fashion during this release - Not holding my breath here

B - Others won't spend hours trying to figure it out.

In my case, I need to create multiple unique coordinate systems called Low Distortion Projections (Google it for explanation.)

Here are the problems identified so far with the 2012 version of the Coordinate Library

Coordinate System Categories

1 - The regional 'containers' that hold coordinate systems definitions. You cannot create an empty container. It requires at least 1 coordinate system definition to be created. When creating a container put an arbitrary coordinate system definition in. This assists with item 2b.

Coordinate System Definitions

2a - Getting started - There is no provision to just select an existing datum or ellipsoid. One must 'create' a new definition that may vary in name only. The vast majority of us using their products will not actually create new ellipsoids or datums just utilizing them as the basis for other projections.

2b - Creating definition - Continuing the definition process the definition needs to be placed in a coordinate system category. Due to the problems identified in item 1 this creates a circular error. The workaround being item 1 rather than creating multiple definitions in the wrong container then going back to fix them.

2c - Scale Reduction - This should be renamed to Scale Factor to fit with the rest of the known world as the value can be greater or less than unity (1.000000) In my case the values all happen to be something greater than 1. While on this subject, the autodesk programmers set this to do something totally unexpected. No matter what you set the value to, if you save and reedit the projection value will be displayed as '1'

2d - Missing Projection definition form data - I went through the projection definitions and found the following projection types were missing their fields in the form:

Oblique Mercator

Ordanance Survey National Grid Transformation 1997

Ordanance Survey National Grid Transformation OSTN02

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Revit :: Title Block Family - Editing Text On Project

Nov 22, 2011

I've created a Title Block Family and when I bring it into the project I want to be able to edit the text on the project without having to go into the Family and edit it from there, how do I do this?

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AutoCad :: Make 3D Dynamic Block?

Nov 26, 2013

I'm looking to make a simple 3D-Block. From what i read online you cant really create a 3d-dynamic block.

What I want to do: Create a simple cube, then being able to change the size of the cube either with grips or typing in the heights, widths, lengths for the X,Y,Z.

This cube will be used for showing the (No-Fly Zones) for particular areas where VAV-boxes go in a building.

I could create a 2D block with different sizes to it and then insert the block near the VAV-box and then burst or explode the block to then extrude the shape to a required height. (We are working in 3D here)

The purpose for all this! Its then used in Coordination meetings for other trades to see how much clearance there is and required for the HVAC trade.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Creator / Member Unique Names?

Feb 17, 2012

I have created a frame using the frame creator with all the individual members listed in the frature manager.  When I check this into the vault it goes in fine.

When I create a second frame (seperate frame file) it uses one or two of the same fram types as the first frame.  The problem comes when I go to check this into the vault it says the member already exists.

I have been told and I am seeing it that the frame creator always starts with "001" and numbers downward in creating the member names.  This creates a problem in the vault because of the duplicate file factor.

What I ended up doing was calling up that particular member and doing a file save as then replacing it in the assembly.  Then it would check in fine.

Is this the only work around or is there a setting somewhere that allows unique names for these frame members.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing File - How To Identify TextBox With Unique Id Or By Name

Jun 5, 2013

The TextBoxes don't have a Name property or an UniqueIdentifier property.  So, I don't know how to find a specified TextBox.

I've tried to add a XML comment by code in the FormattedText property and got an error.

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AutoCad :: How To Make A Block With Attributes Text

Sep 13, 2011

How to make a block with attribute text (like showing on sectioning?) a circle with arrow then line and there is editable text on the top of line or editable text inside the circle..

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