AutoCad :: Filter To Select All Text In Drawing
Feb 20, 2013Is there a filter that can select all text in a drawing? Need to create macro (on LT so no lisp)
View 2 RepliesIs there a filter that can select all text in a drawing? Need to create macro (on LT so no lisp)
View 2 RepliesC#.NET
I want to use select on screen method with Filter type only for "TEXT".
Mean I want to select only TEXT from the Selection set so how it can be possible ?
I am not able to write the statement for the Filter Type.
Post the statement in C#.NET if possible.
how to select the text so I can begin the filter part. I tried what he said about right clicking the layer pallette and rasterizing but for some reason it won't put the selection around the text. What am i doing wrong? Any quicky shortcut on the keyboard to select it?
ps I'm using PS 7
I have a drawing with several thousand instances of a particular block, all of which are at a different scale (all scaled uniformly).
Is there a way that I can select or filter those blocks with a scale greater or less than a certain value?
I am trying to select a rectangle in a filter definition. However in the selection box I couldn't find the rectangle.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn Quick Select command function, I want to use more properties value to select one type text or other object.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhy my AutoCad 2009 will not let me select new layers to a specific group layer filter. It was working just fine and yesterday all of sudden it will not let me add new layers to a specific filter. Is there a button or command that maybe would have changed that function. Everything else seems to be working on the Layer Manager.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen selecting a keyword to filter images, is there a way to also filter out photos so it just shows videos?
View 3 Replies View RelatedPart of an app I'm building needs to select entities based on symbology.
The filtering criteria varies and can be somewhat complex depending on what the user is after. (Multiple layers, entities, colors, linetypes, and lineweights)
I was going to try and use the SelectionFilter with the TypeValue, DxfCodes, and a SelectAll, but I'm not seeing a way to grab entities based on color book color.
Is there a better way to filter through the drawing by symbology?
My filter Gallery option is Greyed out and I cant select it, in the CC Photoshop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to bring Layer filter from one drawing to another drawing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have AutoCAD LT 2008 soon to be LT 2012 and I also have AutoCAD 2012.
I would like to know if there is a way that I can set up a Layer Filter and transfer it from one drawing to another.
Ideally we would be able to do this in the LT version not full. If there is some way to do this with Tool Palletes that would be great.
Any way to turn off the ghost text that appears when you select text that is annotative, not get rid of it just not show all of the other scales for clarity.
View 6 Replies View Relatedthis code is used to fix specific font but its problem that it will prompt you to select single text
i need to make it to select multiple text so it saves me a lot of time,
;;; Process Individual request
(defun cht_ProcessIndividual ()
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen))))
I converted a drawing in pdf format into dxf. I'm using Autocad 2012 to edit the file. The dxf conversion is good, but of course there is no difference between the diffent kind of lines.
I would like to select all lines which have an orientation of 30° with the horizontal and put them into a new layer. Is there a way to do that ? I though about using a filter.
Then I will edit the properties oh those lines (color, thickness, type....).
How can I select all the objects (lines, plylines, etc) in the drawing using C# + AutoCad?
AcadSelectionSet select = _acadCurrentDocument.SelectionSets.Add("my");select.Select(AcSelect.acSelectionSetAll);
Trying to modify this coede, but something is missing.
I cant seem to find filter select or a list view for the record area. Both of these functions come in handy on feature films and episodic television especially vfx heavy shows.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've created my drawing but now I need to select certain objects within the drawing & label them as a certain layer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a small application in C#.Net where by clicking a button, I should be able to select a drawing object in the AutoCAD file to get the object's handle.
I am able to open the Drawing file from the application but unable to figure out how to get the drawing object handle by clicking on it through the application.
I have a command which proccess entities in the drawing and creates a SelectionSet. But, on the drawing i do not see the selected objects . I need to show grips on selected objects . It is a looks like a Quick Select command. What can i do? What method showing the grips?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the code to select a drawing sheet by either its number or description but NOT both together?
Sometimes want need to select the first sheet by number 1 but the sheet description can change. and Sometimes we will need to select the sheet by its description but the sheet number may vary.
How do you set the default IDW template used when you select 'New Drawing?'
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf i made a workplane include in a drawing document with api, then it will display in the view as a center line.
I want add some note to the Center line,but i didn't know how to select it with api, Is there have the API function to do this work?
I'm missing the Center Pin, Ellipse, Feather Handle and the Focus Ring when I select the Iris Blur filter. The pointer is a tack symbol and am unable to change that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI often work on drawings which have multiple xrefs, each having up to 100 Layers or more, so the layer manager can be a bit difficult to trawl through to find a local layer to select.
I know how to create a local layer filter using the code ~*|* from the new filter area in layer manager.
Ideally all I want to have to type in is: LOCAL and then the local layer filter would be created, with the filter name being Local-Layers (or similar).
We have created one Style, but within this Style are two Dimension types (Dual and SIngle)
When a drawing from a model is created it defaults to the Dual Option and we can only select the Single Dimensions by individually selecting the Dimension and editing to Single Dimension, which can be time consuming.
Is there a way to select the Dimension type for the whole drawing?
In the Inventor 2012 drawing environment when multiple objects were present I would pause the curser and use the wheel on the mouse to select the object and click the green check mark to dimension a part.
In Inventor 2013 the objects will scroll using the wheel but the green check mark don't show up. How can I select the correct object I want to dimension to?Has the behavior of the select other function changed in Invnetor 2013 or is this a bug?
I'm dimensioning to a mid point of a line that has a center line over it.
I need user to draw a closed ployline. Is it possible to use VBA to code a procedue that the effect looks like the WPolygon of select ?(2 rubber-band lines)
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to select or delete the unwanted switches in my layout drawing ? I can select it ... may i know what layer is that and it doesn't appear in my model drawing...
View 6 Replies View RelatedNOTE: This is in AutoCAD 2002.
I'm working on one of our standard layouts for a client. Our typical drawing setup is the base drawing file, surrounded by our Xref'ed border. On said border Xref, we have all the information that does not change between drawings (Revision history, address of job site, etc). The only things that change - and, thus, are not on the xref - are the title of each individual sheet and their number; in the case of these objects, they are located on the drawing file itself in the appropriate position. They are, however, the same font as the text in the Xref - "Standard". Or, at least, they're supposed to be.
The text in the base drawing file seems to be a different version of the text from the Xref - a much blockier, sharper-edged version than the Xref text. My first response was "Okay - I'll just copy/paste the text from the border into my base drawing file, and force the existing text to match the properties of the imported text."
This, however, did not work. The imported text automatically assumed the same form as the existing text. Here's a screenshot from the base drawing, illustrating this (The "Mechanical Plan" also exists on the base drawing, and not the Xref):
I copied the existing text from the base drawing (In this case, the "Mechanical Plan") and pasted it directly into the Xref itself, to see what would happen. Apparently, it wants to stay blocky:
In the latter example, I even tried to force the blocky text to assume the properties of the smooth text via MA (Match properties). I specifically need to make the text in the base drawing conform to the style that the text is assuming in the Xref - which is to say "Smooth."
I'm taking over the development of some Autodesk addins that are used to parse a drawing to bring back text from the drawing, namely title block and bill of materials information. I have another process that runs and reads the meta data for the drawing itself that gets run from Vault before checking in the drawing. I need to know if I can combine these two processes such that I can parse the drawing outside of AutoCad. Is this possible?
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