AutoCad :: Fuzzy Text In Excel Link / How To Sharpen The Text

Apr 20, 2012

I have 2 to 6 tables per drawing, each at a maximum of 48 cells. I linked them through the special paste and expended them so each cell is 6" Wide and 1" Tall (in model space) and seen through a viewport at 2" = 1'-0" (so 1" wide by .167" tall). The text is noticeably fuzzy and I'm trying to clear it up without going back to the Tables (the reformatting of the Tables already spent an extra 2 hours on one of the 11 assignments).

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AutoCad 2D :: Link Text To Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 3, 2013

I'm trying to link a text from Autocad to an excel spreadsheet so that when changed in Excel, be changed in autocad.

After searching on some forums, I started doing database through ODBC.

I made a table in excel selecting and naming fields, added the file in windows OBDC manager, able to make the connection through dbConnect autocad, created label ...

Now I need to put the information in the database autocad text entity and already there I'm not getting more done

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Text To A Field In Excel Sheet

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to link a series of text lines in an autocad drawing to there corresponding fields in an excel sheet, I can not use tables in autocad because of the way other software uses the text in autocad. I have attached files of the text layout in acad and of the sheet in excel. One thing that keeps me from using tables in acad is that every line of text is on a different layer, with tables you can't control the layer of table its always on the current layer.

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AutoCad :: Link Excel Sheet To Drawings To Change Text

Oct 21, 2013

I am using AutoCAD Mechanical 2013. (Full version).If there is SLD with different HP rating, tag names and different cable ferrule numbers, and if there is any small change in HP rating of motor or small change in tag name, then it is time consuming work for me to go to AutoCAD and change the text by referring Excel sheet.

Is there any way to link excel sheet to AutoCAD drawings? So i can take updated excel sheet and link it with AutoCAD and if there is any change in excel sheet then it will be updated in CAD file as well.If there is any setting or grid referencing to be made. I am ready to do the required changes to meet my requirement.

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AutoCAD LT :: Fuzzy / Edgy Text

Oct 25, 2013

I have seen this phenomenon in CAD for years, since I started on R2004. Text sometimes seems fuzzy when you copy and paste from another drawing. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all, other times it's unavoidable.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract Text To Excel File Or Find MEAN Value Of Text

Jul 6, 2012

I have a drawing which has hundreds of levels on and i'm trying to establish what the MEAN level is and the AVERAGE level.  I thought the best way might be to extract the text to excel and perform it there but at the moment the only way i can do it is to copy and paste the text and its taking me forever.  Is there a way to either a) extract text to excel or b) calculate a MEAN value based on texted selected?

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Illustrator :: How Come Text Looks Fuzzy On CS6

Apr 29, 2013

how come my text looks fuzzy on CS6? Is it the ADOBE problem or the MAC BOOK PRO 2013 problem?

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Photoshop :: Text Is Fuzzy When Printed?

Jul 1, 2009

I have tried for the life of me to figure this one out...why is my text ALWAYS fuzzy when I print it out, no matter what I do? I am not manipulating it at all, just typing it on my page, then printing. I have tried checking and unchecking "scale to fit media", I have tried printing straight from the psd file, I have tried printing from a saved jpg image. It doesn't look fuzzy/blurry at ALL on my computer screen.

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GIMP :: Fuzzy Pixelated Text

Dec 14, 2012

Whenever I have text, its always fuzzy or pixelated, its really annoying.I have antialiasing selected, I have changed the dpi, made sure it was at 100% and whatever else I could think of.Also, I think the background is also a bit fuzzy, so that's why I think it is the dpi or something like that.But it is always not 100% sharp.I have attached a copy of the back cover. Its the same for all though.

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AutoCAD LT :: Data Link Manager Can't Delete Excel Link

Dec 26, 2011

I'm messing around with tables and data links, practicing. I copied a range of cells in Excel, and did paste special to create a linked table.

Now I can delete the table object, but I cannot delete the link, cannot detach it.

When in Data Manager if I right click on the data link and click delete I get the error message "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted".

I have tried detaching, and the detach does not seem to take.

Now also, the table will not update from the source xls.

Win XP, AcadLT 2011, Office 2010. Using compatible setting for saving spreadsheet, for Office 2007 (not xlsx).

If I create a linked table by starting with the Table icon, choose "from a data link", choose the excel spreadsheet, etc., then I am able to later update the table from the spreadsheet, detach, delete the link, etc. But I can only delete the link if the table is not selected when I open the Data Link Manager.

But the one that was created following the directions from the Autocad video, with the copy, paste special, that link will not detach nor delete.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: When Link Excel Document To Model All Parameters In Excel Gets Unit (mm)

Oct 30, 2008

When I link in an excel document to my model all parameters in that excel gets the unit (mm).

How can I change this? For instance I want some of the parameters to be an angle.

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Photoshop :: Text Looks Fuzzy On Screen And In Printing

Apr 13, 2004

I can't get text in Photoshop CS to look right. It usually looks good on screen unless I zoom in. Since I think these are vectors I would think it would always look good no matter what the zoom level. I am trying to print my company name in Times NR 24 point. My printer driver is postscript. Part of my company name is LANTEC so I did a quick test and tried to print that one word in TNR 24 point and it looks terrible. Zooming in on the text also looks terrible (by the way I have it set to sharp and I have also tried smooth). This is driving me crazy. I have also looked at the print driver which is set to print graphics in 600 X 600 dpi.

I did a quick search and only found one document that is close to this problem. It said something about 200 dpi and 72 dpi. What settings are these reffering too?

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Paint.NET :: Text Looks Fuzzy And Prints Poorly

Apr 29, 2013

I have read every tutorial that I can find online, and nothing is working. I am using Text+.
I need the text to be as sharp as it is in Publisher, Word, etc. The text that I'm getting in Paint.NET is so fuzzy that I can't use it in my work. 
I have attached a sample - the top paragraph was created in and pasted into Paint. The word "strategies" below was created in Paint, and it looks a lot better. I would rather not have to create all of my text in Paint (trying to get it sized and formatted correctly), and then past it as images into

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Photoshop Elements :: Text And Pictures Are Fuzzy

Nov 1, 2013

I just downloaded the program from a CD and when I open it the text in the program appears pixelated (not sure if this is a real word).  This also happens when I open a picture in the program making it very difficult to edit. 

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Photoshop :: Text In PS Appears Fuzzy - Why Not Smooth Vector?

Jul 23, 2007

When I put text into photoshop CS3, and then zoom into it, the edges are all fuzzy and jaggy.

I was of the opinion that all text were vectors in PS and so the edges should be smooth as. Unfortunately, the text prints out all jaggedy on my laser printer also just like it looks on the screen. I've also played with the anti-alias options somewhat. Obviously when I do this in Illustrator, it is spot on vector, but not in PS.

What am I doing wrong here? When I convert the text into a shape, sure... the nice vector lines appear around text. But shouldn't the text be vector straight up when I create a text layer in PS, and then I should be able to rasterize it when adding filter effects etc?

Is there any way for me to work with my text in Photoshop in sharp vector-resolution so that it's sharp at all resolutions? Let me describe a test I've done:

I open up a A4 300 ppi resolution document in Photoshop and simply type the word "Photoshop" at 72pt size Myriad Pro font. The anti-aliasing is set to 'Crisp'. Firstly, it doesn't look the best as it is on the screen with the edges 'jaggy'. Secondly, I hit print and it tells me I'm printing to a non-postscript printer (i.e my laser which I know IS postscript!!). When it prints out, it looks crap just like it did on my screen (edges jaggy).

I then open up a simple A4 document in Illustrator, type the word "Photoshop" at the same size text as outlined above. Looks great on screen OBVIOUSLY because it's vector-based and is sharp at all resolutions. I hit print, it it spits out the document perfectly printed as it is on screen.

I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this with Photoshop, but my text looks garbage only when using Photoshop. Not with any other program out there (ie. MS Word, Publisher, Illustrator, Serif Drawplus, Serif Pageplus, Serif Photoplus....)

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Link Object To Text In Text Box?

Sep 19, 2012

This may be confusing, but I wonder if there's any way to link an object to a certain text place or paragraph in a text frame, so if you edit the text somewhere, the "linked" image will move up/down with its associated text? That is, the object being a part of the text flow.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Link Text Box To BOM Row

Nov 14, 2012

Is it possible to create a associative text in a sketched symbol that is linked to a BOM row? I want to display the object number of BOM row in a sketched symbol in a drawing. Sorting and renumbering BOM should be recognized and the number should be updated.

The ESKD-AddIn seems to be able to do so in technical requirements, but how is this done?

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AutoCad :: Link Value Text In Drawing

Sep 26, 2011

I mean link value text in drawing A with value text in drawing B. I found command field but it not worked.

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AutoCad :: Remove Excel Link But Keep Table (Embed Excel Table)

Feb 13, 2012

We have a whole bunch of spreadsheets that we use for calculations and parts of those spreadsheets are linked to a ton of CAD Drawings via data links.

We would like to be able to deliver the CAD drawings to the client without having to send our calculation books (just the output tables). In other words, is it possible to embed the table data and remove the excel link for the final delivery?

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AutoCAD VB :: Text Value Extraction To Excel

Mar 8, 2012

I have a favor to ask. In my drawings i have two distinct layer names (Say "ew" and "ns"). On these layers i have numerous plain text numbers in 5mm increments which are repeated many times throughout the drawing. What i would like to do is be able to start a VBA macro, have it ask the user to select an area by window on the drawing file, and have VBA look up and count the sum of all instances of each number occurring in the selected window. Then dump them into an excel spread sheet which i will then manipulate from there. An example output would look something like below: "NS" Layer Quantities... Height 25 30 35 40 45 and so on Total 56 33 62 39 50 "EW" Layer Quantities... Height 25 30 35 40 45 and so on Total 56 33 62 39 50 The ouput would require two rows of information. The top number would be the number on the drawing as text item and the lower row would be the total number of times that number appears in the selected area.

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AutoCad :: Exporting Text To Excel

Aug 17, 2012

I am trying to export a manually generated material list (not an AutoCAD "table") to an Excel spreadsheet or a .csv file. I've tried selecting the text and right clicking, but there is no export option. I've also tried selecting the text and going directly to Export, but I see no option to save it as a .csv.

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AutoCad :: Link Text To A Word Document

May 16, 2012

Im trying to link mtext in an acad drawing to a word document. For example, when I write a legal description based on a drawing, in word, I want the text that I am referencing in the drawing to be linked. In other words, if I change the text in the drawing, it will automatically change the text in the word doc.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Extraction To Excel?

Aug 12, 2013

i want to extract specific data from the .dwg file.i used data extraction and selected the objects to be extracted and it worked well.But when i used the same .dxe file as a template to extract data from the whole folder,then a lot of other unwanted data is also getting extracted.i have attached a sample file .what i want is a code through which i can select the data(for example the dwg name,no,date) and it gets extracted to a particular cell in excel.i had tried the txt2xls.lsp file.but am getting errors.

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AutoCAD LT :: Export Text To CSV Or Excel File

Oct 13, 2011

does AutoCad 2012 LT version can export text to csv or excel file

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AutoCad :: Lisp To Export Text To Excel

May 27, 2013

I have been searching for a lisp to export txt to excel.

Every lisp i've come across doesn't quite cut it.

We use AutoCAD LT 2013 and AutoCAD 07.

I want from every txt object (of a certain layer) the content + the X and Y coordinates.

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AutoCad :: Using Excel To Change Text In Drawing

Jul 19, 2010

I have an excel cell whose value i want to use as the text of a dimension that i've used text override, How do i do that?

So for example, i have line that is currently dimensioned. The dimension call out is using the text override feature and it's currently labeled "Fs = 4in". In my excel spreadsheet, cell A1 has the value 8, how do i make the text in the autocad now say "Fs = 8in"?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Text Fields Between Layouts In Same DWG?

Feb 27, 2013

Can i link several text fields to different layouts in the same DWG? I need to change the same information into several layouts, and it`s taking me too much time to do that.

eg: if i have a field "Smith" in Layout 1, 2, 3, 4 (linked between them) and i want to change from Smith to Johnson , if i change it in Layout 1, it will automatically change it in all Layouts.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Link Text To Schedule Table

Feb 26, 2013

Is there any command in autocad to LINK TEXT TO SCHEDULE TABLE. I have door & windows in my plan I have given attribute numbers to them as per sizes like for 

800mm -w1
1200mm-w3 etc... 

I have made window opening schedule table , when ever i add or delete one window form schedule i have to change the order. like if i delete 900mm window schedule will be.

800mm- w1
1200mm- w2 etc....

so I am looking for a command when ever i change my schedule table my attribute numbers should also change.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Field Text From One Layout To Another

Jul 31, 2012

Is there anyway to link a field text from one layout to another layout? I need something that when I change a title to one layout the other layouts will change automatically.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link The Text File Name Into The Drawing

Feb 19, 2012

I saw this feature in a drawing but can not figure out how:

Within a text box is linked to the file name, if I close and rename, when I open the file name is his name changed into the drawing with DWG extension including. How do I do this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Export Text Entities To Excel

Oct 18, 2013

Need to export to excel, just text entities from old drawing. Or convert to table, then export. As long as i can get the text to excel.

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